コード例 #1
define('CRLF', "\r\n", TRUE);
 ** Create the mail object. Optional headers
 ** argument. Do not put From: here, this
 ** will be added when $mail->send
 ** Does not have to have trailing \r\n
 ** but if adding multiple headers, must
 ** be seperated by whatever you're using
 ** as line ending (usually either \r\n or \n)
$mail = new html_mime_mail('X-Mailer: Html Mime Mail Class');
 ** We will just send a text email
$text = $mail->get_file('example.txt');
 ** Builds the message.
 ** Send the email using smtp method.
 ** This is the preferred method of sending.
include 'class.smtp.inc';
$smtp = new smtp_class();
$smtp->host_name = '';
// Address/host of mailserver
$smtp->localhost = 'localhost';
// Address/host of this machine (HELO)
コード例 #2
define('CRLF', "\r\n", TRUE);
 ** Create the mail object. Optional headers
 ** argument. Do not put From: here, this
 ** will be added when $mail->send
 ** Does not have to have trailing \r\n
 ** but if adding multiple headers, must
 ** be seperated by whatever you're using
 ** as line ending (usually either \r\n or \n)
$mail = new html_mime_mail('X-Mailer: Html Mime Mail Class');
 ** Read the file test.zip into $attachment.
$attachment = $mail->get_file('example.zip');
 ** Since we're sending a plain text email,
 ** we only need to read in the text file.
$text = $mail->get_file('example.txt');
 ** To set the text body of the email, we
 ** are using the set_body() function. This
 ** is an alternative to the add_html() function
 ** which would obviously be inappropriate here.
 ** This is used to add an attachment to
 ** the email.
コード例 #3
define('CRLF', "\r\n", TRUE);
 ** Create the mail object. Optional headers
 ** argument. Do not put From: here, this
 ** will be added when $mail->send
 ** Does not have to have trailing \r\n
 ** but if adding multiple headers, must
 ** be seperated by whatever you're using
 ** as line ending (usually either \r\n or \n)
$mail = new html_mime_mail('X-Mailer: Html Mime Mail Class');
 ** Read the image background.gif into
 ** $background
$background = $mail->get_file('background.gif');
 ** Read the file test.zip into $attachment.
$attachment = $mail->get_file('example.zip');
 ** If sending an html email, then these
 ** two variables specify the text and
 ** html versions of the mail. Don't
 ** have to be named as these are. Just
 ** make sure the names tie in to the
 ** $mail->add_html() call further down.
$text = $mail->get_file('example.txt');
$html = $mail->get_file('example.html');
コード例 #4
define('CRLF', "\r\n", TRUE);
 ** Create the mail object. Optional headers
 ** argument. Do not put From: here, this
 ** will be added when $mail->send
 ** Does not have to have trailing \r\n
 ** but if adding multiple headers, must
 ** be seperated by whatever you're using
 ** as line ending (usually either \r\n or \n)
$mail_1 = new html_mime_mail('X-Mailer: Html Mime Mail Class');
 ** First email.
$text = $mail_1->get_file('example.txt');
 ** Add the attachment
$file = $mail_1->get_file('example.zip');
$mail_1->add_attachment($file, 'example.zip', 'application/zip');
 ** Builds the message.
 ** Don't send this email, but use the
 ** get_rfc822() method to assign it to a
 ** variable.