$params = array('order' => array('type' => 'order', 'direction' => $direction, 'by' => $orderby)); //has the season select been used? if ($season_id = jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', false)) { $params['season_id'] = array('type' => 'join', 'join_table' => '#__jtips_rounds', 'lhs_table' => '#__jtips_comments', 'lhs_key' => 'round_id', 'rhs_table' => '#__jtips_rounds', 'rhs_key' => 'id', 'supplement' => 'AND #__jtips_rounds.season_id = ' . $jComment->_db->Quote($season_id)); } $jComments = forceArray($jComment->loadByParams($params, $limit, $limitstart)); $pageNav = new mosPageNav($jComment->getCount($params), $limitstart, $limit); $data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($jComments as $comment) { //get the comment poster details $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUser->load($comment->user_id); //Which round is it for $jRound = new jRound($database); $jRound->load($comment->round_id); if (strlen($comment->comment) > 100) { $suffix = '...'; } else { $suffix = ''; } $data[$comment->id] = array(makeListLink(substr(jTipsStripslashes($comment->comment), 0, 100) . $suffix, $i++), $jTipsUser->getUserField('name'), $jTipsUser->getUserField('username'), $comment->getSeasonName(), $jRound->round, TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($comment->updated)); } $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams()); $options = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_USERS_SELECT_SEASON'])); foreach ($jSeasons as $season) { $options[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($season->id, $season->name); } $filters = array($jLang['_ADMIN_SEASON_SELECT'] => jTipsHTML::selectList($options, 'season_id', "id='season_id' class='inputbox' onChange='this.form.submit();'", 'value', 'text', jTipsGetParam($_REQUEST, 'season_id', ''))); jTipsAdminDisplay::ListView($formData, $header, $data, $pageNav, 'list', $filters, $jLang['_ADMIN_COMMENTS_INFO']);
//Do we have an existing Season? $id = array_shift($ids); if (is_numeric($id)) { $jComment->load($id); } if (!$jComment->exists()) { mosRedirect('index2.php?option=com_jtips&task=list&module=Comments', $jLang['_ADMIN_COMMENT_LOAD_ERROR']); } $jTipsUser = new jTipsUser($database); $jTipsUser->load($jComment->user_id); $title = $jLang['_ADMIN_DASH_COMMENT_MANAGER'] . ": " . $jLang['_ADMIN_OTHER_EDIT']; $mainframe->addCustomHeadTag("<script type='text/javascript' src='components/com_jtips/modules/Comments/Comments.js'></script>"); //what seasons are there $jSeason = new jSeason($database); $jSeasons = forceArray($jSeason->loadByParams(array())); $jSeasonOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); jTipsSortArrayObjects($jSeasons, 'name', 'ASC'); foreach ($jSeasons as $season) { $jSeasonOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($season->id, $season->name); } //which season is this in? $jRound = new jRound($database); $jRound->load($jComment->round_id); $jRounds = forceArray($jRound->loadByParams(array('season_id' => $jRound->season_id))); $jRoundOptions = array(jTipsHTML::makeOption('', $jLang['_ADMIN_CONF_NONE'])); jTipsSortArrayObjects($jSeasons, 'name', 'ASC'); foreach ($jRounds as $round) { $jRoundOptions[] = jTipsHTML::makeOption($round->id, $round->round); } $formData = array('basic' => array('legend' => '_ADMIN_COMM_EDIT_COMMENT', 'fields' => array('id' => array('field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'id' => 'id', 'value' => $jComment->id))), 'orig_round_id' => array('field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'orig_round_id', 'id' => 'orig_round_id', 'value' => $jComment->round_id))), 'user_id' => array('label' => '_COM_DASH_USER', 'field' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'user_id', 'id' => 'user_id', 'value' => $jComment->user_id))), 'user' => array('label' => '_COM_DASH_USER', 'field' => array('type' => 'label', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'label', 'value' => $jTipsUser->getUserField('name') . " (" . $jTipsUser->getUserField('username') . ")"))), 'season_id' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_ROUND_SEASON', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'season_id', 'id' => 'season_id', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'onChange' => 'getTheRounds(this);'), 'options' => $jSeasonOptions, 'selected' => $jRound->season_id)), 'round_id' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_ROUND_ROUND', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'attributes' => array('name' => 'round_id', 'id' => 'round_id', 'class' => 'inputbox'), 'options' => $jRoundOptions, 'selected' => $jComment->round_id)), 'comment' => array('label' => '_ADMIN_COMM_EDIT_COMMENT', 'field' => array('type' => 'text', 'attributes' => array('size' => 50, 'name' => 'comment', 'id' => 'comment', 'class' => 'inputbox', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => jTipsStripslashes(htmlentities($jComment->comment, ENT_QUOTES))))), 'updatedlabel' => array('label' => '_COM_TIPS_LASTUP', 'field' => array('type' => 'label', 'attributes' => array('type' => 'label', 'value' => TimeDate::toDisplayDateTime($jComment->updated))), 'description' => '_ADMIN_COMMENTS_UDPATED_DESCRIPTION')))); jTipsAdminDisplay::EditView($title, $formData, 'comments');