コード例 #1
     $search_result = '<h3 class="red">No Products/Articles Found</h3>';
 } else {
     //add ah (adjust height) if column is article level
     $header = array();
     $header['img tac'] = 'Product';
     $header['name tac'] = 'Info';
     $header['a w200 tac ah'] = 'EAN';
     $header['b w080 tac ah'] = 'Order';
     $header['c w080 tac ah'] = 'Cancel';
     $header['d w080 tac ah'] = 'Open&nbsp;PO';
     $header['e w080 tac ah'] = 'Stock&nbsp;SP';
     $header['h w080 tac ah'] = 'Stock&nbsp;HH';
     $header['i w080 tac ah'] = 'Ordered<br />by&nbsp;Customers';
     $header['f w080 tac ah'] = 'Delivered<br />to&nbsp;Customers';
     $header['g w150 tac ah'] = 'Action';
     $last_import = $class_jd->retrieveLatestDownloads($jng_sp_id, 'IMPORTDATA', 1);
     $products = array();
     $articles = array();
     $import_date = null;
     while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($r)) {
         $import_date_ts = strtotime($row['import_date']);
         if (is_null($import_date) || $import_date_ts < $import_date) {
             $import_date = $import_date_ts;
         $pid = $row['products_id'];
         $aid = $row['products_articles_id'];
         $ean = $row['products_ean'];
         if ($row['products_stock'] < 0) {
             $row['products_stock'] = 0;
         if (!isset($products[$pid])) {
コード例 #2
 $content .= '<h3 style="margin-top:20px;">Step 2 &raquo; Upload file with amazon latest stock data</h3>';
 $content .= '<div class="box ui-corner-all w500">';
 $content .= '<form name="amvdupload_stock" action="?open=sp-orders-amvd-upload' . $addhidemenu . '#ui-tabs-2" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
 $content .= '<div class="red" style="margin-bottom:10px;">Import data must be a csv file,<br />use <strong>Recommended/empfohlen</strong> in Amazon download link.</div>';
 $content .= '<div class="form"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
 $content .= '<tr><td class="w150">Select Report File</td><td><input type="file" name="amvdstock" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Set Report Type</td><td><select id="report_info_1" name="report_type" class="w200">' . loadComboListFromArray($amvd_report_type, null, null, false) . '</select></td></tr>';
 $content .= '<tr><td>Set Report Date</td><td><input id="report_info_2" name="report_date" type="text" class="w080" /></td></tr>';
 $content .= '</table></div>';
 $content .= '<div><input type="submit" name="submit" class="w300 button" value="Upload file and Import data to Manobo" /></div>';
 $content .= '</form>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<h3 style="margin-top:20px;">Step 3 &raquo; Cancel orders using cancelation module</h3>';
 $content .= '<div class="box ui-corner-all w500">';
 $last_import = $class_jd->retrieveLatestDownloads('5', 'IMPORTDATA', 1);
 $content .= '<div class="red">';
 $content .= count($last_import) > 0 ? 'Last Import is ' . $last_import[0]['info'] : 'No Last Import';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<div><input type="button" class="w300 button" id="cancel-module-open" value="Open Cancelation Module" /></div>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<h3 style="margin-top:20px;">Step 4 &raquo; Confirm cancelations to make sure they are not reviveable</h3>';
 $content .= '<div class="box ui-corner-all w500">';
 $content .= '<div>This will confirm all unconfirmed delivery and cancel orders of all SP</div>';
 $content .= '<div><input type="button" class="w300 button" id="confirm-cancelations" value="Confirm Cancelations" /></div>';
 $content .= '</div>';
 $content .= '<h3 style="margin-top:20px;">Final Step &raquo; Reset stock checking delay if updated on Step 1</h3>';
 $content .= '<div class="box ui-corner-all w500">';
 $content .= '<div><input type="button" class="w300 button" id="reset-stock-delay" value="Reset Stock Checking Delay" /></div>';