コード例 #1
$t->info('  2.1 - First try it without any children - should just update root values.');
$t->info('    2.1.1 - Persist a menu with mostly blank fields.');
$rt = create_root('rt');
// clear the default "root" class attribute
$t->is($rt->getName(), 'Root li', '->getName() returns "Root li".');
$t->is($rt->getLabel(), null, '->getLabel() returns null.');
$t->is($rt->getRoute(), null, '->getRoute() returns null.');
$t->is($rt->getAttributes(), '', '->getAttributes() returns an empty string.');
$t->is($rt->getRequiresAuth(), false, '->getRequiresAuth() returns false.');
$t->is($rt->getRequiresNoAuth(), false, '->getRequiresNoAuth() returns false.');
$t->is(count($rt->Permissions), 0, '->Permissions matches 0 items');
// setup some interesting values to persist
$menu->setAttributes(array('class' => 'root', 'id' => 'sympal_menu'));
$menu->setCredentials(array(array('c1', 'c2')));
$t->info('    2.1.2 - Persisting a menu with multi-level credentials is not supported - an exception is thrown.');
$rt = create_root('rt');
try {
    $t->fail('Exception not thrown');
} catch (sfException $e) {
    $t->pass('Exception thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());
$t->info('    2.1.3 - Persist a valid menu item with several different fields filled in (no refresh).');
$rt = create_root('rt');
$menu->setCredentials(array('c1', 'c2'));