<?php $display = new jzDisplay(); $display->preheader(); if (checkPlayback() == "jukebox") { echo '<div id="jukebox">'; include jzBlock('jukebox'); echo '</div>'; }
* - Contributors - * Please see http://www.jinzora.org/team.html * * - Code Purpose - * - This page handles the jukebox display and controls * * @since 01.11.05 * @author Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> * @author Ben Dodson <*****@*****.**> * - Todo - * Implement detach window: * - use frameElement to determine whether stand-alone or iframe * - find a way to determine if detached window is still onscreen * THAT is the real hard part as there is no knowledge of all open windows in Javascript * SO we must use a variable, but it is erased each time we reload the iframe ... * - do not display anything in the frame is detached window is still on screen * - disable timer on height=0 if we are detached window still on screen * - attach the redock function to body.onunload event w/ knowledge of closed in Mozilla * * @since 07/04/04 * @author Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> */ // Let's setup the classes $blocks = new jzBlocks(); $display = new jzDisplay(); // Now let's start displaying stuff $display->preheader(false, false, "left", true, true, false); // Now we have to manually add the right javascript - the hover javascript breaks our pretty progress bar echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $root_dir . '/lib/jinzora.js"></script>'; // Now let's include the jukebox settings $blocks->jukeboxBlock($node);
function standardPage(&$node) { global $jinzora_url, $root_dir, $cms_mode, $jzUSER, $jbArr; /* header */ /* use one smarty object so we can use variables in both header and footer */ $display = new jzDisplay(); $smarty = smartySetup(); $path = $node->getPath("String"); $smarty->assign('cms', $cms_mode == "false" ? false : true); $smarty->assign('login_link', $display->loginLink(false, false, true, false, true)); $smarty->assign('jinzora_url', $jinzora_url); $smarty->assign('jinzora_img', $root_dir . '/style/images/slimzora.gif'); $skip_global_css = true; $display->preheader($node->getName(), $this->width, $this->align, true, true, true, $skip_global_css); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/css.php"; /* check for playlist queue as action. * jukebox/stream action handled in handleJukeboxVars(). */ handlePlaylistAction(); if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; } else { $page = "browse"; } $tabs = array(); $tabs[] = array('name' => word('Browse'), 'link' => urlize(array('page' => 'browse', 'jz_path' => $path)), 'selected' => $page == 'browse' ? true : false); $tabs[] = array('name' => word('Lists'), 'link' => urlize(array('page' => 'lists', 'jz_path' => $path)), 'selected' => $page == 'lists' || $page == 'playlist' && isset($_REQUEST['playlist'])); $tabs[] = array('name' => word('Settings'), 'link' => urlize(array('page' => 'settings', 'jz_path' => $path)), 'selected' => $page == 'settings' ? true : false); // tab for media target: if (isset($_SESSION['jz_playlist_queue'])) { if ($_SESSION['jz_playlist_queue'] == 'session') { $plName = word('Quick List'); } else { $plName = $jzUSER->loadPlaylist()->getName(); } $tabs[] = array('name' => $plName, 'link' => urlize(array('page' => 'playlist', 'jz_path' => $path)), 'selected' => $page == 'playlist'); } else { if (checkPlayback() == 'jukebox') { $name = $jbArr[$_SESSION['jb_id']]['description']; $tabs[] = array('name' => $name, 'link' => urlize(array('page' => 'jukebox', 'jz_path' => $path)), 'selected' => $page == 'jukebox'); } } $smarty->assign('tabs', $tabs); jzTemplate($smarty, 'header'); if (file_exists($cfile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/models/' . $page . '.php')) { require_once $cfile; doTemplate($node); } jzTemplate($smarty, 'footer'); }
<html> <?php $display = new jzDisplay(); $display->preheader(false, '100%', 'left', false); $arr = array(); function mklink($l) { global $arr; $arr['jz_level'] = distanceTo("artist"); $arr['jz_letter'] = $l; return urlize($arr); } ?> <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration:none; font-size:large; } </style> <?php global $jzUSER; if (checkPermission($jzUSER, 'jukebox_queue')) { global $jbArr; if (isset($jbArr[0])) { ?> <script language="javascript"> function myPlayback(player) { if (player == 'stream') { other = 'jukebox'; url = '<?php
* * - Resources - * - Jinzora Author: Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> * - Web: http://www.jinzora.org * - Documentation: http://www.jinzora.org/docs * - Support: http://www.jinzora.org/forum * - Downloads: http://www.jinzora.org/downloads * - License: GNU GPL <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html> * * - Contributors - * Please see http://www.jinzora.org/team.html * * - Code Purpose - * - Displays the top frame of the slim Jukezora * * @since 02.17.04 * @author Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> * @author Ben Dodson <*****@*****.**> */ // First let's include the settings for Slick @(include_once "settings.php"); // Now let's create our blocks $blocks = new jzBlocks(); $display = new jzDisplay(); // Now let's start displaying stuff $display->preheader(false, false); // Now we have to manually add the right javascript - the hover javascript breaks our pretty progress bar global $root_dir; echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $root_dir . '/lib/jinzora.js"></script>'; usleep(100000); $blocks->jukeboxBlock();
* (but can be used for any media file that can stream from HTTP). * Jinzora can be integrated into a CMS site, run as a standalone application, * or integrated into any PHP website. It is released under the GNU GPL. * * - Resources - * - Jinzora Author: Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> * - Web: http://www.jinzora.org * - Documentation: http://www.jinzora.org/docs * - Support: http://www.jinzora.org/forum * - Downloads: http://www.jinzora.org/downloads * - License: GNU GPL <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html> * * - Contributors - * Please see http://www.jinzora.org/team.html * * - Code Purpose - * - Displays the body frame of the slim Jukezora * * @since 02.17.04 * @author Ross Carlson <*****@*****.**> * @author Ben Dodson <*****@*****.**> */ // First let's include the settings for Slick @(include_once "settings.php"); // Now let's create our blocks $blocks = new jzBlocks(); $display = new jzDisplay(); // Now let's start displaying stuff $display->preheader(false, true); // Ok, now we need to write the pages for slim echo $node;