public function output() { $aSteps = array(); $iIndex = 0; foreach ($this->m_aSteps as $sStepTitle) { $iIndex++; $sStyle = $iIndex == $this->m_iCurrentStep ? 'wizActiveStep' : 'wizStep'; $aSteps[] = "<div class=\"{$sStyle}\"><span>{$sStepTitle}</span></div>"; } $sWizardHeader = "<div class=\"wizHeader\"><h1>" . htmlentities($this->s_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</h1>\n" . implode("<div class=\"wizSeparator\"><img align=\"bottom\" src=\"../images/wizArrow.gif\"></div>", $aSteps) . "<br style=\"clear:both;\"/></div>\n"; $this->s_content = "{$sWizardHeader}<div class=\"wizContainer\">" . $this->s_content . "</div>"; parent::output(); }
$sMessage = Dict::Format('config-parse-error', $sMessage, $sLine); throw new Exception($sMessage); } else { // Note: sNoise is an html output, but so far it was ok for me (e.g. showing the entire call stack) throw new Exception('Syntax error in configuration file: <tt>' . $sNoise . '</tt>'); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main program // LoginWebPage::DoLogin(true); // Check user rights and prompt if needed (must be admin) //$sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', 'menu'); //$oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('config-edit-title')); $oP->set_base(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/'); try { $sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', ''); $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::S('config-edit-title') . "</h1>"); if (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) { $oP->add("<div class=\"header_message message_info\">Sorry, iTop is in <b>demonstration mode</b>: the configuration file cannot be edited.</div>"); } else { $oP->add_style(<<<EOF textarea { \t-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; \t-moz-box-sizing: border-box; \tbox-sizing: border-box; \twidth: 100%; \theight: 550px;
/** * Page to configuration the notifications (triggers and actions) * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2013 Combodo SARL * @license */ require_once '../'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; LoginWebPage::DoLogin(true); // Check user rights and prompt if needed (must be admin) // Main program // $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('Menu:NotificationsMenu+')); $oP->add('<div class="page_header" style="padding:0.5em;">'); $oP->add('<h1>' . dict::S('UI:NotificationsMenu:Title') . '</h1>'); $oP->add('</div>'); $oP->StartCollapsibleSection(Dict::S('UI:NotificationsMenu:Help'), true); $oP->add('<div style="padding: 1em; font-size:10pt;background:#E8F3CF;margin-top: 0.25em;">'); $oP->add('<img src="../images/bell.png" style="margin-top: -60px; margin-right: 10px; float: right;">'); $oP->add(Dict::S('UI:NotificationsMenu:HelpContent')); $oP->add('</div>'); $oP->add(''); $oP->add(''); $oP->EndCollapsibleSection(); $oP->add('<p> </p>'); $oP->AddTabContainer('Tabs_0'); $oP->SetCurrentTabContainer('Tabs_0'); $oP->SetCurrentTab(Dict::S('UI:NotificationsMenu:Triggers'));
try { require_once '../'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; $operation = utils::ReadParam('operation', ''); $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI(); $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('Data model loaded'); $oKPI = new ExecutionKPI(); require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; $sLoginMessage = LoginWebPage::DoLogin(); // Check user rights and prompt if needed $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $oKPI->ComputeAndReport('User login'); $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('UI:WelcomeToITop')); $oP->SetMessage($sLoginMessage); // All the following actions use advanced forms that require more javascript to be loaded switch ($operation) { case 'new': // Form to create a new object // Form to create a new object case 'modify': // Form to modify an object // Form to modify an object case 'apply_new': // Creation of a new object // Creation of a new object case 'apply_modify': // Applying the modifications to an existing object // Applying the modifications to an existing object
} } $oPage->add("</ul>\n"); $oPage->add("</li>\n"); } } $oPage->add_ready_script('$("#RelationshipDetails").treeview();'); } // Display the menu on the left $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $sContext = $oAppContext->GetForLink(); if (!empty($sContext)) { $sContext = '&' . $sContext; } $operation = utils::ReadParam('operation', ''); $oPage = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('UI:Schema:Title')); $oPage->no_cache(); $operation = utils::ReadParam('operation', ''); switch ($operation) { case 'details_class': $sClass = utils::ReadParam('class', 'logRealObject', false, 'class'); DisplayClassDetails($oPage, $sClass, $sContext); break; case 'details_relation': $sRelCode = utils::ReadParam('relcode', ''); DisplayRelationDetails($oPage, $sRelCode, $sContext); break; case 'list': default: DisplayClassesList($oPage, $sContext); }
/** * Analytical search * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Combodo SARL * @license */ require_once '../'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; LoginWebPage::DoLogin(true); // Check user rights and prompt if needed (must be admin) $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('UI:UniversalSearchTitle')); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/json.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/forms-json-utils.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/wizardhelper.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/wizard.utils.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/linkswidget.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/extkeywidget.js"); $oP->add_linked_script("../js/jquery.blockUI.js"); // From now on the context is limited to the the selected organization ?? // Now render the content of the page $sBaseClass = utils::ReadParam('baseClass', 'Organization', false, 'class'); $sClass = utils::ReadParam('class', $sBaseClass, false, 'class'); $sOQLClause = utils::ReadParam('oql_clause', '', false, 'raw_data'); $sFilter = utils::ReadParam('filter', '', false, 'raw_data'); $sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', ''); // First part: select the class to search for
// // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with iTop. If not, see <> /** * Display the Flash navigator, in the whole pane */ require_once '../'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; require_once APPROOT . '/application/'; LoginWebPage::DoLogin(); // Check user rights and prompt if needed $sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', 'menu'); $oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $oP = new iTopWebPage("iTop - Navigator"); // Main program $sClass = utils::ReadParam('class', ''); $id = utils::ReadParam('id', 0); $sRelation = utils::ReadParam('relation', 'neighbours'); try { $width = 1000; $height = 700; $sDrillUrl = urlencode(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/UI.php?operation=details'); // $sParams = "pWidth=$width&pHeight=$height&drillUrl=".urlencode('../pages/UI.php?operation=details')."&displayController=false&xmlUrl=".urlencode("./xml.navigator.php")."&obj_class=$sClass&obj_id=$id&relation=$sRelation"; // $oP->add("<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" codebase=\",0,0,0\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" id=\"navigator\" align=\"middle\"> // <param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"sameDomain\" /> // <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"false\" /> // <param name=\"FlashVars\" value=\"$sParams\" /> // <param name=\"movie\" value=\"../images/navigator.swf\" /><param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" /><param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#ffffff\" /> // <embed src=\"../images/navigator.swf\" flashVars=\"$sParams\" quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" name=\"navigator\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" allowFullScreen=\"false\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"\" />
} if (!defined('APPROOT')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../../'; } require_once APPROOT . 'application/'; require_once APPROOT . 'application/'; require_once APPROOT . 'application/'; require_once APPROOT . 'application/'; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main program // LoginWebPage::DoLogin(true); // Check user rights and prompt if needed (must be admin) //$sOperation = utils::ReadParam('operation', 'menu'); //$oAppContext = new ApplicationContext(); $oP = new iTopWebPage(Dict::S('bkp-status-title')); $oP->set_base(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlAppRoot() . 'pages/'); try { $oP->add("<h1>" . Dict::S('bkp-status-title') . "</h1>"); if (MetaModel::GetConfig()->Get('demo_mode')) { $oP->add("<div class=\"header_message message_info\">iTop is in <b>demonstration mode</b>: the feature is disabled.</div>"); } $sImgOk = '<img src="../images/validation_ok.png"> '; $sImgError = '<img src="../images/validation_error.png"> '; $oP->add("<fieldset>"); $oP->add("<legend>" . Dict::S('bkp-status-checks') . "</legend>"); // Availability of mysqldump // $sMySQLBinDir = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetModuleSetting('itop-backup', 'mysql_bindir', ''); $sMySQLBinDir = utils::ReadParam('mysql_bindir', $sMySQLBinDir, true); if (empty($sMySQLBinDir)) {
/** * Display the details of an import */ static function DisplayImportHistoryDetails(iTopWebPage $oPage, $iChange) { if ($iChange == 0) { throw new Exception("Missing parameter changeid"); } $oChange = MetaModel::GetObject('CMDBChange', $iChange, false); if (is_null($oChange)) { throw new Exception("Unknown change: {$iChange}"); } $oPage->add("<div><p><h1>" . Dict::Format('UI:History:BulkImportDetails', $oChange->Get('date'), $oChange->GetUserName()) . "</h1></p></div>\n"); // Assumption : change made one single class of objects $aObjects = array(); $aAttributes = array(); // array of attcode => occurences $oOpSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT CMDBChangeOp WHERE change = :change_id"); $oOpSet = new DBObjectSet($oOpSearch, array(), array('change_id' => $iChange)); while ($oOperation = $oOpSet->Fetch()) { $sClass = $oOperation->Get('objclass'); $iKey = $oOperation->Get('objkey'); $iObjId = "{$sClass}::{$iKey}"; if (!isset($aObjects[$iObjId])) { $aObjects[$iObjId] = array(); $aObjects[$iObjId]['__class__'] = $sClass; $aObjects[$iObjId]['__id__'] = $iKey; } if (get_class($oOperation) == 'CMDBChangeOpCreate') { $aObjects[$iObjId]['__created__'] = true; } elseif ($oOperation instanceof CMDBChangeOpSetAttribute) { $sAttCode = $oOperation->Get('attcode'); if (get_class($oOperation) == 'CMDBChangeOpSetAttributeScalar') { $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $sAttCode); if ($oAttDef->IsExternalKey()) { $sOldValue = Dict::S('UI:UndefinedObject'); if ($oOperation->Get('oldvalue') != 0) { $oOldTarget = MetaModel::GetObject($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), $oOperation->Get('oldvalue')); $sOldValue = $oOldTarget->GetHyperlink(); } $sNewValue = Dict::S('UI:UndefinedObject'); if ($oOperation->Get('newvalue') != 0) { $oNewTarget = MetaModel::GetObject($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), $oOperation->Get('newvalue')); $sNewValue = $oNewTarget->GetHyperlink(); } } else { $sOldValue = $oOperation->GetAsHTML('oldvalue'); $sNewValue = $oOperation->GetAsHTML('newvalue'); } $aObjects[$iObjId][$sAttCode] = $sOldValue . ' -> ' . $sNewValue; } else { $aObjects[$iObjId][$sAttCode] = 'n/a'; } if (isset($aAttributes[$sAttCode])) { $aAttributes[$sAttCode]++; } else { $aAttributes[$sAttCode] = 1; } } } $aDetails = array(); foreach ($aObjects as $iUId => $aObjData) { $aRow = array(); $oObject = MetaModel::GetObject($aObjData['__class__'], $aObjData['__id__'], false); if (is_null($oObject)) { $aRow['object'] = $aObjData['__class__'] . '::' . $aObjData['__id__'] . ' (deleted)'; } else { $aRow['object'] = $oObject->GetHyperlink(); } if (isset($aObjData['__created__'])) { $aRow['operation'] = Dict::S('Change:ObjectCreated'); } else { $aRow['operation'] = Dict::S('Change:ObjectModified'); } foreach ($aAttributes as $sAttCode => $iOccurences) { if (isset($aObjData[$sAttCode])) { $aRow[$sAttCode] = $aObjData[$sAttCode]; } elseif (!is_null($oObject)) { // This is the current vaslue: $oObject->GetAsHtml($sAttCode) // whereas we are displaying the value that was set at the time // the object was created // This requires addtional coding...let's do that later $aRow[$sAttCode] = ''; } else { $aRow[$sAttCode] = ''; } } $aDetails[] = $aRow; } $aConfig = array(); $aConfig['object'] = array('label' => MetaModel::GetName($sClass), 'description' => MetaModel::GetClassDescription($sClass)); $aConfig['operation'] = array('label' => Dict::S('UI:History:Changes'), 'description' => Dict::S('UI:History:Changes+')); foreach ($aAttributes as $sAttCode => $iOccurences) { $aConfig[$sAttCode] = array('label' => MetaModel::GetLabel($sClass, $sAttCode), 'description' => MetaModel::GetDescription($sClass, $sAttCode)); } $oPage->table($aConfig, $aDetails); }