public function executeImpl($partner_id, $subp_id, $puser_id, $partner_prefix, $puser_kuser) { $prefix = null; $notData = new kNotificationJobData(); $notData->setData(''); $notData->setType(kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_TEST); $notData->setUserId($puser_id); $job = new BatchJob(); $job->setId(kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_TEST + (int) time()); $job->setData($notData); $job->setPartnerId($partner_id); $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partner_id); list($url, $signature_key) = myNotificationMgr::getPartnerNotificationInfo($partner); list($params, $raw_siganture) = myNotificationMgr::prepareNotificationData($url, $signature_key, $job, $prefix); $this->send($url, $params); }
private static function getIndicator() { if (!self::$indicator) { self::$indicator = new myFileIndicator("gogonotifications"); } return self::$indicator; }
public static function prepareNotificationData($url, $signature_key, BatchJob $job, $prefix = null) { $type = $job->getData()->getType(); $params = array("notification_id" => $job->getId(), "notification_type" => $job->getData()->getTypeAsString(), "puser_id" => $job->getData()->getUserId(), "partner_id" => $job->getPartnerId()); if (kNotificationJobData::isEntryNotification($type)) { $params["entry_id"] = $job->getData()->getObjectId(); } //$params["entryId"] = $not->getObjectId(); if (kNotificationJobData::isKshowNotification($type)) { $params["kshow_id"] = $job->getData()->getObjectId(); } // $params["kshowId"] = $not->getObjectId(); $object_data_params = myNotificationMgr::getDataAsArray($job->getData()->getData()); if ($object_data_params) { $params = array_merge($params, $object_data_params); } $params = self::fixParams($params, $prefix); $params['signed_fields'] = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $params['signed_fields'] .= $key . ','; } return self::signParams($signature_key, $params); }
public static function addNotificationJob(BatchJob $parentJob = null, $entryId, $partnerId, $notificationType, $sendType, $puserId, $objectId, $notificationData) { $jobData = new kNotificationJobData(); $jobData->setType($notificationType); $jobData->setSendType($sendType); $jobData->setUserId($puserId); $jobData->setObjectId($objectId); $jobData->setData($notificationData); $batchJob = null; if ($parentJob) { $batchJob = $parentJob->createChild(BatchJobType::NOTIFICATION, $notificationType); } else { $batchJob = new BatchJob(); $batchJob->setEntryId($entryId); $batchJob->setPartnerId($partnerId); } if ($sendType == kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_MGR_NO_SEND || $sendType == kNotificationJobData::NOTIFICATION_MGR_SEND_SYNCH) { $batchJob->setStatus(BatchJob::BATCHJOB_STATUS_DONT_PROCESS); } return self::addJob($batchJob, $jobData, BatchJobType::NOTIFICATION, $notificationType); }
function createSelect($id, $name, $default_value, $list_name, $pid_str = null) { $host = requestUtils::getHost(); $limited = getLimited(); //global $arrays; $download_file_formats = array("avi" => "avi", "mp4" => "mp4", "mov" => "mov", "flv" => "flv", "mp3" => "mp3", "3gp" => "3gp", "original" => "original"); $media_type_list = array("1" => "Video", "2" => "Image", "5" => "Audio", "11" => "Document", "12" => "Swf", "-1" => "Automatic"); $media_source_list = array("20" => "Kaltura", "21" => "MyClips", "23" => "KalturaPartner", "26" => "KalturaKshow", "27" => "KalturaPartnerKshow", "1" => "* File", "2" => "* Webcam", "3" => "Flickr", "4" => "YouTube", "5" => "* URL", "7" => "MySpace", "8" => "PhotoBucket", "9" => "Jamendo", "10" => "CCMixter", "11" => "NYPL", "13" => "MediaCommons", "22" => "", "24" => "MetaCafe"); if (!$limited) { $media_source_list = array("25" => "KalturaQa") + $media_source_list; } $protocol = requestUtils::getRequestProtocol(); $current_server = str_replace("{$protocol}://", "", requestUtils::getRequestHost()); $service_url_list[$current_server] = $current_server; if ($limited) { $format_list = array("1" => "JSON", "2" => "XML", "3" => "PHP"); if (strpos($host, "sandbox") !== false) { $service_url_list[""] = "Sandbox"; $service_url_list[""] = "Kaltura"; } else { $service_url_list[""] = "Kaltura"; $service_url_list[""] = "Sandbox"; } $index_path_list = array("index.php" => "index"); } else { $format_list = array("1" => "JSON", "2" => "XML", "3" => "PHP", "4" => "PHP_ARR", "5" => "PHP_OBJ", "8" => "mRSS"); $service_url_list = array_merge($service_url_list, array("localhost" => "localhost", "" => "qac", "" => "qac-external", "" => "kaldev", "" => "Kaltura", "" => "Sandbox")); $index_path_list = array("index.php" => "index", "kaltura_dev.php" => "debug"); $service_url_list[""] = "debian"; } $clazz_list = array("kshow" => "kshow", "kuser" => "kuser", "entry" => "entry", "PuserKuser" => "PuserKuser"); $moderation_object_type = array("1" => "kshow", "2" => "entry", "3" => "kuser", "" => "none"); $moderation_status = array("1" => "pending", "2" => "allow", "3" => "block", "4" => "delete", "5" => "review"); $notification_status = array("" => "All", "1" => "Pending", "2" => "Sent", "3" => "Error", "4" => "Should Resend"); $entry_status = array("" => "All", "-1" => "ERROR_CONVERTING", "0" => "IMPORT", "1" => "PRECONVERT", "2" => "READY", "3" => "DELETED", "4" => "PENDING", "5" => "MODERATE", "6" => "BLOCKED"); $entry_type = array("" => "All", "1" => "Clip", "2" => "Roughcut", "10" => "Document", "-1" => "Automatic"); $entry_media_type = array("1" => "Video", "2" => "Image", "5" => "Audio", "6" => "Roughcut", "10" => "XML", "11" => "Document", "-1" => "Automatic"); $entry_media_type_filter = array("" => "All", "1" => "Video", "2" => "Image", "5" => "Audio", "6" => "Roughcut", "10" => "XML", "11" => "Document", "-1" => "Automatic"); $widget_security_type = array("1" => "none", "2" => "timehash"); $entries_list_type = array("15" => "All", "1" => "Kshow", "2" => "Kuser", "4" => "Roughcut", "8" => "Episode"); $boolean_type = array("true" => "true", "false" => "false"); $boolean_int_type = array("" => "", "1" => "true", "0" => "false"); $display_in_search_filter = array("" => "All", "0" => "Not displayed", "1" => "In Partner", "2" => "Kaltura Network"); $usage_graph_resolutions = array("days" => "days", "months" => "months"); $months_list = array("1" => "1", "2" => "2", "3" => "3", "4" => "4", "5" => "5", "6" => "6", "7" => "7", "8" => "8", "9" => "9", "10" => "10", "11" => "11", "12" => "12"); $obj_type_list = array("kshow" => "kshow", "entry" => "entry"); // TODO - fix list for moderation_status $entry_moderation_status = array("1" => "PENDING", "2" => "ALLOW", "3" => "BLOCK"); $entry_moderation_status_filter = array("" => "All", "1" => "PENDING", "2" => "ALLOW", "3" => "BLOCK"); $arrays = array("format_list" => $format_list, "media_type" => $media_type_list, "media_source" => $media_source_list, "download_file_formats" => $download_file_formats, "service_urls" => $service_url_list, "service_urls1" => array_merge(array("" => ""), $service_url_list), "index_paths" => $index_path_list, "clazz_list" => $clazz_list, "moderation_object_type" => $moderation_object_type, "moderation_status" => $moderation_status, "boolean_type" => $boolean_type, "boolean_int_type" => $boolean_int_type, "notification_status" => $notification_status, "notification_type" => array_merge(array("" => "All"), kNotificationJobData::getNotificationTypeMap()), "entry_media_type" => $entry_media_type, "entry_media_type_filter" => $entry_media_type_filter, "entry_type" => $entry_type, "entry_status" => $entry_status, "widget_security_type" => $widget_security_type, "entries_list_type" => $entries_list_type, "entry_moderation_status_filter" => $entry_moderation_status_filter, "entry_moderation_status" => $entry_moderation_status, "entries_filter_order_by" => array("" => "None", "+id" => "id asc", "-id" => "id desc", "+created_at" => "created_at asc", "-created_at" => "created_at desc", "+media_date" => "media_date asc", "-media_date" => "media_date desc", "+name" => "name asc", "-name" => "name desc", "+views" => "views asc", "-views" => "views desc", "+type" => "type asc", "-type" => "type desc", "+media_type" => "media_type asc", "-media_type" => "media_type desc", "+plays" => "plays asc", "-plays" => "plays desc", "+views" => "views asc", "-views" => "views desc", "+rank" => "rank asc", "-rank" => "rank desc", "+moderation_count" => "moderation_count asc", "-moderation_count" => "moderation_count desc", "+moderation_status" => "moderation_status asc", "-moderation_status" => "moderation_status desc"), "obj_type_list" => $obj_type_list, "command_list" => array("view" => "view", "play" => "play", "viewEnd" => "viewEnd"), "display_in_search_filter" => $display_in_search_filter, "playlist_media_type" => array("10" => "Dynamic", "3" => "Static", "101" => "External"), "playlist_media_type_filter" => array("" => "All", "10" => "Dynamic", "3" => "Static", "101" => "External"), "conversion_profile_type" => array("low" => "low", "med" => "med", "high" => "high", "hd" => "HD"), "conversion_profile_aspect_ratio" => array("1" => "keep aspect ratio", "2" => "keep original size", "3" => "4:3", "4" => "16:9"), "uiconf_obj_type" => array("1" => "kdp", "2" => "kcw", "3" => "kse", "4" => "kae", "6" => "app-studio"), "uiconf_obj_type_filter" => array("" => "ALL", "1" => "kdp", "2" => "kcw", "3" => "kse", "4" => "kae", "6" => "app-studio"), "uiconf_filter_order_by" => array("" => "None", "+id" => "id asc", "-id" => "id desc", "+created_at" => "created_at asc", "-created_at" => "created_at desc", "+updated_at" => "updated_at asc", "-updated_at" => "updated_at desc"), "conversion_quality" => array("" => "DEFAULT", "low" => "low", "med" => "medium", "high" => "high", "hd" => "hd"), "download_job_type_filter" => array("" => "ALL", "3" => "flatten", "6" => "download"), "download_filter_order_by" => array("" => "None", "+id" => "id asc", "-id" => "id desc", "+created_at" => "created_at asc", "-created_at" => "created_at desc"), "uiconf_creation_mode" => array("1" => "Manual", "2" => "Wizard", "3" => "Advance"), "months_list" => $months_list, "usage_graph_resolutions" => $usage_graph_resolutions); $list = $arrays[$list_name]; if (!$list) { die("<div>cannot find list of name: [{$list_name}]</div>"); } //echo "createSelect: list_name:[$list_name] count:[" . count ( $list ) . "]<br>"; $str = "<select id='{$id}' style='font-family:arial; font-size:12px;' name='{$name}' onkeyup='updateSelect( this )' onchange='updateSelect( this )' {$pid_str}>"; $default_value_selected = ""; foreach ($list as $value => $option) { // not always the default value is found if ($value == $default_value) { $default_value_selected = $default_value; } if ($default_value === "") { $selected = $value === "" ? "selected='selected'" : ""; } else { $selected = $value == $default_value ? "selected='selected'" : ""; } $str .= "<option value='{$value}' {$selected} >{$option}</option>\n"; } $str .= "</select> <span style='color:blue;' id='{$id}_current_value'>{$default_value_selected}</span>\n"; return $str; }