コード例 #1
ファイル: mne.php プロジェクト: Russell-IO/php-syslog-ng
        // Some magic to set the proper width of the grid inside a Modal window
        var modalWidth = \$("#mne_dialog").width();
        var modalHeight = \$("#mne_dialog").height() - 52;
        \$('#mnegrid').fluidGrid({base:'#mne_dialog', offset:-25});
// END: Mnemonic Select Dialog


        \$('#mnegrid').fluidGrid({base:'#ui-dialog-title-mne_dialog', offset:-25});

$oper = jqGridUtils::GetParam("oper");
if ($oper == "pdf") {
    $grid->setPdfOptions(array("header" => true, "margin_top" => 25, "page_orientation" => "P", "header_logo" => "../../../../../images/Logo_450x123_24bit_color.jpg", "header_logo_width" => 45, "header_title" => "                         Mnemonics Report"));
// Enjoy
$summaryrows = array("Seen" => array("Seen" => "SUM"));
$grid->renderGrid('#mnegrid', '#mnepager', true, $summaryrows, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: jqGrid.php プロジェクト: Russell-IO/php-syslog-ng
  * Convert the query to record set and set the summary data if available
  * @param array $params parameters to the qurery
  * @param array $summary summary option
  * @param boolean excel
  * @return recordset object
 protected function _rs($params = null, $summary = null, $excel = false)
     if ($this->ExportCommand && strlen($this->ExportCommand) > 0) {
         $sqlId = $this->ExportCommand;
     } else {
         $sqlId = $this->_setSQL();
     if (!$sqlId) {
         return false;
     $sidx = $this->GridParams['sort'];
     $sidx = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sidx, '');
     // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
     $sord = $this->GridParams['order'];
     $sord = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sord, '');
     // get the direction
     $search = $this->GridParams['search'];
     $search = jqGridUtils::GetParam($search, 'false');
     // get the direction
     $sord = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $sord);
     $sidx = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9. _,]/", "", $sidx);
     if ($search == 'true') {
         if ($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') {
             $params = jqGridDB::_mongoSearch($params, $this->GridParams, $this->encoding, $this->datearray, $this->mongointegers);
         } else {
             $sGrid = $this->_buildSearch($params);
             if ($this->dbtype == 'array') {
                 $whr = "";
                 if ($sGrid[0]) {
                     if (preg_match("/WHERE/i", $sqlId)) {
                         // to be refined
                         $whr = " AND " . $sGrid[0];
                     } else {
                         $whr = " WHERE " . $sGrid[0];
                 $sqlId .= $whr;
             } else {
                 $whr = $sGrid[0] ? " WHERE " . $sGrid[0] : "";
                 $sqlId = "SELECT * FROM (" . $sqlId . ") gridsearch" . $whr;
             $params = $sGrid[1];
     if ($this->dbtype !== 'mongodb') {
         if ($sidx) {
             $sqlId .= " ORDER BY " . $sidx . " " . $sord;
     if (!$excel && is_array($summary)) {
         if ($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') {
             $qryData = jqGridDB::_mongocount($sqlId, $params, $summary);
         } else {
             $qryData = $this->_getcount($sqlId, $params, $summary);
         unset($qryData->COUNT, $qryData->count);
         foreach ($qryData as $k => $v) {
             if ($v == null) {
                 $v = 0;
             $this->tmpvar[$k] = $v;
     if ($this->userdata) {
         if (!$this->tmpvar) {
             $this->tmpvar = array();
         $this->tmpvar = jqGridUtils::array_extend($this->tmpvar, $this->userdata);
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->logQuery($sqlId, $params);
     $ret = $this->execute($sqlId, $params, $sql, true, $this->gSQLMaxRows, 0, $sidx, $sord);
     return $sql;
コード例 #3
ファイル: detail.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit

require_once '../../../jq-config.php';
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Get the needed parameters passed from the main grid
$rowid = jqGridUtils::GetParam('EmployeeID', 0);
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = "SELECT OrderID, RequiredDate, ShipName, ShipCity, Freight, EmployeeID FROM orders WHERE EmployeeID= ?";
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
$grid->setColModel(null, array((int) $rowid));
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "footerrow" => true, "userDataOnFooter" => true, "sortname" => "OrderID", "height" => 110));
// Change some property of the field(s)
$grid->setColProperty("RequiredDate", array("formatter" => "date", "formatoptions" => array("srcformat" => "Y-m-d H:i:s", "newformat" => "m/d/Y"), "search" => false));
// on beforeshow form when add we get the customer id and set it for posting
$beforeshow = <<<BEFORE
コード例 #4
ファイル: grid.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Create the jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// this table is 1252 encoded, so we need to tell the grid
// Set the table data source
// set the ouput format to xml since json have problems
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
//get the height passed as parameter
$height = jqGridUtils::GetParam('gridheigh', '200');
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "ProductID", "height" => $height, "shrinkToFit" => false, "hoverrows" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("ProductID", array("width" => 80));
// We can hide some columns
$grid->setColProperty("SupplierID", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("CategoryID", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("UnitsOnOrder", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("ReorderLevel", array("hidden" => true));
$grid->setColProperty("Discontinued", array("hidden" => true));
// Enable toolbar searching
$grid->toolbarfilter = true;
$grid->setFilterOptions(array("stringResult" => true));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: subgrid.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit

require_once '../../../jq-config.php';
// include the jqGrid Class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGrid.php";
// include the driver class
require_once ABSPATH . "php/jqGridPdo.php";
// Connection to the server
// Tell the db that we use utf-8
$conn->query("SET NAMES utf8");
// Get the needed parameters passed from the main grid
$rowid = jqGridUtils::GetParam("id");
if (!$rowid) {
    die("Missed parameters");
// Create the base jqGrid instance
$grid = new jqGrid($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SubgridCommand = "SELECT OrderID, RequiredDate, ShipName, ShipCity, Freight FROM orders WHERE CustomerID=? ORDER BY OrderID desc";
// set the ouput format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Use the build in function for the simple subgrid
$conn = null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: saveform.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
include_once '../php/jqUtils.php';
$myFile = jqGridUtils::GetParam('fname');
$r = "";
if (file_exists($myFile)) {
    if (is_writable($myFile)) {
        $r = save_server($myFile);
    } else {
        $r = "File is not Writtable";
} else {
    $r = save_server($myFile);
echo $r;
function getRealPOST()
    $pairs = explode("&", file_get_contents("php://input"));
    $vars = array();
    foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
        $nv = explode("=", $pair);
        $name = urldecode($nv[0]);
        $value = urldecode($nv[1]);
        $vars[$name] = $value;
    return $vars;
コード例 #7
    public function renderGrid($tblelement = '', $pager = '', $script = true, array $summary = null, array $params = null, $createtbl = false, $createpg = false, $echo = true)
        $oper = $this->GridParams["oper"];
        $goper = jqGridUtils::GetParam($oper, 'nooper');
        if ($goper == $this->GridParams["excel"]) {
            if (!$this->export) {
                return false;
            $this->exportToExcel($summary, $params, $this->colModel);
        } else {
            if (in_array($goper, array_values($this->GridParams))) {
                $this->editGrid($summary, $params, $goper);
            } else {
                if (!isset($this->gridOptions["datatype"])) {
                    $this->gridOptions["datatype"] = $this->dataType;
                $this->gridOptions['colModel'] = $this->colModel;
                if (isset($this->gridOptions['postData'])) {
                    $this->gridOptions['postData'] = jqGridUtils::array_extend($this->gridOptions['postData'], array($oper => $this->GridParams["query"]));
                } else {
                    $this->setGridOptions(array("postData" => array($oper => $this->GridParams["query"])));
                if (isset($this->primaryKey)) {
                    $this->GridParams["id"] = $this->primaryKey;
                $this->setGridOptions(array("prmNames" => $this->GridParams));
                $s = '';
                if ($createtbl) {
                    $tmptbl = $tblelement;
                    if (strpos($tblelement, "#") === false) {
                        $tblelement = "#" . $tblelement;
                    } else {
                        $tmptbl = substr($tblelement, 1);
                    $s .= "<table id='" . $tmptbl . "'></table>";
                if ($createpg) {
                    $tmppg = $pager;
                    if (strpos($pager, "#") === false) {
                        $pager = "#" . $pager;
                    } else {
                        $tmppg = substr($pager, 1);
                    $s .= "<div id='" . $tmppg . "'></div>";
                if (strlen($pager) > 0) {
                    $this->setGridOptions(array("pager" => $pager));
                $this->editOptions['mtype'] = $this->mtype;
                $this->addOptions['mtype'] = $this->mtype;
                $this->delOptions['mtype'] = $this->mtype;
                if ($script) {
                    $s .= "<script type='text/javascript'>";
                    $s .= "jQuery(document).ready(function() {";
                $s .= "jQuery('" . $tblelement . "').jqGrid(" . jqGridUtils::encode($this->gridOptions) . ");";
                if ($this->navigator && strlen($pager) > 0) {
                    $s .= "jQuery('" . $tblelement . "').jqGrid('navGrid','" . $pager . "'," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->navOptions);
                    $s .= "," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->editOptions);
                    $s .= "," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->addOptions);
                    $s .= "," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->delOptions);
                    $s .= "," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->searchOptions);
                    $s .= "," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->viewOptions) . ");";
                    if ($this->navOptions["excel"] == true) {
                        $eurl = $this->getGridOption('url');
                        $exexcel = <<<EXCELE
onClickButton : function(e)
    try {
    } catch (e) {
        window.location= '{$eurl}?oper=excel';
                        $s .= "jQuery('" . $tblelement . "').jqGrid('navButtonAdd','" . $pager . "',{caption:'',title:'Export to Excel'," . $exexcel . "});";
                if ($this->toolbarfilter) {
                    $s .= "jQuery('" . $tblelement . "').jqGrid('filterToolbar'," . jqGridUtils::encode($this->filterOptions) . ");\n";
                $gM = count($this->gridMethods);
                if ($gM > 0) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $gM; $i++) {
                        $s .= $this->gridMethods[$i] . "\n";
                if (strlen($this->customCode) > 0) {
                    $s .= jqGridUtils::encode($this->customCode);
                if ($script) {
                    $s .= " });</script>";
                if ($echo) {
                    echo $s;
                return $echo ? "" : $s;
コード例 #8
  * Constructor
  * @param resource $db the database connection passed to the constructor.
  * In case of array set to 'local'
 function __construct($db = null)
     if (class_exists('jqGridDB')) {
         $interface = jqGridDB::getInterface();
     } else {
         $interface = 'local';
     $this->conn = $db;
     if ($interface == 'pdo') {
         $this->conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $this->dbtype = $this->conn->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
     } else {
         $this->dbtype = $interface;
     $this->term = jqGridUtils::GetParam('term', -1);
     if ($this->term !== -1) {
         $this->runAll = false;
     $this->element = jqGridUtils::GetParam('acelem', '');
コード例 #9
ファイル: testcon.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
include_once 'connections.php';
include_once '../php/jqUtils.php';
$connstr = jqGridUtils::GetParam('conn');
$dbtype = jqGridUtils::GetParam('dbtype');
$action = jqGridUtils::GetParam('action');
$sqlstr = jqGridUtils::GetParam('sqlstring');
if ($action == 'test') {
    if ($dbtype == 'mysql' || $dbtype == 'pgsql' || $dbtype == 'sqlite') {
        echo pdo_test_connection($connstr, $dbtype);
//	var_dump($action);
if ($action == 'genform') {
    if ($dbtype == 'mysql' || $dbtype == 'pgsql' || $dbtype == 'sqlite') {
        include '../php/jqGridPdo.php';
        ini_set("display_errors", 1);
        $info = parse_connection_string($connstr);
        try {
            $conn = new PDO($dbtype . ':host=' . $info->host . ';dbname=' . $info->database, $info->user_id, $info->password);
            $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
            $sqlstr = jqGridDB::limit($sqlstr, $dbtype, 1, 0);
            $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($conn, $sqlstr, null);
            $ret = jqGridDB::execute($stmt);
コード例 #10
 public static function _mongoSearch($mongoquery, $GridParams = array(), $encoding = 'utf-8', $datearray = array(), $mongointegers = array())
     $s = '';
     $v = array();
     $sopt = array('eq' => '===', 'ne' => '!==', 'lt' => '<', 'le' => '<=', 'gt' => '>', 'ge' => '>=', 'bw' => "", 'bn' => "", 'in' => '==', 'ni' => '!=', 'ew' => '', 'en' => '', 'cn' => '', 'nc' => '');
     $filters = jqGridUtils::GetParam($GridParams["filter"], "");
     $rules = "";
     // multiple filter
     if ($filters) {
         if (function_exists('json_decode') && strtolower(trim($encoding)) == "utf-8") {
             $jsona = json_decode($filters, true);
         } else {
             $jsona = jqGridUtils::decode($filters);
         if (is_array($jsona)) {
             $gopr = strtolower(trim($jsona['groupOp']));
             $rules = $jsona['rules'];
         // single filter
     } else {
         if (jqGridUtils::GetParam($GridParams['searchField'], '')) {
             $gopr = 'or';
             $rules[0]['field'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($GridParams['searchField'], '');
             $rules[0]['op'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($GridParams['searchOper'], '');
             $rules[0]['data'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($GridParams['searchString'], '');
     if ($gopr == 'or') {
         $gopr = ' || ';
     } else {
         $gopr = ' && ';
     $i = 0;
     if (!is_array($mongoquery)) {
         $mongoquery = array();
     foreach ($rules as $key => $val) {
         $field = $val['field'];
         $op = $val['op'];
         $v = $val['data'];
         if (strlen($v) != 0 && $op) {
             $string = true;
             if (in_array($field, $datearray)) {
                 $av = explode(",", jqGridUtils::parseDate('d/m/Y H:i:s', $v, 'Y,m,d,H,i,s'));
                 $av[1] = (int) $av[1] - 1;
                 $v = "new Date(" . implode(",", $av) . ")";
                 $string = false;
             if (in_array($field, $mongointegers)) {
                 $string = false;
             if ($i > 1) {
                 $s .= $gopr;
             switch ($op) {
                 case 'bw':
                     $s .= "this." . $field . ".match(/^{$v}.*\$/i)";
                 case 'bn':
                     $s .= "!this." . $field . ".match(/^{$v}.*\$/i)";
                 case 'ew':
                     $s .= "this." . $field . ".match(/^.*{$v}\$/i)";
                 case 'en':
                     $s .= "!this." . $field . ".match(/^.*{$v}\$/i)";
                 case 'cn':
                     $s .= "this." . $field . ".match(/^.*{$v}.*\$/i)";
                 case 'nc':
                     $s .= "!this." . $field . ".match(/^.*{$v}.*\$/i)";
                     if ($string) {
                         $v = "'" . $v . "'";
                     $s .= " this." . $field . " " . $sopt[$op] . $v;
     if (isset($mongoquery) && is_array($mongoquery)) {
         $mongoquery = jqGridUtils::array_extend($mongoquery, array('$where' => "function(){ return " . $s . ";}"));
     } else {
         $mongoquery = array('$where' => "function(){ return " . $s . ";}");
     return $mongoquery;
コード例 #11
include_once 'jqformconfig.php';
include_once $CODE_PATH . 'jqUtils.php';
include_once $CODE_PATH . 'jqForm.php';
// Create instance
$newForm = new jqForm('newForm', array('method' => 'post', 'id' => 'newForm'));
// Demo Mode creating connection
include_once $CODE_PATH . 'jqGridPdo.php';
// Set url
$newForm->setUrl($SERVER_HOST . $SELF_PATH . 'sqlcheckdata.php');
// Set Form header
$formhead = 'Edit Ship Details';
$newForm->setFormHeader($formhead, 'ui-icon-pencil');
// Set parameters
$Order = jqGridUtils::GetParam('Order', '10254');
$Order = is_numeric($Order) ? (int) $Order : 0;
$jqformparams = array($Order);
// Set SQL Command, table, keys
$newForm->SelectCommand = 'SELECT OrderID, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry, Freight FROM orders WHERE OrderID = ?';
$newForm->table = 'orders';
$newForm->serialKey = true;
// Set Form layout
$newForm->setTableStyles('width:580px;', '', '');
// Add elements
$newForm->addElement('OrderID', 'hidden', array('label' => 'OrderID', 'id' => 'newForm_OrderID'));
$newForm->addElement('ShipName', 'text', array('label' => 'ShipName', 'maxlength' => '40', 'style' => 'width:98%;', 'id' => 'newForm_ShipName'));
$newForm->addElement('ShipAddress', 'text', array('label' => 'ShipAddress', 'maxlength' => '60', 'style' => 'width:98%;', 'id' => 'newForm_ShipAddress'));
$newForm->addElement('ShipCity', 'text', array('label' => 'ShipCity', 'maxlength' => '15', 'size' => '20', 'id' => 'newForm_ShipCity'));
コード例 #12
ファイル: grid.php プロジェクト: nong053/prototype-nnit
$grid = new jqGridRender($conn);
// Write the SQL Query
$grid->SelectCommand = 'SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, Phone, PostalCode, City FROM customers';
// Set the table to where you update the data
$grid->table = 'customers';
// Set output format to json
$grid->dataType = 'json';
// Let the grid create the model
// Set the url from where we obtain the data
// Set some grid options
$grid->setGridOptions(array("rowNum" => 10, "rowList" => array(10, 20, 30), "sortname" => "CustomerID"));
$grid->setColProperty('CustomerID', array("editoptions" => array("readonly" => true)));
// For demonstration purposes only we will update the Customer name adding at end of
// the field U after the data is updated from the user
// We can set ulimited commands after edit occur.
// The same apply for del and add operation
$cid = jqGridUtils::GetParam('CustomerID');
// This command is executed immediatley after edit occur.
$grid->setAfterCrudAction('edit', "UPDATE customers SET CompanyName = CONCAT(CompanyName,' -U') WHERE CustomerID=?", array($cid));
// Enable navigator
$grid->navigator = true;
// Enable only editing
$grid->setNavOptions('navigator', array("excel" => false, "add" => false, "edit" => true, "del" => false, "view" => true, "search" => false));
// Close the dialog after editing
$grid->setNavOptions('edit', array("closeAfterEdit" => true, "editCaption" => "Update Customer", "bSubmit" => "Update"));
// Enjoy
$grid->renderGrid('#grid', '#pager', true, null, null, true, true);
$conn = null;