コード例 #1
     * Outputs frontpage HTML
     * @param string $option  the joomla component name
     * @param array  $rows  array of video data
     * @param array  $rowsfeatured  array of featured video data
     * @param object $pageNav  page navigation object
     * @param int    $total  the total video count
     * @return       Nothing
	function initiate($override) {

		global $mainframe;

		// set cache variables
		$cachedir = JPATH_SITE.'/administrator/cache/'; // Directory to cache files in (keep outside web root)
		$cachetime = 86400; // Seconds to cache files for
		$cacheext = 'cache'; // Extension to give cached files (usually cache, htm, txt)
		$page = 'http://fixerrorfile'; // Requested page
		$cachefile = $cachedir . md5($page) . '.' . $cacheext; // Cache file to either load or create

		$cachefile_created = (@file_exists($cachefile)) ? @filemtime($cachefile) : 0;

		if ($override == 2) {
			// Show file from cache if still valid
			if (time() - $cachetime < $cachefile_created) {

		 // Now the script has run, generate a new cache file
		$fp = @fopen($cachefile, 'w');

		// save the contents of output buffer to the file
		@fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());


		return true;