public static function updateSonos() { log::remove('sonos_update'); $cmd = 'sudo /bin/bash ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/'; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('sonos_update') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); }
public static function runDeamon() { if (!file_exists('/opt/homebridge/config.json')) { $response = array(); $platform = array(); $response['description'] = "Configuration Jeedom"; $platform['platform'] = "Jeedom"; $platform['name'] = "Jeedom"; $platform['jeedom_ip'] = ""; $platform['jeedom_port'] = config::byKey('internalPort'); $platform['jeedom_url'] = config::byKey('internalComplement'); $platform['jeedom_api_key'] = config::byKey('api'); $response['platforms'] = array(); $response['platforms'][] = $platform; $response['accessories'] = array(); $fp = fopen('/opt/homebridge/config.json', 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode($response)); fclose($fp); } log::add('homebridge', 'info', 'Lancement du démon homebridge'); $cmd = 'nice -n 19 /usr/bin/nodejs /opt/homebridge/app.js'; log::add('homebridge', 'info', 'Lancement démon homebridge : ' . $cmd); $result = exec('nohup ' . $cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('homebridge') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { sleep(10); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { log::add('homebridge', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon homebridge', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } } message::removeAll('homebridge', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('homebridge', 'info', 'Démon homebridge lancé'); }
public static function runDeamon() { log::add('rfxcom', 'info', 'Lancement du démon RFXcom'); $port = config::byKey('port', 'rfxcom'); if (!file_exists($port)) { config::save('port', '', 'rfxcom'); throw new Exception('Le port : ' . $port . ' n\'éxiste pas'); } $rfxcom_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/rfxcmd'); $trigger = file_get_contents($rfxcom_path . '/trigger_tmpl.xml'); $config = file_get_contents($rfxcom_path . '/config_tmpl.xml'); $pid_file = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../tmp') . '/'; if (file_exists($rfxcom_path . '/trigger.xml')) { unlink($rfxcom_path . '/trigger.xml'); } if (file_exists($rfxcom_path . '/config.xml')) { unlink($rfxcom_path . '/config.xml'); } file_put_contents($rfxcom_path . '/trigger.xml', str_replace('#path#', $rfxcom_path . '/../../core/php/jeeRfxcom.php', $trigger)); $config = str_replace('#log_path#', log::getPathToLog('rfxcmd'), str_replace('#trigger_path#', $rfxcom_path . '/trigger.xml', $config)); file_put_contents($rfxcom_path . '/config.xml', $config); chmod($rfxcom_path . '/trigger.xml', 0777); chmod($rfxcom_path . '/config.xml', 0777); $cmd = '/usr/bin/python ' . $rfxcom_path . '/ -z -d ' . $port; $cmd .= ' -o ' . $rfxcom_path . '/config.xml --pidfile=' . $pid_file; log::add('rfxcmd', 'info', 'Lancement démon rfxcmd : ' . $cmd); $result = exec('nohup ' . $cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('rfxcmd') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('rfxcom', 'error', $result); return false; } if (!self::deamonRunning()) { sleep(10); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { log::add('rfxcom', 'info', 'Impossible de lancer le démon RFXcom'); return false; } } log::add('rfxcom', 'info', 'Démon RFXcom lancé'); }
public function launch($_trigger_id, $_value) { $cmd = 'nohup php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/jeeAlarm.php '; $cmd .= ' eqLogic_id=' . $this->getId() . ' trigger_id=' . $_trigger_id . ' value=' . $_value; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('alarm') . ' 2>&1 &'; shell_exec($cmd); return true; }
ajax::success(openzwave::listServerZwave()); } if (init('action') == 'autoDetectModule') { $eqLogic = openzwave::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { throw new Exception(__('Zwave eqLogic non trouvé : ', __FILE__) . init('id')); } foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd() as $cmd) { $cmd->remove(); } $eqLogic->createCommand(true); ajax::success(); } if (init('action') == 'migrateZwave') { $cmd = 'sudo php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/migrate.php'; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('openzwave_migrate') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); ajax::success(); } if (init('action') == 'getAllPossibleConf') { $eqLogic = openzwave::byId(init('id')); if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { ajax::success(); } ajax::success($eqLogic->getConfFilePath(true)); } if (init('action') == 'getConfiguration') { if (init('translation') == 1 && config::byKey('language', 'core', 'fr_FR') != 'fr_FR') { ajax::success(); } $id = init('manufacturer_id') . '.' . init('product_type') . '.' . init('product_id');
public function launch($_force = false, $_trigger = '', $_message = '', $_speedPriority = null) { if (config::byKey('enableScenario') != 1 || $this->getIsActive() != 1) { return false; } if ($_speedPriority === null) { $_speedPriority = $this->getConfiguration('speedPriority', 0); } if ($_speedPriority == 1) { return $this->execute($_trigger, $_message); } else { $cmd = 'php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/jeeScenario.php '; $cmd .= ' scenario_id=' . $this->getId(); $cmd .= ' force=' . $_force; $cmd .= ' trigger=' . escapeshellarg($_trigger); $cmd .= ' message=' . escapeshellarg($_message); $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('scenario_execution') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); } return true; }
public function start_openvpn() { $this->stop_openvpn(); $this->writeConfig(); $log_name = 'openvpn_' . str_replace(' ', '_', $this->getName()); log::remove($log_name); $cmd = 'sudo ' . $this->getCmdLine() . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog($log_name) . ' 2>&1 &'; log::add($log_name, 'info', __('Lancement openvpn : ', __FILE__) . $cmd); shell_exec($cmd); $this->updateState(); }
public static function updateSystem() { if (config::byKey('update::autoSystem') == 1 && jeedom::isCapable('systemUpdate') && jeedom::isCapable('sudo')) { $output = array(); $return_val = -1; log::remove('system_update'); exec('sudo apt-get -y update >> ' . log::getPathToLog('system_update') . ' 2>&1', $output, $return_val); if ($return_val != 0) { log::add('update', 'error', __('Echec de la mise à jour des dépot, veuillez consulter la log system_update', __FILE__)); return; } exec('sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" dist-upgrade >> ' . log::getPathToLog('system_update') . ' 2>&1', $output, $return_val); if ($return_val != 0) { log::add('update', 'error', __('Echec de la mise à jour des paquets, veuillez consulter la log system_update', __FILE__)); return; } exec('sudo apt-get -y autoremove >> ' . log::getPathToLog('system_update') . ' 2>&1', $output, $return_val); if ($return_val != 0) { log::add('update', 'error', __('Echec su nettoyage des paquets, veuillez consulter la log system_update', __FILE__)); return; } exec('sudo service cron restart'); } }
public static function updateSystem() { log::clear('update'); $cmd = 'sudo chown wwww-data:www-data ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../install/;'; $cmd .= 'sudo chmod +x ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../install/;'; $cmd .= 'sudo ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../install/'; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('update') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); }
/** * Launch cron (this method must be only call by jeecron master) * @throws Exception */ public function run($_noErrorReport = false) { $cmd = '/usr/bin/php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../php/jeeCron.php'; $cmd .= ' cron_id=' . $this->getId(); if (!$this->running()) { exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('cron_execution') . ' 2>&1 &'); } else { if (!$_noErrorReport) { $this->halt(); if (!$this->running()) { exec($cmd . ' >> /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } else { throw new Exception(__('Impossible d\'exécuter la tâche car elle est déjà en cours d\'exécution (', __FILE__) . ' : ' . $cmd); } } } }
public static function deamon_start($_debug = false) { self::deamon_stop(); $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['launchable'] != 'ok') { throw new Exception(__('Veuillez vérifier la configuration', __FILE__)); } log::remove('openzwavecmd'); $port = config::byKey('port', 'openzwave'); if ($port != 'auto') { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping($port); } if (config::byKey('jeeNetwork::mode') == 'slave') { $serverId = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::slave::id'); $callback = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::ip') . '/plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php'; $apikey = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::apikey'); } else { $serverId = 0; $callback = network::getNetworkAccess('internal', 'proto:') . '/plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php'; $apikey = config::byKey('api'); } $port_server = config::byKey('port_server', 'openzwave', 8083); $openzwave_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/zwaveserver'; $config_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/openzwave/config'; $data_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../data'; if (!file_exists($data_path)) { exec('mkdir ' . $data_path . ' && chmod 775 -R ' . $data_path . ' && chown -R www-data:www-data ' . $data_path); } $log = $_debug ? 'Debug' : 'Error'; $cmd = '/usr/bin/python ' . $openzwave_path . '/ '; $cmd .= ' --pidfile=/tmp/'; $cmd .= ' --device=' . $port; $cmd .= ' --log=' . $log; $cmd .= ' --port=' . $port_server; $cmd .= ' --config_folder=' . $config_path; $cmd .= ' --data_folder=' . $data_path; $cmd .= ' --callback=' . $callback; $cmd .= ' --apikey=' . $apikey; $cmd .= ' --serverId=' . $serverId; log::add('openzwavecmd', 'info', 'Lancement démon openzwave : ' . $cmd); $result = exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('openzwavecmd') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('openzwavecmd', 'error', $result); return false; } $i = 0; while ($i < 30) { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] == 'ok') { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 30) { log::add('openzwavecmd', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon openzwave, relancer le démon en debug et vérifiez la log', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } message::removeAll('openzwave', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('openzwavecmd', 'info', 'Démon openzwave lancé'); }
public static function runDeamon() { log::add('mySensors', 'info', 'Lancement du démon mySensors'); $modem_serie_addr = config::byKey('usbGateway', 'mySensors'); if ($modem_serie_addr == "serie") { $usbGateway = config::byKey('modem_serie_addr', 'mySensors'); } else { $usbGateway = jeedom::getUsbMapping(config::byKey('usbGateway', 'mySensors')); } if ($modem_serie_addr == "network") { $gateMode = "Network"; $netAd = explode(":", config::byKey('gateway_addr', 'mySensors')); $usbGateway = $netAd[0]; $gatePort = $netAd[1]; } else { $gateMode = "Serial"; $gatePort = ""; } if ($usbGateway == '') { throw new Exception(__('Le port : ', __FILE__) . $port . __(' n\'éxiste pas', __FILE__)); } if (config::byKey('jeeNetwork::mode') == 'slave') { //Je suis l'esclave $url = 'http://' . config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::ip') . '/core/api/jeeApi.php?api=' . config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::apikey'); } else { if (stripos(config::byKey('internalAddr'), 'jeedom') !== FALSE) { //on est pas sur une Mini $jeeurl = ""; } else { $jeeurl = ""; } $url = $jeeurl . '/core/api/jeeApi.php?api=' . config::byKey('api'); } $sensor_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../node'); $cmd = 'nice -n 19 node ' . $sensor_path . '/mysensors.js ' . $url . ' ' . $usbGateway . ' ' . $gateMode . ' ' . $gatePort; log::add('mySensors', 'info', 'Lancement démon mySensors : ' . $cmd); $result = exec('nohup ' . $cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('mySensors') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('mySensors', 'error', $result); return false; } sleep(2); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { sleep(10); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { log::add('mySensors', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon mySensors, vérifiez le port', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } } message::removeAll('mySensors', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('mySensors', 'info', 'Démon mySensors lancé'); }
public static function dns_start() { log::add('dns_jeedom', 'debug', 'Redemarrage du service DNS'); self::dns_stop(); $cmd = '/usr/bin/nodejs ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/localtunnel/bin/client'; $cmd .= ' --host --port 80 --authentification ' . config::byKey('ngrok::token') . ' --subdomain ' . config::byKey('ngrok::addr'); exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('dns_jeedom') . ' 2>&1 &'); return true; }
public static function updateZwayServer($_version = '') { log::remove('zway_update'); if ($_version != '') { $cmd = 'sudo /bin/bash ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/ ' . $_version; } else { $cmd = 'sudo /bin/bash ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/'; } $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('zway_update') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); }
public static function dns_start() { if (config::byKey('ngrok::addr') == '') { return; } network::dns_stop(); $config_file = '/tmp/ngrok_jeedom'; $logfile = log::getPathToLog('ngrok'); $uname = posix_uname(); if (strrpos($uname['machine'], 'arm') !== false) { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-arm'; } else { if ($uname['machine'] == 'x86_64') { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-x64'; } else { $cmd = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/ngrok-x86'; } } exec('chmod +x ' . $cmd); $cmd .= ' -config=' . $config_file . ' start jeedom'; if (!self::dns_run()) { $replace = array('#server_addr#' => '', '#name#' => 'jeedom', '#proto#' => 'https', '#port#' => 80, '#remote_port#' => '', '#token#' => config::byKey('ngrok::token'), '#auth#' => '', '#subdomain#' => 'subdomain : ' . config::byKey('ngrok::addr')); $config = template_replace($replace, file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../script/ngrok/config')); if (file_exists($config_file)) { unlink($config_file); } file_put_contents($config_file, $config); log::remove('ngrok'); log::add('ngork', 'debug', 'Lancement de ngork : ' . $cmd); exec($cmd . ' >> /dev/null 2>&1 &'); } return true; }
public static function updateporkfolio() { log::remove('porkfolio_update'); $clientid = config::byKey('clientid', 'porkfolio', 0); $clientsecret = config::byKey('clientsecret', 'porkfolio', 0); $username = config::byKey('username', 'porkfolio', 0); $password = config::byKey('password', 'porkfolio', 0); $cmd = '/usr/bin/python ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../3rdparty/py-wink-adapt/ ' . $clientid . ' ' . $clientsecret . ' ' . $username . ' ' . $password; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('porkfolio_update') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); }
public function execute(&$_scenario) { if ($this->getType() == 'if') { if ($this->getSubElement('if')->execute($_scenario)) { if ($this->getSubElement('if')->getOptions('allowRepeatCondition', 0) == 1) { if ($this->getSubElement('if')->getOptions('previousState', -1) != 1) { $this->getSubElement('if')->setOptions('previousState', 1); $this->getSubElement('if')->save(); } else { $_scenario->setLog(__('Non exécution des actions pour cause de répétition', __FILE__)); return; } } return $this->getSubElement('then')->execute($_scenario); } if (!is_object($this->getSubElement('else'))) { return; } if ($this->getSubElement('if')->getOptions('allowRepeatCondition', 0) == 1) { if ($this->getSubElement('if')->getOptions('previousState', -1) != 0) { $this->getSubElement('if')->setOptions('previousState', 0); $this->getSubElement('if')->save(); } else { $_scenario->setLog(__('Non exécution des actions pour cause de répétition', __FILE__)); return; } } return $this->getSubElement('else')->execute($_scenario); } else { if ($this->getType() == 'action') { return $this->getSubElement('action')->execute($_scenario); } else { if ($this->getType() == 'code') { return $this->getSubElement('code')->execute($_scenario); } else { if ($this->getType() == 'for') { $for = $this->getSubElement('for'); $limits = $for->getExpression(); $limits = intval(jeedom::evaluateExpression($limits[0]->getExpression())); if (!is_numeric($limits)) { $_scenario->setLog(__('[ERREUR] La condition pour une boucle doit être numérique : ', __FILE__) . $limits); throw new Exception(__('La condition pour une boucle doit être numérique : ', __FILE__) . $limits); } $return = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= $limits; $i++) { $return = $this->getSubElement('do')->execute($_scenario); } return $return; } else { if ($this->getType() == 'in') { $in = $this->getSubElement('in'); $in = $in->getExpression(); $time = ceil(str_replace('.', ',', jeedom::evaluateExpression($in[0]->getExpression()))); if (!is_numeric($time) || $time < 0) { $time = 0; } if ($time == 0) { $cmd = '/usr/bin/php ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/jeeScenario.php '; $cmd .= ' scenario_id=' . $_scenario->getId(); $cmd .= ' scenarioElement_id=' . $this->getId(); $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('scenario_element_execution') . ' 2>&1 &'; exec($cmd); } else { $crons = cron::searchClassAndFunction('scenario', 'doIn', '"scenarioElement_id":' . $this->getId()); if (is_array($crons)) { foreach ($crons as $cron) { if ($cron->getState() != 'run') { $cron->remove(); } } } $cron = new cron(); $cron->setClass('scenario'); $cron->setFunction('doIn'); $cron->setOption(array('scenario_id' => intval($_scenario->getId()), 'scenarioElement_id' => intval($this->getId()), 'second' => date('s'))); $cron->setLastRun(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $cron->setOnce(1); $next = strtotime('+ ' . $time . ' min'); $cron->setSchedule(date('i', $next) . ' ' . date('H', $next) . ' ' . date('d', $next) . ' ' . date('m', $next) . ' * ' . date('Y', $next)); $cron->save(); $_scenario->setLog(__('Tâche : ', __FILE__) . $this->getId() . __(' programmé à : ', __FILE__) . date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $next) . ' (+ ' . $time . ' min)'); } return true; } else { if ($this->getType() == 'at') { $at = $this->getSubElement('at'); $at = $at->getExpression(); $next = jeedom::evaluateExpression($at[0]->getExpression()); if ($next % 100 > 59) { if (strpos($at[0]->getExpression(), '-') !== false) { $next -= 40; } else { $next += 40; } } if (!is_numeric($next) || $next < 0) { $_scenario->setLog(__('Erreur dans bloc (type A) : ', __FILE__) . $this->getId() . __(', heure programmée invalide : ', __FILE__) . $next); } if ($next < date('Gi') + 1) { if (strlen($next) == 3) { $next = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day' . date('Y-m-d'))) . ' 0' . substr($next, 0, 1) . ':' . substr($next, 1, 3); } else { $next = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day' . date('Y-m-d'))) . ' ' . substr($next, 0, 2) . ':' . substr($next, 2, 4); } } else { if (strlen($next) == 3) { $next = date('Y-m-d') . ' 0' . substr($next, 0, 1) . ':' . substr($next, 1, 3); } else { $next = date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . substr($next, 0, 2) . ':' . substr($next, 2, 4); } } $next = strtotime($next); $crons = cron::searchClassAndFunction('scenario', 'doIn', '"scenarioElement_id":' . $this->getId()); if (is_array($crons)) { foreach ($crons as $cron) { if ($cron->getState() != 'run') { $cron->remove(); } } } $cron = new cron(); $cron->setClass('scenario'); $cron->setFunction('doIn'); $cron->setOption(array('scenario_id' => intval($_scenario->getId()), 'scenarioElement_id' => intval($this->getId()), 'second' => 0)); $cron->setLastRun(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $cron->setOnce(1); $cron->setSchedule(date('i', $next) . ' ' . date('H', $next) . ' ' . date('d', $next) . ' ' . date('m', $next) . ' * ' . date('Y', $next)); $cron->save(); $_scenario->setLog(__('Tâche : ', __FILE__) . $this->getId() . __(' programmée à : ', __FILE__) . date('Y-m-d H:i:00', $next)); return true; } } } } } } }
public static function runDeamon($_debug = false) { if (config::byKey('allowStartDeamon', 'openzwave', 1) == 0) { return; } try { self::stop(); self::stopDeamon(); } catch (Exception $e) { } log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Lancement du démon openzwave'); $port = config::byKey('port', 'openzwave'); if ($port != 'auto') { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping($port, true); if (@(!file_exists($port))) { throw new Exception(__('Le port : ', __FILE__) . print_r($port, true) . __(' n\'existe pas', __FILE__)); } exec('sudo chmod 777 ' . $port . ' > /dev/null 2>&1'); } if (config::byKey('jeeNetwork::mode') == 'slave') { $serverId = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::slave::id'); $callback = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::ip') . '/plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php'; $apikey = config::byKey('jeeNetwork::master::apikey'); } else { $serverId = 0; $callback = network::getNetworkAccess('internal', 'proto:') . '/plugins/openzwave/core/php/jeeZwave.php'; $apikey = config::byKey('api'); } $port_server = config::byKey('port_server', 'openzwave', 8083); $openzwave_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/zwaveserver'; $config_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/openzwave/config'; $data_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../data'; if (!file_exists($data_path)) { exec('mkdir ' . $data_path . ' && chmod 775 -R ' . $data_path . ' && chown -R www-data:www-data ' . $data_path); } $log = $_debug ? 'Debug' : 'Error'; $cmd = '/usr/bin/python ' . $openzwave_path . '/ '; $cmd .= ' --pidfile=/tmp/'; $cmd .= ' --device=' . $port; $cmd .= ' --log=' . $log; $cmd .= ' --port=' . $port_server; $cmd .= ' --config_folder=' . $config_path; $cmd .= ' --data_folder=' . $data_path; $cmd .= ' --callback=' . $callback; $cmd .= ' --apikey=' . $apikey; $cmd .= ' --serverId=' . $serverId; log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Lancement démon openzwave : ' . $cmd); $result = exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('openzwave') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('openzwave', 'error', $result); return false; } $i = 0; while ($i < 30) { if (self::deamonRunning()) { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 10) { log::add('openzwave', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon openzwave, vérifiez le port', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } message::removeAll('openzwave', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Démon openzwave lancé'); }
public static function runDeamon($_debug = false) { if (config::byKey('allowStartDeamon', 'openzwave', 1) == 0) { return; } try { self::stopDeamon(); } catch (Exception $e) { } log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Lancement du démon openzwave'); $port = config::byKey('port', 'openzwave'); if ($port != 'auto') { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping($port, true); if (@(!file_exists($port))) { throw new Exception(__('Le port : ', __FILE__) . print_r($port, true) . __(' n\'existe pas', __FILE__)); } exec('sudo chmod 777 ' . $port . ' > /dev/null 2>&1'); } $port_server = config::byKey('port_server', 'openzwave', 8083); $openzwave_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/zwaveserver'); $config_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources/openzwave/config'); $log = $_debug ? 'Debug' : 'Info'; $cmd = '/usr/bin/python ' . $openzwave_path . '/ --pidfile=/tmp/ --device=' . $port . ' --log=' . $log . ' --port=' . $port_server . ' --config=' . $config_path; log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Lancement démon openzwave : ' . $cmd); $result = exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('openzwave') . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('openzwave', 'error', $result); return false; } $i = 0; while ($i < 30) { if (self::deamonRunning()) { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 30) { log::add('openzwave', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon openzwave, vérifiez le port', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } message::removeAll('openzwave', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('openzwave', 'info', 'Démon openzwave lancé'); }
public static function FlashArduino($_AID = '') { $result = 0; log::add('arduidom', 'info', "Téléversement de l'arduino " . $_AID . '...'); self::set_daemon_mode("FLASHING"); self::deamon_stop(); sleep(1); if (!file_exists("/usr/bin/avrdude")) { self::set_daemon_mode("KILLED"); throw new Exception(__("le programme avrdude n'est pas installé ! (installer avec apt-get install avrdude)", __FILE__)); } $daemon_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources'); $model = config::byKey('A' . $_AID . '_model', 'arduidom', 'none'); $port = config::byKey('A' . $_AID . '_port', 'arduidom', 'none'); switch ($model) { case "uno": $cmd_model = "-patmega328p -carduino"; $cmd_speed = "115200"; $cmd_hexfile = "uno"; break; case "duemilanove328": $cmd_model = "-patmega328p -carduino"; $cmd_speed = "57600"; $cmd_hexfile = "duemilanove328"; break; case "nano328": $cmd_model = "-patmega328p -carduino"; $cmd_speed = "57600"; $cmd_hexfile = "nano328"; break; case "mega2560": $cmd_model = "-patmega2560 -cwiring"; $cmd_speed = "115200"; $cmd_hexfile = "mega2560"; break; case "mega1280": $cmd_model = "-patmega1280 -cwiring"; $cmd_speed = "57600"; $cmd_hexfile = "mega1280"; break; default: self::set_daemon_mode("KILLED"); throw new Exception(__("Modele Arduino " . $model . " n'est pas supporté par la fonction !", __FILE__)); break; } $logfile = "/tmp/avrdude.log"; if (file_exists($logfile)) { unlink($logfile); } $cmd = 'sudo /usr/bin/avrdude -C/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -l ' . $logfile . ' ' . $cmd_model . ' -P' . $port . ' -b' . $cmd_speed . ' -D -Uflash:w:' . $daemon_path . '/' . $cmd_hexfile . '.hex:i'; $cmd .= ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog("arduidom") . ' 2>&1'; log::add('arduidom', 'info', 'Execution du téléversement: ' . $cmd); $result = exec($cmd); sleep(2); log::add('arduidom', 'info', '# Fin du téléversement (' . $result . ')'); self::set_daemon_mode("KILLED"); if (strpos(file_get_contents($logfile), "bytes of flash written") !== false) { if (strpos(file_get_contents($logfile), "bytes of flash verified") !== false) { if (strpos(file_get_contents($logfile), "avrdude done.") !== false) { return "OK"; // do stuff } } } return $result; }