コード例 #1
ファイル: mod_carouselck.php プロジェクト: epetrova/GIS_site
    case 0:
        // aucune
        $navigation = "navigationHover: false,\n                navigation: false,\n                playPause: " . $params->get('playPause', 'true') . ",";
    case 1:
        // toujours
        $navigation = "navigationHover: false,\n                navigation: true,\n                playPause: " . $params->get('playPause', 'true') . ",";
    case 2:
        // on mouseover
        $navigation = "navigationHover: true,\n                navigation: true,\n                playPause: " . $params->get('playPause', 'true') . ",";
// load the slideshow script
$js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> <!--\n       jQuery(function(){\n        jQuery('#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . "').carouselck({\n\t\t\t\twrapheight: '" . $params->get('wrapheight', '40') . "',\n\t\t\t\timageheight: '" . $params->get('imageheight', '40') . "',\n\t\t\t\timagesratio: '" . $params->get('imagesratio', '0.72') . "',\n\t\t\t\tpagination: " . $params->get('pagination', '1') . ",\n\t\t\t\tduration: " . $params->get('duration', '600') . ",\n\t\t\t\ttime: " . $params->get('time', '7000') . ",\n\t\t\t\tcaptionduration: " . $params->get('captionduration', '600') . ",\n\t\t\t\tautoAdvance: " . $params->get('autoAdvance', 'true') . ",\n\t\t\t\t" . $navigation . "\n\t\t\t\thover: " . $params->get('hover', 'true') . "\n        });\n}); //--> </script>";
echo $js;
// load some css
$css = "#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . " .carouselck_pag_ul li img {width:" . $params->get('thumbnailwidth', '100') . "px;height:" . $params->get('thumbnailheight', '75') . "px;}";
// load the caption styles
$captioncss = modCarouselckHelper::createCss($params, 'captionstyles');
$imagecss = modCarouselckHelper::createCss($params, 'imagestyles');
$fontfamily = $params->get('captionstylesusefont', '0') && $params->get('captionstylestextgfont', '0') ? "font-family:'" . $params->get('captionstylestextgfont', 'Droid Sans') . "';" : '';
if ($fontfamily) {
    $gfonturl = str_replace(" ", "+", $params->get('captionstylestextgfont', 'Droid Sans'));
    $document->addStylesheet('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $gfonturl);
$css .= "\n#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . " .carouselck_caption > div {\n\t" . $captioncss['padding'] . $captioncss['margin'] . $captioncss['background'] . $captioncss['gradient'] . $captioncss['borderradius'] . $captioncss['shadow'] . $captioncss['border'] . "\n}\n#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . " .carouselck_caption > div > div {\n\t" . $captioncss['fontcolor'] . $captioncss['fontsize'] . "\n}\n#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . " .carouselck_caption > div div.carouselck_caption_desc {\n\t" . $captioncss['descfontcolor'] . $captioncss['descfontsize'] . "\n}\n#carouselck_wrap_" . $module->id . " .carouselck_images > img {\n\t" . $imagecss['padding'] . $imagecss['margin'] . $imagecss['background'] . $imagecss['gradient'] . $imagecss['borderradius'] . $imagecss['shadow'] . $imagecss['border'] . "\n}\n";
// display the module
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_carouselck', 'default');
コード例 #2
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: abdullah929/bulletin
 static function getItemsAutoloadarticlecategory(&$params)
     self::$_params = $params;
     // Get an instance of the generic articles model
     $articles = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Articles', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
     // Set application parameters in model
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $appParams = $app->getParams();
     $articles->setState('params', $appParams);
     // Set the filters based on the module params
     $articles->setState('list.start', 0);
     //		$articles->setState('list.limit', (int) $params->get('count', 0)); // must check if the image exists
     $articles->setState('list.limit', 0);
     $articles->setState('filter.published', 1);
     // Access filter
     $access = !JComponentHelper::getParams('com_content')->get('show_noauth');
     $authorised = JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels(JFactory::getUser()->get('id'));
     $articles->setState('filter.access', $access);
     // Prep for Normal or Dynamic Modes
     $mode = $params->get('mode', 'normal');
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'dynamic':
             $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
             $view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
             if ($option === 'com_content') {
                 switch ($view) {
                     case 'category':
                         $catids = array(JRequest::getInt('id'));
                     case 'categories':
                         $catids = array(JRequest::getInt('id'));
                     case 'article':
                         if ($params->get('show_on_article_page', 1)) {
                             $article_id = JRequest::getInt('id');
                             $catid = JRequest::getInt('catid');
                             if (!$catid) {
                                 // Get an instance of the generic article model
                                 $article = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
                                 $article->setState('params', $appParams);
                                 $article->setState('filter.published', 1);
                                 $article->setState('article.id', (int) $article_id);
                                 $item = $article->getItem();
                                 $catids = array($item->catid);
                             } else {
                                 $catids = array($catid);
                         } else {
                             // Return right away if show_on_article_page option is off
                     case 'featured':
                         // Return right away if not on the category or article views
             } else {
                 // Return right away if not on a com_content page
         case 'normal':
             $catids = $params->get('catid');
             $articles->setState('filter.category_id.include', (bool) $params->get('category_filtering_type', 1));
     // Category filter
     if ($catids) {
         if ($params->get('show_child_category_articles', 0) && (int) $params->get('levels', 0) > 0) {
             // Get an instance of the generic categories model
             $categories = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Categories', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
             $categories->setState('params', $appParams);
             $levels = $params->get('levels', 1) ? $params->get('levels', 1) : 9999;
             $categories->setState('filter.get_children', $levels);
             $categories->setState('filter.published', 1);
             $categories->setState('filter.access', $access);
             $additional_catids = array();
             foreach ($catids as $catid) {
                 $categories->setState('filter.parentId', $catid);
                 $recursive = true;
                 $items = $categories->getItems($recursive);
                 if ($items) {
                     foreach ($items as $category) {
                         $condition = $category->level - $categories->getParent()->level <= $levels;
                         if ($condition) {
                             $additional_catids[] = $category->id;
             $catids = array_unique(array_merge($catids, $additional_catids));
         $articles->setState('filter.category_id', $catids);
     // Ordering
     $articles->setState('list.ordering', $params->get('article_ordering', 'a.ordering'));
     $articles->setState('list.direction', $params->get('article_ordering_direction', 'ASC'));
     // New Parameters
     $articles->setState('filter.featured', $params->get('show_front', 'show'));
     //		$articles->setState('filter.author_id', $params->get('created_by', ""));
     //		$articles->setState('filter.author_id.include', $params->get('author_filtering_type', 1));
     //		$articles->setState('filter.author_alias', $params->get('created_by_alias', ""));
     //		$articles->setState('filter.author_alias.include', $params->get('author_alias_filtering_type', 1));
     $excluded_articles = $params->get('excluded_articles', '');
     if ($excluded_articles) {
         $excluded_articles = explode("\r\n", $excluded_articles);
         $articles->setState('filter.article_id', $excluded_articles);
         $articles->setState('filter.article_id.include', false);
         // Exclude
     $date_filtering = $params->get('date_filtering', 'off');
     if ($date_filtering !== 'off') {
         $articles->setState('filter.date_filtering', $date_filtering);
         $articles->setState('filter.date_field', $params->get('date_field', 'a.created'));
         $articles->setState('filter.start_date_range', $params->get('start_date_range', '1000-01-01 00:00:00'));
         $articles->setState('filter.end_date_range', $params->get('end_date_range', '9999-12-31 23:59:59'));
         $articles->setState('filter.relative_date', $params->get('relative_date', 30));
     // Filter by language
     $articles->setState('filter.language', $app->getLanguageFilter());
     $items = $articles->getItems();
     // Display options
     $show_date = $params->get('show_date', 0);
     $show_date_field = $params->get('show_date_field', 'created');
     $show_date_format = $params->get('show_date_format', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $show_category = $params->get('show_category', 0);
     $show_hits = $params->get('show_hits', 0);
     $show_author = $params->get('show_author', 0);
     $show_introtext = $params->get('show_introtext', 0);
     $introtext_limit = $params->get('introtext_limit', 100);
     // Find current Article ID if on an article page
     $option = JRequest::getCmd('option');
     $view = JRequest::getCmd('view');
     if ($option === 'com_content' && $view === 'article') {
         $active_article_id = JRequest::getInt('id');
     } else {
         $active_article_id = 0;
     // Prepare data for display using display options
     $slideItems = array();
     foreach ($items as &$item) {
         $item->slug = $item->id . ':' . $item->alias;
         $item->catslug = $item->catid ? $item->catid . ':' . $item->category_alias : $item->catid;
         if ($access || in_array($item->access, $authorised)) {
             // We know that user has the privilege to view the article
             $item->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $item->catslug));
         } else {
             // Angie Fixed Routing
             $app = JFactory::getApplication();
             $menu = $app->getMenu();
             $menuitems = $menu->getItems('link', 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login');
             if (isset($menuitems[0])) {
                 $Itemid = $menuitems[0]->id;
             } elseif (JRequest::getInt('Itemid') > 0) {
                 //use Itemid from requesting page only if there is no existing menu
                 $Itemid = JRequest::getInt('Itemid');
             $item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&Itemid=' . $Itemid);
         // Used for styling the active article
         $item->active = $item->id == $active_article_id ? 'active' : '';
         $item->displayDate = '';
         if ($show_date) {
             $item->displayDate = JHTML::_('date', $item->{$show_date_field}, $show_date_format);
         if ($item->catid) {
             $item->displayCategoryLink = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($item->catid));
             $item->displayCategoryTitle = $show_category ? '<a href="' . $item->displayCategoryLink . '">' . $item->category_title . '</a>' : '';
         } else {
             $item->displayCategoryTitle = $show_category ? $item->category_title : '';
         $item->displayHits = $show_hits ? $item->hits : '';
         $item->displayAuthorName = $show_author ? $item->author : '';
         //			if ($show_introtext) {
         //				$item->introtext = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $item->introtext, '', 'mod_articles_category.content');
         //				$item->introtext = self::_cleanIntrotext($item->introtext);
         //			}
         $item->displayIntrotext = $show_introtext ? self::truncate($item->introtext, $introtext_limit) : '';
         $item->displayReadmore = $item->alternative_readmore;
         // add the article to the slide
         $registry = new JRegistry();
         $item->images = $registry->toArray();
         if (isset($item->images['image_intro']) && $item->images['image_intro'] && (count($slideItems) < (int) $params->get('count', 0) || (int) $params->get('count', 0) == 0)) {
             $slideItem = new stdClass();
             $slideItem->imgname = trim(str_replace('\\', '/', $item->images['image_intro']), '/');
             $slideItem->imgname = trim($slideItem->imgname, '\\');
             $slideItem->imgthumb = JURI::base(true) . '/' . $slideItem->imgname;
             $slideItem->imgname = JURI::base(true) . '/' . $slideItem->imgname;
             $slideItem->imgvideo = null;
             $slideItem->slideselect = null;
             $slideItem->imgcaption = null;
             $slideItem->article = new stdClass();
             $slideItem->slidearticleid = null;
             $slideItem->imgalignment = null;
             $slideItem->imgtarget = null;
             $slideItem->imgtime = null;
             $slideItem->imglink = null;
             $slideItem->imgtitle = null;
             $slideItem->article->title = $item->title;
             $slideItem->article->text = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $item->introtext);
             $slideItem->article->text = self::truncate($slideItem->article->text, $params->get('articlelength', '150'));
             $slideItem->article->link = $item->link;
             $slideItems[] = $slideItem;
     return $slideItems;