コード例 #1

Plugin Name: Fake Plugin (Meta Boxes)
Plugin URI: http://baylorrae.com
Description: What a cool thing
Author: Baylor Rae'
Version: Beta
Author URI: http://baylorrae.com/
include 'WP-Elements.class.php';
// ============
// = Form Box =
// ============
$poem = new metaBox(array('isFormBox' => true, 'id' => 'whatDoYaThink', 'title' => 'What Do Ya Think'));
$poem->addInput(array('id' => 'tellme', 'label' => 'Tell Me'));
$poem->addTextarea(array('id' => 'more', 'label' => 'Give Me More'));
$poem->addEditor(array('id' => 'evenmore', 'label' => "Don't Hold Back On Me"));
// A single checkbox
$poem->addCheckbox(array('id' => 'isSpecial', 'label' => 'Is Special?', 'title' => 'Status'));
// Multiple checkboxes
// checked always defaults to false
$poem->addCheckbox(array('id' => 'repairs', 'label' => 'Repairs Include', 'options' => array('Engine' => array('id' => 'engine', 'checked' => true), 'Tires' => array('id' => 'tires'), 'Brake Lights' => array('id' => 'brakelights', 'checked' => true))));
$poem->addRadiobuttons(array('id' => 'gender', 'label' => 'Gender', 'value' => 'male', 'options' => array('Male' => 'male', 'Female' => 'female')));
$poem->addDropdown(array('id' => 'type', 'label' => 'Type', 'options' => array('Car' => 'car', 'Truck' => 'truck', 'Motorcycle' => 'motorcycle')));
// ===============
// = Regular Box =
// ===============
$box2 = new metaBox(array('id' => 'box2', 'title' => 'This is my second box', 'context' => 'side'));
$box2->html('<p>Please click on my <a href="#">link</a></p>');
$box2->paragraph('Please tell me something');
コード例 #2

Plugin Name: Add a super hero to your post
Plugin URI: http://baylorrae.com
Description: Adds a super hero to your post and lets you rate their awesomeness
Author: Baylor Rae'
Version: Beta
Author URI: http://baylorrae.com/
// ===============
// = Add The Box =
// ===============
include 'WP-Elements.class.php';
$box = new metaBox(array('isFormBox' => true, 'type' => 'post', 'id' => 'superHero', 'title' => 'Add a Super Hero'));
$box->addInput(array('id' => 'nickname', 'label' => 'Nickname', 'value' => get_post_meta($_GET['post'], 'nickname', true), 'size' => 'large'));
$box->addDropdown(array('id' => 'awesomeness', 'label' => 'Awesomeness', 'value' => get_post_meta($_GET['post'], 'awesomeness', true), 'options' => array('Ultra Awesome' => 'ultra', 'Super Awesome' => 'super', 'Not So Awesome' => 'notSo', 'Kinda Dull Awesome' => 'kindaDull', 'Super Duper Mega Awesome!' => 'superDuperMega')));
$box->addRadiobuttons(array('id' => 'gender', 'label' => 'Gender', 'value' => get_post_meta($_GET['post'], 'gender', true), 'options' => array('Male' => 'male', 'Female' => 'female')));