コード例 #1
function basic_root_menu_check(ioDoctrineMenuItem $rt, lime_test $t)
    $t->is($rt->getName(), 'Root li', '->getName() returns the correct value from the menu.');
    $t->is($rt->getLabel(), 'sympal', '->getLabel() returns the correct value from the menu.');
    $t->is($rt->getRoute(), 'http://www.sympalphp.org', '->getRoute() returns the correct value from the menu.');
    $t->is($rt->getAttributes(), 'class="root" id="sympal_menu"', '->getAttributes() returns the string representation of the attributes.');
    $t->is($rt->getRequiresAuth(), 1, '->getRequiresAuth() returns the correct value from the menu.');
    $t->is($rt->getRequiresNoAuth(), 0, '->getRequiresNoAuth() returns the correct value from the menu.');
    $permissions = $rt->Permissions;
    $t->is(count($permissions), 2, '->Permissions matches two items');
    $t->is($permissions[0]->name, 'c1', 'The c1 permission was properly set');
    $t->is($permissions[1]->name, 'c2', 'The c2 permission was properly set');