コード例 #1
    public function index()
        $this->template->content = new View('operations/index');
        $this->template->title = 'Доступные операции';
        $this->selected_page = PAGE_OPERATIONS;
        $this->selected_subpage = Operations_Controller::SUBPAGE_MAIN;
        if (!$this->haveAccess()) {
        if ($_POST) {
            ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
            ini_set('max_input_time', '600');
            ini_set('max_execution_time', '600');
            $db_pro = new Database('pro');
            $db_pro->query("SET NAMES 'utf8';");
            $db_pro->query("SET NAMES 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci'");
            $db_pro->query("SET SESSION time_zone = '+3:00';");
                           $footballersStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("footballers_store")->
                                orderby(array( "ft_rating" => "asc", "ft_name" =>  "asc"))->
                                where("tm_id = 41626")->get();
                        $this->info .=  "Обработано Футболистов: " . $footballersStore->count() . $this->NL();
                            $orderby = 1;
                            foreach($footballersStore as $footballer) {
                                $footballer->ft_level = 6;
                                $price = misc::getPrice($footballer->ft_level, $footballer->ft_rating);
                                $multi = misc::getFootbollerMultiplay($footballer->ft_level, $footballer->ft_rating);
            echo "ft_rating: " . $footballer->ft_rating . " - price1: " . $price[0] . " price2: " . $price[1] . " - multi " . $multi . "<br/>";
            $fh = fopen(ITEMS_XML, 'w') or die("can't open file");
            $XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
            $stadiumsStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("stadiums_store")->orderby(array("st_level" => "asc", "st_name" => "asc"))->where("stadiums_store.back_up_id is null and st_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_SENT . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT . ")")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано стадионов: " . $stadiumsStore->count() . $this->NL();
            if ($stadiumsStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Cтадионы -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                foreach ($stadiumsStore as $stadium) {
                    $sourceFile = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_STADIUMS . '/' . $stadium->st_id . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($sourceFile)) {
                    $price = misc::getStadiumPrice($stadium->st_level, $stadium->st_rating);
                    $multi = misc::getStadiumMultiplay($stadium->st_level, $stadium->st_rating);
                    $XML = '    <it id="' . $stadium->st_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <reql>' . $stadium->st_level . '</reql>
        <pr>' . $price[0] . '</pr>
        <rlpr>' . $price[1] . '</rlpr>
            <city>' . $this->stripE($stadium->st_city) . '</city>
            <tytle>' . $this->stripE($stadium->st_name) . '</tytle>
            <ccode>' . $stadium->st_country_code . '</ccode>
            <daily>' . $multi . '</daily>
            <rating>' . $stadium->st_rating . '</rating>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    $SQL = "\nINSERT INTO item_stadiums (id, required_level, price, real_price, day_bonus)\nVALUES (" . $stadium->st_id . ", " . $stadium->st_level . ", " . $price[0] . ", " . $price[1] . " , " . $multi . ")\nON DUPLICATE KEY\nUPDATE\n    required_level = " . $stadium->st_level . ",\n    price = " . $price[0] . ",\n    real_price = " . $price[1] . ",\n    day_bonus = " . $multi . "\n";
                    $status = $this->db->update('stadiums_store', array("st_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('st_id' => $stadium->st_id));
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_STADIUMS . '/' . $stadium->st_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
            $sponsorsStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("sponsors_store")->orderby(array("sp_level" => "asc", "sp_rating" => "asc", "sp_name" => "asc"))->where("sponsors_store.back_up_id is null and sp_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_SENT . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT . ")")->get();
            if ($sponsorsStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Спонсоры -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                $this->info .= "Обработано спонсоров: " . $sponsorsStore->count() . $this->NL();
                foreach ($sponsorsStore as $sponsor) {
                    $sourceFile = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_SPONSORS . '/' . $sponsor->sp_id . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($sourceFile) || empty($sponsor->sp_level)) {
                        // TODO
                    $energy = misc::getEnegry($sponsor->sp_level, $sponsor->sp_rating);
                    $XML = '    <it id="' . $sponsor->sp_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <nm>' . $this->stripE($sponsor->sp_name) . '</nm>
        <reql>' . $sponsor->sp_level . '</reql>
            <energy>' . $energy . '</energy>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    $SQL = "\nINSERT INTO item_sponsors (id, required_level, energy) VALUES (" . $sponsor->sp_id . ", " . $sponsor->sp_level . ", {$energy})\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE required_level = " . $sponsor->sp_level . ", energy = " . $energy . "\n";
                    $status = $this->db->update('sponsors_store', array("sp_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('sp_id' => $sponsor->sp_id));
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_SPONSORS . '/' . $sponsor->sp_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
            $cupsStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("cups_store")->where("cp_id in (\n\n50023, 50081, 50017, 50011, 50053, 50091, 50009, 50026, 50088, 50083, 50066, 50074, 50078, 50069, 50067\n)")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано чемпионатов: " . $cupsStore->count() . $this->NL();
            $cupsStoreFile = array();
            if ($cupsStore->count()) {
                foreach ($cupsStore as $cup) {
                    $cupsStoreFile[$cup->cp_id] = $cup;
            $cupsID = array();
            $teamsStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("teams_store")->join('cups_store', 'cups_store.cp_id', 'teams_store.cp_id')->orderby(array("cp_level" => "asc", "tm_rating" => "asc"))->where("teams_store.back_up_id is null and tm_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_SENT . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT . ")")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано команд: " . $teamsStore->count() . $this->NL();
            $teamStoreFile = array();
            if ($teamsStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Команды -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                foreach ($teamsStore as $teams) {
                    if (!isset($cupsStoreFile[$teams->cp_id])) {
                    $teamStoreFile[$teams->tm_id] = $teams;
                    $sourceFile = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_TEAMS . '/' . $teams->tm_id . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($sourceFile)) {
                    $cupsID[$teams->cp_id] = 1;
                    $XML = '   <it id="' . $teams->tm_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <nm>' . $this->stripE($teams->tm_name) . '</nm>
            <level>' . $teams->cp_level . '</level>
            <cup>' . $teams->cp_id . '</cup>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    $status = $this->db->update('teams_store', array("tm_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('tm_id' => $teams->tm_id));
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_TEAMS . '/' . $teams->tm_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
            $cupsStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("cups_store")->where("cp_id in (\n\n50023, 50081, 50017, 50011, 50053, 50091, 50009, 50026, 50088, 50083, 50066, 50074, 50078, 50069, 50067\n)")->get();
            //where("cups_store.back_up_id is null and cp_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_SENT . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT .  ")")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано чемпионатов: " . $cupsStore->count() . $this->NL();
            if ($cupsStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Чепионаты -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                foreach ($cupsStore as $cup) {
                    if (!array_key_exists($cup->cp_id, $cupsID)) {
                    $XML = '   <it id="' . $cup->cp_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <nm>' . $cup->cp_name . '</nm>
        <reql>' . $cup->cp_level . '</reql>
            <ccode>' . $cup->cp_country_code . '</ccode>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    $status = $this->db->update('cups_store', array("cp_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('cp_id' => $cup->cp_id));
            $footballersStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("footballers_store")->orderby(array("ft_rating" => "asc", "ft_name" => "asc"))->where("footballers_store.back_up_id is null and ft_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_SENT . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT . ")")->get();
            //   where("tm_id = 42362")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано Футболистов: " . $footballersStore->count() . $this->NL();
            if ($footballersStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Футболисты -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                foreach ($footballersStore as $footballer) {
                    if (!isset($teamStoreFile[$footballer->tm_id])) {
                    $footballer->ft_level = $teamStoreFile[$footballer->tm_id]->cp_level;
                    $sourceFileBest = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_BEST . '/' . $footballer->ft_id . '.jpg';
                    $sourceFile = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_AVATARS . '/' . $footballer->ft_id . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($sourceFile) || !file_exists($sourceFileBest)) {
                    $price = misc::getPrice($footballer->ft_level, $footballer->ft_rating);
                    echo "<br/>" . $footballer->ft_level . " - " . $footballer->ft_rating . "<br/>";
                    $multi = misc::getFootbollerMultiplay($footballer->ft_level, $footballer->ft_rating);
                    $XML = '  <it id="' . $footballer->ft_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <nm>' . $this->stripE($footballer->ft_name) . '</nm> 
        <pr>' . $price[0] . '</pr>
        <rlpr>' . $price[1] . '</rlpr>
        <reql>' . $footballer->ft_level . '</reql>
        <st>' . $this->getStringStatus($footballer->ft_line) . '</st>
            <level>' . $multi . '</level>
            <team>' . $footballer->tm_id . '</team>
            <year>' . $footballer->ft_year . '</year>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    $SQL = "\nINSERT INTO item_footballers (id, required_level, price, real_price, param_level, line)\nVALUES (" . $footballer->ft_id . ", " . $footballer->ft_level . ", " . $price[0] . ", " . $price[1] . " , " . $multi . ", " . $footballer->ft_line . ")\nON DUPLICATE KEY\nUPDATE\n    required_level = " . $footballer->ft_level . ",\n    price = " . $price[0] . ",\n    real_price = " . $price[1] . ",\n    param_level = " . $multi . ",\n    line = " . $footballer->ft_line . "\n";
                    $status = $this->db->update('footballers_store', array("ft_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('ft_id' => $footballer->ft_id));
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_AVATARS . '/' . $footballer->ft_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_BEST . '/' . $footballer->ft_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFileBest)) {
                        copy($sourceFileBest, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFileBest, $gameFile);
            $coachesStore = $this->db->select('*')->from("coaches_store")->orderby(array("ch_rating" => "asc", "ch_name" => "asc"))->where("coaches_store.back_up_id is null and ch_status in (" . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_NEW . "," . ITEM_STATUS_RECOMMIT . ")")->get();
            $this->info .= "Обработано тренеров: " . $coachesStore->count() . $this->NL();
            if ($coachesStore->count()) {
                $XML = PHP_EOL . "<!-- Тренера -->" . PHP_EOL;
                fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                $orderby = 1;
                foreach ($coachesStore as $coach) {
                    $sourceFile = STORE_DISK . '/' . STORE_COACHES . '/' . $coach->ch_id . '.jpg';
                    if (!file_exists($sourceFile)) {
                    if (!isset($teamStoreFile[$coach->tm_id])) {
                    $coach->ch_level = $teamStoreFile[$coach->tm_id]->cp_level;
                    $price = misc::getPriceCoach($coach->ch_level, $coach->ch_rating);
                    $multi = misc::getCoachMultiplay($coach->ch_level, $coach->ch_rating);
                    $XML = '    <it id="' . $coach->ch_id . '">
        <orb>' . $orderby . '</orb>
        <nm>' . $this->stripE($coach->ch_name) . '</nm>
        <pr>' . $price[0] . '</pr>
        <rlpr>' . $price[1] . '</rlpr>
        <reql>' . $coach->ch_level . '</reql>
            <studyRate>' . $multi . '</studyRate>
            <team>' . $coach->tm_id . '</team>
    </it>PHP_EOL' . PHP_EOL;
                    fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));
                    if ($coach->ch_status == ITEM_STATUS_SENT) {
                        $status = $db_pro->insert('item_teamleads', array("id" => $coach->ch_id, "required_level" => $coach->ch_level, "price" => $price[0], "real_price" => $price[1], "param_study_rate" => $multi));
                    } else {
                        $status = $db_pro->update('item_teamleads', array("required_level" => $coach->ch_level, "price" => $price[0], "real_price" => $price[1], "param_study_rate" => $multi), array('id' => $coach->ch_id));
                    $SQL = "\nINSERT INTO item_teamleads (id, required_level, price, real_price, param_study_rate)\nVALUES (" . $coach->ch_id . ", " . $coach->ch_level . ", " . $price[0] . ", " . $price[1] . " , " . $multi . ")\nON DUPLICATE KEY\nUPDATE\n    required_level = " . $coach->ch_level . ",\n    price = " . $price[0] . ",\n    real_price = " . $price[1] . ",\n    param_study_rate = " . $multi . "\n";
                    $status = $this->db->update('coaches_store', array("ch_status" => ITEM_STATUS_NEW), array('ch_id' => $coach->ch_id));
                    $gameFile = STORE_GAME . '/' . STORE_GAME_COACHES . '/' . $coach->ch_id . '.jpg';
                    if (file_exists($gameFile) && filesize($gameFile) != filesize($sourceFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
                    } elseif (!file_exists($gameFile)) {
                        copy($sourceFile, $gameFile);
            $XML = "</its>";
            fwrite($fh, $this->trimNewLine($XML));