コード例 #1
				//$sObj=new stuff();
				// return to other database
if (defined('ENABLE_MICRO')) {
    if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/', 'micro.class.php')) {
        // Micro blog tables
        require_once PATH_FACEBOOK . '/classes/micro.class.php';
if (defined('ENABLE_RESEARCH_STUDY')) {
    echo "\n\tInitializing Research Tables\n";
    // Create object for the research table
    $manageResearchObj = new dbManage(false);
    // set up system status table for research database
    // to do - move this to a dbrowobject model
    $manageObj->addTable("SystemStatus", "id", "INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment", "MyISAM");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "name", "VARCHAR(35) default ''");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "strValue", "TEXT default ''");
    $manageObj->addColumn("SystemStatus", "numValue", "BIGINT(20) default 0");
    if ($manageObj->modifyLibrary(PATH_CORE . '/classes/', 'researchRawSession.class.php')) {
        // Create Research -- RawSessions table for the contact us functions
コード例 #2
 function updateRoom()
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/utilities/twitter.php';
     $tObj = new Twitter(TWITTER_USER, TWITTER_PWD, $this->db);
     $resp = $tObj->getRateLimitStatus();
     if (isset($resp['error'])) {
         return false;
     if ($this->db->queryC("SELECT * FROM MicroAccounts;")===false) {
     	// no accounts yet - so remove all followers
     $resp = $tObj->getFriendsTimeline();
     $mt = new microPostsTable($this->db);
     $mp = $mt->getRowObject();
     $maTable = new microAccountsTable($this->db);
     $ma = $maTable->getRowObject();
     foreach ($resp as $item) {
         $mp->statusid = $item['id'];
         $mp->msg = $item['text'];
         $mp->sid = $item['user']['id'];
         $mp->dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['created_at']);
         if ($mt->isDup($mp->statusid) === false) {
         } else {
         // update microaccount row for user
         if (!$ma->isDup($item['user']['id'])) {
             // to do
             // in facebook app, these should always exist
         } else {
             // get latest image
             $ma->loadWhere("sid=" . $item['user']['id']);
             $ma->profile_image_url = $item['user']['profile_image_url'];