コード例 #1
 * Perform one cron 'tick' of crawl processing
 * Has limits of both how many urls to crawl
 * and a soft time limit on total crawl time.
function local_linkchecker_robot_crawl($verbose = false)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $robot = new \local_linkchecker_robot\robot\crawler();
    $config = $robot::get_config();
    $crawlstart = $config->crawlstart;
    $crawlend = $config->crawlend;
    // Check if valid, otherwise bail quickly.
    // If we need to start a new crawl, push the seed url into the crawl queue.
    if (!$crawlstart || $crawlstart <= $crawlend) {
        $start = time();
        set_config('crawlstart', $start, 'local_linkchecker_robot');
        $robot->mark_for_crawl($CFG->wwwroot . '/', $config->seedurl);
        // Create a new history record.
        $history = new stdClass();
        $history->startcrawl = $start;
        $history->urls = 0;
        $history->links = 0;
        $history->broken = 0;
        $history->oversize = 0;
        $history->cronticks = 0;
        $history->id = $DB->insert_record('linkchecker_history', $history);
    } else {
        $history = $DB->get_record('linkchecker_history', array('startcrawl' => $crawlstart));
    // While we are not exceeding the maxcron time, and the queue is not empty
    // find the next url in the queue and crawl it.
    // If the queue is empty then mark the crawl as ended.
    $cronstart = time();
    $cronstop = $cronstart + $config->maxcrontime;
    $hasmore = true;
    $hastime = true;
    while ($hasmore && $hastime) {
        $hasmore = $robot->process_queue($verbose);
        $hastime = time() < $cronstop;
        set_config('crawltick', time(), 'local_linkchecker_robot');
    if ($hastime) {
        // Time left over, which means the queue is empty!
        // Mark the crawl as ended.
        $history->endcrawl = time();
        set_config('crawlend', time(), 'local_linkchecker_robot');
    $history->urls = $robot->get_processed();
    $history->links = $robot->get_num_links();
    $history->broken = $robot->get_num_broken_urls();
    $history->oversize = $robot->get_num_oversize();
    $DB->update_record('linkchecker_history', $history);