function onChannelMessage() { if (libString::startsWith("!seen", $this->data['text'])) { return; } $this->saveVar($this->User->id, array('action' => 'PRIVMSG', 'server' => $this->Server->host, 'channel' => $this->Channel->name, 'nick' => $this->User->nick, 'text' => $this->data['text'], 'time' => $this->Bot->time)); }
function onChannelMessage() { $link = libString::getLink($this->info['text']); if (!$link) { return; } if (substr(strtolower($link), 0, 7) == 'http://') { $link = substr($link, 7); } list($host, $get) = explode('/', $link, 2); if ($host == '' || $host == '') { return; } $get = '/' . $get; $res = libHTTP::GET($host, $get); if (!$res) { return; } if (substr($res['header']['Content-Type'], 0, 9) != 'text/html') { return; } $check = preg_match('#<title>(.*?)</title>#i', $res['raw'], $arr); if (!$check || empty($arr[1])) { return; } $title = html_entity_decode($arr[1], null, 'UTF-8'); $title = strtr($title, array("\r" => ' ', "\n" => ' ')); if ($title == '301 Moved') { return; } $this->sendOutput($title . " ( http://" . $link . " )"); }
private function fetchFunctionDescription($func) { $HTTP = new HTTP(''); $html = $HTTP->GET('/' . $this->getConfig('language') . '/' . $func); if ($html === false) { $this->reply('Timeout on contacting ' . $host); return; } if (preg_match('/<span class=\\"refname\\">(.*?)<\\/span> — <span class=\\"dc\\-title\\">(.*?)<\\/span>/si', $html, $match)) { $match[2] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', strip_tags($match[2])); preg_match('/<div class=\\"methodsynopsis dc\\-description\\">(.*?)<\\/div>/si', $html, $descmatch); $decl = isset($descmatch[1]) ? strip_tags($descmatch[1]) : $match[1]; $decl = html_entity_decode(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $decl)); while (strstr($decl, ' ')) { $decl = str_replace(' ', ' ', $decl); } $decl = str_replace($func, "" . $func . "", $decl); $output = $decl . ' - ' . html_entity_decode($match[2]) . ' (' . $func . ' )'; $this->reply(libString::isUTF8($output) ? $output : utf8_encode($output)); } else { // if several possibilities $output = ''; if (preg_match_all('/<a href=\\"\\/manual\\/[a-z]+\\/(?:.*?)\\.php\\">(?:<b>)?(.*?)(?:<\\/b>)?<\\/a><br/i', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { if ($this->redirects++ < 2) { $this->fetchFunctionDescription($matches[0][1]); } else { $this->reply($this->notfoundtext . '' . $this->data['text']); } return; } else { $output = $this->notfoundtext . '' . $func; } $this->reply(libString::isUTF8($output) ? $output : utf8_encode($output)); } }
function isTriggered() { if (isset($this->info['text'])) { $target = $this->info['text']; } else { $target = $this->info['nick']; } $result = libHTTP::GET("", "/profile/" . urlencode($target)); var_dump($result); $result = implode("\n", $result['content']); if (preg_match("#<title>User Not Found</title>#", $result)) { $this->sendOutput($this->CONFIG['notfound_text']); return; } $nick = $target; preg_match("#>Rankk Title</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $title = $arr[1]; preg_match("#>Rankked</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $rank = $arr[1]; preg_match("#>Points</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $points = $arr[1]; preg_match("#>Solved</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $solved = $arr[1]; preg_match("#>Points</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $points = $arr[1]; preg_match("#>Level</td><td>(.*?)</td>#", $result, $arr); $level = $arr[1]; $output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['chall_text'], $nick, $title, $rank, $points, libString::end_s("point", $points), $solved, libString::end_s("challenge", $solved), $nick, $level); $this->sendOutput($output); }
function isTriggered() { clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists("plugins/Electrica/cache") || filemtime("plugins/Electrica/cache") < time() - 60 * 20 && filectime("plugins/Electrica/cache") < time() - 60 * 20) { $this->cacheRanklist(); } if (isset($this->info['text'])) { $target = $this->info['text']; } else { $target = $this->info['nick']; } $tmp = file_get_contents("plugins/Electrica/cache"); $pos = stripos($tmp, '>' . $target . '<'); if ($pos === false) { $this->sendOutput($this->CONFIG['notfound_text']); return; } $tmp1 = substr($tmp, 0, $pos); $rankpos = strrpos($tmp1, '<b>'); preg_match("#^<b>(.*?)</b>#", substr($tmp1, $rankpos, 50), $arr); $rank = $arr[1]; $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos - 100, 200); $target = preg_quote($target); preg_match('#<td align=center>(.*?)</td><td>(' . $target . ')</td><td align=right>(.*?)</td><td.*?>(.*?)</td>#i', $tmp, $arr); $output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['chall_text'], $arr[2], $rank, $arr[3], libString::end_s("challenge", $arr[3]), $arr[4]); $this->sendOutput($output); }
function showStats() { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM slaps"; $res = $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); $count = $res['result'][0]['COUNT(*)']; $output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['status_text'], $count, libString::end_s("way", $count)); $this->sendOutput($output); return; }
function getStats($username, $html) { if (libString::startsWith('::', $html)) { return false; } $tmp = explode(':', $html); $data = array('username' => $username, 'rank' => $tmp[0], 'challs_solved' => $tmp[1], 'challs_total' => $tmp[2], 'users_total' => $tmp[3]); return $data; }
function isTriggered() { if (!isset($this->info['text'])) { $nick = $this->info['nick']; } else { $nick = $this->info['text']; } $domain = $this->CONFIG['domain']; $get = sprintf($this->CONFIG['get'], urlencode($nick)); $result = libHTTP::GET($domain, $get); $result = implode($result['content'], "\n"); if (preg_match("/There is no available information for/", $result)) { $this->sendOutput(sprintf($this->CONFIG['doesnt_exist'], $nick, $this->CONFIG['domain'])); return; } preg_match('#<h3>User information of (VIP )?(.*?)</h3>#', $result, $arr); $nick = $arr[2]; preg_match('#<b>Rank:</b>.*?<font color=".*?">(.*?)</font>#', $result, $arr); $rank = $arr[1]; preg_match('#<b>Donated:</b>.*?<font color=".*?">(.*?)</font>#', $result, $arr); $donated = $arr[1]; if ($donated == "This guy didn't donate anything yet!") { $donated = false; } else { $donated = str_replace(" ", "", $donated); } preg_match('#<b>Number of hacks:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); $solved = $arr[1]; preg_match('#<b>Rankpoints:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); $rankpoints = $arr[1]; preg_match('#<b>Visited:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); $visited = $arr[1]; preg_match('#<b>Time spent overall:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); $timeSpent = $arr[1]; preg_match('#<b>Last online:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); $lastOnline = trim($arr[1]); preg_match('#<b>User\'s current status:</b>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>#', $result, $arr); if ($arr[1] == "offline") { $online = false; } else { $online = true; } $output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['text_status'], $nick, $rank, $solved, libString::end_s("challenge", $solved), $rankpoints); $output .= " "; $output .= sprintf($this->CONFIG['text_visit'], $nick, $this->CONFIG['domain'], $visited, libTime::secondsToString($timeSpent)); if ($donated) { $output .= " "; $output .= sprintf($this->CONFIG['text_donate'], $nick, $donated); } $output .= " "; if ($online) { $output .= sprintf($this->CONFIG['text_online'], $nick, $domain); } else { $output .= sprintf($this->CONFIG['text_lastonline'], $nick, $lastOnline); } $this->sendOutput($output); }
function getStats($username, $html) { if (libString::startsWith('This user doesn\'t exist!', $html)) { return false; } preg_match('/^(.+?) has solved (\\d+) out of (\\d+) challenges.(?: He is at position (\\d+?) out of (\\d+)!)?$/', $html, $arr); $data = array('username' => $arr[1], 'challs_solved' => $arr[2], 'challs_total' => $arr[3], 'rank' => isset($arr[4]) ? $arr[4] : false, 'users_total' => isset($arr[5]) ? $arr[5] : false); if (!$data['rank']) { $this->statsText = '{username} solved {challs_solved} (of {challs_total}) challenges. There is no information available about his/her rank at {url}'; } return $data; }
function getStats($username, $html) { $HTTP = new HTTP(''); $html = $HTTP->GET('/wechallchalls.php?username='******'timeout'; } if (libString::startsWith('The user', $html)) { return false; } preg_match('/^(.+?) solved (\\d+?) of (\\d+?) Challenges with (\\d+?) of (\\d+?) possible points \\(([\\d\\.]+?)%\\). Rank for the site WeChall: (\\d+)$/', $html, $arr); $html = $HTTP->GET('/wechall.php?username=noother'); if ($html === false) { return 'timeout'; } preg_match('/is ranked \\d+? from (\\d+),/', $html, $arr2); $data = array('username' => $arr[1], 'challs_solved' => $arr[2], 'challs_total' => $arr[3], 'points' => $arr[4], 'points_total' => $arr[5], 'points_percent' => $arr[6], 'rank' => $arr[7], 'users_total' => $arr2[1]); return $data; }
private function checkSpam($text) { $links = libString::getUrls($text); foreach ($links as $link) { $parts = parse_url($link); if ($parts['host'] == '' && isset($parts['path']) && !isset($path['query']) && ctype_alnum(substr($parts['path'], 1))) { if ($this->checkSpam(libInternet::tinyURLDecode($link))) { return true; } } else { preg_match('/[^\\.]+\\.[^\\.]+$/', $parts['host'], $arr); $domain = $arr[0]; if (in_array($domain, self::$bannedHosts)) { return true; } } } return false; }
private function printPlayerStats($nick, $global = false) { $serverchannel = $this->Server->id . ':' . $this->Channel->id; if ($global) { $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t`nick`, SUM(`played`) AS `played`, SUM(`started`) AS `started`, SUM(`lost`) AS `lost`, SUM(`clicks`) AS `clicks`\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`roulette`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`nick` = '" . addslashes($nick) . "'\n\t\t\t"; } else { $sql = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t`roulette`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t`serverchannel` ='" . addslashes($serverchannel) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `nick` = '" . addslashes($nick) . "'\n\t\t\t"; } $data = $this->MySQL->fetchRow($sql); if (!$data) { $this->reply($nick . ' has never played roulette.'); return; } $this->reply(sprintf('%s has played %s, won %d and lost %d. %s started %s, pulled the trigger %s and found the chamber empty on %s.', $data['nick'], libString::plural('game', $data['played']), $data['played'] - $data['lost'], $data['lost'], $data['nick'], libString::plural('game', $data['started']), libString::plural('time', $data['clicks'] + $data['lost']), libString::plural('occasion', $data['clicks']))); }
function showPlayerStats($nick, $channel = null) { $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\tnick,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(played) played,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(won) won,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(lost) lost,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(trigger_pulled) trigger_pulled,\n\t\t\t\t\tSUM(clicks) clicks\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\troulette_stats\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tnick='" . addslashes($nick) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (isset($channel) ? " AND channel='" . addslashes($channel) . "'" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\t\tnick"; $res = $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); if ($res['count'] == 0) { $this->sendOutput(sprintf("%s has never played roulette.", $nick)); return; } $stats = $res['result'][0]; $text = "%s has played %s %s, won %s and lost %s. %s pulled the trigger %s %s and found the chamber empty on %s %s."; $this->sendOutput(sprintf($text, $stats['nick'], $stats['played'], libString::end_s("game", $stats['played']), $stats['won'], $stats['lost'], $stats['nick'], $stats['trigger_pulled'], libString::end_s("time", $stats['trigger_pulled']), $stats['clicks'], libString::end_s("ocassion", $stats['clicks']))); }
function onChannelMessage() { $this->init(); $chars = strlen($this->info['text']); $words = sizeof(explode(" ", $this->info['text'])); $smilies = libString::countSmilies($this->info['text']); $sql = "UPDATE stats SET chars = chars+" . $chars . ", words=words+" . $words . ", smilies=smilies+" . $smilies . ", `lines`=`lines`+1 WHERE channel='" . $this->channel . "' AND nick='" . $this->nick . "'"; $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); }
private function getSaveName($session_id) { $name = $this->sessions[$session_id]['game_id'] . ':' . $session_id; $file = libString::normalizeString($name) . '_' . crc32($name) . '.sav'; return $file; }
private function printPlayerStats($nick) { $ranking = $this->getVar('ranking', array()); $stats = false; if (preg_match('/[^0-9]/', $nick)) { foreach ($ranking as $index => $rank) { if ($rank['nick'] == $nick) { $stats = $rank; $stats['rank'] = $index + 1; break; } } if ($stats === false) { $this->reply($nick . ' has never played dice.'); return; } } else { if (isset($ranking[$nick - 1])) { $stats = $ranking[$nick - 1]; $stats['rank'] = $nick; } else { $this->reply("No one is on that rank."); return; } } $text = sprintf("%s has played %s, won %d and lost %d. %s is on rank %d of %d. %s's last game was %s ago.", $stats['nick'], libString::plural('game', $stats['played']), $stats['won'], $stats['played'] - $stats['won'], $stats['nick'], $stats['rank'], sizeof($ranking), $stats['nick'], libTime::secondsToString(time() - $stats['last_played'])); if ($stats['rank'] != 1) { $text .= sprintf(" %s needs to win %s to rankup.", $stats['nick'], libString::plural('more game', $ranking[$stats['rank'] - 2]['won'] - $stats['won'] + 1)); } $this->reply($text); }
public final function onPrivmsg() { $this->onMessage(); $isQuery = $this->data['isQuery']; unset($this->data['isQuery']); if ($isQuery) { $this->onQuery(); } else { $this->onChannelMessage(); } $this->data['isQuery'] = $isQuery; foreach ($this->triggers as $trigger) { $trigger_len = strlen($trigger); if (libString::startsWith($trigger, $this->data['text'])) { if ($trigger_len == strlen($this->data['text'])) { $this->data['trigger'] = $trigger; unset($this->data['text']); $this->isTriggered(); break; } elseif ($this->data['text'][$trigger_len] == ' ') { $this->data['trigger'] = $trigger; $this->data['text'] = substr($this->data['text'], $trigger_len + 1); $this->isTriggered(); break; } } } }
function addWord($word) { $old_word = $word; $word = libString::convertUmlaute($word); $word = libString::capitalize($word); if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z]/", $word)) { $this->sendOutput("Your word must contain only letters."); return; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM hangman WHERE word='" . addslashes($word) . "'"; $res = $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); if ($res['count'] != 0) { $this->sendOutput("This word is already in the database."); return; } $google_results = libInternet::googleResults($old_word); if ($google_results < $this->CONFIG['google_min']) { //$output = sprintf($this->CONFIG['googlemin_text'], // $this->CONFIG['google_min'] // ); $this->sendOutput($this->CONFIG['googlemin_text']); return; } $blacklist = array("add", "del", "stats", "start", "stop"); if (array_search(strtolower($word), $blacklist) !== false) { $this->sendOutput("Stuuuuupiiid!"); return; } $sql = "INSERT INTO\n\t\t\t\t\thangman\n\t\t\t\t\t(word, author, created)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($word) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . addslashes($this->info['nick']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tNOW()\n\t\t\t\t)"; $this->MySQL->sendQuery($sql); $this->sendOutput("Word '" . $word . "' has been added to the database."); return; }
private function getData($irc_msg) { $parsed = $this->parseIRCMessage($irc_msg); if (!$parsed) { return false; } $data['command'] = $parsed['command']; $data['raw'] = $irc_msg; switch ($data['command']) { case '001': // First message sent by an IRC server after successful auth $data['server'] = $parsed['servername']; $data['my_nick'] = $parsed['params'][0]; $data['welcome_message'] = $parsed['params'][1]; $this->Me = new IRC_User($data['my_nick'], $this); $this->users[$this->Me->id] = $this->Me; $this->sendWhois($this->Me->nick); /* $this->NickServ = new IRC_User('NickServ', $this); $this->users[$this->NickServ->id] = $this->NickServ; if(false !== $var = $this->getVar('nickserv_identify_command')) { $this->nickservIdentifyCommand = $var; } else { $this->NickServ->privmsg('ACC '.$this->Me->nick); $this->NickServ->privmsg('STATUS '.$this->Me->nick); } */ break; case '005': // ISUPPORT for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($parsed['params']) - 1; $i++) { $tmp = explode('=', $parsed['params'][$i]); $name = strtoupper($tmp[0]); if (sizeof($tmp) == 2) { $this->supports[$name] = $tmp[1]; } else { $this->supports[$name] = true; } } break; case '311': // WHOIS reply $User = $this->getUser($parsed['params'][1]); $User->user = $parsed['params'][2]; $User->host = $parsed['params'][3]; $User->realname = $parsed['params'][5]; $User->banmask = $User->nick . '!' . $User->user . '@' . $User->host; $data['User'] = $User; break; case '315': // End of WHO list (Channel join complete) $data['Channel'] = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][1]); break; case '324': // Server MODE reply $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][1]); $modes = $parsed['params'][2]; $Channel->modes = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($modes); $i++) { $Channel->modes[$modes[$i]] = true; } break; case '332': // Server "get" TOPIC reply (Also on channel join) $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][1]); $Channel->topic = $parsed['params'][2]; break; case '352': // Server WHO reply $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][1]); $User = $this->getUser($parsed['params'][5]); $User->user = $parsed['params'][2]; $User->host = $parsed['params'][3]; $User->realname = substr($parsed['params'][7], 2); $User->banmask = $User->nick . '!' . $User->user . '@' . $User->host; if (!isset($Channel->users[$User->id])) { $Channel->addUser($User); } $modes = $parsed['params'][6]; $mode = ''; // Get the most significant mode, ignoring * (IRC OP) and the first 'H' char which isn't a mode for ($i = 1; $i < strlen($modes); $i++) { if ($modes[$i] != '*') { $mode = $modes[$i]; break; } } $User->modes[$Channel->id] = $mode; break; case '353': // Server NAMES reply $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][2]); $users = explode(' ', $parsed['params'][3]); foreach ($users as $user) { preg_match('/^([+@%])?(.+)$/', $user, $arr); $mode = $arr[1]; $nick = $arr[2]; $User = $this->getUser($nick); $User->modes[$Channel->id] = $mode; } break; case '366': // Server End of NAMES list $data['Channel'] = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][1]); break; case '433': // Sent on connect if nickname is already in use $data['nick'] = $parsed['params'][1]; break; case 'ERROR': // Sent when the server decides to close our connection $data['text'] = $parsed['params'][0]; if (libString::endsWith('(Excess Flood)', $data['text'])) { $this->onFlood(); $this->connectCooldown['cooldown'] = 20; $this->connectCooldown['last_connect'] = time(); } elseif (libString::endsWith('throttled', $data['text'])) { $this->connectCooldown['cooldown'] = 60; $this->connectCooldown['last_connect'] = time(); } fclose($this->socket); $this->socket = false; break; case 'JOIN': // Sent when the bot or a user joins a channel $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $User->banmask = $parsed['banmask']; $User->user = $parsed['user']; $User->host = $parsed['host']; $User->mode = ''; $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $Channel->addUser($User); if ($User->id != $this->Me->id) { $data['User'] = $User; $data['Channel'] = $Channel; } break; case 'KICK': // Sent when a user gets kicked from a channel $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $Victim = $this->getUser($parsed['params'][1]); $User->mode = $User->modes[$Channel->id]; $Victim->mode = $Victim->modes[$Channel->id]; $kick_message = $parsed['params'][2]; if ($Victim->id == $this->Me->id) { $Channel->remove(); } else { $data['Victim'] = $Victim; $Channel->removeUser($Victim); } $data['User'] = $User; $data['Channel'] = $Channel; $data['kick_message'] = $kick_message; break; case 'MODE': // TODO: Fix this up - It's not really correct if (sizeof($parsed['params']) >= 3) { // Sent if a mode for a user in a channel is changed // TODO: Many modes with 1 command $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $Victim = $this->getUser($parsed['params'][2]); $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $Channel->sendNames(); $data['User'] = $User; $data['Channel'] = $Channel; $data['Victim'] = $Victim; $data['mode'] = $parsed['params'][1]; } else { if (isset($this->channels[$parsed['params'][0]])) { // Sent when the channel modes are changed $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $modes = $parsed['params'][1]; $action = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($modes); $i++) { if ($modes[$i] == '+') { $action = 'add'; } elseif ($modes[$i] == '-') { $action = 'rm'; } else { switch ($action) { case 'add': $Channel->modes[$modes[$i]] = true; break; case 'rm': unset($Channel->modes[$modes[$i]]); break; } } } } else { // TODO: Sent on connect to show us our user modes on the server } } break; case 'NICK': // Sent when a user or the bot changes nick $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); if ($User->id != $this->Me->id) { $data['User'] = $User; } $data['old_nick'] = $User->nick; $User->changeNick($parsed['params'][0]); break; case 'NOTICE': if (isset($parsed['nick'])) { // Sent when a user sends a notice $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $text = $parsed['params'][1]; /* if($User->id == 'nickserv') { // Sent when nickserv sends a notice $tmp = explode(' ', $parsed['params'][1]); if($tmp[0] == $this->Me->nick && $tmp[1] == 'ACC') { $this->nickservIdentifyCommand = 'ACC'; $this->saveVar('nickserv_identify_command', 'ACC'); } elseif($tmp[0] == 'STATUS' && $tmp[1] == $this->Me->nick) { $this->nickservIdentifyCommand = 'STATUS'; $this->saveVar('nickserv_identify_command', 'STATUS'); } $id = false; if($tmp[1] == 'ACC') $id = strtolower($tmp[0]); elseif($tmp[0] == 'STATUS') $id = strtolower($tmp[1]); if($id && isset($this->users[$id])) $this->users[$id]->nickservStatus = $tmp[2]; } */ $data['User'] = $User; $data['text'] = $text; } else { if (isset($parsed['servername'])) { $data['servername'] = $parsed['servername']; } else { $parsed['servername'] = false; } // $data['target'] = $parsed['params'][0]; $data['message'] = $parsed['params'][1]; if ($this->floodCooldown === false && preg_match('/Message to .+? throttled/', $data['message'])) { $this->onFlood(); } } break; case 'PART': // Sent when a user or the bot parts a channel $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $User->mode = $User->modes[$Channel->id]; unset($User->modes[$Channel->id]); if ($User->id == $this->Me->id) { $Channel->remove(); } else { $Channel->removeUser($User); $data['User'] = $User; } $data['Channel'] = $Channel; if (isset($parsed['params'][1])) { $data['part_message'] = $parsed['params'][1]; } break; case 'PING': // Ping message sent from the server to see if we're still alive $data['challenge'] = $parsed['params'][0]; $this->sendPong($data['challenge']); break; case 'PONG': // Message sent by the server after we issued a PING $data['server'] = $parsed['params'][0]; $data['challenge'] = $parsed['params'][1]; $this->waitingForPong = false; break; case 'PRIVMSG': // Sent when a user sends a message to a channel where the bot is in, or to the bot itself if (!isset($this->users[strtolower($parsed['nick'])])) { $this->sendWhois($parsed['nick']); } $data['User'] = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); // TODO: fail with todo at parseIRCMessage $data['text'] = isset($parsed['params'][1]) ? $parsed['params'][1] : ''; if (strtolower($parsed['params'][0]) == $this->Me->id) { $data['isQuery'] = true; $data['User']->mode = ''; } else { $data['isQuery'] = false; $data['Channel'] = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $data['User']->mode = $data['User']->modes[$data['Channel']->id]; } if ($data['text'][0] == "") { $data['text'] = substr($data['text'], 1); if (substr($data['text'], -1) == "") { $data['text'] = substr($data['text'], 0, -1); } $data['command'] = 'vCTCP'; $tmp = explode(' ', $data['text'], 2); $data['ctcp_command'] = strtoupper($tmp[0]); if (isset($tmp[1])) { $data['text'] = $tmp[1]; } else { $data['text'] = ''; } if ($data['ctcp_command'] == 'ACTION') { unset($data['ctcp_command']); $data['command'] = 'vACTION'; } } break; case 'TOPIC': // Sent when a user changes the topic $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $Channel = $this->getChannel($parsed['params'][0]); $Channel->topic = $parsed['params'][1]; $data['User'] = $User; $data['Channel'] = $Channel; $data['topic'] = $parsed['params'][1]; break; case 'QUIT': // Sent when a user quits the server $User = $this->getUser($parsed['nick']); $User->remove(); $data['User'] = $User; // TODO: fail with todo at parseIRCMessage if (isset($parsed['params'][0])) { $data['quit_message'] = $parsed['params'][0]; } else { $data['quit_message'] = ''; } break; } return $data; }
private function getInfo() { $info = array(); if (isset($this->splittedMessage['params'][1])) { $info['text'] = $this->splittedMessage['params'][1]; if (!libString::isUTF8($info['text'])) { $info['text'] = utf8_encode($info['text']); } $info['text'] = trim($info['text']); } if (strtolower($this->splittedMessage['params'][0]) == strtolower($this->nick)) { $info['isQuery'] = true; $info['target'] = $this->splittedMessage['nick']; } else { $info['isQuery'] = false; $info['target'] = $this->splittedMessage['params'][0]; $info['channel'] = $info['target']; } $info['prefix'] = $this->splittedMessage['prefix']; $info['host'] = $this->splittedMessage['host']; $info['nick'] = $this->splittedMessage['nick']; $info['user'] = $this->splittedMessage['user']; $info['nick'] = $this->splittedMessage['nick']; return $info; }
function sendMail($to, $subject, $template, $vars, $attachment = null) { require_once $this->CONFIG['phpmailer_path']; if (!file_exists('mail_templates/' . $template . '_plain.tpl') || !file_exists('mail_templates/' . $template . '_html.tpl')) { return false; } $smarty = $this->spawnSmarty(); $smarty->template_dir = 'mail_templates'; $smarty->compile_dir = 'smarty/templates_c/mail_templates'; $smarty->cache_dir = 'smarty/cache/mail_templates'; if (!is_dir('smarty/templates_c/mail_templates')) { mkdir('smarty/templates_c/mail_templates'); } if (!is_dir('smarty/cache/mail_templates')) { mkdir('smarty/cache/mail_templates'); } $check = false; foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { $smarty->assign($key, $value); if ($key == 'alt_content') { $check = true; } } if (!$check) { $vars['alt_content'] = strip_tags($vars['content']); } $smarty->assign('alt_content', $vars['alt_content']); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'utf-8'; $mail->From = $this->CONFIG['mail_from']; $mail->FromName = $this->CONFIG['mail_from_name']; $mail->AddAddress($to); if (isset($vars['reply-to'])) { list($reply_to) = explode("\n", $vars['reply-to']); $mail->AddReplyTo($reply_to); } if (isset($vars['bcc'])) { if (is_array($vars['bcc'])) { foreach ($vars['bcc'] as $bcc) { $mail->AddBCC($bcc); } } else { list($bcc) = explode("\n", $vars['bcc']); $mail->AddBCC($bcc); } } $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = !libString::isUTF8($subject) ? utf8_encode($subject) : $subject; if (isset($attachment)) { $mail->addAttachment($attachment); } $body = $smarty->fetch($template . '_html.tpl'); $alt_body = $smarty->fetch($template . '_plain.tpl'); $mail->Body = !libString::isUTF8($body) ? utf8_encode($body) : $body; $mail->AltBody = !libString::isUTF8($alt_body) ? utf8_encode($alt_body) : $alt_body; if (!$mail->Send()) { return false; } return true; }
function trySolution($nick, $solution) { $solution = libString::convertUmlaute($solution); if (strtolower($solution) != strtolower($this->solution)) { if ($this->subLife() === "lose") { return; } $this->IRC->sendOutput("Sorry " . $nick . ", that was not the correct solution."); $this->sendGrid(); $this->sendLivesLeft(); return false; } $this->winGame($nick); return true; }