"; <?php writeLogData("messages", "Jukebox block: Refreshing the jukebox display"); ?> seconds = 1; updateJukebox(true); } setTimeout("displayCountdown()",1000); } displayCountdown(); --> </script> <?php } // Now we need to return the path to the track that is playing so we can get the art and description for it $filePath = $jb->getCurrentTrackPath(); $track = new jzMediaNode($filePath, "filename"); // Now let's make sure we are looking at a track for real if (false !== $track && $track->getPath() != "") { $node = $track->getAncestor("album"); if ($node) { // Now let's set what we'll need $album = ucwords($node->getName()); $parent = $node->getAncestor("artist"); if ($parent) { $artist = ucwords($parent->getName()); } else { $artist = ""; } // Now let's display the art if (($art = $node->getMainArt("130x130")) == false) {