コード例 #1
 public function setup()
     unset($this['type'], $this['filesize'], $this['created_at'], $this['updated_at']);
     $this->widgetSchema['folder_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
     $this->validatorSchema['folder_id'] = new sfValidatorInteger();
     $this->widgetSchema['filename'] = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
     $this->validatorSchema['filename'] = new lyMediaValidatorFile(array('required' => 'true', 'path' => lyMediaTools::getBasePath() . $this->getOption('folder')->getRelativePath(), 'mime_types' => lyMediaTools::getAllowedMimeTypes(), 'allowed_extensions' => lyMediaTools::getAllowedExtensions()));
     $this->widgetSchema['filename']->setLabel('Upload file');
コード例 #2
  * Checks if asset file and thumbnails exist in filesystem.
  * @param string $folder asset folder (relative path)
  * @param string $file asset filename
  * @param boolean $check_thumbs check existence/non-existence of thumbnail files
  * @param boolean $exist true=must exist, false=must not exist
  * @return lyMediaTestFunctional current lyMediaTestFunctional instance
 protected function checkFile($folder, $file, $check_thumbs = true, $exist = true)
     $file_path = lyMediaTools::getBasePath() . $folder . $file;
     $this->test()->is(is_file($file_path), $exist, 'File ' . $folder . $file . ($exist ? ' has ' : ' has not ') . 'been found');
     if ($check_thumbs) {
         foreach (lyMediaTools::getThumbnailSettings() as $key => $params) {
             $file_path = lyMediaTools::getThumbnailPath($folder, $file, $key, false);
             $this->test()->is(is_file($file_path), $exist, 'Thumbnail ' . $key . '_' . $file . ($exist ? ' has ' : ' has not ') . 'been found');
     return $this;