function process_inbound_mail($forumId) { global $prefs; require_once "lib/webmail/net_pop3.php"; require_once "lib/mail/mimelib.php"; $info = $this->get_forum($forumId); // for any reason my sybase test machine adds a space to // the inbound_pop_server field in the table. $info["inbound_pop_server"] = trim($info["inbound_pop_server"]); if (!$info["inbound_pop_server"] || empty($info["inbound_pop_server"])) { return; } $pop3 = new Net_POP3(); $pop3->connect($info["inbound_pop_server"]); $pop3->login($info["inbound_pop_user"], $info["inbound_pop_password"]); if (!$pop3) { return; } $mailSum = $pop3->numMsg(); //we don't want the operation to time out... this would result in the same messages being imported over and over... //(messages are only removed from the pop server on a gracefull connection termination... ie .not php or webserver a timeout) //$maximport should be in a admin config screen, but I don't know how to do that yet. $maxImport = 10; if ($mailSum > $maxImport) { $mailSum = $maxImport; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $mailSum; $i++) { //echo 'loop ' . $i; $aux = $pop3->getParsedHeaders($i); // If the mail came from Tiki, we don't need to add it again if (isset($aux['X-Tiki']) && $aux['X-Tiki'] == 'yes') { $pop3->deleteMsg($i); continue; } // If the connection is done, or the mail has an error, or whatever, // we try to delete the current mail (because something is wrong with it) // and continue on. --rlpowell if ($aux == FALSE) { $pop3->deleteMsg($i); continue; } //echo '<pre>'; //print_r ($aux); //echo '</pre>'; if (!isset($aux['From'])) { if (isset($aux['Return-path'])) { $aux['From'] = $aux['Return-path']; } else { $aux['From'] = ""; $aux['Return-path'] = ""; } } //try to get the date from the email: $postDate = strtotime($aux['Date']); if ($postDate == false) { $postDate = $this->now; } //save the original email address, if we don't get a user match, then we //can at least give some info about the poster. $original_email = $aux["From"]; //fix mailman addresses, or there is no chance to get a match $aux["From"] = str_replace(' at ', '@', $original_email); preg_match('/<?([-!#$%&\'*+\\.\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\\.[-!#$%&\'*+\\.\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)>?/', $aux["From"], $mail); // should we throw out emails w/ invalid (possibly obfusicated) email addressses? //this should be an admin option, but I don't know how to put it there yet. $throwOutInvalidEmails = false; if (!array_key_exists(1, $mail)) { if ($throwOutInvalidEmails) { continue; } } $email = $mail[1]; $full = $pop3->getMsg($i); $mimelib = new mime(); $output = $mimelib->decode($full); $body = ''; if ($output['type'] == 'multipart/report') { // mimelib doesn't seem to parse error reports properly $pop3->deleteMsg($i); // and we almost certainly don't want them in the forum continue; // so do what exactly? log them somewhere? TODO } require_once 'lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'; if ($prefs['feature_forum_parse'] === 'y' && $prefs['forum_inbound_mail_parse_html'] === 'y') { $body = $mimelib->getPartBody($output, 'html'); if ($body) { // on some systems HTMLPurifier fails with smart quotes in the html $body = $mimelib->cleanQuotes($body); // some emails have invalid font and span tags that create incorrect purifying of lists $body = preg_replace_callback('/\\<(ul|ol).*\\>(.*)\\<\\/(ul|ol)\\>/Umis', array($this, 'process_inbound_mail_cleanlists'), $body); // Clean the string using HTML Purifier next $body = HTMLPurifier($body); // html emails require some speciaal handling $body = preg_replace('/--(.*)--/', '~np~--$1--~/np~', $body); // disable strikethough syntax $body = preg_replace('/\\{(.*)\\}/', '~np~{$1}~/np~', $body); // disable plugin type things // special handling for MS links which contain underline tags in the label which wiki doesn't like $body = preg_replace('/(\\<a .*\\>)\\<font .*\\>\\<u\\>(.*)\\<\\/u\\>\\<\\/font\\>\\<\\/a\\>/Umis', '$1$2</a>', $body); $body = str_replace("<br /><br />", "<br /><br /><br />", $body); // double linebreaks seem to work better as three? $body = TikiLib::lib('edit')->parseToWiki($body); $body = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $body); // for some reason emails seem to get line feeds quadrupled $body = preg_replace('/\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]/', '[~np~~/np~[$1]]', $body); // links surrounded by [square brackets] need help } } if (!$body) { $body = $mimelib->getPartBody($output, 'text'); if (empty($body)) { // no text part so look for html $body = $mimelib->getPartBody($output, 'html'); $body = HTMLPurifier($body); $body = $this->htmldecode(strip_tags($body)); $body = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $body); // and again $body = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $body); } if ($prefs['feature_forum_parse'] === 'y') { $body = preg_replace('/--(.*)--/', '~np~--$1--~/np~', $body); // disable strikethough if... $body = preg_replace('/\\{(.*)\\}/', '~np~\\{$1\\}~/np~', $body); // disable plugin type things } $body = $mimelib->cleanQuotes($body); } if (!empty($info['outbound_mails_reply_link']) && $info['outbound_mails_reply_link'] === 'y') { $body = preg_replace('/^.*?Reply Link\\: \\<[^\\>]*\\>.*\\r?\\n/m', '', $body); // remove previous reply links to reduce clutter and confusion // remove "empty" lines at the end $lines = preg_split("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", $body); $body = ''; $len = count($lines) - 1; $found = false; for ($line = $len; $line >= 0; $line--) { if ($found || !preg_match('/^\\s*\\>*\\s*[\\-]*\\s*$/', $lines[$line])) { $body = "{$lines[$line]}\r\n{$body}"; $found = true; } } } // Remove 're:' and [forum]. -rlpowell $title = trim(preg_replace("/[rR][eE]:/", "", preg_replace("/\\[[-A-Za-z _:]*\\]/", "", $output['header']['subject']))); $title = $mimelib->cleanQuotes($title); // trim off < and > from message-id $message_id = substr($output['header']["message-id"], 1, strlen($output['header']["message-id"]) - 2); if (isset($output['header']["in-reply-to"])) { $in_reply_to = substr($output['header']["in-reply-to"], 1, strlen($output['header']["in-reply-to"]) - 2); } else { $in_reply_to = ''; } // Determine user from email $userName = $this->table('users_users')->fetchOne('login', array('email' => $email)); //use anonomus name feature if we don't have a real name if (!$userName) { $anonName = $original_email; } //Todo: check permissions // Determine if the thread already exists first by looking for a mail this is a reply to. if (!empty($in_reply_to)) { $parentId = $this->table('tiki_comments')->fetchOne('threadId', array('object' => $forumId, 'objectType' => 'forum', 'message_id' => $in_reply_to)); } else { $parentId = 0; } // if not, check if there's a topic with exactly this title if (!$parentId) { $parentId = $this->table('tiki_comments')->fetchOne('threadId', array('object' => $forumId, 'objectType' => 'forum', 'parentId' => 0, 'title' => $title)); } if (!$parentId) { // create a thread to discuss a wiki page if the feature is on AND the page exists if ($prefs['feature_wiki_discuss'] === 'y' && TikiLib::lib('tiki')->page_exists($title)) { // No thread already; create it. $temp_msid = ''; $parentId = $this->post_new_comment('forum:' . $forumId, 0, $userName, $title, sprintf(tra("Use this thread to discuss the %s page."), "(({$title}))"), $temp_msid, $in_reply_to); $this->register_forum_post($forumId, 0); // First post is in reply to this one $in_reply_to = $temp_msid; } else { $parentId = 0; } } // post $threadid = $this->post_new_comment('forum:' . $forumId, $parentId, $userName, $title, $body, $message_id, $in_reply_to, 'n', '', '', '', $anonName, $postDate); $this->register_forum_post($forumId, $parentId); // Process attachments if (array_key_exists('parts', $output) && count($output['parts']) > 1) { $forum_info = $this->get_forum($forumId); if ($forum_info['att'] != 'att_no') { $errors = array(); foreach ($output['parts'] as $part) { if (array_key_exists('disposition', $part)) { if ($part['disposition'] == 'attachment') { if (!empty($part['d_parameters']['filename'])) { $part_name = $part['d_parameters']['filename']; } else { if (preg_match('/filename=([^;]*)/', $part['d_parameters']['atend'], $mm)) { // not sure what this is but it seems to have the filename in it $part_name = $mm[1]; } else { $part_name = "Unnamed File"; } } $this->add_thread_attachment($forum_info, $threadid, $errors, $part_name, $part['type'], strlen($part['body']), 1, '', '', $part['body']); } elseif ($part['disposition'] == 'inline') { if (!empty($part['parts'])) { foreach ($part['parts'] as $p) { $this->add_thread_attachment($forum_info, $threadid, $errors, '-', $p['type'], strlen($p['body']), 1, '', '', $p['body']); } } else { if (!empty($part['body'])) { $this->add_thread_attachment($forum_info, $threadid, $errors, '-', $part['type'], strlen($part['body']), 1, '', '', $part['body']); } } } } } } } // Deal with mail notifications. if (array_key_exists('outbound_mails_reply_link', $info) && $info['outbound_mails_for_inbound_mails'] == 'y') { include_once 'lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'; sendForumEmailNotification('forum_post_thread', $threadid, $info, $title, $body, $userName, $title, $message_id, $in_reply_to, $threadid, $parentId); } $pop3->deleteMsg($i); } $pop3->disconnect(); }