コード例 #1
$print = isset($_REQUEST['print']) ? true : false;
$part = isset($_REQUEST['part']) ? $_REQUEST['part'] : '';
$query = isset($_REQUEST['query']) ? $_REQUEST['query'] : '';
$account = $email->get_account($account_id);
if ($account && $mail->open($account['host'], $account['type'], $account['port'], $account['username'], $GO_CRYPTO->decrypt($account['password']), $mailbox, 0, $account['use_ssl'], $account['novalidate_cert'])) {
    if ($task == 'move_mail') {
        $messages = array($uid);
        $move_to_mailbox = smartstrip($_REQUEST['move_to_mailbox']);
        if ($mail->move($move_to_mailbox, $messages) && $mail->reopen($move_to_mailbox)) {
            header('Location: ' . $GO_MODULES->url . 'index.php?account_id=' . $account_id . '&mailbox=' . $mailbox);
    //sort messages for determination of previous and next message
    if ($query != '') {
        $mail->search($em_settings['sort_field'], $em_settings['sort_order'], base64_decode($query));
    } else {
        $mail->sort($em_settings['sort_field'], $em_settings['sort_order']);
    $content = $mail->get_message($uid, 'html', $part);
    $subject = !empty($content["subject"]) ? $content["subject"] : $ml_no_subject;
} else {
    require $GO_THEME->theme_path . 'header.inc';
    echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" width="100%"><tr><td>';
    echo '<p class="Error">' . $ml_connect_failed . ' \'' . $account['host'] . '\' ' . $ml_at_port . ': ' . $account['port'] . '</p>';
    echo '<p class="Error">' . imap_last_error() . '</p>';
    require $GO_THEME->theme_path . 'footer.inc';
//update notified mail state
if ($content["new"] == '1') {
コード例 #2
echo '<tr><td>' . $ml_answered . ':</td><td>';
$radio_list = new radio_list('answered', $answered);
$radio_list->add_option('', $ml_doesnt_matter);
$radio_list->add_option('ANSWERED', $cmdYes);
$radio_list->add_option('UNANSWERED', $cmdNo);
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td colspan="2">';
$button = new button($cmdSearch, 'javascript:document.forms[0].submit();');
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
if ($query != '') {
    $messages_display = '';
    $msg_count = $mail->search($em_settings['sort_field'], $em_settings['sort_order'], $query);
    $mail->get_messages($first_row, $max_rows);
    $filters = array();
    //if there are new messages get the filters
    while ($email->next_record()) {
        $filter["field"] = $email->f("field");
        $filter["folder"] = $email->f("folder");
        $filter["keyword"] = $email->f("keyword");
        $filters[] = $filter;
    while ($mail->next_message(true)) {
        $continue = false;
        //check if message is new and apply users filters to new messages only in the inbox folder.
        if ($mail->f('new') == 1) {
            if (strtolower($mailbox) == "inbox") {