コード例 #1
ファイル: auth_info.php プロジェクト: huangbinzd/kppwGit

defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$alipayjs_obj = new Keke_witkey_auth_alipayjs_class();
$pay_tool_arr = array(1 => $_lang['alipay'], 2 => $_lang['tenpay'], 3 => $_lang['payment_online']);
$alipayjs_name_arr = keke_glob_class::get_bank();
if ($sbt_pay_to_user) {
    $alipayjs_obj->setWhere('alipayjs_a_id=' . $fds['alipayjs_a_id']);
    $res = $alipayjs_obj->edit_keke_witkey_auth_alipayjs();
    $alipayjs_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf(" select uid,username from %switkey_auth_alipayjs where alipayjs_a_id = '%d'", TABLEPRE, $fds[alipayjs_a_id]));
    $v_arr = array($_lang['username'] => $alipayjs_info['username']);
    keke_msg_class::notify_user($alipayjs_info['uid'], $alipayjs_info['username'], 'alipayjs_auth', "支付宝认证通知", $v_arr, 2);
    $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['give_cach_success'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '3', '', 'success');
} else {
    $alipayjs_a_id and $alipayjs_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf(" select * from %switkey_auth_alipayjs where alipayjs_a_id = '%d'", TABLEPRE, $alipayjs_a_id));
require $template_obj->template('auth/' . $auth_dir . '/admin/tpl/auth_info');
コード例 #2
        $service = db_factory::query($sql . $s_sql . $f_sql . ' group by model_id', 1, 3600);
        $payitem = db_factory::get_one($sql . sprintf(' from %switkey_finance where fina_type="out"
						 and fina_action="payitem" ', TABLEPRE) . $f_sql, 1, 3600);
    case 'profit':
        $sql = sprintf(' select sum(site_profit) c from %switkey_finance where site_profit>0 ', TABLEPRE);
        $task = db_factory::get_count($sql . ' and obj_type="task" ' . $f_sql, 0, 'c', 3600);
        $service = db_factory::get_count($sql . ' and obj_type="service" ' . $f_sql, 0, 'c', 3600);
        $payitem = db_factory::get_count($sql . ' and obj_type="payitem" ' . $f_sql, 0, 'c', 3600);
        $auth = db_factory::get_count($sql . ' and INSTR(obj_type,"_auth")>0 ' . $f_sql, 0, 'c', 3600);
        $withdraw = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(' select sum(fee) c from %switkey_withdraw
					where withdraw_status=2 ', TABLEPRE) . $w_sql, 0, 'c', 3600);
        $p_all = floatval($task + $service + $payitem + $auth + $withdraw);
    case 'withdraw':
        $list = db_factory::query(sprintf(' select sum(withdraw_cash) cash,sum(fee) fee,
					count(withdraw_id) count,pay_type from %switkey_withdraw where 1 = 1 ', TABLEPRE) . $w_sql . ' group by pay_type', 1, 3600);
        $list && ($list = kekezu::get_arr_by_key($list, 'pay_type'));
        $bank_arr = keke_glob_class::get_bank();
        $pay_online = kekezu::get_payment_config('', 'online');
    case 'charge':
        $sql = ' select sum(fina_cash) cash,sum(fina_credit) credit,count(fina_id) count ';
        $r_sql = sprintf(' ,obj_type from %switkey_finance
						 where INSTR(obj_type,"_charge")>0  and fina_type = "in"', TABLEPRE);
        $charge = db_factory::query($sql . $r_sql . $f_sql . ' group by obj_type ', 1, 3600);
        $charge = kekezu::get_arr_by_key($charge, 'obj_type');
        $fina_type = keke_glob_class::get_fina_charge_type();
require keke_tpl_class::template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_finance_revenue');
コード例 #3

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$intUserRole = intval($gUserInfo['user_type']);
if ($intUserRole === 2) {
    $strAccountName = '企业机构名称';
    $strInputName = 'company';
} else {
    $strAccountName = '真实姓名';
    $strInputName = 'real_name';
$strUrl = 'index.php?do=user&view=account&op=addbankinfo';
$objMemBankT = keke_table_class::get_instance("witkey_member_bank");
$arrBankList = keke_glob_class::get_bank();
$arrProvinces = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name');
$strBankZone = $_SESSION['bank_zone'];
$strBankDetail = $_SESSION['bank_zone_detail'];
switch ($step) {
    case "step1":
        if (isset($formhash) && kekezu::submitcheck($formhash)) {
            $strTxtName = strval(trim($txt_name));
            $strBankName = strval(trim($bank_name));
            $strBankFullName = strval(trim($bank_full_name));
            $strCardNum = strval(trim($card_num));
            if (!$strTxtName) {
                $tips['errors']['txt_name'] = '请输入' . $strAccountName;
                kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
            if ($province === '选择省份' || !$province) {
                $tips['errors']['province'] = '请选择省份';
                kekezu::show_msg($tips, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error');
コード例 #4
                if ($gUserInfo['balance'] < floatval($intWithdrawCash)) {
                    $tips['errors']['intWithdrawCash'] = '您的金额不足以提现';
                    kekezu::show_msg($tips, $strUrl . "&strStep=1&intReset=1", NULL, NULL, 'error');
                if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') {
                    $pay_username = kekezu::utftogbk($pay_username);
                    $pay_account = kekezu::utftogbk($pay_account);
                $intWithdrawId = $objWithdrawM->create_keke_witkey_withdraw();
                if ($intWithdrawId) {
                    $arrPayway = array_merge(keke_glob_class::get_bank(), keke_glob_class::get_online_pay());
                    $data = array(':pay_way' => $arrPayway[$pay_type], ':pay_account' => $pay_account, ':pay_name' => $pay_username);
                    keke_finance_class::init_mem('withdraw', $data);
                    keke_finance_class::cash_out($uid, abs(floatval($intWithdrawCash)), 'withdraw', 0, 'withdraw', $intWithdrawId);
                    kekezu::show_msg('提交成功等待审核', $strUrl . "&strStep=4&intWithdrawCash={$intWithdrawCash}&intWithdrawId={$intWithdrawId}&ver=1#userCenter", NULL, NULL, 'ok');
                } else {
                    kekezu::show_msg('提交失败', $strUrl . "&strStep=4&intWithdrawCash={$intWithdrawCash}#userCenter", NULL, NULL, 'error');