コード例 #1
ファイル: breaks.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

$dsp->NewContent(t('Turnier - Pausenverwaltung'), t('Trage Startzeitpunkt und dauer der Pause ein. Lansuite wird entsprechend spätere Rundenzeiten berechnen'));
switch ($_GET['step']) {
    // Delete
    case 10:
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
        $md = new masterdelete();
        $md->Delete('t2_breaks', 'breakid', $_GET['breakid']);
        include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
        $ms2 = new mastersearch2('tournament');
        $ms2->query['from'] = '%prefix%t2_breaks';
        $ms2->query['where'] = 'tournamentid = ' . (int) $_GET['tournamentid'];
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Start'), 'start');
        $ms2->AddResultField(t('Dauer'), 'duration');
        $ms2->AddIconField('edit', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=breaks&tournamentid=' . (int) $_GET['tournamentid'] . '&breakid=', t('Editieren'));
        $ms2->AddIconField('delete', 'index.php?mod=tournament2&action=breaks&tournamentid=' . (int) $_GET['tournamentid'] . '&step=10&breakid=', t('Löschen'));
        $ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=tournament2&action=breaks&tournamentid=' . (int) $_GET['tournamentid'], 'breakid');
        $t = $db->qry_first('SELECT name FROM %prefix%tournament_tournaments WHERE tournamentid = %int%', $_GET['tournamentid']);
        $dsp->AddFieldSetStart(t('Pause für Turnier %1 festlegen', $t['name']));
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterform.php';
        $mf = new masterform();
        $mf->AddFix('tournamentid', $_GET['tournamentid']);
        $mf->AddField(t('Pause beginnen um'), 'start');
        $mf->AddField(t('Dauer der Pause (in Minuten)'), 'duration');
        $mf->SendForm('', 't2_breaks', 'breakid', $_GET['breakid']);
コード例 #2
ファイル: show.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite
$dsp->NewContent(t('News verwalten'), t('Mit Hilfe des folgenden Formulars kannst du Neuigkeiten auf deiner Seite ergänzen und bearbeiten'));
include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterform.php';
$mf = new masterform();
// Define the db filds, which should be written. The second argument must be a valid db field, of the table supplied to SendForm
$mf->AddField(t('Überschrift (Knappe Zusammenfassung für die Startseite)'), 'caption');
$mf->AddField(t('Kategorie / Icon'), 'icon', IS_PICTURE_SELECT, 'ext_inc/news_icons', FIELD_OPTIONAL);
$mf->AddField(t('Text'), 'text', '', LSCODE_ALLOWED);
$selections = array();
$selections['0'] = t('Normal');
$selections['1'] = t('Wichtig');
$mf->AddField(t('Priorität'), 'priority', IS_SELECTION, $selections, FIELD_OPTIONAL);
// Maybe some values should not be added by the user, but set to fix values
$mf->AddFix('date', time());
$mf->AddFix('poster', $auth['userid']);
// Sendform: 1) Current Link; 2) Affected data base table; 3) prim key in table; 4) ID to edit, if this is empty a new record will be added to the data base
if ($mf->SendForm('index.php?mod=sample&action=show', 'news', 'newsid', $_GET['newsid'])) {
    // Add additional actions here, that should be called, after successfully adding an entry
### Mastercomment ###
// There are only two lines needed to add a comment function to the current table
include 'inc/classes/class_mastercomment.php';
// Mastercomment: 1) which module should the comment belong to? 2) Which id should the comment referr to?
new Mastercomment('news', $_GET['newsid']);
### Masterdelete ###
// Use this, to delete entries from the data base
include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
// Will delete from the table 'news', where the fild 'newsid' is '$_GET['newsid']'
// However a security question will be displayed first
$md->Delete('news', 'newsid', $_GET['newsid']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
// Delete post
if ($_GET['pid']) {
    $md->DeleteIfEmpty['board_threads'] = 'tid';
    $md->Delete('board_posts', 'pid', $_GET['pid']);
    // Delete thread
} elseif ($_GET['tid']) {
    #$md->References['board_posts'] = '';
    #$md->References['board_bookmark'] = '';
    $md->Delete('board_threads', 'tid', $_GET['tid']);
    // Delete board
} else {
    #$md->References['board_threads'] = '';
    #$md->SubReferences['board_posts'] = 'tid';
    #$md->SubReferences['board_bookmark'] = 'tid';
    switch ($_GET['step']) {
            include_once 'modules/board/show.php';
        case 2:
            $md->Delete('board_forums', 'fid', $_GET['fid']);
        case 10:
            $md->MultiDelete('board_forums', 'fid');
コード例 #4
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
$md->Delete('partylist', 'partyid', $_GET['partyid']);
コード例 #5
ファイル: stats.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

$dsp->NewContent(t('Statistiken'), $_GET['file']);
// Delete
if ($_GET['delfile'] and $auth['type'] >= 3) {
    include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
    $md = new masterdelete();
    $md->Delete('download_stats', 'file', $_GET['delfile']);
// List
if (!$_GET['file']) {
    include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
    $ms2 = new mastersearch2('news');
    $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%download_stats AS s";
    $ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 's.file';
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Datei'), 's.file');
    $ms2->AddResultField(t('Downloads'), 'SUM(s.hits) AS hits');
    $ms2->AddIconField('details', 'index.php?mod=downloads&action=stats&file=', t('Details'));
    if ($auth['type'] >= 3) {
        $ms2->AddIconField('delete', 'index.php?mod=downloads&action=stats&delfile=', t('Löschen'));
    $ms2->PrintSearch('index.php?mod=downloads&action=stats', 's.file');
    // Details
} else {
    switch ($_GET['time']) {
            $link = 'y';
            $back = '';
            $group_by = '%Y-00-00-00-00-00';
            $where = '0000-00-00-00-00-00';
            $where_back = '';
コード例 #6
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
$md->References['rentuser'] = '';
$md->Delete('rentstuff', 'stuffid', $_GET['stuffid']);
コード例 #7
ファイル: show.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite
            if ($_GET['userid'] != '') {
                $bugtracker->AssignBugToUser($key, $_GET['userid']);
        } elseif ($auth['login']) {
            // Change state
            if ($_GET['state'] != '' and ($_GET['state'] == 1 or $_GET['state'] == 2 or $_GET['state'] == 7)) {
                $bugtracker->SetBugState($key, $_GET['state']);
if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete' and $auth['type'] >= 2) {
    if ($_GET['bugid'] != '') {
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
        $md = new masterdelete();
        $md->Delete('bugtracker', 'bugid', $_GET['bugid']);
    } else {
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
        $md = new masterdelete();
        $md->MultiDelete('bugtracker', 'bugid');
function FetchState($state)
    global $bugtracker;
    return $bugtracker->stati[$state];
function FetchType($type)
    global $types, $line;
    $ret = $types[$type];
コード例 #8
 function Mastercomment($mod, $id, $update_table = array())
     global $framework, $dsp, $auth, $db, $func, $cfg;
     #echo '<ul class="Line">';
     // Delete comments
     if ($_GET['mc_step'] == 10) {
         include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
         $md = new masterdelete();
         $md->LogID = $id;
         $md->Delete('comments', 'commentid', $_GET['commentid']);
     $CurentURLBase = $framework->get_clean_url_query('base');
     $CurentURLBase = str_replace('&mc_step=10', '', $CurentURLBase);
     $CurentURLBase = str_replace('&mf_step=2', '', $CurentURLBase);
     $CurentURLBase = preg_replace('#&mf_id=[0-9]*#si', '', $CurentURLBase);
     $CurentURLBase = preg_replace('#&commentid=[0-9]*#si', '', $CurentURLBase);
     // No Order by in this MS, for it collidates with possible other MS on this page
     $order_by_tmp = $_GET['order_by'];
     $_GET['order_by'] = '';
     // List current comments
     include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
     $ms2 = new mastersearch2('bugtracker');
     $ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%comments AS c\n      LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON c.creatorid = u.userid\n      ";
     $ms2->query['where'] = "c.relatedto_item = '{$mod}' AND c.relatedto_id = '{$id}'";
     $ms2->config['dont_link_first_line'] = 1;
     $ms2->AddSelect('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(c.date) AS date');
     $ms2->AddResultField('', 'u.username', 'FetchDataRow', '', 180);
     $ms2->AddResultField('', 'c.text', 'FetchPostRow');
     $ms2->AddIconField('quote', 'javascript:document.getElementById(\'text\').value += \'[quote]\' + document.getElementById(\'post%id%\').innerHTML + \'[/quote]\'', t('Zitieren'));
     $ms2->AddIconField('edit', $CurentURLBase . '&commentid=%id%#dsp_form2', t('Editieren'), 'EditAllowed');
     if ($auth['type'] >= 3) {
         $ms2->AddIconField('delete', $CurentURLBase . '&mc_step=10&commentid=', t('Löschen'));
     $ms2->PrintSearch($CurentURLBase, 'c.commentid');
     $_GET['order_by'] = $order_by_tmp;
     // Add new comments
     if ($cfg['mc_only_logged_in'] and !$auth['login']) {
         $func->information(t('Bitte loggen dich ein, bevor du einen Kommentar verfasst'), NO_LINK);
     } else {
         if ($_GET['commentid']) {
             $row = $db->qry_first("SELECT creatorid FROM %prefix%comments WHERE commentid = %int%", $_GET['commentid']);
         if (!$_GET['commentid'] or $row['creatorid'] and $row['creatorid'] == $auth['userid'] or $auth['type'] >= 2) {
             include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterform.php';
             $mf = new masterform();
             $mf->LogID = $id;
             $mf->AddField(t('Kommentar'), 'text', '', LSCODE_BIG);
             if (!$auth['login']) {
                 $mf->AddField('', 'captcha', IS_CAPTCHA);
             $mf->AddFix('relatedto_item', $mod);
             $mf->AddFix('relatedto_id', $id);
             if (!$_GET['commentid']) {
                 $mf->AddFix('date', 'NOW()');
             if (!$_GET['commentid']) {
                 $mf->AddFix('creatorid', $auth['userid']);
             if ($mf->SendForm('', 'comments', 'commentid', $_GET['commentid'])) {
                 // Send email-notifications to thread-subscribers
                 $path = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "index.php"));
                 include_once "modules/mail/class_mail.php";
                 $mail = new mail();
                 if (!$_GET['fid']) {
                     $_GET['fid'] = $thread['fid'];
                 // Internet-Mail
                 $subscribers = $db->qry('SELECT b.userid, u.firstname, u.name, u.email FROM %prefix%comments_bookmark AS b
     		LEFT JOIN %prefix%user AS u ON b.userid = u.userid
     		WHERE b.email = 1 AND b.relatedto_item = %string% AND b.relatedto_id = %int%', $mod, $id);
                 while ($subscriber = $db->fetch_array($subscribers)) {
                     if ($subscriber['userid'] != $auth['userid']) {
                         $mail->create_inet_mail($subscriber["firstname"] . " " . $subscriber["name"], $subscriber["email"], t('Es gibt einen neuen Kommentar'), str_replace('%URL%', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], t('Es wurde ein neuer Kommentar in einem Lansuite-Modul geschrieben: %URL%')), $cfg["sys_party_mail"]);
                 // Sys-Mail
                 $subscribers = $db->qry('SELECT userid FROM %prefix%comments_bookmark AS b
         WHERE b.sysemail = 1 AND b.relatedto_item = %string% AND b.relatedto_id = %int%', $mod, $id);
                 while ($subscriber = $db->fetch_array($subscribers)) {
                     if ($subscriber['userid'] != $auth['userid']) {
                         $mail->create_sys_mail($subscriber["userid"], t('Es gibt einen neuen Kommentar'), str_replace('%URL%', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], t('Es wurde ein neuer Kommentar in einem Lansuite-Modul geschrieben: %URL%')));
                 // Update LastChange in $update_table, if $update_table is set
                 if ($update_table) {
                     list($key, $val) = each($update_table);
                     $db->qry('UPDATE %prefix%' . $key . ' SET changedate=NOW() WHERE ' . $val . ' = %int%', $id);
         } else {
             $func->error(t('Du bist nicht berechtigt, diesen Kommentar zu editieren'));
     #echo '</ul>';
     // Bookmarks and Auto-Mail
     if ($auth['login'] and $auth['type'] > 1) {
         if ($_GET['set_bm']) {
             $db->qry_first('DELETE FROM %prefix%comments_bookmark WHERE relatedto_id = %int% AND relatedto_item = %string%', $id, $mod);
             if ($_POST["check_bookmark"]) {
                 $db->qry('INSERT INTO %prefix%comments_bookmark
       SET relatedto_id = %int%, relatedto_item = %string%, userid = %int%, email = %int%, sysemail = %int%', $id, $mod, $auth['userid'], $_POST['check_email'], $_POST['check_sysemail']);
         $bookmark = $db->qry_first('SELECT 1 AS found, email, sysemail FROM %prefix%comments_bookmark WHERE relatedto_id = %int% AND relatedto_item = %string% AND userid = %int%', $id, $mod, $auth['userid']);
         if ($bookmark['found']) {
             $_POST['check_bookmark'] = 1;
         if ($bookmark['email']) {
             $_POST['check_email'] = 1;
         if ($bookmark['sysemail']) {
             $_POST['check_sysemail'] = 1;
         $dsp->SetForm($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&set_bm=1');
         $additionalHTML = "onclick=\"CheckBoxBoxActivate('email', this.checked)\"";
         $dsp->AddCheckBoxRow("check_bookmark", t('Lesezeichen'), t('Diesen Beitrag in meine Lesezeichen aufnehmen<br><i>(Lesezeichen ist Vorraussetzung, um Benachrichtigung per Mail zu abonnieren)</i>'), "", 1, $_POST["check_bookmark"], '', '', $additionalHTML);
         $dsp->StartHiddenBox('email', $_POST["check_bookmark"]);
         $dsp->AddCheckBoxRow("check_email", t('E-Mail Benachrichtigung'), t('Bei Antworten auf diesen Beitrag eine Internet-Mail an mich senden'), "", 1, $_POST["check_email"]);
         $dsp->AddCheckBoxRow("check_sysemail", t('System-E-Mail'), t('Bei Antworten auf diesen Beitrag eine System-Mail an mich senden'), "", 1, $_POST["check_sysemail"]);
         if ($bookmark["found"]) {
         if (!$bookmark["found"]) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite
    } elseif ($auth["userid"] == $userid) {
        $func->error(t('Du kannst dich nicht selbst löschen'), "index.php?mod=usrmgr");
    } else {
        $db->qry("UPDATE %prefix%seat_seats SET status = '1', userid='0' WHERE userid = %int%", $userid);
        return true;
    return false;
switch ($_GET['step']) {
        include_once 'modules/usrmgr/search.inc.php';
    case 2:
        // Do some checks, before calling MD
        if (CheckDeleteUser($_GET['userid'])) {
            $md->Delete('user', 'userid', $_GET['userid']);
    case 10:
        $success = 1;
        // Do some checks, before calling MD
        foreach ($_POST['action'] as $key => $val) {
            if (!CheckDeleteUser($key)) {
                $success = 0;
        if ($success) {
            $md->MultiDelete('user', 'userid');
コード例 #10
ファイル: delete.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
$md->Delete('partys', 'party_id', $_GET['party_id']);
コード例 #11
ファイル: show.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite
        $selections['1'] = t('Nur für ausgeloggte');
        $selections['2'] = t('Nur für eingeloggte');
        $selections['3'] = t('Nur für Admins + Superadmins');
        $selections['4'] = t('Nur für Superadmins');
        $mf->AddField(t('Login benötigt'), 'login', IS_SELECTION, $selections, FIELD_OPTIONAL);
        $mf->AddField(t('Modul benötigt'), 'module', '', '', FIELD_OPTIONAL);
        $mf->AddField(t('Quelldatei'), 'source');
        $mf->AddField(t('Callback'), 'callback', '', '', FIELD_OPTIONAL);
        $mf->SendForm('index.php?mod=boxes&amp;step=20', 'boxes', 'boxid', $_GET['boxid']);
        // Delete
    // Delete
    case 30:
        include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
        $md = new masterdelete();
        $md->Delete('boxes', 'boxid', $_GET['boxid']);
$dsp->NewContent(t('Box-Manager'), t('Hier kannst du die Anzeige und Position der Boxen verwalten'));
include_once 'modules/mastersearch2/class_mastersearch2.php';
$ms2 = new mastersearch2('');
$ms2->query['from'] = "%prefix%boxes AS b";
$ms2->query['default_order_by'] = 'place ASC, pos ASC, name ASC';
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Internet-Modus'), 'b.internet', array('' => t('Egal'), '1' => t('Nur im Intranet-Modus'), '2' => t('Nur im Internet-Modus')));
$ms2->AddTextSearchDropDown(t('Login'), 'b.login', array('' => t('Egal'), '1' => t('Nur für ausgeloggte'), '2' => t('Nur für eingeloggte'), '3' => t('Nur für Admins + Superadminen'), '4' => t('Nur für Superadminen')));
function PlaceName($place)
    if ($place == 0) {
        return t('Linke Seite');
    } elseif ($place == 1) {
        return t('Rechte Seite');
コード例 #12
ファイル: tournaments_del.php プロジェクト: eistr2n/lansuite

include_once 'inc/classes/class_masterdelete.php';
$md = new masterdelete();
$md->References['t2_teams'] = '';
$md->References['t2_teammembers'] = '';
$md->References['t2_games'] = '';
switch ($_GET['step']) {
        include_once 'modules/tournament2/search.inc.php';
    case 2:
        $md->Delete('tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid', $_GET['tournamentid']);
    case 10:
        $md->MultiDelete('tournament_tournaments', 'tournamentid');