public static function listing_view() { global $conn, $lang, $config; $display = ''; if (isset($_GET['listingID']) && $_GET['listingID'] != "" && is_numeric($_GET['listingID'])) { $sql = 'SELECT listingsdb_id FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE listingsdb_id=' . $_GET['listingID']; $recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } $num = $recordSet->RecordCount(); if ($num != 0) { // first, check to see whether the listing is currently active $show_listing = listing_pages::checkActive($_GET['listingID']); if ($show_listing == "yes") { require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/class/template/'; $page = new page_user(); //Lookup Class $sql2 = "SELECT class_id FROM " . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . "classlistingsdb WHERE listingsdb_id = {$_GET['listingID']}"; $recordSet2 = $conn->SelectLimit($sql2, 1, 0); $num = $recordSet2->RecordCount(); if ($recordSet2 === false) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } $class = $recordSet2->fields['class_id']; if (file_exists($config['template_path'] . '/listing_detail_pclass' . $class . '.html')) { $page->load_page($config['template_path'] . '/listing_detail_pclass' . $class . '.html'); } else { $page->load_page($config['template_path'] . '/' . $config['listing_template']); } $sections = explode(',', $config['template_listing_sections']); foreach ($sections as $section) { $replace = listing_pages::renderTemplateArea($section, $_GET['listingID']); $page->replace_tag($section, $replace); } $page->replace_listing_field_tags($_GET['listingID']); // Check to see if listing owner is an admin only. $is_admin = listing_pages::getListingAgentAdminStatus($_GET['listingID']); if ($is_admin == true && $config["show_listedby_admin"] == 0) { $page->page = $page->remove_template_block('show_listed_by_admin', $page->page); $page->page = $page->cleanup_template_block('!show_listed_by_admin', $page->page); } else { $page->page = $page->cleanup_template_block('show_listed_by_admin', $page->page); $page->page = $page->remove_template_block('!show_listed_by_admin', $page->page); } if ($config['show_next_prev_listing_page'] == 1) { $next_prev = listing_pages::listing_next_prev(); $page->page = str_replace('{next_prev}', $next_prev, $page->page); } else { $page->page = str_replace('{next_prev}', '', $page->page); } require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $goodvtour = vtours::goodvtour($_GET['listingID']); if ($goodvtour == true) { $page->page = $page->cleanup_template_block('vtour_tab', $page->page); } else { $page->page = $page->remove_template_block('vtour_tab', $page->page); } $display .= $page->return_page(); } else { $display .= $lang['this_listing_is_not_active']; } } else { $display .= "<a href=\"index.php\">{$lang['perhaps_you_were_looking_something_else']}</a>"; } } else { $display .= "<a href=\"index.php\">{$lang['perhaps_you_were_looking_something_else']}</a>"; } return $display; }