コード例 #1
  * Return an array of files and folders at this current level in the directory structure
  * @param string $path
  * @return array
 public function getContainerList($path)
     $path = $this->fileHandler->postfixSlash($path);
     $bases = $this->getBases($path);
     if (empty($bases['pathAbsolute'])) {
         return array();
     $fullPath = $bases['pathAbsolute'] . ltrim($path, '/');
     $useMultibyte = $this->getOption('use_multibyte', $this->properties, false);
     $encoding = $this->getOption('modx_charset', $this->properties, 'UTF-8');
     $hideFiles = !empty($this->properties['hideFiles']) && $this->properties['hideFiles'] != 'false' ? true : false;
     $editAction = $this->getEditActionId();
     $imagesExts = $this->getOption('imageExtensions', $this->properties, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif');
     $imagesExts = explode(',', $imagesExts);
     $skipFiles = $this->getOption('skipFiles', $this->properties, '.svn,.git,_notes,.DS_Store,nbproject,.idea');
     $skipFiles = explode(',', $skipFiles);
     $skipFiles[] = '.';
     $skipFiles[] = '..';
     $directories = array();
     $files = array();
     if (!is_dir($fullPath)) {
         return array();
     /* iterate through directories */
     /** @var DirectoryIterator $file */
     foreach (new DirectoryIterator($fullPath) as $file) {
         if (in_array($file, $skipFiles)) {
         if (!$file->isReadable()) {
         $fileName = $file->getFilename();
         $filePathName = $file->getPathname();
         $octalPerms = substr(sprintf('%o', $file->getPerms()), -4);
         /* handle dirs */
         $cls = array();
         if ($file->isDir() && $this->hasPermission('directory_list')) {
             $cls[] = 'folder';
             if ($this->hasPermission('directory_chmod')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pchmod';
             if ($this->hasPermission('directory_create')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pcreate';
             if ($this->hasPermission('directory_remove')) {
                 $cls[] = 'premove';
             if ($this->hasPermission('directory_update')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pupdate';
             if ($this->hasPermission('file_upload')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pupload';
             if ($this->hasPermission('file_create')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pcreate';
             $directories[$fileName] = array('id' => $bases['urlRelative'] . rtrim($fileName, '/') . '/', 'text' => $fileName, 'cls' => implode(' ', $cls), 'type' => 'dir', 'leaf' => false, 'path' => $bases['pathAbsolute'] . $fileName, 'pathRelative' => $bases['pathRelative'] . $fileName, 'perms' => $octalPerms, 'menu' => array());
             $directories[$fileName]['menu'] = array('items' => $this->getListContextMenu($file, $directories[$fileName]));
         /* get files in current dir */
         if ($file->isFile() && !$hideFiles && $this->hasPermission('file_list')) {
             $ext = pathinfo($filePathName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $ext = $useMultibyte ? mb_strtolower($ext, $encoding) : strtolower($ext);
             $cls = array();
             $cls[] = 'icon-file';
             $cls[] = 'icon-' . $ext;
             if (!empty($this->properties['currentFile']) && rawurldecode($this->properties['currentFile']) == $fullPath . $fileName && $this->properties['currentAction'] == $editAction) {
                 $cls[] = 'active-node';
             if ($this->hasPermission('file_remove')) {
                 $cls[] = 'premove';
             if ($this->hasPermission('file_update')) {
                 $cls[] = 'pupdate';
             if (!$file->isWritable()) {
                 $cls[] = 'icon-lock';
             $encFile = rawurlencode($fullPath . $fileName);
             $page = !empty($editAction) ? '?a=' . $editAction . '&file=' . $bases['urlRelative'] . $fileName . '&wctx=' . $this->ctx->get('key') . '&source=' . $this->get('id') : null;
             $url = ($bases['urlIsRelative'] ? $bases['urlRelative'] : $bases['url']) . ($path != './' ? $path : '') . $fileName;
             /* get relative url from manager/ */
             $fromManagerUrl = $bases['url'] . trim(str_replace('//', '/', $path . $fileName), '/');
             $fromManagerUrl = ($bases['urlIsRelative'] ? '../' : '') . $fromManagerUrl;
             $files[$fileName] = array('id' => $bases['urlRelative'] . $fileName, 'text' => $fileName, 'cls' => implode(' ', $cls), 'type' => 'file', 'leaf' => true, 'qtip' => in_array($ext, $imagesExts) ? '<img src="' . $fromManagerUrl . '" alt="' . $fileName . '" />' : '', 'page' => $this->fileHandler->isBinary($filePathName) ? $page : null, 'perms' => $octalPerms, 'path' => $bases['pathAbsolute'] . $fileName, 'pathRelative' => $bases['pathRelative'] . $fileName, 'directory' => $bases['path'], 'url' => $url, 'file' => $encFile, 'menu' => array());
             $files[$fileName]['menu'] = array('items' => $this->getListContextMenu($file, $files[$fileName]));
     $ls = array();
     /* now sort files/directories */
     foreach ($directories as $dir) {
         $ls[] = $dir;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $ls[] = $file;
     return $ls;
コード例 #2
  * Get a list of files in a specific directory.
  * @param string $path
  * @return array
 public function getObjectsInContainer($path)
     $properties = $this->getPropertyList();
     $dir = $this->fileHandler->postfixSlash($path);
     $bases = $this->getBases($dir);
     if (empty($bases['pathAbsolute'])) {
         return array();
     $fullPath = $bases['pathAbsolute'] . $dir;
     $modAuth = $this->xpdo->user->getUserToken($this->xpdo->context->get('key'));
     /* get default settings */
     $imageExtensions = $this->getOption('imageExtensions', $properties, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif');
     $imageExtensions = explode(',', $imageExtensions);
     $use_multibyte = $this->ctx->getOption('use_multibyte', false);
     $encoding = $this->ctx->getOption('modx_charset', 'UTF-8');
     $allowedFileTypes = $this->getOption('allowedFileTypes', $properties, '');
     $editAction = $this->getEditActionId();
     if (is_string($allowedFileTypes)) {
         if (empty($allowedFileTypes)) {
             $allowedFileTypes = array();
         } else {
             $allowedFileTypes = explode(',', $allowedFileTypes);
     $thumbnailType = $this->getOption('thumbnailType', $properties, 'png');
     $thumbnailQuality = $this->getOption('thumbnailQuality', $properties, 90);
     $skipFiles = $this->getOption('skipFiles', $properties, '.svn,.git,_notes,nbproject,.idea,.DS_Store');
     $skipFiles = explode(',', $skipFiles);
     $skipFiles[] = '.';
     $skipFiles[] = '..';
     /* iterate */
     $files = array();
     $filenames = array();
     if (!is_dir($fullPath)) {
         $this->addError('dir', $this->xpdo->lexicon('file_folder_err_ns') . $fullPath);
         return array();
     /** @var DirectoryIterator $file */
     foreach (new DirectoryIterator($fullPath) as $file) {
         if (in_array($file, $skipFiles)) {
         if (!$file->isReadable()) {
         $fileName = $file->getFilename();
         $filePathName = $file->getPathname();
         if (!$file->isDir()) {
             $fileExtension = pathinfo($filePathName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             $fileExtension = $use_multibyte ? mb_strtolower($fileExtension, $encoding) : strtolower($fileExtension);
             if (!empty($allowedFileTypes) && !in_array($fileExtension, $allowedFileTypes)) {
             $filesize = @filesize($filePathName);
             $url = urlencode(ltrim($dir . $fileName, '/'));
             $page = !empty($editAction) ? '?a=' . $editAction . '&file=' . $bases['urlRelative'] . $fileName . '&wctx=' . $this->ctx->get('key') . '&source=' . $this->get('id') : null;
             /* get thumbnail */
             if (in_array($fileExtension, $imageExtensions)) {
                 $preview = 1;
                 $imageWidth = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_image_width', 400);
                 $imageHeight = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_image_height', 300);
                 $thumbWidth = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_thumb_width', 100);
                 $thumbHeight = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_thumb_height', 80);
                 $size = @getimagesize($filePathName);
                 if (is_array($size)) {
                     $imageWidth = $size[0] > 800 ? 800 : $size[0];
                     $imageHeight = $size[1] > 600 ? 600 : $size[1];
                 /* ensure max h/w */
                 if ($thumbWidth > $imageWidth) {
                     $thumbWidth = $imageWidth;
                 if ($thumbHeight > $imageHeight) {
                     $thumbHeight = $imageHeight;
                 /* generate thumb/image URLs */
                 $thumbQuery = http_build_query(array('src' => $url, 'w' => $thumbWidth, 'h' => $thumbHeight, 'f' => $thumbnailType, 'q' => $thumbnailQuality, 'far' => '1', 'HTTP_MODAUTH' => $modAuth, 'wctx' => $this->ctx->get('key'), 'source' => $this->get('id')));
                 $imageQuery = http_build_query(array('src' => $url, 'w' => $imageWidth, 'h' => $imageHeight, 'HTTP_MODAUTH' => $modAuth, 'f' => $thumbnailType, 'q' => $thumbnailQuality, 'wctx' => $this->ctx->get('key'), 'source' => $this->get('id')));
                 $thumb = $this->ctx->getOption('connectors_url', MODX_CONNECTORS_URL) . 'system/phpthumb.php?' . urldecode($thumbQuery);
                 $image = $this->ctx->getOption('connectors_url', MODX_CONNECTORS_URL) . 'system/phpthumb.php?' . urldecode($imageQuery);
             } else {
                 $preview = 0;
                 $size = null;
                 $thumb = $image = $this->ctx->getOption('manager_url', MODX_MANAGER_URL) . 'templates/default/images/restyle/nopreview.jpg';
                 $thumbWidth = $imageWidth = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_thumb_width', 100);
                 $thumbHeight = $imageHeight = $this->ctx->getOption('filemanager_thumb_height', 80);
             $octalPerms = substr(sprintf('%o', $file->getPerms()), -4);
             $filenames[] = strtoupper($fileName);
             $files[$fileName] = array('id' => $bases['urlAbsoluteWithPath'] . $fileName, 'name' => $fileName, 'cls' => 'icon-' . $fileExtension, 'image' => $image, 'image_width' => is_array($size) ? $size[0] : $imageWidth, 'image_height' => is_array($size) ? $size[1] : $imageHeight, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'thumb_width' => $thumbWidth, 'thumb_height' => $thumbHeight, 'url' => ltrim($dir . $fileName, '/'), 'relativeUrl' => ltrim($dir . $fileName, '/'), 'fullRelativeUrl' => rtrim($bases['url']) . ltrim($dir . $fileName, '/'), 'ext' => $fileExtension, 'pathname' => str_replace('//', '/', $filePathName), 'pathRelative' => $bases['pathRelative'] . $fileName, 'lastmod' => $file->getMTime(), 'preview' => $preview, 'disabled' => false, 'perms' => $octalPerms, 'leaf' => true, 'page' => $this->fileHandler->isBinary($filePathName) ? $page : null, 'size' => $filesize, 'menu' => array());
             $files[$fileName]['menu'] = $this->getListContextMenu($file, $files[$fileName]);
     $ls = array();
     array_multisort($filenames, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $files);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $ls[] = $file;
     return $ls;