コード例 #1
ファイル: goodslist.php プロジェクト: pengfeiaaa/web
$regionCfg = keke_glob_class::getRegionConfig();
$strNavActive = 'goodslist';
$i = intval($i);
$pd = intval($pd);
$strUrl = "index.php?do=goodslist";
$m and $strUrl .= "&m=" . intval($m);
$intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . intval($intPage);
$i and $strUrl .= "&i=" . intval($i);
$pd and $strUrl .= "&pd=" . intval($pd);
$o and $strUrl .= "&o=" . strval($o);
$p and $strUrl .= "&p=" . intval($p);
$ky and $strUrl .= "&ky=" . $ky;
$arrCashCoves = TaskClass::getTaskCashCove();
$pd and $arrIndusPInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($pd);
$i and $arrIndusInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($i);
$arrCityInfo = CommonClass::getDistrictById($p);
$arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name');
$arrItemConfig = PayitemClass::getPayitemConfig(null, null, null, 'item_id');
$arrIndusP = $kekezu->_indus_goods_arr;
$arrIndusC = $kekezu->get_classify_indus('shop', 'child');
if (is_array($arrIndusC)) {
    $arrNewIndusC = array();
    foreach ($arrIndusC as $k => $v) {
        $arrNewIndusC[$v['indus_pid']][] = $v;
if (isset($ky)) {
    $ky = htmlspecialchars($ky);
    $ky = kekezu::escape($ky);
    $arrHwStatus = db_factory::query("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='hot_words_status'");
コード例 #2
ファイル: sellerlist.php プロジェクト: pengfeiaaa/web
$strNavActive = 'sellerlist';
$i = intval($i);
$pd = intval($pd);
$strUrl = "index.php?do=sellerlist";
$intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . intval($intPage);
$o and $strUrl .= "&o=" . strval($o);
$t and $strUrl .= "&t=" . intval($t);
$i and $strUrl .= "&i=" . intval($i);
$c and $strUrl .= "&c=" . intval($c);
$p and $strUrl .= "&p=" . intval($p);
$pd and $strUrl .= "&pd=" . $pd;
$d and $strUrl .= "&d=" . intval($d);
$r and $strUrl .= "&r=" . intval($r);
$ky and $strUrl .= "&ky=" . $ky;
$i and $arrIndusInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($i);
$pd and $arrIndusPInfo = kekezu::get_indus_info($pd);
$arrModelLabel = array(0 => '未知', 1 => '单人', 2 => '多人', 3 => '计件', 4 => '招标', 5 => '订金', 6 => '文件', 7 => '服务');
if (isset($ky)) {
    $ky = htmlspecialchars($ky);
    $ky = kekezu::escape($ky);
    $arrHwStatus = db_factory::query("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='hot_words_status'");
    $arrUpdateStatus = db_factory::query("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='update_status'");
    $arrSearch = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords where words = '{$ky}'");
    if ($arrHwStatus[0]['v'] == 'open') {
        if ($arrUpdateStatus[0]['v'] == 'auto') {
            if (count($arrSearch)) {
                db_factory::updatetable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords", array('count' => $arrSearch[0]['count'] + 1, 'time' => time()), array('words' => $arrSearch[0]['words']));
            } else {
                db_factory::inserttable(TABLEPRE . "witkey_hotwords", array('words' => $ky, 'time' => time(), 'auto' => '1'));
        } else {