function display_category_usa($type = "all", $linkurl = 'subcategory.php', $selected = "") { $project = new project(); $service = new service(); $rentorhire = new rentorhire(); $jobs = new jobs(); $category = $this->getsubcategory(1); if (is_array($category)) { echo '<table cellspacing="4" class="sub_categories" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; $countTd = 0; foreach ($category as $row) { if ($countTd % 4 == 0 && $countTd > 1) { echo "</tr><tr>"; } $countTd++; echo '<td '; if ($type == "jobs" && $selected == $row['seo_url']) { echo "class='redBg'"; } else { echo "class='whiteBg'"; } echo ' ><div><div><a href="' . $linkurl . '?seo_url=' . $row['seo_url'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;">'; if ($row['markbold'] == "yes") { echo "<strong>" . $row['name'] . "</strong> "; } else { echo $row['name'] . " "; } echo "<font color='green'>"; if ($type == "services") { echo $service->numofServicebysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type == "rentorhire") { echo $rentorhire->numofrentorhirebysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type = "jobs") { echo $jobs->numofjobsbysubCat($row['id']); } else { if ($type == "all") { echo $project->numOfProjectBySubCat($row['id']) . "," . $rentorhire->numofrentorhirebysubCat($row['id']) . "," . $jobs->numofjobsbysubCat($row['id']) . "," . $service->numofServicebysubCat($row['id']); } } } } echo "</font>"; echo '</a></div></div></td>'; //if($countTd%4!=0) echo '<td width="20"></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; } else { echo "No Sub Category Found!"; } }
return false; } var arv = checkBoxArr.toString(); document.getElementById('selectcheck').value=arv; document.getElementById('type').value="suspend"; return confirm("Are You Sure ?"); } </script> <?php $mysql = new mysql(); //$common = new common(); $user = new user(); $job = new jobs(); if ($_GET['wtdo'] == 'edit_job' && $_POST['category'] != "") { $add = $project->updatepage($_POST['filename'], $_POST['menuname'], $_POST['title'], $_POST['metakeywords'], $_POST['metadescription'], $_POST['FCKeditor1']); } ?> <table align="left" width="100%" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:16px;"> <tr><td colspan="6" align="center" valign="middle"> <table align="center" > <tr> <td><img src="images/listmain.png" /></td> <td style="color:#003399; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px;" align="center" valign="middle"> List of Jobs</td> </tr>
<?php /* * Author - Chudinov Kirill */ require 'engine/classes/class_jobs.php'; $jobs = new jobs(); // Browser doesn't send this variables, if they empty. So declare those variables $_POST['websites'] = isset($_POST['websites']) ? $_POST['websites'] : array(); $_POST['categories'] = isset($_POST['categories']) ? $_POST['categories'] : array(); $_POST['job_types'] = isset($_POST['job_types']) ? $_POST['job_types'] : array(); // If user updated the search form if (isset($_POST['update_checkboxes'])) { if (!empty($_POST['websites'])) { $jobs->update_websites_checkboxes($_POST['websites']); } else { $_SESSION['websites'] = $jobs->create_website_checkboxes(); } if (!empty($_POST['job_types'])) { $jobs->update_job_types_checkboxes($_POST['job_types']); } else { $_SESSION['job_types'] = $jobs->create_job_types_checkboxes(); } if (!empty($_POST['categories'])) { $jobs->update_categories_checkboxes($_POST['categories']); } else { $_SESSION['categories'] = $jobs->create_categories_checkboxes(); } } // Creates list of websites checks if doesnt exist if (!isset($_SESSION['websites'])) {
<h3 class="heading">Jobs </h3> <?php if ($_GET['seo_url'] == "") { $maincategory = new maincategory(); $maincategory->display_category_usa("jobs", "jobs.php"); } else { // $jobs = new jobs; // $jobs->display_jobs(); $maincategory = new maincategory(); $maincategory->display_category_usa("jobs", "jobs.php", $_GET['seo_url']); } ?> <br /> <h3 class="heading"> Featured Jobs </h3> <?php $jobs = new jobs(); if ($_GET['seo_url'] == "") { $jobs_status = $jobs->display_jobs(1, 0, 0, 10, ""); } else { $jobs_status = $jobs->display_jobs(1, $cat['id'], 0, 10, ""); } ?> <p align="right"> <?php if ($user_check->checklogin() == false) { echo '<a href="post_jobs.php" onclick="javascript:messageBox(\'Please Login \'); return false;">Post Jobs</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="post_jobs.php">Post Jobs</a>'; } ?> </p>
if ($rentorhire_status) { ?> | <a href="category_rentorhire.php?category=<?php echo $cat['seo_url']; ?> "> View More</a> <?php } ?> </p> <br /> <h3 class="heading"> Featured Job Listing </h3> <?php $jobs = new jobs(); $jobs_status = $jobs->display_jobs(1, $cat['id'], 0, 10, "order by rand()"); ?> <p align="right"> <?php if ($user_check->checklogin()) { echo '<a href="post_jobs.php">Post job listing</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="post_jobs.php" onclick="javascript:messageBox(\'Please Login \'); return false;">Post job listing</a>'; } if ($jobs_status) { ?> | <a href="category_jobs.php?category=<?php echo $cat['seo_url']; ?> ">View More</a> <?php
<?php session_start(); include "data.php"; $control = new jobs(); $control->signout(); header("Location: index.php");
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objjob = new jobs(); $objjob->action($_GET['action'], $_GET['jid']); if ($_GET['action'] == "block") { $mes = "Job has been Blocked.."; } else { $mes = "Job has been Activated.."; } echo "script: messageBox('" . $mes . "',function() { window.location='account.php'; } );";
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php session_start(); include "data.php"; $control = new jobs(); $name1 = "Sign-Up"; $name2 = "Log-In"; $name3 = "Signupform.php"; $name4 = "Login.php"; $name5 = ""; $name6 = ""; if (!empty($_SESSION['login'])) { $name1 = ""; $name2 = $_SESSION['login']; $name3 = ""; $name4 = ""; $name5 = "Logout"; $name6 = "logout.php"; } if (!empty($_POST['varname'])) { $var_value = $_POST['varname']; if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'student') { if ($control->appliedcheck($name2, $var_value) == true) { echo "<script>alert('You have already applied for this job')</script>"; } else { $control->apply($var_value, $_SESSION['login']); } } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == 'employee') { echo "<script>alert('Employee can not apply for job')</script>"; } else {
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/config.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objjobtype = new jobs(); $objjobtype->update($_POST); echo "script: messageBox('Job Updated',function() { window.location='account.php'; });";
<?php /* * Author - Chudinov Kirill */ if (!isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { header('location: Login'); die; } require 'engine/classes/class_jobs.php'; $jobs = new jobs(); // If there are a request to delete/show/hide job if (isset($_POST['delete']) && isset($_POST['id_job'])) { $jobs->delete_job($_POST['id_job']); } elseif (isset($_POST['show']) && isset($_POST['id_job'])) { $jobs->show_job($_POST['id_job']); } elseif (isset($_POST['hide']) && isset($_POST['id_job'])) { $jobs->hide_job($_POST['id_job']); } // Browser doesn't send this variables, if they empty. So declare those variables $_POST['websites'] = isset($_POST['websites']) ? $_POST['websites'] : array(); $_POST['categories'] = isset($_POST['categories']) ? $_POST['categories'] : array(); $_POST['job_types'] = isset($_POST['job_types']) ? $_POST['job_types'] : array(); // If admin updated the search form if (isset($_POST['update_checkboxes'])) { if (!empty($_POST['websites'])) { $jobs->update_websites_checkboxes($_POST['websites']); } else { $_SESSION['websites_admin'] = $jobs->create_website_checkboxes(); } if (!empty($_POST['job_types'])) {
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/config.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objjobtype = new jobs(); $objjobtype->add($_POST); echo "script: messageBox('Job Posted',function() { window.location='account.php'; });";
</div> <?php } else { echo '<h3 class="subheading" style="clear:both;">No Open projects found...</h3>'; } ?> <a href="viewallprojects.php">View All</a> <div style="height:20px; clear:both;"></div> <strong>List of Open Jobs You have Posted</strong> <?php $objjob = new jobs(); $joblist = $objjob->get_open_jobs(); $objmaincat = new maincategory(); $objcommon = new common(); if (is_array($joblist)) { ?> <div id="account_open_projects" style="clear:both; width:100%;"> <table width="100%" > <tr class="heading"><td>Required For</td><td>Posted On</td><td>Status</td><td>Edit</td><td>Option</td></tr> <?php foreach ($joblist as $data) { if ($data['status'] == "active") { $status = '<font style="color:green;">Active</font>'; } else { $status = '<font style="color:red;">Blocked</font>'; }
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/header.php"; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/subheader.php"; ?> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="heading">United States</td> </tr> <tr><td> <?php $objjobtype = new jobs(); $jobtype = $objjobtype->getalljobtypes(); if (is_array($jobtype)) { echo '<table cellspacing="4" class="sub_categories" width="100%">'; echo '<tr>'; $countTd = 0; foreach ($jobtype as $d) { if ($countTd % 4 == 0 && $countTd > 1) { echo "</tr><tr>"; } $countTd++; echo '<td class="whiteBg"><div><div><a href="subcategory.php?seo_url=' . $row['seo_url'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;">'; echo $d['name']; echo '</td>'; if ($countTd % 4 != 0) { echo '<td width="20"></td>'; } } echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <?php session_start(); include "data.php"; $control = new jobs(); $name1 = "Sign-Up"; $name2 = "Log-In"; $name3 = "Signupform.php"; $name4 = "Login.php"; $name5 = ""; $name6 = ""; if ($_SESSION['type'] != 'employee') { header('Location: index.php'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['login'])) { $name1 = ""; $name2 = $_SESSION['login']; $name3 = ""; $name4 = ""; $name5 = "Logout"; $name6 = "logout.php"; $msg = $control->jobcreatedbyuser($name2); } ?> <html> <head> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/Formstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head>
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php include "data.php"; $msg = ""; $control = new jobs(); if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { header('Location: Login.php'); } if (!empty($_POST['register'])) { if ($_POST['name'] != '' && $_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '' && $_POST['college'] != '' && $_POST['percentage'] != '') { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['Confirm_password']) { $cdetails = array(); $cdetails[0] = $_POST['name']; $cdetails[1] = $_POST['username']; $cdetails[2] = $_POST['password']; $cdetails[3] = $_POST['college']; $cdetails[4] = $_POST['percentage']; $msg = $control->addstudent($cdetails); header('Refresh: 1;Location: Login.php'); } else { echo "<script>alert('Password Do not match Try Again')</script>"; } } else { echo "<script>alert('Please Fill all the entries')</script>"; } } ?> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" />
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php session_start(); $myusername = $mypassword = ""; include "data.php"; $msg = ""; $control = new jobs(); if (!empty($_POST['register'])) { //Do all the submission part or storing in DB work and all here header('Location: Signupform.php'); } if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { //Do all the submission part or storing in DB work and all here if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $myusername = $control->correctInput($control, $_POST['username']); $mypassword = $control->correctInput($control, $_POST['password']); $type = $control->correctInput($control, $_POST['type']); if (!(empty($myusername) || empty($mypassword))) { $msg = $control->login($myusername, $mypassword, $type); } else { echo "<script>alert('Either username or password is missing ')</script>"; } } } ?> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title> Login
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objjob = new jobs(); $response = $objjob->get_job_by_id($_POST['jobid']); $description = $response['description']; $description .= "<br><b> More Description added on " . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . "</b><br>"; $description .= $_POST['description']; $objjob->adddescription($description, $_POST['jobid']); echo "script: messageBox('More Description Added to Job.',function() { window.location='account.php'; } );";
<?php include "header.php"; require_once "../common/class/jobs.class.php"; $delete_page = new jobs(); if ($_POST['type'] == "delete") { $midarray = explode(",", $_POST['selectcheck']); foreach ($midarray as $w) { $delete_page->delete_job($w); } //disconnect_db($cn); echo "<script>alert('job Deleted ...'); window.location='job_management.php';</script>"; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "approve") { $midarray = explode(",", $_POST['selectcheck']); foreach ($midarray as $w) { $delete_page->approve_job($w); } //disconnect_db($cn); echo "<script>alert('job is now: Active !..'); window.location='job_management.php';</script>"; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "block") { $midarray = explode(",", $_POST['selectcheck']); foreach ($midarray as $w) { $delete_page->block_job($w); } //disconnect_db($cn); echo "<script>alert('job is now: Blocked ...'); window.location='job_management.php';</script>"; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == "suspend") { $midarray = explode(",", $_POST['selectcheck']); foreach ($midarray as $w) { $delete_page->suspend_job($w); }
<th width="120">Required For</th> <td><input type="text" name="requiredfor" id="requiredfor" class="vldnoblank vistaStyle width250"><span class="checkStatus"></span></td> </tr> <tr class="fir"> <th><label for="company">Company</label></th> <td><input type="text" name="company" id="company" class="vldnoblank vistaStyle width250"><span class="checkStatus"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="companyurl">Company URL</label></th> <td><input type="text" name="companyurl" id="companyurl" class="vldurl vistaStyle width250"> <span class="checkStatus"></span></td> </tr> <tr class="fir"> <th><label for="jobtype">Job Type</label></th> <td><?php $objjobtype = new jobs(); $jobtype = $objjobtype->getalljobtypes(); echo "<select class='jobtype' id='jobtype' name='jobtype' class='vldnoblank'>"; echo '<option value="">Select One</option>'; foreach ($jobtype as $data) { echo "<option value='" . $data['id'] . "'>" . $data['name'] . "</option>"; } echo "</select>"; ?> <span class="checkStatus"></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><label for="category">Category</label></th> <td><select id="category" name="category" class="vldnoblank"> <option value="">Select One</option>
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php include "data.php"; $msg = ""; $control = new jobs(); if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { header('Location: Login.php'); } if (!empty($_POST['register'])) { if ($_POST['company'] != '' && $_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password']) { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['confirm_password']) { $cdetails = array(); $cdetails[0] = $_POST['company']; $cdetails[1] = $_POST['username']; $cdetails[2] = $_POST['password']; $msg = $control->addemployee($cdetails); header('Refresh: 1;Location: Login.php'); } else { echo "<script>alert('Password Do not match Try Again')</script>"; } } else { echo "<script>alert('Please Fill all the entries')</script>"; } } ?> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title> Employee SignUp
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; ?> <form method="post" action="ajax/jobs/updatedescription.php" onsubmit="if(validateForm(this)) submitFormOnFloat(this); return false;"> <input type="hidden" name="jobid" value="<?php echo $_GET['jid']; ?> " > <?php $objjob = new jobs(); $data = $objjob->get_job_by_id($_GET['jid']); ?> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td width="30%"></td> <td width="70%"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><big><b>Add More Description to : <?php echo $data['title']; ?> </b></big></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Description</strong></td> <td><textarea name="description" value="" rows="10" cols="40" class="vldnoblank"></textarea> <span class="checkStatus"></span> </td> </tr>
<?php include "header.php"; include "subheader.php"; $transaction = new transaction(); $user = new user(); $user_data = $user->getbyid($user->getloggedid()); $balance = $transaction->balance(); if ($user_data['type'] == "seeker" || $user_data['type'] == "provider") { ?> <div style="height:20px; clear:both;"></div> <strong>List of All Jobs You have Posted</strong> <?php $objjob = new jobs(); $joblist = $objjob->get_all_jobs_by_userid($_SESSION['foongigs_userid']); $objmaincat = new maincategory(); $objcommon = new common(); if (is_array($joblist)) { ?> <div id="account_open_projects" style="clear:both; width:100%;"> <table width="100%" > <tr class="heading"><td>Required For</td><td>Posted On</td><td>Status</td><td>Edit</td><td>Option</td></tr> <?php foreach ($joblist as $data) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td><a href="job_view.php?id=' . $data['id'] . '">' . $data['title'] . '</a></td>'; echo '<td>' . $data['posted_time'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $objjob->getstatus($data['id']) . '</td>'; echo "<td><a href='edit_job.php?jid=" . $data['id'] . "'>Edit</a></td>"; echo "<td>" . $objjob->getoption($data['id']) . "</td>";
<?php /* * Author - Chudinov Kirill */ if (!isset($_SESSION['admin'])) { header('location: Login'); die; } require 'engine/classes/class_jobs.php'; $jobs = new jobs(); // Those functions will make an array with all the websites, job types and categories. $jobs->get_websites(); $jobs->get_job_types(); $jobs->get_categories(); // How many jobs to skip $skip = isset($_GET['skip']) ? intval($_GET['skip']) : 0; $jobs->get_jobs(5, $skip); require 'design/design_load_jobs.php';
<?php include "header.php"; include "subheader.php"; require_once "common/class/mysql.class.php"; require_once "common/class/jobs.class.php"; $common_class = new jobs(); $mysql_querry = new mysql(); $jobs = new jobs(); $job = $jobs->get_job_by_id($_GET['id']); $objmaincat = new maincategory(); $user = new user(); ?> <h3 class="heading"> <?php echo $job['title']; ?> - Jobs</h3> <div style="margin:3px 0 0 0;"><strong>Job ID:</strong> <?php echo $_GET['id']; ?> </div> <table border="0" class="tableDetails" width="100%"> <tr height="20"></tr> <tr class="fir"> <th width="175"> Title : </th> <td><b><?php echo $job['title']; ?> </b></td> </tr> <tr> <th> Posted On :</th> <td> <?php
<?php session_start(); require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/common.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/jobs.class.php"; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/common/class/user.class.php"; $objuser = new user(); $objuser->checkLoginAjax(); $objjob = new jobs(); $response = $objjob->delete_job($_GET['jid']); echo "script: messageBox('Your Job has been deleted..',function() { window.location='account.php'; } );";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <?php session_start(); include "data.php"; $control = new jobs(); $name1 = "Sign-Up"; $name2 = "Log-In"; $name3 = "Signupform.php"; $name4 = "Login.php"; $name5 = ""; $name6 = ""; if ($_SESSION['type'] != 'employee') { header('Location: index.php'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['login'])) { $name1 = ""; $name2 = $_SESSION['login']; $name3 = ""; $name4 = ""; $name5 = "Logout"; $name6 = "logout.php"; } if (!empty($_POST['register'])) { $cdetails = array(); $cdetails[0] = $_SESSION['login']; $cdetails[1] = $_POST['jobid']; $cdetails[2] = $_POST['post']; $cdetails[3] = $_POST['startdate']; $cdetails[4] = $_POST['duration']; $cdetails[5] = $_POST['stipend']; $cdetails[6] = $_POST['postedon'];