コード例 #1
    /** Send en bestemt artikkel på e-post */
    protected function send_email($row)

Siden du ikke lengre er med i avisfirmaet "' . $row['ff_name'] . '" har din artikkel blitt slettet fordi den ikke tilhørte noen utgivelse. I tilfelle du kanskje ønsker å beholde teksten fra artikkelen, sender vi den på e-post.

Avisfirma: ' . $row['ff_name'] . ' <' . ess::$s['path'] . '/ff/?ff_id=' . $row['ff_id'] . '>

Tittel: ' . $row['ffna_title'] . '
Opprettet: ' . ess::$b->date->get($row['ffna_created_time'])->format(date::FORMAT_SEC) . ($row['ffna_updated_time'] ? '
Sist oppdatert: ' . ess::$b->date->get($row['ffna_updated_time'])->format(date::FORMAT_SEC) : '') . ($row['ffna_published'] ? '
Publisert: ' . ess::$b->date->get($row['ffna_published_time'])->format(date::FORMAT_SEC) : '') . '
Pris: ' . game::format_cash($row['ffna_price']) . '


-- START --
' . $row['ffna_text'] . '
-- SLUTT --

Denne e-posten er sendt til ' . $row['u_email'] . ' som ' . ($row['up_access_level'] == 0 ? 'tidligere tilhørte' : 'tilhører') . ' ' . $row['up_name'] . '
' . ess::$s['path']);
        mailer::add_emails($this->email, $row['u_email'], "Din tidligere artikkel: {$row['ffna_title']} - Kofradia", true);
        putlog("CREWCHAN", "AVISARTIKKEL SLETTET: E-post planlagt for utsendelse. %c4Mailer scriptet må kjøres!");
コード例 #2
ファイル: mailer.php プロジェクト: Aliqhuart/puzzlegarden
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!self::$m_pInstance) {
         self::$m_pInstance = new mailer();
     return self::$m_pInstance;
コード例 #3
  * 发送邮件
 public function send($limit = 5)
     $mails = $this->where(array('lock_expiry' => array('lt', time())))->order('priority DESC,id,err_num')->limit($limit)->select();
     if (!$mails) {
         return false;
     $qids = array();
     foreach ($mails as $_mail) {
         $qids[] = $_mail['id'];
     $this->where(array('id' => array('in', $qids)))->save(array('err_num' => array('exp', 'err_num+1'), 'lock_expiry' => array('exp', 'lock_expiry+' . $this->_send_lock)));
     $mailer = mailer::get_instance();
     foreach ($mails as $_mail) {
         if ($mailer->send($_mail['mail_to'], $_mail['mail_subject'], $_mail['mail_body'])) {
         } else {
コード例 #4
 public function ajax_mail_test() {
     $email = $this->_get('email', 'trim');
     !$email && $this->ajaxReturn(0);
     $mailer = mailer::get_instance();
     if ($mailer->send($email, L('send_test_email_subject'), L('send_test_email_body'))) {
     } else {
コード例 #5
 public function ajax_mail_test()
     $email = $this->_get('email', 'trim');
     !$email && $this->ajaxReturn(0);
     $mailer = mailer::get_instance();
     if ($mailer->send($email, '这是一封测试邮件', '这是一封飞天侠秒杀程序自动发送的测试邮件')) {
     } else {
コード例 #6
 public function ajax_mail_test()
     $email = $this->_get('email', 'trim');
     !$email && $this->ajaxReturn(0);
     $mailer = mailer::get_instance();
     if ($mailer->send($email, '这是一封测试邮件', '您好,此邮件由杨他他淘宝客皮卷淘宝客程序系统发送,请勿回复,收到此邮件证明你的邮箱已配置正确,技术支持论坛:http://bbs.yangtata.com。感谢对杨他他论坛的支持!')) {
     } else {
コード例 #7
ファイル: contact.php プロジェクト: Swift-Jr/thmdhc
 function send()
     $Message = new mContact();
     if ($Message->validate()) {
         $Customer = new mCustomer();
         $Customer->email = $Message->email;
         if ($Customer->load()) {
             $Message->customer = $Customer->id();
         //Save and send
         $Email = new mailer();
     } else {
         data('send-error', 'The form is not complete');
コード例 #8
ファイル: Mail.php プロジェクト: laiello/zoop
 function html($to, $toName, $from, $fromName, $subject, $body)
     $mail = new mailer();
     if (defined('mail_from')) {
         $mail->From = mail_from;
         $mail->AddReplyTo($from, $fromName);
     } else {
         $mail->From = $from;
     $mail->FromName = $fromName;
     $mail->Subject = $subject;
     $mail->Body = $body;
     switch (gettype($to)) {
         case 'string':
             $mail->AddAddress($to, $toName);
         case 'array':
             foreach ($to as $toKey => $thisTo) {
                 $mail->AddAddress($thisTo, $toName[$toKey]);
             trigger_error('invalid type for address field');
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         trigger_error("Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo);
コード例 #9
ファイル: mailer.server.php プロジェクト: kapai69/fl-ru-damp
function recalcRecipients($post)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    if (trim($post)) {
        require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/mailer.php';
        if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() || get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $post = stripslashes($post);
        $post = iconv('CP1251', 'UTF-8', $post);
        $_post = json_decode($post, true);
        foreach ($_post as $k => $v) {
            if ($v['name'] == 'attachedfiles_session') {
            $result[$v['name']] = iconv('UTF-8', 'CP1251', $v['value']);
        $url = http_build_query($result);
        parse_str($url, $output);
        $mailer = new mailer();
        $filter = $mailer->loadPOST($output);
        $cnt = $mailer->getCountRecipients(array('frl', 'emp'), $filter);
        if ($filter['filter_emp'] > 0 && $filter['filter_frl'] > 0) {
            $sum = array_sum($cnt);
        } elseif ($filter['filter_emp'] > 0) {
            $sum = $cnt[0];
        } elseif ($filter['filter_frl'] > 0) {
            $sum = $cnt[1];
        } else {
            $sum = array_sum($cnt);
        $sum = $mailer->calcSumRecipientsCount($filter, $cnt);
        $text = number_format($sum, 0, ',', ' ') . ' ' . ending($sum, 'человек', 'человека', 'человек');
        $objResponse->assign('all_recipients_count', 'innerHTML', $text);
        $objResponse->assign('emp_recipients_count', 'innerHTML', number_format($cnt[0], 0, ',', ' '));
        $objResponse->assign('frl_recipients_count', 'innerHTML', number_format($cnt[1], 0, ',', ' '));
    return $objResponse;
コード例 #10
ファイル: contact_model.php プロジェクト: kronxblue/1stg
 public function exec($data)
     $response_array = array();
     $name = ucwords($data['name']);
     $email = $data['email'];
     $phone = $data['phone'] != "" ? $data['phone'] : "-";
     $message = $data['message'];
     //        Generate Email BODY
     $html = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . 'email_template/contact');
     $html = htmlspecialchars($html);
     $html = str_replace('[NAME]', $name, $html);
     $html = str_replace('[EMAIL]', $email, $html);
     $html = str_replace('[PHONE]', $phone, $html);
     $html = str_replace('[MESSAGE]', $message, $html);
     $html = html_entity_decode($html);
     $body = $html;
     //        Send Email
     $mailer = new mailer();
     // set mailer to use SMTP
     $mailer->Port = EMAIL_PORT;
     $mailer->Host = EMAIL_HOST;
     // specify main and backup server
     $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
     // turn on SMTP authentication
     $mailer->Username = NOREPLY_EMAIL;
     // SMTP username
     $mailer->Password = NOREPLY_PASS;
     // SMTP password
     $mailer->From = NOREPLY_EMAIL;
     $mailer->FromName = SUPPORT_NAME;
     $mailer->AddReplyTo($email, $name);
     $mailer->Subject = "NEW message from {$email} via 1STG Contact Form.";
     $mailer->Body = $body;
     if (!$mailer->Send()) {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "Technical Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo;
     } else {
         $response_array['r'] = "true";
         $response_array['msg'] = "Your message has been successfully submit.";
     return $response_array;
コード例 #11
  * Form to email a member
  * @author Jason Warner <*****@*****.**>
  * @since RC1
 function execute()
     if (!$this->perms->auth('email_use')) {
         return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_no_perm);
     if (!isset($this->post['submit'])) {
         $this->get['to'] = isset($this->get['to']) ? intval($this->get['to']) : '';
         if ($this->get['to']) {
             $target = $this->db->fetch("SELECT user_name FROM {$this->pre}users WHERE user_id={$this->get['to']}");
             if (!isset($target['user_name']) || $this->get['to'] == USER_GUEST_UID) {
                 return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_no_member);
             $this->get['to'] = $target['user_name'];
         return eval($this->template('EMAIL_MAIN'));
     } else {
         if (empty($this->post['to']) || empty($this->post['message']) || empty($this->post['subject'])) {
             return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_no_fields);
         $target = $this->db->fetch("SELECT user_id, user_email, user_email_form FROM {$this->pre}users WHERE user_name='{$this->post['to']}'");
         if (!$target['user_email_form']) {
             return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_blocked);
         if (!isset($target['user_id']) || $target['user_id'] == USER_GUEST_UID) {
             return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_no_member);
         include './lib/mailer.php';
         $mailer = new mailer($this->sets['admin_incoming'], $this->sets['admin_outgoing'], $this->sets['forum_name'], false);
         $mailer->setSubject("{$this->sets['forum_name']} - {$this->post['subject']}");
         $mailer->setMessage("This mail has been sent by {$this->user['user_name']} via {$this->sets['forum_name']}\n\n" . stripslashes($this->post['message']));
         return $this->message($this->lang->email_email, $this->lang->email_sent);
コード例 #12
 function send_mail()
     if (!isset($this->post['groups'])) {
         $this->post['groups'] = array();
     include '../lib/mailer.php';
     $mailer = new mailer($this->sets['admin_incoming'], $this->sets['admin_outgoing'], $this->sets['forum_name'], false);
     $message = stripslashes($this->post['message']) . "\n";
     $message .= '___________________' . "\n";
     $message .= $this->sets['forum_name'] . "\n";
     $message .= $this->sets['loc_of_board'] . "\n";
     $i = 0;
     $members = $this->db->query("SELECT user_email FROM {$this->pre}users" . $this->group_query($this->post['groups']));
     while ($sub = $this->db->nqfetch($members)) {
     return $this->message('Mass Mail', 'Your message has been sent to ' . $i . ' members.');
コード例 #13
ファイル: class.tickets.php プロジェクト: kellan04/leantime
  * @access public
  * @param id
 public function sendAlert($id)
     $mail = new mailer();
     $user = new users();
     // send alert email !
     $row = $user->getUser($id);
     $emailTo = $row['user'];
     $to[] = $emailTo;
     $subject = "Alert: Hours spent have exceeded planned hours";
     $text = "Hello " . $emailTo . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tThis is a friendly reminder that you have surpassed\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tthe estimated hours for this project. While we \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tunderstand it is impossible to meet every deadline\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\twe encourage you to be as diligent as possible with\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tyour workload.";
コード例 #14
         $sql_data_array['entry_zone_id'] = '0';
         $sql_data_array['entry_state'] = $state;
 if ($_POST['action'] == 'update') {
     $check_query = xos_db_query("select address_book_id from " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " where address_book_id = '" . (int) $_GET['edit'] . "' and customers_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "' limit 1");
     if (xos_db_num_rows($check_query) == 1) {
         xos_db_perform(TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK, $sql_data_array, 'update', "address_book_id = '" . (int) $_GET['edit'] . "' and customers_id ='" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'");
         if (ACCOUNT_COMPANY == 'true' && xos_not_null($company_tax_id)) {
             $sql_data_array2['customers_group_ra'] = '1';
             xos_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, $sql_data_array2, 'update', "customers_id ='" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'");
             if (SEND_EMAILS == 'true') {
                 // if you would *not* like to have an email when a tax id number has been entered in
                 // the appropriate field, comment out this section. The alert in admin is raised anyway
                 $alert_email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_TAX_ID_ADDED, $firstname, $lastname, $company);
                 $email_to_store_owner = new mailer(STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SUBJECT_TAX_ID_ADDED, '', $alert_email_text, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
                 if (!$email_to_store_owner->send()) {
                     $messageStack->add_session('header', sprintf(ERROR_PHPMAILER, $email_to_store_owner->ErrorInfo));
         // reregister session variables
         if (isset($_POST['primary']) && $_POST['primary'] == 'on' || $_GET['edit'] == $_SESSION['customer_default_address_id']) {
             if (ACCOUNT_GENDER == 'true') {
                 $_SESSION['customer_gender'] = $gender;
             $_SESSION['customer_first_name'] = $firstname;
             $_SESSION['customer_lastname'] = $lastname;
             $_SESSION['customer_country_id'] = $country;
             $_SESSION['customer_zone_id'] = $zone_id > 0 ? (int) $zone_id : '0';
             $_SESSION['customer_default_address_id'] = (int) $_GET['edit'];
コード例 #15
ファイル: minutly.php プロジェクト: Nikitian/fl-ru-damp

require_once "classes/config.php";
require_once "classes/payed.php";
require_once "classes/pay_place.php";
require_once "classes/commune.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/professions.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/user_content.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/wallet/walletAlpha.php';
require_once "classes/log.php";
//#0027582  аждую минуту обрабатывать запросы на размешение в карусели
//  аждые пол часа обновл¤ем статус рассылок
if (date('i') == 30) {
    require_once "classes/mailer.php";
    $mailer = new mailer();
// ночные нестыковки во времени при переходе в следующий день #0021788
if (!in_array((int) date('Hi'), array(2358, 2359))) {
//@todo: непон¤тно дл¤ чего?
//если юзер провисел 10 сек с момента публикации
//то помечаем его как просмотренный хот¤ его мог никто и неувидеть!
$pp = new pay_place();
$user_content = new user_content();
コード例 #16
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: kronius/vidpro
 function before_parse()
     if (empty($this->params['short'])) {
         // вызвано не возле короткой формы логина, а в теле страницы
         // процедура изменения пароля
         if (!empty($_GET['k']) && isset($_POST['newpass']) && isset($_POST['accpass'])) {
             $sql = 'sql:user?u_passre=\'' . $_GET['k'] . '\' $shrink=yes auto_query=no';
             $res = $GLOBALS[CM]->run($sql);
             if ($res) {
                 if (empty($_POST['newpass']) || $_POST['newpass'] != $_POST['accpass']) {
                     $this->pg = str_replace('<!--err:changepass-->', 'Пароли не совпадают', $this->pg);
                     return false;
                     // пусто или не совпадает
                 } else {
                     $GLOBALS[CM]->run($sql, 'update', array('u_passre' => '', 'u_pwd' => $_POST['newpass']));
                     $this->pg = $this->tpl['changed'];
                     return true;
                     // пароль изменен
     } else {
         // вызвано возле формы логина кнопкой "напомнить"
         if (empty($_POST['passremail'])) {
             $this->pg = str_replace('<!--err:passremail-->', '', $this->pg);
             // если его не зачищать, то ява-скрипт отобразит блок, чтобы показать результат
         } else {
             // проверить наличие данного емыла в базе
             $sql = 'sql:user?u_email=\'' . $_POST['passremail'] . '\' $shrink=yes auto_query=no';
             $res = $GLOBALS[CM]->run($sql);
             if (!$res) {
                 $this->pg = str_replace('<!--err:passremail-->', 'Пользователь с таким e-mail не найден.', $this->pg);
                 return false;
                 // емыл не найден
             } elseif (!empty($res['u_lock']) && $res['u_lock'] != '') {
                 $this->pg = str_replace('<!--err:passremail-->', 'Пользователь заблокирован', $this->pg);
                 return false;
                 // акк заблокирован
             // создать секретный код для беспарольного входа и отправить его на емыл юзера
             if (empty($res['u_passre'])) {
                 $res['u_passre'] = substr(uniqid(mt_rand()), 0, 24);
                 $GLOBALS[CM]->run($sql, 'update', array('u_passre' => $res['u_passre']));
             $ml = new mailer(array('tpl' => $this->params['email_tpl']));
             $ml->send($res, $res['u_email']);
             $this->pg = str_replace('<!--err:passremail-->', 'Письмо отправлено', $this->pg);
             return true;
             // пароль отправлен
     $tmp = new iControl(array('pg' => $this->pg));
     $this->pg = $tmp->pg;
コード例 #17
ファイル: feedback.php プロジェクト: innova-market/JobExpert
 if (validate::postDataNotEmpty()) {
     $_POST['subject'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, CONF_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
     !validate::validateEmail($_POST['email']) ? $arrErrors[] = ERROR_EMAIL : null;
     strlen($_POST['subject']) < 5 ? $arrErrors[] = ERROR_SUBJECT_SHORT : null;
     strlen($_POST['message']) < 10 ? $arrErrors[] = ERROR_MESSAGE_SHORT : null;
     if (SECURE_CAPTCHA) {
         $securimage = new securimage();
         !$securimage->check($_POST['keystring']) ? $arrErrors[] = ERROR_CAPTCHA : null;
 } else {
     $arrErrors[] = ERROR_EMPTY_FIELDS;
 if (!$arrErrors) {
     $mailer = new mailer();
     // массив для замены в шаблоне
     CONF_MAIL_FORMAT_HTML ? $message = nl2br($_POST['message']) : ($message =& $_POST['message']);
     $mailer->setAddReplace(array('%FEEDBACK%' => &$message));
     // проверяем, если есть дополнительный словарь тем, то используем его
     $toAddress = isset($arrAddDict['FeedbackSubject']) && ($address = array_search($_POST['subject'], $arrAddDict['FeedbackSubject']['values'])) ? $address : CONF_MAIL_ADMIN_EMAIL;
     // пытамеся отправить сообщение
     if (!$mailer->sendEmail($_POST['email'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['email'], $toAddress, $toAddress, $_POST['subject'], 'feedback.txt')) {
         $arrErrors[] = ERROR_SEND_EMAIL;
     } else {
         messages::messageChangeSaved(MESSAGE_WAS_SEND, false, chpu::createChpuUrl(CONF_SCRIPT_URL . 'index.php?ut=' . $_SESSION['sd_user'][DB_PREFIX . 'conf']['user_type'] . '&amp;do=feedback'));
 $return_data['subject'] = !empty($_POST['subject']) ? $_POST['subject'] : '';
 $return_data['email'] = !empty($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
 $return_data['message'] = !empty($_POST['message']) ? $_POST['message'] : '';
コード例 #18
ファイル: orders.php プロジェクト: bamper/xos_shop_system
             $smarty_order = new Smarty();
             $smarty_order->template_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/templates/';
             $smarty_order->compile_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/templates_c/';
             $smarty_order->config_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/';
             $smarty_order->cache_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/cache/';
             $smarty_order->left_delimiter = '[@{';
             $smarty_order->right_delimiter = '}@]';
             if (isset($_POST['notify_comments']) && $_POST['notify_comments'] == 'on') {
                 $smarty_order->assign('order_comments', $comments);
             $smarty_order->assign(array('html_params' => HTML_PARAMS, 'xhtml_lang' => $languages['code'], 'charset' => CHARSET, 'store_name_address' => STORE_NAME_ADDRESS, 'store_name' => STORE_NAME, 'src_embedded_shop_logo' => 'cid:shop_logo', 'src_shop_logo' => HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . (is_file(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . 'email_shop_logo/' . EMAIL_SHOP_LOGO) ? 'email_shop_logo/' : 'catalog/templates/' . DEFAULT_TPL . '/') . EMAIL_SHOP_LOGO, 'date_ordered' => xos_order_status_email_date_long($check_status['date_purchased']), 'order_id' => $oID, 'order_status' => $order_status['orders_status_name'], 'link_invoice' => xos_catalog_href_link(FILENAME_CATALOG_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $oID, 'SSL')));
             $smarty_order->configLoad('languages/' . $check_status['language_directory'] . '_email.conf', 'order_status_email_html');
             $output_order_status_email_html = $smarty_order->fetch(DEFAULT_TPL . '/includes/email/order_status_email_html.tpl');
             $smarty_order->configLoad('languages/' . $check_status['language_directory'] . '_email.conf', 'order_status_email_text');
             $output_order_status_email_text = $smarty_order->fetch(DEFAULT_TPL . '/includes/email/order_status_email_text.tpl');
             $email_to_customer = new mailer($check_status['customers_name'], $check_status['customers_email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $output_order_status_email_html, $output_order_status_email_text, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SHOP_LOGO);
             if (!$email_to_customer->send()) {
                 $messageStack->add_session('header', sprintf(ERROR_PHPMAILER, $email_to_customer->ErrorInfo), 'error');
         $customer_notified = '1';
     xos_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) values ('" . (int) $oID . "', '" . xos_db_input($status) . "', now(), '" . xos_db_input($customer_notified) . "', '" . xos_db_input($comments) . "')");
     $order_updated = true;
 if ($order_updated == true) {
     $messageStack->add_session('header', SUCCESS_ORDER_UPDATED, 'success');
 } else {
     $messageStack->add_session('header', WARNING_ORDER_NOT_UPDATED, 'warning');
 xos_redirect(xos_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, xos_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=edit'));
コード例 #19
     if (SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO != '') {
         $send_extra_order_emails_to = SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO;
         $decoded_send_extra_order_emails_to = html_entity_decode($send_extra_order_emails_to, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $recipients = explode(',', $decoded_send_extra_order_emails_to);
         for ($i = 0, $n = count($recipients); $i < $n; $i++) {
             $address = '';
             $name = '';
             $pieces = explode('<', $recipients[$i]);
             if (count($pieces) == 2) {
                 $address = trim($pieces[1], " >");
                 $name = trim($pieces[0]);
             } elseif (count($pieces) == 1) {
                 $pos = stripos($pieces[0], '@');
                 $address = $pos ? trim($pieces[0], " >") : '';
             $email_to_other_people = new mailer($name, $address, sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT_OTHER, $insert_id, xos_date_format(DATE_FORMAT_SHORT)), $output_order_email_html, $output_order_email_text, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SHOP_LOGO);
             if (!$email_to_other_people->send()) {
                 $messageStack->add_session('header', sprintf(ERROR_PHPMAILER, $email_to_other_people->ErrorInfo));
 // load the after_process function from the payment modules
 // unregister session variables used during checkout
コード例 #20
ファイル: tpl.eproject.php プロジェクト: kapai69/fl-ru-damp
echo $message['eproject']['avg_answer'][0];
" />
                    <span class="b-layout__txt">&#160;&mdash;&#160;</span>
                    <div class="b-combo b-combo_inline-block">
                        <div class="b-combo__input b-combo__input_width_135">
                            <input id="c3" class="b-combo__input-text b-combo-digital-input" name="eproject_avg_answer[1]" type="text" size="80" value="<?php 
echo $message['eproject']['avg_answer'][1];
" />
                    <span class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 b-layout__txt_inline-block b-layout__txt_padtop_5" <?php 
echo mailer::checkEmptyRange($message, 'eproject', 'avg_answer') ? "style='display:none'" : '';
>&#160;&#160;любое количество</span>
        <table class="b-layout__table b-layout__table_width_full" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
            <tr class="b-layout__tr">
                <td class="b-layout__left b-layout__left_width_120">
                    <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_lineheight_13">Расчитаны на<br />исполнителей</div>
                <td class="b-layout__right">
                    <div class="b-check b-check_padbot_5">
                        <input id="eproject_executor0" class="b-check__input" name="eproject_executor[0]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
echo $message['eproject']['executor'][0] == 1 ? 'checked' : '';
コード例 #21
ファイル: mynetwork_model.php プロジェクト: kronxblue/1stg
 public function addagent_exec($data)
     $response_array = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == "") {
             $data[$key] = NULL;
     $agent = new user();
     $data['fullname'] = strtoupper($data['fullname']);
     $data['agent_id'] = $agent->generateID();
     $data['tmp_password'] = strtoupper(hash::create('crc32', uniqid(), HASH_PASSWORD_KEY));
     $data['activate_code'] = $agent->generateActivationCode($data['email']);
     $acc_type = $data['acc_type'];
     switch ($acc_type) {
         case "aa":
             $ads_pin_limit = 1;
             $available_pin = 1;
         case "ad":
             $ads_pin_limit = 15;
             $available_pin = 15;
         case "ed":
             $ads_pin_limit = 20;
             $available_pin = 20;
         case "ep":
             $ads_pin_limit = 40;
             $available_pin = 40;
             $ads_pin_limit = "unlimited";
             $available_pin = 40;
     $data['ads_pin_limit'] = $ads_pin_limit;
     $data['available_pin'] = $available_pin;
     $data['address'] = ucwords($data['address']);
     $data['mobile'] = str_replace("-", "", $data['mobile']);
     $data['mobile'] = str_replace(" ", "", $data['mobile']);
     $data['mobile'] = str_replace("+6", "", $data['mobile']);
     $data['mobile'] = "+6" . $data['mobile'];
     if (!empty($data['phone'])) {
         $data['phone'] = str_replace("-", "", $data['phone']);
         $data['phone'] = str_replace(" ", "", $data['phone']);
         $data['phone'] = str_replace("+6", "", $data['phone']);
         $data['phone'] = "+6" . $data['phone'];
     $checkEmail = $agent->checkEmail($data['email']);
     $checkCEmail = $agent->checkCdata($data['email'], $data['cemail']);
     $checkUsername = $data['chkusername'];
     $validUplineSponsor = FALSE;
     $sponsorId = $data['sponsor_id'];
     $uplineId = $data['lv1'];
     if ($sponsorId != $uplineId) {
         $upline_data = $this->db->select("user_accounts", "lv1,lv2,lv3,lv4,lv5,lv6,lv7,lv8,lv9,lv10", "agent_id = '{$uplineId}'", "fetch");
         foreach ($upline_data as $value) {
             if ($value == $sponsorId) {
                 $validUplineSponsor = TRUE;
     } else {
         $validUplineSponsor = TRUE;
     if ($acc_type == "aa") {
         $ads_pin = "1000000";
     } else {
         $ads_pin = $agent->getRegPin();
     $data['ads_pin'] = $ads_pin;
     if (!$checkCEmail) {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Confirm Email</b> not match!</div>";
     } elseif (!$checkEmail) {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Email</b> already exist!</div>";
     } elseif ($checkUsername == 0) {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "<div>Please <b>Check Username</b> availability!<div>";
     } elseif ($checkUsername == '-1') {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Username</b> not available! Please choose another username.<div>";
     } elseif (!$validUplineSponsor) {
         $response_array['r'] = "false";
         $response_array['msg'] = "<div><b>Sponsor ID: {$sponsorId}</b> not related with <b>Upline ID: {$uplineId}</b>. Please make sure <b>Upline ID</b> is under correct <b>Sponsor ID</b> network.<div>";
     } else {
         $link = BASE_PATH . 'join/verify?a=' . $data['activate_code'] . '&s=' . $data['username'];
         //            Insert into Database
         $this->db->insert("user_accounts", $data);
         //            Generate Email BODY
         $html = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . 'email_template/activation');
         $html = htmlspecialchars($html);
         $html = str_replace('[USERNAME]', ucfirst($data['username']), $html);
         $html = str_replace('[ACTIVATION_CODE]', $link, $html);
         $html = html_entity_decode($html);
         $body = $html;
         //            Send Email
         $mailer = new mailer();
         // set mailer to use SMTP
         $mailer->Port = EMAIL_PORT;
         $mailer->Host = EMAIL_HOST;
         // specify main and backup server
         $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
         // turn on SMTP authentication
         $mailer->Username = NOREPLY_EMAIL;
         // SMTP username
         $mailer->Password = NOREPLY_PASS;
         // SMTP password
         $mailer->From = NOREPLY_EMAIL;
         $mailer->FromName = SUPPORT_NAME;
         $mailer->Subject = "Email verification to " . $data['email'];
         $mailer->Body = $body;
         if (!$mailer->Send()) {
             $response_array['r'] = "false";
             $response_array['msg'] = "Mailer Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo;
         } else {
             $response_array['r'] = "true";
             $response_array['msg'] = BASE_PATH . "mynetwork/addagent_success/" . $data['agent_id'];
     return $response_array;
コード例 #22
ファイル: newsletter.php プロジェクト: bamper/xos_shop_system
 function send($newsletter_id)
     global $messageStack;
     if (SEND_EMAILS != 'true') {
         $messageStack->add('news_email', ERROR_EMAIL_WAS_NOT_SENT, 'error');
         return false;
     $ids = $_GET['customers_chosen'];
     $mail_query = xos_db_query("select s.subscriber_id, s.subscriber_email_address, s.subscriber_identity_code, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_lastname  from " . TABLE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBERS . " s left join " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c on s.customers_id = c.customers_id where s.subscriber_id in (" . $ids . ") order by s.customers_id");
     if (empty($this->language_directory)) {
         $lang_query = xos_db_query("select directory from " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " where code = '" . xos_db_input(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) . "'");
         $lang = xos_db_fetch_array($lang_query);
         $this->language_directory = $lang['directory'];
     //Let's build a message object using the mailer class
     $email_to_subscriber = new mailer();
     $email_from_value = EMAIL_FROM;
     $from = html_entity_decode($email_from_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $address = '';
     $name = '';
     $pieces = explode('<', $from);
     if (count($pieces) == 2) {
         $address = trim($pieces[1], " >");
         $name = trim($pieces[0]);
     } elseif (count($pieces) == 1) {
         $pos = stripos($pieces[0], '@');
         $address = $pos ? trim($pieces[0], " >") : '';
     $email_to_subscriber->From = $address;
     $email_to_subscriber->FromName = $name;
     $email_to_subscriber->WordWrap = '100';
     $email_to_subscriber->Subject = $this->title;
     $smarty_newsletter = new Smarty();
     $smarty_newsletter->template_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/templates/';
     $smarty_newsletter->compile_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/templates_c/';
     $smarty_newsletter->config_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/';
     $smarty_newsletter->cache_dir = DIR_FS_SMARTY . 'catalog/cache/';
     $smarty_newsletter->left_delimiter = '[@{';
     $smarty_newsletter->right_delimiter = '}@]';
     $is_html = false;
     if ($this->content_text_htlm != '' && EMAIL_USE_HTML == 'true') {
         $is_html = true;
         $smarty_newsletter->assign(array('nl' => "\n", 'html_params' => HTML_PARAMS, 'xhtml_lang' => !empty($this->language_code) ? $this->language_code : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'charset' => CHARSET, 'base_href' => substr(HTTP_SERVER, -1) == '/' ? HTTP_SERVER : '', 'content_text_htlm' => $this->content_text_htlm, 'content_text_plain' => $this->content_text_plain));
         $smarty_newsletter->configLoad('languages/' . $this->language_directory . '_email.conf', 'newsletter_email_html');
         $output_newsletter_email_html = $smarty_newsletter->fetch(DEFAULT_TPL . '/includes/email/newsletter_email_html.tpl');
         $smarty_newsletter->configLoad('languages/' . $this->language_directory . '_email.conf', 'newsletter_email_text');
         $output_newsletter_email_text = $smarty_newsletter->fetch(DEFAULT_TPL . '/includes/email/newsletter_email_text.tpl');
     } else {
         $smarty_newsletter->assign(array('nl' => "\n", 'content_text_plain' => $this->content_text_plain));
         $smarty_newsletter->configLoad('languages/' . $this->language_directory . '_email.conf', 'newsletter_email_text');
         $output_newsletter_email_text = $smarty_newsletter->fetch(DEFAULT_TPL . '/includes/email/newsletter_email_text.tpl');
     while ($mail = xos_db_fetch_array($mail_query)) {
         $link_unsubscribe = xos_catalog_href_link('newsletter_subscribe.php', 'action=unsubscribe&amp;identity_code=' . $mail['subscriber_identity_code'], 'SSL');
         if ($is_html) {
             $email_to_subscriber->Body = $output_newsletter_email_html . '<a href="' . $link_unsubscribe . '"  target="_blank">' . $link_unsubscribe . '</a>' . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n" . '</body>' . "\n" . '</html>' . "\n";
             $email_to_subscriber->AltBody = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($output_newsletter_email_text . $link_unsubscribe), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         } else {
             $email_to_subscriber->Body = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($output_newsletter_email_text . $link_unsubscribe), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $email_to_subscriber->addAddress($mail['subscriber_email_address'], $mail['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail['customers_lastname']);
         if (!$email_to_subscriber->send()) {
             $messageStack->add('news_email', sprintf(ERROR_PHP_MAILER, $email_to_subscriber->ErrorInfo, '&lt;' . $mail['subscriber_email_address'] . '&gt;'), 'error');
         } else {
             $messageStack->add('news_email', sprintf(NOTICE_EMAIL_SENT_TO, '&lt;' . $mail['subscriber_email_address'] . '&gt;'), 'success');
     $newsletter_id = xos_db_prepare_input($newsletter_id);
     xos_db_query("update " . TABLE_NEWSLETTERS . " set date_sent = now(), status = '1', locked = '0' where newsletters_id = '" . xos_db_input($newsletter_id) . "'");
コード例 #23
ファイル: mailer.php プロジェクト: nylonthanh/email_service
        } else {
            $status = array('status' => 405, 'result' => "Wrong HTTP method(" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ")");
    //mailgun call requires cleaned email_data
    protected function call_mailgun($email_data)
        $email_service = null;
        $s = null;
        require_once '../sources/mailgun.php';
        $email_service = new mailgun($email_data);
        $s = $email_service->send();
        return $s;
    //mandrill call requires cleaned email_data
    protected function call_mandrill($email_data)
        $email_service = null;
        $s = null;
        require_once '../sources/mandrill.php';
        $email_service = new mandrill($email_data);
        $s = $email_service->send();
        return $s;
$postData = filter_var($_POST, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$sendMail = new mailer($postData);
return @$sendMail->send();
コード例 #24
ファイル: OrderAction.class.php プロジェクト: weixiang/wxshop
 public function pay()
     if (IS_POST && count($_SESSION['cart']) > 0) {
         $_SESSION['end'] = 0;
         // 导入分页类
         $cart = new Cart();
         $user_address = M('user_address');
         $item_order = M('item_order');
         $order_detail = M('order_detail');
         $item_goods = M('item');
         $dingdanhao = date("Y-m-dH-i-s");
         $dingdanhao = str_replace("-", "", $dingdanhao);
         $dingdanhao .= rand(1000, 2000);
         $time = time();
         $address_options = $this->_post('address_options', 'intval');
         //地址  0:刚填的地址 大于0历史的地址
         $shipping_id = $this->_post('shipping_id', 'intval');
         $postscript = $this->_post('postscript', 'trim');
         if (!empty($postscript)) {
             $data['note'] = $postscript;
         if (empty($shipping_id)) {
             $data['freetype'] = 0;
             $data['order_sumPrice'] = $cart->getPrice();
         } else {
             $data['freetype'] = $shipping_id;
             $data['freeprice'] = $this->getFree($shipping_id);
             $data['order_sumPrice'] = $cart->getPrice() + $this->getFree($shipping_id);
             //echo $cart->getPrice()+$this->getFree($shipping_id);exit;
         $data['orderId'] = $dingdanhao;
         $data['add_time'] = $time;
         $data['goods_sumPrice'] = $cart->getPrice();
         $data['color'] = $cart->getColor();
         $data['userId'] = '123';
         $data['userName'] = '******';
         if ($address_options == 0) {
             $consignee = $this->_post('consignee', 'trim');
             $sheng = $this->_post('sheng', 'trim');
             $shi = $this->_post('shi', 'trim');
             $qu = $this->_post('qu', 'trim');
             $address = $this->_post('address', 'trim');
             $phone_mob = $this->_post('phone_mob', 'trim');
             $save_address = $this->_post('save_address', 'trim');
             $data['address_name'] = $consignee;
             $data['mobile'] = $phone_mob;
             $data['address'] = $sheng . $shi . $qu . $address;
             if ($save_address) {
                 $add_address['uid'] = $this->visitor->info['id'];
                 $add_address['consignee'] = $consignee;
                 $add_address['address'] = $address;
                 $add_address['mobile'] = $phone_mob;
                 $add_address['sheng'] = $sheng;
                 $add_address['shi'] = $shi;
                 $add_address['qu'] = $qu;
         } else {
             $userId = $this->visitor->info['id'];
             $address = $user_address->where("uid='{$userId}'")->find($address_options);
             $data['address_name'] = $address['consignee'];
             $data['mobile'] = $address['mobile'];
             $data['address'] = $address['sheng'] . $address['shi'] . $address['qu'] . $address['address'];
         if ($orderid = $item_order->data($data)->add()) {
             $orders['orderId'] = $dingdanhao;
             foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $item) {
                 $item_goods->where('id=' . $item['id'])->setDec('goods_stock', $item['num']);
                 $orders['itemId'] = $item['id'];
                 $orders['title'] = $item['name'];
                 $orders['img'] = $item['img'];
                 $orders['price'] = $item['price'];
                 $orders['quantity'] = $item['num'];
                 $orders['color'] = $item['color'];
             $payment_id = $_POST['payment_id'];
             $item_order = M('item_order')->where(" orderId='{$dingdanhao}'")->find();
             !$item_order && $this->_404();
             $title = '新订单' . $data['goods_sumPrice'] . '元';
             $content = '您收到订单' . $dingdanhao . ',商品' . $orders['quantity'] . '件,总价格' . $data['goods_sumPrice'] . '元。购买者姓名:' . $consignee . '。收货人地址:' . $data['address'];
             $tips_data = M('setting')->where(" name='tips'")->find();
             $emails = unserialize($tips_data['data']);
             if ($payment_id == 2) {
                 $data['status'] = 2;
                 $data['supportmetho'] = 2;
                 $data['support_time'] = time();
                 if (M('item_order')->where("orderId='{$dingdanhao}'")->data($data)->save()) {
                     $_SESSION['end'] = 1;
                     if ($emails && !empty($emails)) {
                         $mailer = mailer::get_instance();
                         $mailer->send($emails, $title, $content);
                 } else {
             } elseif ($payment_id == 1) {
                 $data['supportmetho'] = 1;
                 $userId = $this->visitor->info['id'];
                 if (M('item_order')->where("and orderId='{$dingdanhao}'")->data($data)->save()) {
                     $alipay = M('alipay')->find();
                     echo "<script>location.href='api/wapalipay/alipayapi.php?WIDseller_email=" . $alipay['alipayname'] . "&WIDout_trade_no=" . $dingdanhao . "&WIDsubject=" . $dingdanhao . "&WIDtotal_fee=" . $item_order['order_sumPrice'] . "'</script>";
                 } else {
             } else {
             $this->assign('orderid', $orderid);
             $this->assign('dingdanhao', $dingdanhao);
             $this->assign('order_sumPrice', $data['order_sumPrice']);
         } else {
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['orderId'])) {
             $item_order = M('item_order');
             $orderId = $_GET['orderId'];
             $userId = $this->visitor->info['id'];
             $orders = $item_order->where("userId='{$userId}' and orderId='{$orderId}'")->find();
             if (!is_array($orders)) {
             if (empty($orders['supportmetho'])) {
                 $this->assign('orderid', $orders['id']);
                 $this->assign('dingdanhao', $orders['orderId']);
                 $this->assign('order_sumPrice', $orders['order_sumPrice']);
             } else {
                 $alipay = M('alipay')->find();
                 echo "<script>location.href='api/wapalipay/alipayapi.php?WIDseller_email=" . $alipay['alipayname'] . "&WIDout_trade_no=" . $orderId . "&WIDsubject=" . $orderId . "&WIDtotal_fee=" . $orders['order_sumPrice'] . "'</script>";
         } else {
コード例 #25
ファイル: LenderMailer.php プロジェクト: Junyue/zidisha2
 public function sendAbandonedMail(Lender $lender)
     $this->mailer->send('emails.lender.abandoned', ['to' => $lender->getUser()->getEmail(), 'from' => '*****@*****.**', 'subject' => 'Login to Zidisha']);
コード例 #26

_::define_controller('mail', function () {
    // simple mail, not SMTP!
    $html = 'hello <b>world</b>, go to mi site please <a href="http://google.com">mi site</a>';
    $mail = new mailer('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'testing mailer', $html);
    $result = $mail->send();
    if (!$result) {
}, true);
コード例 #27
  * Функция отправляет пользователю сообщение о том, что его статья удалена
  * @param (array) $arrData - массив данных статьи
  * @return void
 public function sendUserDeletedArticle(&$arrData)
     /** Получаем данные пользователя **/
     $user = new user();
     if ($uData = $user->getUser("id IN (" . secure::escQuoteData($arrData['id']) . ")")) {
         $mailer = new mailer();
         // массив для замены в шаблоне
         $mailer->setAddReplace(array('%ARTICLE_TITLE%' => $arrData['title'], '%COMMENTS%' => CONF_MAIL_FORMAT_HTML ? nl2br($arrData['comments']) : $arrData['comments']));
         // отправляем письмо администратору
         $mailer->sendEmail(CONF_MAIL_ADMIN_EMAIL, CONF_SITE_NAME, false, $uData['email'], $uData['first_name'], MAIL_MODERATE_ARTICLES_DELETED . ': ' . $arrData['title'], 'user.article.deleted.txt');
         // уничтожаем объект
     // уничтожаем объект
コード例 #28
  * Handle content posted by a user.
  * This should be called before you try to list new participations (else, freshly submited content won't be shwown)
  * Valid order is :
  * - $this->handlePost()
  * - list and display validated participations
  * - show participation form ($this->render() )
  * handlePost() does nothing if the participation form has not been submited 
 function handlePost()
     global $thinkedit;
     // if form sent, validate
     if ($this->form->isSent()) {
         $valid_captcha = true;
         if ($this->enable_captcha) {
             require_once ROOT . '/class/captcha.class.php';
             $captcha = new captcha();
             if ($_REQUEST['captcha'] != $captcha->get()) {
                 $valid_captcha = false;
         // first case : invalid content
         if (!$this->content->validate() || !$valid_captcha) {
             $this->form->add('<div class="participation_error">');
         } else {
             // if a captcha was used, reset it in order to have a new one for another message
             if ($this->enable_captcha) {
             $failure = false;
             // save content to db
             if (!$this->content->insert()) {
                 $failure = true;
             // add content to curent node
             if (isset($this->parent_node)) {
                 // add content in the container
                 $new_node = $this->parent_node->add($this->content, 'bottom');
                 if (!$new_node) {
                     $failure = true;
                 // update db
                 if (!$new_node->save())
                 		$failure = true;
                 //echo 'publish : ' . $new_node->get('publish');
                 // publish if needed
                 if ($this->enable_moderation) {
                     //echo 'moderation enabled';
                 } else {
                     //echo 'moderation disabled, publishing directly';
                 //echo 'publish after : ' . $new_node->get('publish');
                 // move to bottom of curent branch if needed
                 if ($this->move_to_bottom)
                 		echo 'publish after move to bottom : ' . $new_node->get('publish');
                 		echo 'publish after rebuild : ' . $new_node->get('publish');
             if ($failure) {
                 $this->form->add('<div class="participation_error">');
             } else {
                 if (isset($this->notification_email)) {
                     require_once ROOT . '/class/mailer.class.php';
                     $mailer = new mailer();
                     // todo : find the first email field type in the record to use it as a sender
                     // $mailer->setFrom($this->notification_email);
                     $mailer->setSubject($this->notification_email_subject . $this->content->getTitle());
                     $message = '';
                     foreach ($this->content->field as $field) {
                         $message .= '<b>' . $field->getTitle();
                         $message .= ' : ' . '</b>';
                         $message .= '<br/>';
                         $message .= $field->get();
                         $message .= '<br/>';
                         $message .= '<br/>';
                     $url = $thinkedit->newUrl();
                     $url->set('node_id', $this->parent_node->getId());
                     $message .= '<a href="' . $url->renderAbsoluteUrl('/edit/structure.php') . '">' . translate('participation_email_admin_link') . '</a>';
                 $this->form->add('<div class="participation_success">');
コード例 #29
  * Функция отправляет жалобу на комментарий
  * @param array $arrComment - массив данных комментария
  * @param array $arrNews - массив данных новости
  * @param string $recipient - адрес получателя
  * @return bool
 public function sendComplaintComment($arrComment, $arrNews, $recipient)
     $mailer = new mailer();
     // проверяем, кому уходит письмо
     if (CONF_MAIL_ADMIN_EMAIL == $recipient) {
         $newsLink = CONF_SCRIPT_URL . CONF_ADMIN_FILE . '?m=manager&s=news&do=filter&id=' . $arrNews['id'] . '&id_user=&author=&title=&sDate=&eDate=&records=';
     } else {
         $newsLink = chpu::createChpuUrl(CONF_SCRIPT_URL . 'index.php?do=news&amp;action=view&amp;id=' . $arrNews['tId']);
     // массив для замены в шаблоне
     $mailer->setAddReplace(array('%NEWS_TITLE%' => $arrNews['title'], '%NEWS_LINK%' => $newsLink, '%COMPLAINT_DATE%' => date(terms::dateFormatFromSmarty(CONF_DATE_FORMAT, CONF_TIME_FORMAT), strtotime(terms::currentDateTime())), '%COMMENT_DATE%' => date(terms::dateFormatFromSmarty(CONF_DATE_FORMAT, CONF_TIME_FORMAT), strtotime($arrComment['datetime'])), '%AUTHOR%' => $arrComment['name'], '%COMMENT_TEXT%' => CONF_MAIL_FORMAT_HTML ? nl2br($arrComment['text']) : $arrComment['text']));
     // отправляем письмо администратору
     return $mailer->sendEmail(CONF_MAIL_ADMIN_EMAIL, CONF_SITE_NAME, false, $recipient, false, MAIL_SUBJ_NEWS_COMMENTS_COMPLAINT, 'news.comments.complaint.txt');
コード例 #30
ファイル: contatti.php プロジェクト: gambric/ceramichesofia
					<td>' . $fields['email']->val . '</td>
					<td>Recapito telefonico:</td>
					<td>' . $fields['telefono']->val . '</td>
					<td>' . nl2br(utf8_decode($fields['msg']->val)) . '</td>
		<h4 style="border-top:2px dashed #CCC">ATTENZIONE! Non rispondere a questa email. Copiare l\'indirizzo lasciato dal cliente nel messaggio</h4>';
    $mailer = new mailer(HOST, PORT, USER, PASS, NAME);
    // 		$mailer->inviaMail('*****@*****.**',"Richiesta da contatti (".strtoupper($_SESSION['lang']['label']).")",$msg);
    $mailer->inviaMail('*****@*****.**', "Richiesta da contatti (" . strtoupper($_SESSION['lang']['label']) . ")", $msg);
    $_SESSION['err_mail'] = 0;
    header("Location: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
include TPL_HEADER;
    <section class="pageContent">
include_once TPL_TITLE;