コード例 #1
    public function __construct($URL, $post = array(), $files = array())
        // URL parse
        $urlparts = parse_url($URL);
        if (!isset($urlparts['query'])) {
            $urlparts['query'] = 'show=list';
            # required
        // create URL
        $finalURL = explode('&', $urlparts['query']);
        $URL_parts = array('edit' => 0, 'page' => 1, 'section' => '', 'show' => 'list', 'filter' => array(), 'order' => array());
        // assign some internal vars
        $this->menu = $_SESSION['menu_items'];
        $this->folder = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../';
        $this->POST = $post;
        $this->FILES = $files;
        // get database connection
        $this->DB = new db();
        //mysql for intermediate query generation
        if ($this->mysql_db != false) {
            require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mysql.inc.php';
        // get user object
        $this->USER = new user($this->POST);
        // GET actions - page, show, edit and others
        foreach ($finalURL as $valURL) {
            $u = explode('=', $valURL);
            if (!empty($u[0])) {
                $URL_parts[$u[0]] = $u[1];
                switch ($u[0]) {
                    case 'edit':
                        $this->edit = $u[1];
                    case 'page':
                        $this->page = (int) $u[1];
                    case 'section':
                        $this->section = $u[1];
                    case 'show':
                        if (in_array($u[1], array('list', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'deletefile', 'export'))) {
                            $this->show = $u[1];
                        } else {
                            $this->show = 'list';
                    case 'filter':
                        $this->urlFilter = unserialize(urldecode($u[1]));
                    case 'order':
                        $this->urlOrder = unserialize(urldecode($u[1]));
                    case 'logout':
        $this->USER->section = $this->section;
        // we have to show something
        if (empty($this->show) && !isset($_GET['lang'])) {
            die('Error at line "' . __LINE__ . '" in method "' . __METHOD__ . '"' . (isset($this->section) ? ', section ' . $this->section : '') . '<br />
			No display request - "$this->show" was not set!');
        // reset page and edit if we have insert
        if ($this->show == 'insert') {
            $this->edit = 0;
        // reset page but require update to some ID
        if ($this->show == 'update' || $this->show == 'delete') {
            if (!$this->edit) {
                die('Error at line "' . __LINE__ . '" in method "' . __METHOD__ . '"' . (isset($this->section) ? ', section ' . $this->section : '') . '<br />
				Nothing to ' . $this->show . '! Set the EDIT request.');
        // get URL parts from GET with default values
        $this->URL = $URL_parts;
        // INSERT log if we DON't have a listing OR we have update and POST (something is updated)
        if ($this->show != 'list' && $this->show != 'update' || $this->show == 'update' && !empty($this->POST)) {
            $validFiles = array();
            if (!empty($this->FILES)) {
                foreach ($this->FILES as $kFILES => $vFILES) {
                    if (trim($vFILES['name']) != '') {
                        $validFiles[$kFILES] = $vFILES;
				INSERT INTO `_adminlog`
				(`request_get`, `request_post`, `request_files`, `user`) VALUES
				( :request_get, :request_post, :request_files, :user )
			', array(':request_get' => isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET) ? serialize($_GET) : '', ':request_post' => !empty($this->POST) ? serialize($this->POST) : '', ':request_files' => !empty($validFiles) ? serialize($validFiles) : '', ':user' => $this->USER->userData['idadmin']), 1);
        // ======================================================================
        // check USER privileges
        // ======================================================================
        // if not INDEX
        if ($this->section != false) {
            // check if the user has the priviledge to access this section
            if (false == $this->USER->can()) {
                die('<p style="font:16px Arial,Verdana;color:#c00">' . lang::translate('access_denied_section') . '</p>
				<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=' . BASE_URL . '" />');
            // check if the user can make current action
            if (false == $this->USER->can($this->show) && $this->show != 'export') {
                die('<p style="font:16px Arial,Verdana;color:#c00">' . lang::translate('access_denied_action') . '</p>
				<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=' . BASE_URL . '" />');
            // check uploadfile
            if (false == $this->USER->can('uploadfile') && !empty($this->FILES)) {
                die('<p style="font:16px Arial,Verdana;color:#c00">' . lang::translate('access_denied_action') . '</p>
				<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=' . BASE_URL . '" />');
        // ======================================================================
        // set language links
        $this->languageFrontEnd = lang::createButtons();