コード例 #1
  * Init property form
  * @return ilPropertyFormGUI $form
 protected function initFormSettings()
     include_once './Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php';
     $form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // Mode
     $mod = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_mode'), 'modus');
     foreach ($this->obj_lp->getValidModes() as $mode_key) {
         $opt = new ilRadioOption($this->obj_lp->getModeText($mode_key), $mode_key, $this->obj_lp->getModeInfoText($mode_key));
         // :TODO: Subitem for visits ?!
         if ($mode_key == ilLPObjSettings::LP_MODE_VISITS) {
             $vis = new ilNumberInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_visits'), 'visits');
             $vis->setInfo(sprintf($this->lng->txt('trac_visits_info'), ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan()));
     $form->addCommandButton('saveSettings', $this->lng->txt('save'));
     return $form;
コード例 #2
  * Init property form
  * @return ilPropertyFormGUI $form
 protected function initFormSettings()
     include_once './Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php';
     $form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // Mode
     $mod = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_mode'), 'modus');
     foreach ($this->obj_settings->getValidModes() as $mode_key => $mode_name) {
         $opt = new ilRadioOption($mode_name, $mode_key, ilLPObjSettings::_mode2InfoText($mode_key));
         // Subitem for vistits
         if ($mode_key == LP_MODE_VISITS) {
             $vis = new ilNumberInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_visits'), 'visits');
             $vis->setInfo(sprintf($this->lng->txt('trac_visits_info'), ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan()));
     // Info Active
     $act = new ilCustomInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_activated'), '');
     $img = new ilTemplate('tpl.obj_settings_img_row.html',true,true,'Services/Tracking');
     	$activated = ilObjUserTracking::_enabledLearningProgress()
     		? ilUtil::getImagePath('icon_ok.png')
     		: ilUtil::getImagePath('icon_not_ok.png')
      		// Info Anonymized
      		$ano = new ilCustomInputGUI($this->lng->txt('trac_anonymized'), '');
     $img = new ilTemplate('tpl.obj_settings_img_row.html',true,true,'Services/Tracking');
     	$anonymized = !ilObjUserTracking::_enabledUserRelatedData()
     		? ilUtil::getImagePath('icon_ok.png')
     		: ilUtil::getImagePath('icon_not_ok.png')
     $form->addCommandButton('saveSettings', $this->lng->txt('save'));
     return $form;
コード例 #3
 protected function trackChapterAccess()
     global $ilDB, $ilUser;
     // get last accessed page
     $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT * FROM lo_access WHERE " . "usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(), "integer") . " AND " . "lm_id = " . $ilDB->quote($this->lm->getRefId(), "integer"));
     $res = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set);
     if ($res["obj_id"]) {
         include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
         $valid_timespan = ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan();
         $pg_ts = new ilDateTime($res["timestamp"], IL_CAL_DATETIME);
         $pg_ts = $pg_ts->get(IL_CAL_UNIX);
         $pg_id = $res["obj_id"];
         if (!$this->lm_tree->isInTree($pg_id)) {
         $now = time();
         $time_diff = $read_diff = 0;
         // spent_seconds or read_count ?
         if ($now - $pg_ts <= $valid_timespan) {
             $time_diff = $now - $pg_ts;
         } else {
             $read_diff = 1;
         // find parent chapter(s) for that page
         $parent_st_ids = array();
         foreach ($this->lm_tree->getPathFull($pg_id) as $item) {
             if ($item["type"] == "st") {
                 $parent_st_ids[] = $item["obj_id"];
         if ($parent_st_ids && ($time_diff || $read_diff)) {
             // get existing chapter entries
             $ex_st = array();
             $set = $ilDB->query("SELECT obj_id FROM lm_read_event" . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $parent_st_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(), "integer"));
             while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($set)) {
                 $ex_st[] = $row["obj_id"];
             // add missing chapter entries
             $missing_st = array_diff($parent_st_ids, $ex_st);
             if (sizeof($missing_st)) {
                 foreach ($missing_st as $st_id) {
                     $fields = array("obj_id" => array("integer", $st_id), "usr_id" => array("integer", $ilUser->getId()));
                     $ilDB->insert("lm_read_event", $fields);
             // update all parent chapters
             $ilDB->manipulate("UPDATE lm_read_event SET" . " read_count = read_count + " . $ilDB->quote($read_diff, "integer") . " , spent_seconds = spent_seconds + " . $ilDB->quote($time_diff, "integer") . " , last_access = " . $ilDB->quote($now, "integer") . " WHERE " . $ilDB->in("obj_id", $parent_st_ids, "", "integer") . " AND usr_id = " . $ilDB->quote($ilUser->getId(), "integer"));
コード例 #4
  * get mode info text
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param int $mode
 public static function _mode2InfoText($a_mode)
     global $lng;
     switch ($a_mode) {
         case LP_MODE_DEACTIVATED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_deactivated_info_new');
         case LP_MODE_TLT:
             return sprintf($lng->txt('trac_mode_tlt_info'), ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan());
         case LP_MODE_VISITS:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_visits_info');
         case LP_MODE_MANUAL:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_manual_info');
         case LP_MODE_MANUAL_BY_TUTOR:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_manual_by_tutor_info');
         case LP_MODE_OBJECTIVES:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_objectives_info');
         case LP_MODE_COLLECTION:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_collection_info');
         case LP_MODE_SCORM:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_scorm_info');
         case LP_MODE_TEST_FINISHED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_test_finished_info');
         case LP_MODE_TEST_PASSED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_test_passed_info');
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_exercise_returned_info');
         case LP_MODE_SCORM_PACKAGE:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_scorm_package_info');
         case LP_MODE_EVENT:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_event_info');
コード例 #5
  * Records a read event and catches up with write events.
  * @param $obj_id int The object which was read.
  * @param $usr_id int The user who performed a read action.
  * @param $catchupWriteEvents boolean If true, this function catches up with
  * 	write events.
 function _recordReadEvent($a_type, $a_ref_id, $obj_id, $usr_id, $isCatchupWriteEvents = true, $a_ext_rc = false, $a_ext_time = false)
     global $ilDB, $tree;
     /* read_event data is now used for several features, so we are always keeping track
     		if (!ilChangeEvent::_isActive())
     include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
     $validTimeSpan = ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan();
     $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ', $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer'));
     $res = $ilDB->query($query);
     $row = $ilDB->fetchObject($res);
     // read counter
     if ($a_ext_rc !== false) {
         $read_count = 'read_count = ' . $ilDB->quote($a_ext_rc, "integer") . ", ";
         $read_count_init = max(1, (int) $a_ext_rc);
         $read_count_diff = max(1, (int) $a_ext_rc) - $row->read_count;
     } else {
         $read_count = 'read_count = read_count + 1, ';
         $read_count_init = 1;
         $read_count_diff = 1;
     if ($row) {
         if ($a_ext_time !== false) {
             $time = (int) $a_ext_time;
         } else {
             $time = $ilDB->quote(time() - $row->last_access <= $validTimeSpan ? $row->spent_seconds + time() - $row->last_access : $row->spent_seconds, 'integer');
             // if we are in the valid interval, we do not
             // add anything to the read_count, since this is the
             // same access for us
             if (time() - $row->last_access <= $validTimeSpan) {
                 $read_count = '';
                 $read_count_init = 1;
                 $read_count_diff = 0;
         $time_diff = $time - (int) $row->spent_seconds;
         // Update
         $query = sprintf('UPDATE read_event SET ' . $read_count . 'spent_seconds = %s, ' . 'last_access = %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ', $time, $ilDB->quote(time(), 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($obj_id, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer'));
         $aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
         self::_recordObjStats($obj_id, $time_diff, $read_count_diff);
     } else {
         if ($a_ext_time !== false) {
             $time = (int) $a_ext_time;
         } else {
             $time = 0;
         $time_diff = $time - (int) $row->spent_seconds;
         $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO read_event (obj_id,usr_id,last_access,read_count,spent_seconds,first_access) '.
         	'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'.$ilDB->now().') ',
         // #10407
         $ilDB->replace('read_event', array('obj_id' => array('integer', $obj_id), 'usr_id' => array('integer', $usr_id)), array('read_count' => array('integer', $read_count_init), 'spent_seconds' => array('integer', $time), 'first_access' => array('timestamp', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'last_access' => array('integer', time())));
         self::$has_accessed[$obj_id][$usr_id] = true;
         self::_recordObjStats($obj_id, $time_diff, $read_count_diff);
     if ($isCatchupWriteEvents) {
         ilChangeEvent::_catchupWriteEvents($obj_id, $usr_id);
     // update parents (no categories or root)
     if (!in_array($a_type, array("cat", "root", "crs"))) {
         if ($tree->isInTree($a_ref_id)) {
             $path = $tree->getPathId($a_ref_id);
             foreach ($path as $p) {
                 $obj2_id = ilObject::_lookupObjId($p);
                 $obj2_type = ilObject::_lookupType($obj2_id);
                 //echo "<br>1-$obj2_type-$p-$obj2_id-";
                 if ($p != $a_ref_id && in_array($obj2_type, array("crs", "fold", "grp"))) {
                     $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM read_event ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ', $ilDB->quote($obj2_id, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer'));
                     $res2 = $ilDB->query($query);
                     if ($row2 = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res2)) {
                         //echo "<br>2";
                         // update read count and spent seconds
                         $query = sprintf('UPDATE read_event SET ' . 'childs_read_count = childs_read_count + %s ,' . 'childs_spent_seconds = childs_spent_seconds + %s ' . 'WHERE obj_id = %s ' . 'AND usr_id = %s ', $ilDB->quote((int) $read_count_diff, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote((int) $time_diff, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($obj2_id, 'integer'), $ilDB->quote($usr_id, 'integer'));
                         $aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
                         self::_recordObjStats($obj2_id, null, null, (int) $time_diff, (int) $read_count_diff);
                     } else {
                         //echo "<br>3";
                         //$ilLog->write("insert read event for obj_id -".$obj2_id."-".$usr_id."-");
                         $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO read_event (obj_id,usr_id,last_access,read_count,spent_seconds,first_access,'.
                         	'childs_read_count, childs_spent_seconds) '.
                         	'VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'.$ilDB->now().', %s, %s) ',
                         	$ilDB->quote((int) $read_count_diff,'integer'),
                         	$ilDB->quote((int) $time_diff,'integer')
                         $aff = $ilDB->manipulate($query);
                         // #10407
                         $ilDB->replace('read_event', array('obj_id' => array('integer', $obj2_id), 'usr_id' => array('integer', $usr_id)), array('read_count' => array('integer', 1), 'spent_seconds' => array('integer', $time), 'first_access' => array('timestamp', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'last_access' => array('integer', time()), 'childs_read_count' => array('integer', (int) $read_count_diff), 'childs_spent_seconds' => array('integer', (int) $time_diff)));
                         self::$has_accessed[$obj2_id][$usr_id] = true;
                         self::_recordObjStats($obj2_id, $time, 1, (int) $time_diff, (int) $read_count_diff);
     // @todo:
     // - calculate diff of spent_seconds and read_count
     // - use ref id to get parents of types grp, crs, fold
     // - add diffs to childs_spent_seconds and childs_read_count
コード例 #6
 public static function _mode2InfoText($a_mode)
     global $lng;
     switch ($a_mode) {
         case self::LP_MODE_DEACTIVATED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_deactivated_info_new');
         case self::LP_MODE_TLT:
             include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
             return sprintf($lng->txt('trac_mode_tlt_info'), ilObjUserTracking::_getValidTimeSpan());
         case self::LP_MODE_VISITS:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_visits_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_MANUAL:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_manual_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_MANUAL_BY_TUTOR:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_manual_by_tutor_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_OBJECTIVES:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_objectives_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_COLLECTION:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_collection_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_SCORM:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_scorm_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_TEST_FINISHED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_test_finished_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_TEST_PASSED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_test_passed_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_EXERCISE_RETURNED:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_exercise_returned_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_SCORM_PACKAGE:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_scorm_package_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_EVENT:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_event_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_COLLECTION_MANUAL:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_collection_manual_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_COLLECTION_TLT:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_collection_tlt_info');
         case self::LP_MODE_QUESTIONS:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_questions_info');
             // START PATCH RUBRIC CPKN 2015
         // START PATCH RUBRIC CPKN 2015
         case self::LP_MODE_RUBRIC:
             return $lng->txt('trac_mode_rubric_info');
             // END PATCH RUBRIC CPKN 2015