/** * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a vcard attachment available */ function html_output($p) { $attach_script = false; foreach ($this->vcard_parts as $part) { $vcards = rcube_vcard::import($this->message->get_part_content($part, null, true)); // successfully parsed vcards? if (empty($vcards)) { continue; } // remove part's body if (in_array($part, $this->vcard_bodies)) { $p['content'] = ''; } foreach ($vcards as $idx => $vcard) { // skip invalid vCards if (empty($vcard->email) || empty($vcard->email[0])) { continue; } $display = $vcard->displayname . ' <' . $vcard->email[0] . '>'; // add box below message body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('class' => 'vcardattachment'), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return plugin_vcard_save_contact('" . rcube::JQ($part . ':' . $idx) . "')", 'title' => $this->gettext('addvcardmsg')), html::span(null, rcube::Q($display)))); } $attach_script = true; } if ($attach_script) { $this->include_script('vcardattach.js'); $this->include_stylesheet($this->local_skin_path() . '/style.css'); } return $p; }
/** * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a vcard attachment available */ function html_output($p) { $attach_script = false; $icon = 'plugins/vcard_attachments/' . $this->local_skin_path() . '/vcard_add_contact.png'; foreach ($this->vcard_parts as $part) { $vcards = rcube_vcard::import($this->message->get_part_content($part)); // successfully parsed vcards? if (empty($vcards)) { continue; } // remove part's body if (in_array($part, $this->vcard_bodies)) { $p['content'] = ''; } $style = 'margin:0.5em 1em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; border:1px solid #999; ' . 'border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; width: auto'; foreach ($vcards as $idx => $vcard) { $display = $vcard->displayname; if ($vcard->email[0]) { $display .= ' <' . $vcard->email[0] . '>'; } // add box below messsage body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => $style), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return plugin_vcard_save_contact('" . JQ($part . ':' . $idx) . "')", 'title' => $this->gettext('addvcardmsg')), html::img(array('src' => $icon, 'style' => "vertical-align:middle"))) . ' ' . html::span(null, Q($display))); } $attach_script = true; } if ($attach_script) { $this->include_script('vcardattach.js'); } return $p; }
public function test_span_with_attributes_and_empty_string_args() { $attributes = array('class' => 'test', 'data' => '0101'); $actual = html::span($attributes, ''); $expected = '<span class=test data=0101></span>'; $this->assertSame($expected, $actual); }
public static function row($label, $control, $help = null) { if (!empty($help)) { $help = html::span('help-block', $help); } else { $help = ''; } return html::div('control-group', html::label('control-label', $label) . html::div('controls', $control . $help)); }
/** * Plugin initialization. */ function init() { $this->version_detect(); $this->rc = rcube::get_instance(); $this->rm = rcmail::get_instance(); $this->add_hook('user_create', array($this, 'user_create')); $this->register_action('plugin.pks_search', array($this, 'hkp_search')); $this->register_action('plugin.hkp_add', array($this, 'hkp_add')); $this->register_action('plugin.pubkey_save', array($this, 'pubkey_save')); if ($this->rc->task == 'mail') { $this->add_hook('render_page', array($this, 'render_page')); // make localization available on the client $this->add_texts('localization/', true); // load js $this->include_script('js/openpgp.min.js'); $this->include_script('js/rc_openpgpjs.crypto.js'); $this->include_script('js/rc_openpgpjs.js'); if (isset($_SESSION["rc_openpgpjs_outdated"])) { $this->include_script('js/outdated.js'); } // load css $this->include_stylesheet($this->local_skin_path() . '/rc_openpgpjs.css'); // add public key attachment related hooks $this->add_hook('message_compose', array($this, 'message_compose')); $this->add_hook('message_sent', array($this, 'unlink_pubkey')); if ($this->api->output->type == 'html') { // add key manager item to message menu $opts = array("command" => "open-key-manager", "label" => "rc_openpgpjs.key_manager", "type" => "link", "classact" => "icon active", "class" => "icon", "innerclass" => "icon key_manager"); $this->api->add_content(html::tag('li', null, $this->api->output->button($opts)), "messagemenu"); if ($this->rc->action == 'compose') { // add key manager button to compose toolbar $opts = array("command" => "open-key-manager", "label" => "rc_openpgpjs.key_manager", "type" => "link", "classact" => "button active key_manager", "class" => "button key_manager"); $this->api->add_content($this->api->output->button($opts), "toolbar"); // add encrypt and sign checkboxes to composeoptions $encrypt_opts = array('id' => 'openpgpjs_encrypt', 'type' => 'checkbox'); if ($this->rc->config->get('encrypt', false)) { $encrypt_opts['checked'] = 'checked'; } $encrypt = new html_inputfield($encrypt_opts); $this->api->add_content(html::span('composeoption', html::label(null, $encrypt->show() . $this->gettext('encrypt'))), "composeoptions"); $sign_opts = array('id' => 'openpgpjs_sign', 'type' => 'checkbox'); if ($this->rc->config->get('sign', false)) { $sign_opts['checked'] = 'checked'; } $sign = new html_inputfield($sign_opts); $this->api->add_content(html::span('composeoption', html::label(null, $sign->show() . $this->gettext('sign'))), "composeoptions"); } } } elseif ($this->rc->task == 'settings') { // load localization $this->add_texts('localization/', false); // add hooks for OpenPGP settings $this->add_hook('preferences_list', array($this, 'preferences_list')); $this->add_hook('preferences_save', array($this, 'preferences_save')); } }
public function progress_bar(array $items) { foreach ($items as $step) { if ($step['class'] == 'backup_stage backup_stage_current') { $steps[] = html::span(label::inverse($step['text'])); } else { $steps[] = html::span($step['text']); } } return html::ul('breadcrumb', '<li>' . implode(' > </li><li>', $steps) . '</li>'); //TODO: there's better bootstrap wizard progress out there, but this'll do for now }
/** * see html::calendar() */ public static function calendar($options = []) { // include js & css files if (empty($options['readonly'])) { layout::add_js('/numbers/media_submodules/numbers_frontend_components_calendar_numbers_media_js_base.js'); layout::add_css('/numbers/media_submodules/numbers_frontend_components_calendar_numbers_media_css_base.css'); } // font awesome icons library::add('fontawesome'); // widget parameters $type = $options['calendar_type'] ?? $options['type'] ?? 'date'; $widget_options = ['id' => $options['id'], 'type' => $type, 'format' => $options['calendar_format'] ?? format::get_date_format($type), 'date_week_start_day' => $options['calendar_date_week_start_day'] ?? 1, 'date_disable_week_days' => $options['calendar_date_disable_week_days'] ?? null, 'master_id' => $options['calendar_master_id'] ?? null, 'slave_id' => $options['calendar_slave_id'] ?? null]; $options['type'] = 'text'; // determine input size $placeholder = format::get_date_placeholder($widget_options['format']); $options['size'] = strlen($placeholder); // set placeholder if (!empty($options['placeholder']) && $options['placeholder'] == 'format::get_date_placeholder') { $options['placeholder'] = $placeholder; $options['title'] = ($options['title'] ?? '') . ' (' . $placeholder . ')'; } if (isset($options['calendar_icon']) && ($options['calendar_icon'] == 'left' || $options['calendar_icon'] == 'right')) { $position = $options['calendar_icon']; if (i18n::rtl()) { if ($position == 'left') { $position = 'right'; } else { $position = 'left'; } } $icon_type = $type == 'time' ? 'clock-o' : 'calendar'; unset($options['calendar_icon']); if (empty($options['readonly'])) { $icon_onclick = 'numbers_calendar_var_' . $options['id'] . '.show();'; } else { $icon_onclick = null; } $icon_value = html::span(['onclick' => $icon_onclick, 'class' => 'numbers_calendar_icon numbers_prevent_selection', 'value' => html::icon(['type' => $icon_type])]); $result = html::input_group(['value' => html::input($options), $position => $icon_value, 'dir' => 'ltr']); $div_id = $options['id'] . '_div_holder'; $result .= html::div(['id' => $div_id, 'class' => 'numbers_calendar_div_holder']); $widget_options['holder_div_id'] = $div_id; } else { $result = html::input($options); } // we do not render a widget if readonly if (empty($options['readonly'])) { layout::onload('numbers_calendar(' . json_encode($widget_options) . ');'); } return $result; }
/** * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a vcard attachment available */ function html_output($p) { if ($this->vcard_part) { $vcard = new rcube_vcard($this->message->get_part_content($this->vcard_part)); // successfully parsed vcard if ($vcard->displayname) { $display = $vcard->displayname; if ($vcard->email[0]) { $display .= ' <' . $vcard->email[0] . '>'; } // add box below messsage body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => "margin:1em; padding:0.5em; border:1px solid #999; border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; width: auto;"), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return plugin_vcard_save_contact('" . JQ($this->vcard_part) . "')", 'title' => $this->gettext('addvardmsg')), html::img(array('src' => $this->url('vcard_add_contact.png'), 'align' => "middle"))) . ' ' . html::span(null, Q($display))); $this->include_script('vcardattach.js'); } } return $p; }
/** * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a vcard attachment available */ function html_output($p) { $attach_script = false; foreach ($this->ics_parts as $part) { $icscontent = $this->message->get_part_content($part['part'], null, true); $file_name = $part['uid']; $file = '../../../cache/import/' . $file_name . '.ics'; file_put_contents($file, $icscontent); // add box below message body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('class' => 'icalattachments'), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'class' => rcube::JQ($file_name), 'title' => $this->gettext('addicalinvitemsg')), html::span(null, rcube::Q($this->gettext('addicalinvitemsg'))))); $attach_script = true; } if ($attach_script) { $this->include_stylesheet($this->local_skin_path() . '/style.css'); } return $p; }
function preferences_list($params) { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); if ($params['section'] == 'addressbook') { $params['blocks'][$this->id]['name'] = $this->abook_name; $field_id = 'rc_use_plugin'; $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => $field_id, 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); $params['blocks'][$this->id]['options'][$field_id] = array('title' => html::label($field_id, $this->gettext('use') . $this->abook_name), 'content' => $checkbox->show($rcmail->config->get(google_func::$settings_key_use_plugin))); $field_id = 'rc_google_autosync'; $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => $field_id, 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1)); $params['blocks'][$this->id]['options'][$field_id] = array('title' => html::label($field_id, $this->gettext('autosync')), 'content' => $checkbox->show($rcmail->config->get(google_func::$settings_key_auto_sync))); $field_id = 'rc_google_authcode'; $input_auth = new html_inputfield(array('name' => $field_id, 'id' => $field_id, 'size' => 45)); $params['blocks'][$this->id]['options'][$field_id] = array('title' => html::label($field_id, $this->gettext('authcode')), 'content' => $input_auth->show($rcmail->config->get(google_func::$settings_key_auth_code))); $params['blocks'][$this->id]['options']['link'] = array('title' => html::span('', ''), 'content' => html::a(array('href' => google_func::get_client()->createAuthUrl(), 'target' => '_blank'), $this->gettext('authcodelink'))); } return $params; }
/** * @see html::input_group() */ public static function input_group($options = []) { $temp = []; foreach (['left', 'center', 'right'] as $k0) { if ($k0 == 'center') { $temp[] = $options['value']; } else { if (!empty($options[$k0])) { if (!is_array($options[$k0])) { $options[$k0] = [$options[$k0]]; } foreach ($options[$k0] as $k => $v) { $temp[] = html::span(['value' => $v, 'class' => 'input-group-addon']); } } } } unset($options['left'], $options['right']); $options['value'] = implode('', $temp); $options['class'] = 'input-group'; return html::div($options); }
<?php /************************************************** Coppermine 1.5.x Plugin - forum ************************************************* Copyright (c) 2010 foulu (Le Hoai Phuong), eenemeenemuu ************************************************* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ******************************************** $HeadURL$ $Revision$ $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ **************************************************/ pageheader($fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title')); print html::spacer(); print table::open(0); print table::tds(array(array('text' => $fr_title ? $fr_title : Config::item('fr_title')), array('align' => 'right', 'text' => ($authorizer->is_user() ? html::button('forum.php?c=profile', Lang::item('home.fr_profile')) : '') . NBSP . html::button('forum.php?c=search', Lang::item('home.search'))))); print table::close(); print html::spacer(); print table::open(); print form::hidden('c', 'search'); print table::tds(array(array('class' => 'tableb', 'text' => html::span(forum::nagavitor($nagavitor))))); print table::close(); print html::spacer(); print $fr_contents; pagefooter();
/** * Generate the form for recurrence settings */ public function recurrence_form($attrib = array()) { switch ($attrib['part']) { // frequency selector case 'frequency': $select = new html_select(array('name' => 'frequency', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-frequency')); $select->add($this->gettext('never'), ''); $select->add($this->gettext('daily'), 'DAILY'); $select->add($this->gettext('weekly'), 'WEEKLY'); $select->add($this->gettext('monthly'), 'MONTHLY'); $select->add($this->gettext('yearly'), 'YEARLY'); $select->add($this->gettext('rdate'), 'RDATE'); $html = html::label('edit-recurrence-frequency', $this->gettext('frequency')) . $select->show(''); break; // daily recurrence // daily recurrence case 'daily': $select = $this->interval_selector(array('name' => 'interval', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-interval', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-interval-daily')); $html = html::div($attrib, html::label('edit-recurrence-interval-daily', $this->gettext('every')) . $select->show(1) . html::span('label-after', $this->gettext('days'))); break; // weekly recurrence form // weekly recurrence form case 'weekly': $select = $this->interval_selector(array('name' => 'interval', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-interval', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-interval-weekly')); $html = html::div($attrib, html::label('edit-recurrence-interval-weekly', $this->gettext('every')) . $select->show(1) . html::span('label-after', $this->gettext('weeks'))); // weekday selection $daymap = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'); $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => 'byday', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-weekly-byday')); $first = $this->rc->config->get('calendar_first_day', 1); for ($weekdays = '', $j = $first; $j <= $first + 6; $j++) { $d = $j % 7; $weekdays .= html::label(array('class' => 'weekday'), $checkbox->show('', array('value' => strtoupper(substr($daymap[$d], 0, 2)))) . $this->gettext($daymap[$d])) . ' '; } $html .= html::div($attrib, html::label(null, $this->gettext('bydays')) . $weekdays); break; // monthly recurrence form // monthly recurrence form case 'monthly': $select = $this->interval_selector(array('name' => 'interval', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-interval', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-interval-monthly')); $html = html::div($attrib, html::label('edit-recurrence-interval-monthly', $this->gettext('every')) . $select->show(1) . html::span('label-after', $this->gettext('months'))); $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => 'bymonthday', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-monthly-bymonthday')); for ($monthdays = '', $d = 1; $d <= 31; $d++) { $monthdays .= html::label(array('class' => 'monthday'), $checkbox->show('', array('value' => $d)) . $d); $monthdays .= $d % 7 ? ' ' : html::br(); } // rule selectors $radio = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => 'repeatmode', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-monthly-mode')); $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'border' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 0, 'class' => 'formtable')); $table->add('label', html::label(null, $radio->show('BYMONTHDAY', array('value' => 'BYMONTHDAY')) . ' ' . $this->gettext('each'))); $table->add(null, $monthdays); $table->add('label', html::label(null, $radio->show('', array('value' => 'BYDAY')) . ' ' . $this->gettext('onevery'))); $table->add(null, $this->rrule_selectors($attrib['part'])); $html .= html::div($attrib, $table->show()); break; // annually recurrence form // annually recurrence form case 'yearly': $select = $this->interval_selector(array('name' => 'interval', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-interval', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-interval-yearly')); $html = html::div($attrib, html::label('edit-recurrence-interval-yearly', $this->gettext('every')) . $select->show(1) . html::span('label-after', $this->gettext('years'))); // month selector $monthmap = array('', 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'); $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => 'bymonth', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-yearly-bymonth')); for ($months = '', $m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { $months .= html::label(array('class' => 'month'), $checkbox->show(null, array('value' => $m)) . $this->gettext($monthmap[$m])); $months .= $m % 4 ? ' ' : html::br(); } $html .= html::div($attrib + array('id' => 'edit-recurrence-yearly-bymonthblock'), $months); // day rule selection $html .= html::div($attrib, html::label(null, $this->gettext('onevery')) . $this->rrule_selectors($attrib['part'], '---')); break; // end of recurrence form // end of recurrence form case 'until': $radio = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => 'repeat', 'class' => 'edit-recurrence-until')); $select = $this->interval_selector(array('name' => 'times', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-repeat-times')); $input = new html_inputfield(array('name' => 'untildate', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-enddate', 'size' => "10")); $html = html::div('line first', html::label(null, $radio->show('', array('value' => '', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-repeat-forever')) . ' ' . $this->gettext('forever'))); $forntimes = $this->gettext(array('name' => 'forntimes', 'vars' => array('nr' => '%s'))); $html .= html::div('line', $radio->show('', array('value' => 'count', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-repeat-count', 'aria-label' => sprintf($forntimes, 'N'))) . ' ' . sprintf($forntimes, $select->show(1))); $html .= html::div('line', $radio->show('', array('value' => 'until', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-repeat-until', 'aria-label' => $this->gettext('untilenddate'))) . ' ' . $this->gettext('untildate') . ' ' . $input->show('', array('aria-label' => $this->gettext('untilenddate')))); $html = html::div($attrib, html::label(null, ucfirst($this->gettext('recurrencend'))) . $html); break; case 'rdate': $ul = html::tag('ul', array('id' => 'edit-recurrence-rdates'), ''); $input = new html_inputfield(array('name' => 'rdate', 'id' => 'edit-recurrence-rdate-input', 'size' => "10")); $button = new html_inputfield(array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'button add', 'value' => $this->gettext('addrdate'))); $html .= html::div($attrib, $ul . html::div('inputform', $input->show() . $button->show())); break; } return $html; }
private function _action_row($ext, $actions_table, $rowid, $action, $attrib, $example) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $help_icon = html::img(array('src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('messagehelp'), 'border' => 0)); // set default field display $display = array('vacadv' => $action['type'] == 'vacation' && $this->force_vacto ? '' : 'display: none;', 'vacfrom' => $this->show_vacfrom ? $display['vacadv'] : 'display: none;', 'vachandle' => $this->show_vachandle ? $display['vacadv'] : 'display: none;', 'noteadv' => 'display: none;', 'eheadadv' => 'display: none;'); // setup allowed actions $allowed_actions = array(); $config_actions = $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_allowed_actions', array()); if (in_array('fileinto', $ext) && ($config_actions['fileinto'] || $action['type'] == 'fileinto')) { $allowed_actions['fileinto'] = $this->gettext('messagemoveto'); } if (in_array('fileinto', $ext) && in_array('copy', $ext) && ($config_actions['fileinto'] || $action['type'] == 'fileinto')) { $allowed_actions['fileinto_copy'] = $this->gettext('messagecopyto'); } if (in_array('vacation', $ext) && ($config_actions['vacation'] || $action['type'] == 'vacation')) { $allowed_actions['vacation'] = $this->gettext('messagevacation'); } if (in_array('reject', $ext) && ($config_actions['reject'] || $action['type'] == 'reject')) { $allowed_actions['reject'] = $this->gettext('messagereject'); } elseif (in_array('ereject', $ext) && ($config_actions['reject'] || $action['type'] == 'ereject')) { $allowed_actions['ereject'] = $this->gettext('messagereject'); } if (in_array('imap4flags', $ext) && ($config_actions['imapflags'] || $action['type'] == 'imap4flags')) { $allowed_actions['imap4flags'] = $this->gettext('messageimapflags'); } elseif (in_array('imapflags', $ext) && ($config_actions['imapflags'] || $action['type'] == 'imapflags')) { $allowed_actions['imapflags'] = $this->gettext('messageimapflags'); } if (in_array('notify', $ext) && ($config_actions['notify'] || $action['type'] == 'notify')) { $allowed_actions['notify'] = $this->gettext('messagenotify'); } elseif (in_array('enotify', $ext) && ($config_actions['notify'] || $action['type'] == 'enotify')) { $allowed_actions['enotify'] = $this->gettext('messagenotify'); } if (in_array('editheader', $ext) && ($config_actions['editheaderadd'] || $action['type'] == 'editheaderadd')) { $allowed_actions['editheaderadd'] = $this->gettext('addheader'); } if (in_array('editheader', $ext) && ($config_actions['editheaderrem'] || $action['type'] == 'editheaderrem')) { $allowed_actions['editheaderrem'] = $this->gettext('removeheader'); } if ($config_actions['redirect'] || $action['type'] == 'redirect') { $allowed_actions['redirect'] = $this->gettext('messageredirect'); } if (in_array('copy', $ext) && ($config_actions['redirect'] || $action['type'] == 'redirect_copy')) { $allowed_actions['redirect_copy'] = $this->gettext('messageredirectcopy'); } if ($config_actions['keep'] || $action['type'] == 'keep') { $allowed_actions['keep'] = $this->gettext('messagekeep'); } if ($config_actions['discard'] || $action['type'] == 'discard') { $allowed_actions['discard'] = $this->gettext('messagediscard'); } if ($config_actions['stop'] || $action['type'] == 'stop') { $allowed_actions['stop'] = $this->gettext('messagestop'); } // set the default values reset($allowed_actions); $defaults = array('method' => key($allowed_actions), 'folder' => 'INBOX', 'reject' => '', 'vacto' => null, 'address' => '', 'period' => '', 'periodtype' => '', 'handle' => '', 'subject' => '', 'origsubject' => '', 'msg' => '', 'charset' => RCUBE_CHARSET, 'flags' => '', 'nfrom' => '', 'nimpt' => '', 'nmethod' => '', 'noptions' => '', 'nmsg' => ''); // set default identity for use in vacation action $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity(); if ($this->show_vacfrom) { $defaults['vacfrom'] = in_array('variables', $ext) ? 'auto' : $identity['email']; } else { $defaults['vacfrom'] = null; } // apply current action values if ($action['type'] == 'fileinto' || $action['type'] == 'fileinto_copy') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['folder'] = $action['target']; if ($encoding = $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_folder_encoding')) { $defaults['folder'] = rcube_charset::convert($defaults['folder'], $encoding, 'UTF7-IMAP'); } if ($delim = $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_folder_delimiter')) { $defaults['folder'] = str_replace($delim, $rcmail->storage->get_hierarchy_delimiter(), $defaults['folder']); } $defaults['folder'] = $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_include_imap_root', true) ? $defaults['folder'] : $rcmail->storage->mod_folder($defaults['folder'], 'IN'); } elseif ($action['type'] == 'reject' || $action['type'] == 'ereject') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['reject'] = $action['target']; } elseif ($action['type'] == 'vacation') { $defaults['method'] = 'vacation'; if (isset($action['seconds'])) { $defaults['period'] = $action['seconds']; $defaults['periodtype'] = 'seconds'; } else { $defaults['period'] = $action['days']; $defaults['periodtype'] = 'days'; } $defaults['vacfromdefault'] = $defaults['vacfrom']; $defaults['vacfrom'] = $action['from']; $defaults['vacto'] = $action['addresses']; $defaults['handle'] = $action['handle']; $defaults['subject'] = $action['subject']; $defaults['origsubject'] = $action['origsubject']; $defaults['msg'] = $action['msg']; $defaults['htmlmsg'] = $action['htmlmsg'] ? '1' : ''; $defaults['charset'] = $action['charset']; if ($defaults['htmlmsg'] == '1' && $rcmail->config->get('htmleditor') == '0') { $h2t = new rcube_html2text($defaults['msg'], false, true, 0); $defaults['msg'] = $h2t->get_text(); $defaults['htmlmsg'] = ''; } elseif ($defaults['htmlmsg'] == '' && $rcmail->config->get('htmleditor') == '1') { $defaults['msg'] = $defaults['msg']; $defaults['msg'] = nl2br($defaults['msg']); $defaults['htmlmsg'] = '1'; } if (!$example) { $this->force_vacto = false; } // check advanced enabled if (!empty($defaults['vacfrom']) && $defaults['vacfrom'] != $defaults['vacfromdefault'] || !empty($defaults['vacto']) || !empty($defaults['handle']) || !empty($defaults['period']) || $defaults['charset'] != RCUBE_CHARSET || $this->force_vacto) { $display['vacadv'] = ''; $display['vacfrom'] = $this->show_vacfrom ? '' : 'display: none;'; $display['vachandle'] = $this->show_vachandle ? '' : 'display: none;'; } } elseif ($action['type'] == 'redirect' || $action['type'] == 'redirect_copy') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['address'] = $action['target']; } elseif ($action['type'] == 'imapflags' || $action['type'] == 'imap4flags') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['flags'] = $action['target']; } elseif ($action['type'] == 'notify' || $action['type'] == 'enotify') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['nfrom'] = $action['from']; $defaults['nimpt'] = $action['importance']; $defaults['nmethod'] = $action['method']; $defaults['noptions'] = $action['options']; $defaults['nmsg'] = $action['msg']; // check advanced enabled if (!empty($defaults['nfrom']) || !empty($defaults['nimpt'])) { $display['noteadv'] = ''; } } elseif ($action['type'] == 'editheaderadd' || $action['type'] == 'editheaderrem') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; $defaults['headername'] = $action['name']; $defaults['headerval'] = $action['value']; $defaults['headerindex'] = $action['index']; $defaults['headerop'] = $action['operator']; if ($action['type'] == 'editheaderrem' && (!empty($defaults['headerindex']) || !empty($defaults['headerval']))) { $display['eheadadv'] = ''; } } elseif ($action['type'] == 'discard' || $action['type'] == 'keep' || $action['type'] == 'stop') { $defaults['method'] = $action['type']; } // hide the "template" row if (!isset($action)) { $actions_table->set_row_attribs(array('style' => 'display: none;')); } // action type select box $select_action = new html_select(array('name' => "_act[]", 'onchange' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_action_select(this)')); foreach ($allowed_actions as $value => $text) { $select_action->add($text, $value); } // add action type to UI $actions_table->add('action', $select_action->show($defaults['method'])); $vacs_table = $this->_vacation_table($ext, $rowid, $defaults, $display, $help_icon); // begin notify action $notify_table = new html_table(array('class' => 'records-table', 'cellspacing' => '0', 'cols' => 3, 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'notify' || $defaults['method'] == 'enotify' ? '' : 'display: none;')); if (count($this->identities)) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_sievenotifyfrom_' . $rowid; $select_id = new html_select(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => "_nfrom[]")); $select_id->add($this->gettext('autodetect'), ""); foreach ($this->identities as $sql_arr) { // find currently selected from address if ($defaults['nfrom'] != '' && $defaults['nfrom'] == rcmail::Q($sql_arr['from']['string'])) { $defaults['nfrom'] = $sql_arr['identity_id']; } elseif ($defaults['nfrom'] != '' && $defaults['nfrom'] == $sql_arr['from']['mailto']) { $defaults['nfrom'] = $sql_arr['identity_id']; } $select_id->add($sql_arr['from']['disp_string'], $sql_arr['identity_id']); } $notify_table->set_row_attribs(array('class' => 'advanced', 'style' => $display['noteadv'])); $notify_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('sievefrom')))); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 2), $select_id->show($defaults['nfrom'])); } $field_id = 'rcmfd_nmethod_' . $rowid; $input_method = new html_inputfield(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_nmethod[]')); $notify_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('method')))); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 2), $input_method->show($defaults['nmethod'])); $field_id = 'rcmfd_noption_' . $rowid; $input_method = new html_inputfield(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_noption[]')); $notify_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('options')))); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 2), $input_method->show($defaults['noptions'])); $notify_table->set_row_attribs(array('style' => 'display: none;')); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 3, 'class' => 'helpmsg'), $this->gettext('nmethodexp')); $field_id = 'rcmfd_nimpt_' . $rowid; $input_importance = new html_radiobutton(array('id' => $field_id . '_none', 'name' => '_notify_radio_' . $rowid, 'value' => 'none', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_notify_impt(this, ' . $rowid . ')', 'class' => 'radio')); $importance_show = $input_importance->show($defaults['nimpt']) . " " . html::label($field_id . '_none', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('importancen'))); $input_importance = new html_radiobutton(array('id' => $field_id . '_1', 'name' => '_notify_radio_' . $rowid, 'value' => '1', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_notify_impt(this, ' . $rowid . ')', 'class' => 'radio')); $importance_show .= ' ' . $input_importance->show($defaults['nimpt']) . " " . html::label($field_id . '_1', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('importance1'))); $input_importance = new html_radiobutton(array('id' => $field_id . '_2', 'name' => '_notify_radio_' . $rowid, 'value' => '2', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_notify_impt(this, ' . $rowid . ')', 'class' => 'radio')); $importance_show .= ' ' . $input_importance->show($defaults['nimpt']) . " " . html::label($field_id . '_2', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('importance2'))); $input_importance = new html_radiobutton(array('id' => $field_id . '_3', 'name' => '_notify_radio_' . $rowid, 'value' => '3', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_notify_impt(this, ' . $rowid . ')', 'class' => 'radio')); $importance_show .= ' ' . $input_importance->show($defaults['nimpt']) . " " . html::label($field_id . '_3', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('importance3'))); $input_importance = new html_hiddenfield(array('id' => 'rcmfd_sievenimpt_' . $rowid, 'name' => '_nimpt[]')); $notify_table->set_row_attribs(array('class' => 'advanced', 'style' => $display['noteadv'])); $notify_table->add(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('flag'))); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 2), $importance_show . $input_importance->show($defaults['nimpt'])); $field_id = 'rcmfd_nmsg_' . $rowid; $input_msg = new html_inputfield(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_nmsg[]')); $notify_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('message')))); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => 2), $input_msg->show($defaults['nmsg'])); if (in_array('enotify', $ext)) { $input_advopts = new html_checkbox(array('id' => 'nadvopts' . $rowid, 'name' => '_nadv_opts[]', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_show_adv(this);', 'value' => '1', 'class' => 'checkbox')); $notify_table->add(array('colspan' => '3', 'style' => 'text-align: right'), html::label('nadvopts' . $rowid, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('advancedoptions'))) . $input_advopts->show($display['noteadv'] == '' ? 1 : 0)); } // begin editheader action $headers_table = new html_table(array('class' => 'records-table', 'cellspacing' => '0', 'cols' => 2, 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'editheaderadd' || $defaults['method'] == 'editheaderrem' ? '' : 'display: none;')); $field_id = 'rcmfd_eheadname_' . $rowid; $input_header = new html_inputfield(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_eheadname[]')); $headers_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('headername')))); $headers_table->add(null, $input_header->show($defaults['headername'])); $field_id = 'rcmfd_eheadindex_' . $rowid; $select_index = new html_select(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => "_eheadindex[]")); $select_index->add($this->gettext('headerdelall'), ""); $select_index->add("1", "1"); $select_index->add("2", "2"); $select_index->add("3", "3"); $select_index->add("4", "4"); $select_index->add("5", "5"); $select_index->add($this->gettext('last'), "last"); $headers_table->set_row_attribs(array('class' => 'advanced', 'style' => $display['eheadadv'])); $headers_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('headerindex')))); $headers_table->add(null, $select_index->show($defaults['headerindex'])); $field_id = 'rcmfd_eheadopp_' . $rowid; $select_match = new html_select(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => "_eheadopp[]")); $select_match->add($this->gettext('filteris'), ""); $select_match->add($this->gettext('filtercontains'), "contains"); $headers_table->set_row_attribs(array('class' => 'advanced', 'style' => $display['eheadadv'])); $headers_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('operator')))); $headers_table->add(null, $select_match->show($defaults['headerop'])); $field_id = 'rcmfd_eheadval_' . $rowid; $input_header = new html_inputfield(array('id' => $field_id, 'name' => '_eheadval[]')); if ($defaults['method'] == 'editheaderrem') { $headers_table->set_row_attribs(array('class' => 'advanced', 'style' => $display['eheadadv'])); } $headers_table->add(null, html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('headervalue')))); $headers_table->add(null, $input_header->show($defaults['headerval'])); if ($defaults['method'] == 'editheaderrem') { $headers_table->set_row_attribs(array('style' => 'display: none;')); } $field_id = 'rcmfd_eheadaddlast_' . $rowid; $input_index = new html_checkbox(array('id' => $field_id, 'value' => 'last', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_toggle_eheadlast(this);', 'name' => '_eheadaddlast[]', 'class' => 'checkbox')); $headers_table->add(null, ' '); $headers_table->add(null, $input_index->show($defaults['headerindex']) . " " . html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('headerappend')))); if ($defaults['method'] == 'editheaderadd') { $headers_table->set_row_attribs(array('style' => 'display: none;')); } $input_advopts = new html_checkbox(array('id' => 'hadvopts' . $rowid, 'name' => '_hadv_opts[]', 'onclick' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_show_adv(this);', 'value' => '1', 'class' => 'checkbox')); $headers_table->add(array('colspan' => '3', 'style' => 'text-align: right'), html::label('nadvopts' . $rowid, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('advancedoptions'))) . $input_advopts->show($display['eheadadv'] == '' ? 1 : 0)); // begin fileinto action $mbox_name = $rcmail->storage->get_folder(); $input_folderlist = new html_select(array('name' => '_folder[]', 'onchange' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sieverules_select_folder(this);', 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'fileinto' || $defaults['method'] == 'fileinto_copy' ? '' : 'display: none;', 'is_escaped' => true)); $rcmail->render_folder_tree_select($this->mailboxes, $mbox_name, 100, $input_folderlist, false); $show_customfolder = 'display: none;'; if ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_fileinto_options', 0) == 2 && !$rcmail->storage->folder_exists($defaults['folder'])) { $customfolder = rcube_charset::convert($rcmail->storage->mod_folder($defaults['folder']), 'UTF7-IMAP'); $defaults['folder'] = '@@newfolder'; $show_customfolder = ''; } $input_customfolder = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_customfolder[]')); $otherfolders = html::span(array('id' => 'customfolder_rowid', 'style' => $show_customfolder), '<br />' . $input_customfolder->show($customfolder)); // begin redirect action $input_address = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_redirect[]', 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'redirect' || $defaults['method'] == 'redirect_copy' ? '' : 'display: none;')); // begin reject action $input_reject = new html_textarea(array('name' => '_reject[]', 'rows' => '5', 'cols' => '40', 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'reject' || $defaults['method'] == 'ereject' ? '' : 'display: none;')); // begin imapflags action $input_imapflags = new html_select(array('name' => '_imapflags[]', 'style' => $defaults['method'] == 'imapflags' || $defaults['method'] == 'imap4flags' ? '' : 'display: none;')); foreach ($this->flags as $name => $val) { $input_imapflags->add($this->gettext($name), $val); } // add actions to UI $actions_table->add('folder', $input_folderlist->show($defaults['folder']) . $otherfolders . $input_address->show($defaults['address']) . $vacs_table->show() . $notify_table->show() . $input_imapflags->show($defaults['flags']) . $input_reject->show($defaults['reject']) . $headers_table->show()); // add add/delete buttons to UI (if enabled) $add_button = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sieverules.add_action', 'type' => 'link', 'class' => 'add', 'title' => 'sieverules.addsieveact', 'content' => ' ')); $delete_button = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sieverules.del_action', 'type' => 'link', 'class' => 'delete', 'classact' => 'delete_act', 'title' => 'sieverules.deletesieveact', 'content' => ' ')); if ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_multiple_actions')) { $actions_table->add('control', $add_button . $delete_button); } else { $actions_table->add('control', " "); } return $actions_table; }
public static function breadcrumb($items) { $divider = html::span('divider', ' / '); return html::ul('breadcrumb', '<li>' . implode("{$divider}</li><li>", $items) . '</li>'); }
echo '<p class="hint">You still have some obsolete or inexistent properties set. This isn\'t a problem but should be noticed.</p>'; echo '<ul class="configwarings">'; foreach ($messages['obsolete'] as $msg) { echo html::tag('li', null, html::span('propname', $msg['prop']) . ($msg['name'] ? ': ' . $msg['name'] : '')); } echo '</ul>'; } echo '<p class="suggestion">OK, lazy people can download the updated config file here: '; echo html::a(array('href' => './?_mergeconfig=1'), 'config.inc.php') . ' '; echo "</p>"; if (is_array($messages['dependencies'])) { echo '<h3 class="warning">Dependency check failed</h3>'; echo '<p class="hint">Some of your configuration settings require other options to be configured or additional PHP modules to be installed</p>'; echo '<ul class="configwarings">'; foreach ($messages['dependencies'] as $msg) { echo html::tag('li', null, html::span('propname', $msg['prop']) . ': ' . $msg['explain']); } echo '</ul>'; } } ?> <h3>Check if directories are writable</h3> <p>Roundcube may need to write/save files into these directories</p> <?php $dirs[] = $RCI->config['temp_dir'] ? $RCI->config['temp_dir'] : 'temp'; if ($RCI->config['log_driver'] != 'syslog') { $dirs[] = $RCI->config['log_dir'] ? $RCI->config['log_dir'] : 'logs'; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $dirpath = rcube_utils::is_absolute_path($dir) ? $dir : INSTALL_PATH . $dir;
public function block(block_contents $bc, $region) { $bc->attributes['class'] = classes::replace($bc->attributes['class'], array('invisible' => 'muted')); $bc = clone $bc; if (empty($bc->blockinstanceid) || !strip_tags($bc->title)) { $bc->collapsible = block_contents::NOT_HIDEABLE; } if ($bc->collapsible == block_contents::HIDDEN) { $bc->add_class('hidden'); } if (!empty($bc->controls)) { $bc->add_class('block_with_controls'); } $bc->add_class('well'); // Bootstrap style. // Bit strange of bootstrap to hard code the style below but that's what the example does. $bc->attributes['style'] = 'padding: 8px 0;'; $skiptitle = strip_tags($bc->title); if (empty($skiptitle)) { $output = ''; $skipdest = ''; } else { $output = html::a(array('href' => '#sb-' . $bc->skipid, 'class' => 'skip-block'), get_string('skipa', 'access', $skiptitle)); $skipdest = html::span(array('id' => 'sb-' . $bc->skipid, 'class' => 'skip-block-to')); } $output .= html::div($bc->attributes, $this->block_header($bc) . $this->block_content($bc)); $output .= $this->block_annotation($bc); $output .= $skipdest; $this->init_block_hider_js($bc); return $output; }
/** * Handler for task/itip-status requests */ public function task_itip_status() { $data = rcube_utils::get_input_value('data', rcube_utils::INPUT_POST, true); // find local copy of the referenced task $existing = $this->driver->get_task($data); $itip = $this->load_itip(); $response = $itip->get_itip_status($data, $existing); // get a list of writeable lists to save new tasks to if (!$existing && $response['action'] == 'rsvp' || $response['action'] == 'import') { $lists = $this->driver->get_lists(); $select = new html_select(array('name' => 'tasklist', 'id' => 'itip-saveto', 'is_escaped' => true)); $select->add('--', ''); foreach ($lists as $list) { if ($list['editable']) { $select->add($list['name'], $list['id']); } } } if ($select) { $default_list = $this->get_default_tasklist($data['sensitivity']); $response['select'] = html::span('folder-select', $this->gettext('saveintasklist') . ' ' . $select->show($default_list['id'])); } $this->rc->output->command('plugin.update_itip_object_status', $response); }
/** * Form to select options for exporting events */ function events_export_form($attrib = array()) { if (!$attrib['id']) { $attrib['id'] = 'rcmExportForm'; } $html .= html::div('form-section', html::label('event-export-calendar', $this->cal->gettext('calendar')) . $this->calendar_select(array('name' => 'calendar', 'id' => 'event-export-calendar'))); $select = new html_select(array('name' => 'range', 'id' => 'event-export-range')); $select->add(array($this->cal->gettext('all'), $this->cal->gettext('onemonthback'), $this->cal->gettext(array('name' => 'nmonthsback', 'vars' => array('nr' => 2))), $this->cal->gettext(array('name' => 'nmonthsback', 'vars' => array('nr' => 3))), $this->cal->gettext(array('name' => 'nmonthsback', 'vars' => array('nr' => 6))), $this->cal->gettext(array('name' => 'nmonthsback', 'vars' => array('nr' => 12))), $this->cal->gettext('customdate')), array(0, '1', '2', '3', '6', '12', 'custom')); $startdate = new html_inputfield(array('name' => 'start', 'size' => 11, 'id' => 'event-export-startdate')); $html .= html::div('form-section', html::label('event-export-range', $this->cal->gettext('exportrange')) . $select->show(0) . html::span(array('style' => 'display:none'), $startdate->show())); $checkbox = new html_checkbox(array('name' => 'attachments', 'id' => 'event-export-attachments', 'value' => 1)); $html .= html::div('form-section', html::label('event-export-range', $this->cal->gettext('exportattachments')) . $checkbox->show(1)); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('exportform', $attrib['id']); return html::tag('form', array('action' => $this->rc->url(array('task' => 'calendar', 'action' => 'export_events')), 'method' => "post", 'id' => $attrib['id']), $html); }
/** * Dispatcher for event actions initiated by the client */ function event_action() { $action = get_input_value('action', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC); $event = get_input_value('e', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, true); $success = $reload = $got_msg = false; $driver = null; if ($event['calendar']) { $driver = $this->get_driver_by_cal($event['calendar']); } // This can happen if creating a new event outside the calendar e.g. from an ical file attached to an email. if (!$driver) { $driver = $this->get_default_driver(); } // don't notify if modifying a recurring instance (really?) if ($event['_savemode'] && $event['_savemode'] != 'all' && $event['_notify']) { unset($event['_notify']); } // read old event data in order to find changes if (($event['_notify'] || $event['decline']) && $action != 'new') { $old = $driver->get_event($event); } switch ($action) { case "new": // create UID for new event $event['uid'] = $this->generate_uid(); $this->prepare_event($event, $action); if ($success = $driver->new_event($event)) { $new_event = $driver->get_event($event['uid']); $event['event_id'] = $new_event['calendar'] . ':' . $new_event['id']; $event['id'] = $event['uid']; $this->cleanup_event($event); } $reload = $success && ($event['recurrence'] || $event['tzname'] != $this->timezone->getName()) ? 2 : 1; break; case "edit": // Begin mod by Rosali (cross driver editing - https://gitlab.awesome-it.de/kolab/roundcube-plugins/issues/32) $source = $event['_fromcalendar']; $destination = $event['calendar']; if ($source && $source != $destination) { $olddriver = $this->get_driver_by_cal($event['_fromcalendar']); $event['calendar'] = $source; if ($success = $olddriver->remove_event($event)) { $this->prepare_event($event, 'new'); $newdriver = $this->get_driver_by_cal($destination); $event['uid'] = $this->generate_uid(); $event['calendar'] = $destination; if ($success = $newdriver->new_event($event)) { $event['id'] = $event['uid']; $this->cleanup_event($event); } } } else { $this->prepare_event($event, $action); if ($success = $driver->edit_event($event)) { $this->cleanup_event($event); } } // End mod by Rosali $reload = $success && ($event['recurrence'] || $event['recurrence_id'] || $event['tzname'] != $this->timezone->getName() || $event['_savemode'] || $event['_fromcalendar']) ? 2 : 1; // Mod by Rosali (trigger complete reload if there is a recurrence_id) break; case "resize": $this->prepare_event($event, $action); $success = $driver->resize_event($event); $reload = $event['_savemode'] ? 2 : 1; break; case "move": $this->prepare_event($event, $action); $success = $driver->move_event($event); $reload = $success && $event['_savemode'] ? 2 : 1; break; case "remove": // remove previous deletes $undo_time = $driver->undelete ? $this->rc->config->get('undo_timeout', 0) : 0; $this->rc->session->remove('calendar_event_undo'); // search for event if only UID is given if (!isset($event['calendar']) && $event['uid']) { if (!($event = $driver->get_event($event, true))) { break; } $undo_time = 0; } $success = $driver->remove_event($event, $undo_time < 1); $reload = !$success || $event['_savemode'] || $event['exception'] ? 2 : 1; // Mod by Rosali (trigger refetch if a RECURRENCE-ID event is removed if ($undo_time > 0 && $success) { $_SESSION['calendar_event_undo'] = array('ts' => time(), 'data' => $event); // display message with Undo link. $msg = html::span(null, $this->gettext('successremoval')) . ' ' . html::a(array('onclick' => sprintf("%s.http_request('event', 'action=undo', %s.display_message('', 'loading'))", JS_OBJECT_NAME, JS_OBJECT_NAME)), rcube_label('undo')); $this->rc->output->show_message($msg, 'confirmation', null, true, $undo_time); $got_msg = true; } else { if ($success) { $this->rc->output->show_message('calendar.successremoval', 'confirmation'); $got_msg = true; } } // send iTIP reply that participant has declined the event if ($success && $event['decline']) { $emails = $this->get_user_emails(); foreach ($old['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) { if ($attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') { $organizer = $attendee; } else { if ($attendee['email'] && in_array(strtolower($attendee['email']), $emails)) { $old['attendees'][$i]['status'] = 'DECLINED'; $reply_sender = $attendee['email']; } } } $itip = $this->load_itip(); $itip->set_sender_email($reply_sender); if ($organizer && $itip->send_itip_message($old, 'REPLY', $organizer, 'itipsubjectdeclined', 'itipmailbodydeclined')) { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext(array('name' => 'sentresponseto', 'vars' => array('mailto' => $organizer['name'] ? $organizer['name'] : $organizer['email']))), 'confirmation'); } else { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('itipresponseerror'), 'error'); } } break; case "undo": // Restore deleted event $event = $_SESSION['calendar_event_undo']['data']; if ($event) { $success = $driver->restore_event($event); } if ($success) { $this->rc->session->remove('calendar_event_undo'); $this->rc->output->show_message('calendar.successrestore', 'confirmation'); $got_msg = true; $reload = 2; } break; case "rsvp-status": $action = 'rsvp'; $status = $event['fallback']; $latest = false; $html = html::div('rsvp-status', $status != 'CANCELLED' ? $this->gettext('acceptinvitation') : ''); if (is_numeric($event['changed'])) { $event['changed'] = new DateTime('@' . $event['changed']); } if ($existing = $driver->get_event($event, true, false, true)) { $latest = $event['sequence'] && $existing['sequence'] == $event['sequence'] || !$event['sequence'] && $existing['changed'] && $existing['changed'] >= $event['changed']; $emails = $this->get_user_emails(); foreach ($existing['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) { if ($attendee['email'] && in_array(strtolower($attendee['email']), $emails)) { $status = $attendee['status']; break; } } } else { // get a list of writeable calendars $calendars = $driver->list_calendars(false, true); $calendar_select = new html_select(array('name' => 'calendar', 'class' => 'calendar-saveto', 'is_escaped' => true)); // Mod by Rosali (calendar selector can exist multiple times - can't be referenced by ID) $numcals = 0; foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { // Begin mod by Rosali (https://gitlab.awesome-it.de/kolab/roundcube-plugins/issues/33) $driver = $this->get_driver_by_cal($calendar['calendar_id']); if ($driver->readonly !== true) { // End mod by Rosali $calendar_select->add($calendar['name'], $calendar['id']); $numcals++; } } if ($numcals <= 1) { $calendar_select = null; } } if ($status == 'unknown') { $html = html::div('rsvp-status', $this->gettext('notanattendee')); $action = 'import'; } else { if (in_array($status, array('ACCEPTED', 'TENTATIVE', 'DECLINED'))) { $html = html::div('rsvp-status ' . strtolower($status), $this->gettext('youhave' . strtolower($status))); if ($existing['sequence'] > $event['sequence'] || !$event['sequence'] && $existing['changed'] && $existing['changed'] > $event['changed']) { $action = ''; // nothing to do here, outdated invitation } } } $default_calendar = $calendar_select ? $this->get_default_calendar(true) : null; $calendar_saveto = new html_hiddenfield(array('class' => 'calendar-saveto', 'value' => $existing['calendar'])); // Mod by Rosali (always pass calendar to GUI) // Mod by Rosali (calendar selector can exist multiple times - can't be referenced by ID) $this->rc->output->command('plugin.update_event_rsvp_status', array('uid' => $event['uid'], 'id' => asciiwords($event['uid'], true), 'saved' => $existing ? true : false, 'latest' => $latest, 'status' => $status, 'action' => $action ? $action : 'rsvp', 'html' => $html, 'select' => $calendar_select ? html::tag('span', null, $this->gettext('saveincalendar') . ' ') . html::span('calendar-select', $calendar_select->show($this->rc->config->get('calendar_default_calendar', $default_calendar['id']))) : $calendar_saveto->show())); return; case "rsvp": $ev = $driver->get_event($event); $ev['attendees'] = $event['attendees']; $event = $ev; if ($success = $driver->edit_event($event)) { $status = get_input_value('status', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC); $organizer = null; foreach ($event['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) { if ($attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') { $organizer = $attendee; break; } } $itip = $this->load_itip(); if ($organizer && $itip->send_itip_message($event, 'REPLY', $organizer, 'itipsubject' . $status, 'itipmailbody' . $status)) { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext(array('name' => 'sentresponseto', 'vars' => array('mailto' => $organizer['name'] ? $organizer['name'] : $organizer['email']))), 'confirmation'); } else { $this->rc->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('itipresponseerror'), 'error'); } } break; case "dismiss": $event['ids'] = explode(',', $event['id']); $plugin = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('dismiss_alarms', $event); $success = $plugin['success']; foreach ($event['ids'] as $id) { if (strpos($id, 'cal:') === 0) { $success |= $driver->dismiss_alarm(substr($id, 4), $event['snooze']); } } break; } // show confirmation/error message if (!$got_msg) { if ($success) { $this->rc->output->show_message('successfullysaved', 'confirmation'); } else { $this->rc->output->show_message('calendar.errorsaving', 'error'); } } // send out notifications if ($success && $event['_notify'] && ($event['attendees'] || $old['attendees'])) { // make sure we have the complete record $event = $action == 'remove' ? $old : $driver->get_event($event); // only notify if data really changed (TODO: do diff check on client already) if (!$old || $action == 'remove' || self::event_diff($event, $old)) { $sent = $this->notify_attendees($event, $old, $action); if ($sent > 0) { $this->rc->output->show_message('calendar.itipsendsuccess', 'confirmation'); } else { if ($sent < 0) { $this->rc->output->show_message('calendar.errornotifying', 'error'); } } } } // unlock client $this->rc->output->command('plugin.unlock_saving'); // Begin mod by Rosali (make the event accessible by GUI) $this->rc->output->command('plugin.event_callback', array('task' => $this->rc->task, 'action' => $this->rc->action, 'evt' => $action != 'remove' ? $this->_client_event($event) : null)); // End mod by Rosali // update event object on the client or trigger a complete refretch if too complicated if ($reload) { $args = array('source' => $event['calendar']); if ($reload > 1) { $args['refetch'] = true; } else { if ($action != 'remove') { $args['update'] = $this->_client_event($driver->get_event($event)); } } $this->rc->output->command('plugin.refresh_calendar', $args); } }
/** * Handler for template_object_messagebody hook. * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a key/cert attachment available */ function message_output($p) { foreach ($this->keys_parts as $part) { // remove part's body if (in_array($part, $this->keys_bodies)) { $p['content'] = ''; } // add box below message body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('class' => 'enigmaattachment'), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return " . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".enigma_import_attachment('" . rcube::JQ($part) . "')", 'title' => $this->enigma->gettext('keyattimport')), html::span(null, $this->enigma->gettext('keyattfound')))); $attach_scripts = true; } if ($attach_scripts) { // add css and js script $this->add_css(); $this->add_js(); } return $p; }
function mh_get_form_row($header = 'from', $input = '', $color = '#ffffff', $delete = false) { // header select box $header_select = new html_select(array('name' => '_mh_header[]', 'class' => 'rcmfd_mh_header')); $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('subject')), 'subject'); $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('from')), 'from'); $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('to')), 'to'); $header_select->add(Q($this->gettext('cc')), 'cc'); // input field $input = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_mh_input[]', 'class' => 'rcmfd_mh_input', 'type' => 'text', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'value' => $input)); // color box $color = html::tag('input', array('id' => uniqid(), 'name' => '_mh_color[]', 'type' => 'color', 'text' => 'hidden', 'class' => 'mh_color_input', 'value' => $color, 'data-hex' => 'true')); // delete button $button = html::tag('input', array('class' => 'button mh_delete mh_button', 'type' => 'button', 'value' => $this->gettext('mh_delete'), 'title' => $this->gettext('mh_delete_description'))); // add button $add_button = html::tag('input', array('class' => 'button mh_add mh_button', 'type' => 'button', 'value' => $this->gettext('mh_add'), 'title' => $this->gettext('mh_add_description'))); $content = $header_select->show($header) . html::span('mh_matches', Q($this->gettext('mh_matches'))) . $input->show() . html::span('mh_color', Q($this->gettext('mh_color'))) . $color . $button . $add_button; if (rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('request_saver_compress_html', false)) { $content = request_saver::html_compress($content); } return $content; }
/** * Add UI element to copy event invitations or updates to the calendar */ public function mail_messagebody_html($p) { // load iCalendar functions (if necessary) if (!empty($this->lib->ical_parts)) { $this->get_ical(); $this->load_itip(); } $html = ''; $has_events = false; $ical_objects = $this->lib->get_mail_ical_objects(); // show a box for every event in the file foreach ($ical_objects as $idx => $event) { if ($event['_type'] != 'event') { // skip non-event objects (#2928) continue; } $has_events = true; // get prepared inline UI for this event object if ($ical_objects->method) { $append = ''; // prepare a small agenda preview to be filled with actual event data on async request if ($ical_objects->method == 'REQUEST') { $append = html::div('calendar-agenda-preview', html::tag('h3', 'preview-title', $this->gettext('agenda') . ' ' . html::span('date', $this->rc->format_date($event['start'], $this->rc->config->get('date_format')))) . '%before%' . $this->mail_agenda_event_row($event, 'current') . '%after%'); } $html .= html::div('calendar-invitebox', $this->itip->mail_itip_inline_ui($event, $ical_objects->method, $ical_objects->mime_id . ':' . $idx, 'calendar', rcube_utils::anytodatetime($ical_objects->message_date), $this->rc->url(array('task' => 'calendar')) . '&view=agendaDay&date=' . $event['start']->format('U')) . $append); } // limit listing if ($idx >= 3) { break; } } // prepend event boxes to message body if ($html) { $this->ui->init(); $p['content'] = $html . $p['content']; $this->rc->output->add_label('calendar.savingdata', 'calendar.deleteventconfirm', 'calendar.declinedeleteconfirm'); } // add "Save to calendar" button into attachment menu if ($has_events) { $this->add_button(array('id' => 'attachmentsavecal', 'name' => 'attachmentsavecal', 'type' => 'link', 'wrapper' => 'li', 'command' => 'attachment-save-calendar', 'class' => 'icon calendarlink', 'classact' => 'icon calendarlink active', 'innerclass' => 'icon calendar', 'label' => 'calendar.savetocalendar'), 'attachmentmenu'); } return $p; }
/** * Template object for list records counter. * * @param array Object attributes * * @return string HTML output */ function tpl_keys_rowcount($attrib) { if (!$attrib['id']) { $attrib['id'] = 'rcmcountdisplay'; } $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('countdisplay', $attrib['id']); return html::span($attrib, $this->get_rowcount_text()); }
protected function add_tip($id, $str, $error = false) { if ($error) { $str = html::span('sieve error', $str); } $this->tips[] = array($id, $str); }
/** * */ function tasklists($attrib = array()) { $lists = $this->plugin->driver->get_lists(); $li = ''; foreach ((array) $lists as $id => $prop) { if ($attrib['activeonly'] && !$prop['active']) { continue; } unset($prop['user_id']); $prop['alarms'] = $this->plugin->driver->alarms; $prop['undelete'] = $this->plugin->driver->undelete; $prop['sortable'] = $this->plugin->driver->sortable; $prop['attachments'] = $this->plugin->driver->attachments; $jsenv[$id] = $prop; $html_id = html_identifier($id); $class = 'tasks-' . asciiwords($id, true); if (!$prop['editable']) { $class .= ' readonly'; } if ($prop['class_name']) { $class .= ' ' . $prop['class_name']; } $li .= html::tag('li', array('id' => 'rcmlitasklist' . $html_id, 'class' => $class), html::tag('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => '_list[]', 'value' => $id, 'checked' => $prop['active'])) . html::span('handle', ' ') . html::span('listname', $prop['name'])); } $this->rc->output->set_env('tasklists', $jsenv); $this->rc->output->add_gui_object('folderlist', $attrib['id']); return html::tag('ul', $attrib, $li, html::$common_attrib); }
/** * Create and register a button * * @param array Named button attributes * @return string HTML button * @todo Remove all inline JS calls and use jQuery instead. * @todo Remove all sprintf()'s - they are pretty, but also slow. */ public function button($attrib) { static $s_button_count = 100; // these commands can be called directly via url $a_static_commands = array('compose', 'list', 'preferences', 'folders', 'identities'); if (!($attrib['command'] || $attrib['name'] || $attrib['href'])) { return ''; } // try to find out the button type if ($attrib['type']) { $attrib['type'] = strtolower($attrib['type']); } else { $attrib['type'] = $attrib['image'] || $attrib['imagepas'] || $attrib['imageact'] ? 'image' : 'link'; } $command = $attrib['command']; if ($attrib['task']) { $command = $attrib['task'] . '.' . $command; } if (!$attrib['image']) { $attrib['image'] = $attrib['imagepas'] ? $attrib['imagepas'] : $attrib['imageact']; } if (!$attrib['id']) { $attrib['id'] = sprintf('rcmbtn%d', $s_button_count++); } // get localized text for labels and titles if ($attrib['title']) { $attrib['title'] = html::quote($this->app->gettext($attrib['title'], $attrib['domain'])); } if ($attrib['label']) { $attrib['label'] = html::quote($this->app->gettext($attrib['label'], $attrib['domain'])); } if ($attrib['alt']) { $attrib['alt'] = html::quote($this->app->gettext($attrib['alt'], $attrib['domain'])); } // set title to alt attribute for IE browsers if ($this->browser->ie && !$attrib['title'] && $attrib['alt']) { $attrib['title'] = $attrib['alt']; } // add empty alt attribute for XHTML compatibility if (!isset($attrib['alt'])) { $attrib['alt'] = ''; } // register button in the system if ($attrib['command']) { $this->add_script(sprintf("%s.register_button('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');", self::JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['id'], $attrib['type'], $attrib['imageact'] ? $this->abs_url($attrib['imageact']) : $attrib['classact'], $attrib['imagesel'] ? $this->abs_url($attrib['imagesel']) : $attrib['classsel'], $attrib['imageover'] ? $this->abs_url($attrib['imageover']) : '')); // make valid href to specific buttons if (in_array($attrib['command'], rcmail::$main_tasks)) { $attrib['href'] = $this->app->url(array('task' => $attrib['command'])); $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('switch-task','%s',this,event)", self::JS_OBJECT_NAME, $attrib['command']); } else { if ($attrib['task'] && in_array($attrib['task'], rcmail::$main_tasks)) { $attrib['href'] = $this->app->url(array('action' => $attrib['command'], 'task' => $attrib['task'])); } else { if (in_array($attrib['command'], $a_static_commands)) { $attrib['href'] = $this->app->url(array('action' => $attrib['command'])); } else { if (($attrib['command'] == 'permaurl' || $attrib['command'] == 'extwin') && !empty($this->env['permaurl'])) { $attrib['href'] = $this->env['permaurl']; } } } } } // overwrite attributes if (!$attrib['href']) { $attrib['href'] = '#'; } if ($attrib['task']) { if ($attrib['classact']) { $attrib['class'] = $attrib['classact']; } } else { if ($command && !$attrib['onclick']) { $attrib['onclick'] = sprintf("return %s.command('%s','%s',this,event)", self::JS_OBJECT_NAME, $command, $attrib['prop']); } } $out = ''; // generate image tag if ($attrib['type'] == 'image') { $attrib_str = html::attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'border', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'align', 'alt', 'tabindex', 'title')); $btn_content = sprintf('<img src="%s"%s />', $this->abs_url($attrib['image']), $attrib_str); if ($attrib['label']) { $btn_content .= ' ' . $attrib['label']; } $link_attrib = array('href', 'onclick', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseout', 'onmousedown', 'onmouseup', 'target'); } else { if ($attrib['type'] == 'link') { $btn_content = isset($attrib['content']) ? $attrib['content'] : ($attrib['label'] ? $attrib['label'] : $attrib['command']); $link_attrib = array_merge(html::$common_attrib, array('href', 'onclick', 'tabindex', 'target')); if ($attrib['innerclass']) { $btn_content = html::span($attrib['innerclass'], $btn_content); } } else { if ($attrib['type'] == 'input') { $attrib['type'] = 'button'; if ($attrib['label']) { $attrib['value'] = $attrib['label']; } if ($attrib['command']) { $attrib['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } $out = html::tag('input', $attrib, null, array('type', 'value', 'onclick', 'id', 'class', 'style', 'tabindex', 'disabled')); } } } // generate html code for button if ($btn_content) { $attrib_str = html::attrib_string($attrib, array_merge($link_attrib, array('data-*'))); $out = sprintf('<a%s>%s</a>', $attrib_str, $btn_content); } if ($attrib['wrapper']) { $out = html::tag($attrib['wrapper'], null, $out); } return $out; }
private function _prefs_block($part, $attrib) { $rcmail = rcube::get_instance(); $no_override = array_flip($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_dont_override')); $locale_info = localeconv(); switch ($part) { // General tests case 'general': $out = ''; $data = ''; $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'generalprefstable', 'cols' => 2)); if (!isset($no_override['required_hits'])) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamthres'; $input_spamthres = new html_select(array('name' => '_spamthres', 'id' => $field_id)); $input_spamthres->add($this->gettext('defaultscore'), ''); $decPlaces = 0; if ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int) $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') > 0) { $decPlaces = strlen($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int) $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc')) - 2; } $score_found = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i = $i + $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc')) { $input_spamthres->add(number_format($i, $decPlaces, $locale_info['decimal_point'], ''), number_format($i, $decPlaces, '.', '')); if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['required_hits'] && (double) $this->user_prefs['required_hits'] == (double) $i) { $score_found = true; } } if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['required_hits']) { $input_spamthres->add(str_replace('%s', $this->user_prefs['required_hits'], $this->gettext('otherscore')), (double) $this->user_prefs['required_hits']); } $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamthres')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamthres->show(number_format($this->user_prefs['required_hits'], $decPlaces, '.', ''))); $table->add(array('colspan' => 2), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamthresexp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['rewrite_header Subject'])) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamsubject'; $input_spamsubject = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_spamsubject', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => $this->user_prefs['rewrite_header Subject'], 'style' => 'width:200px;')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamsubject')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamsubject->show()); $table->add('title', " "); $table->add(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamsubjectblank'))); } if ($table->size() > 0) { $out .= html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $table->show()); } if (!isset($no_override['ok_languages']) || !isset($no_override['ok_locales'])) { $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamlangexp'))); $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'langprefstable', 'cols' => 1)); $select_all = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.select_all_langs', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'all')); $select_none = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.select_no_langs', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'none')); $select_invert = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.select_invert_langs', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'invert')); $table->add(array('id' => 'listcontrols'), $this->gettext('select') . ": " . $select_all . " " . $select_invert . " " . $select_none); $lang_table = new html_table(array('id' => 'spam-langs-table', 'class' => 'records-table', 'cellspacing' => '0', 'cols' => 2)); $lang_table->add_header(array('colspan' => 2), $this->gettext('language')); if (!isset($no_override['ok_locales'])) { if ($this->user_prefs['ok_locales'] == "all") { $ok_locales = $this->sa_locales; } else { $ok_locales = explode(" ", $this->user_prefs['ok_locales']); } } else { $ok_locales = array(); } if (!isset($no_override['ok_languages'])) { if ($this->user_prefs['ok_languages'] == "all") { $ok_languages = array_keys($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_languages')); } else { $ok_languages = explode(" ", $this->user_prefs['ok_languages']); } } else { $tmp_array = $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_languages'); $rcmail->config->set('sauserprefs_languages', array_intersect_key($tmp_array, array_flip($this->sa_locales))); $ok_languages = array(); } $i = 0; $locales_langs = array_merge($ok_locales, $ok_languages); foreach ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_languages') as $lang_code => $name) { if (in_array($lang_code, $locales_langs)) { $button = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.message_lang', 'prop' => $lang_code, 'type' => 'link', 'class' => 'enabled', 'id' => 'spam_lang_' . $i, 'title' => 'sauserprefs.enabled', 'content' => ' ')); } else { $button = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.message_lang', 'prop' => $lang_code, 'type' => 'link', 'class' => 'disabled', 'id' => 'spam_lang_' . $i, 'title' => 'sauserprefs.disabled', 'content' => ' ')); } $input_spamlang = new html_checkbox(array('style' => 'display: none;', 'name' => '_spamlang[]', 'value' => $lang_code)); $lang_table->add('lang', $name); $lang_table->add('tick', $button . $input_spamlang->show(in_array($lang_code, $locales_langs) ? $lang_code : '')); $i++; } $table->add('scroller', html::div(array('id' => 'spam-langs-cont'), $lang_table->show())); $out .= html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('langoptions'))) . $data . $table->show()); } break; // Header settings // Header settings case 'headers': $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('headersexp'))); $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'headersprefstable', 'cols' => 3)); if (!isset($no_override['fold_headers'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("fold_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamfoldheaders'; $input_spamreport = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamfoldheaders', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('foldheaders')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamreport->show($this->user_prefs['fold_headers'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'fold_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('foldhelp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['add_header all Level'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("level_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); if ($this->user_prefs['remove_header all'] != 'Level') { $enabled = "1"; $char = $this->user_prefs['add_header all Level']; $char = substr($char, 7, 1); } else { $enabled = "0"; $char = "*"; } $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamlevelstars'; $input_spamreport = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamlevelstars', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1', 'onchange' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_toggle_level_char(this)')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamlevelstars')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamreport->show($enabled)); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'level_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('levelhelp'))); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamlevelchar'; $input_spamsubject = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_spamlevelchar', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => $char, 'style' => 'width:20px;', 'disabled' => $enabled ? 0 : 1)); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamlevelchar')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamsubject->show()); $table->add('help', ' '); } $out = html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $data . $table->show()); break; // Test settings // Test settings case 'tests': $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamtestssexp'))); $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'testsprefstable', 'cols' => 3)); if (!isset($no_override['use_razor1'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("raz1_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamuserazor1'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamuserazor1', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('userazor1')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_razor1'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'raz1_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('raz1help'))); } if (!isset($no_override['use_razor2'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("raz2_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamuserazor2'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamuserazor2', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('userazor2')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_razor2'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'raz2_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('raz2help'))); } if (!isset($no_override['use_pyzor'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("pyz_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamusepyzor'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamusepyzor', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('usepyzor')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_pyzor'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'pyz_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('pyzhelp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['use_dcc'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("dcc_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamusedcc'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamusedcc', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('usedcc')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_dcc'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'dcc_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('dcchelp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['skip_rbl_checks'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("rbl_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamskiprblchecks'; $enabled = $this->user_prefs['skip_rbl_checks'] == "1" ? "0" : "1"; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamskiprblchecks', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('skiprblchecks')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($enabled)); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'rbl_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('rblhelp'))); } $out = html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $data . $table->show()); break; // Bayes settings // Bayes settings case 'bayes': $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayeshelp'))); $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'bayesprefstable', 'cols' => 3)); if (!isset($no_override['use_bayes'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("bayes_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamusebayes'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spamusebayes', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1', 'onchange' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_toggle_bayes(this)')); if ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_bayes_delete', false)) { $delete_link = " " . html::span(array('id' => 'listcontrols'), $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.purge_bayes', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'sauserprefs.purgebayes', 'title' => 'sauserprefs.purgebayesexp'))); } $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('usebayes')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_bayes']) . $delete_link); $table->add('help', ' '); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'bayes_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayeshelp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['use_bayes_rules'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("bayesrules_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spambayesrules'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spambayesrules', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1', 'disabled' => $this->user_prefs['use_bayes'] ? 0 : 1)); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesrules')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['use_bayes_rules'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'bayesrules_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesruleshlp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['bayes_auto_learn'])) { $help_button = html::img(array('class' => $imgclass, 'src' => $attrib['helpicon'], 'alt' => $this->gettext('sieveruleheaders'), 'border' => 0, 'style' => 'margin-left: 4px;')); $help_button = html::a(array('name' => '_headerhlp', 'href' => "#", 'onclick' => 'return ' . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_help("bayesauto_help");', 'title' => $this->gettext('help')), $help_button); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spambayesautolearn'; $input_spamtest = new html_checkbox(array('name' => '_spambayesautolearn', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => '1', 'onchange' => rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . '.sauserprefs_toggle_bayes_auto(this)', 'disabled' => $this->user_prefs['use_bayes'] ? 0 : 1)); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesautolearn')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamtest->show($this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn'])); $table->add('help', $help_button); $table->set_row_attribs(array('id' => 'bayesauto_help', 'style' => 'display: none;')); $table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesautohelp'))); } if ($table->size() > 0) { $out = html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $table->show()); } $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'bayesprefstable', 'cols' => 2)); $data = ""; if (!isset($no_override['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam'])) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_bayesnonspam'; $input_bayesnthres = new html_select(array('name' => '_bayesnonspam', 'id' => $field_id, 'disabled' => !$this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn'] || !$this->user_prefs['use_bayes'] ? 1 : 0)); $input_bayesnthres->add($this->gettext('defaultscore'), ''); $decPlaces = 1; //if ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int)$rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') > 0) // $decPlaces = strlen($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int)$rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc')) - 2; $score_found = false; for ($i = -1; $i <= 1; $i = $i + 0.1) { $input_bayesnthres->add(number_format($i, $decPlaces, $locale_info['decimal_point'], ''), number_format($i, $decPlaces, '.', '')); if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam'] && (double) $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam'] == (double) $i) { $score_found = true; } } if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam']) { $input_bayesnthres->add(str_replace('%s', $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam'], $this->gettext('otherscore')), (double) $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam']); } $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesnonspam')))); $table->add(null, $input_bayesnthres->show(number_format($this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam'], $decPlaces, '.', ''))); $table->add(array('colspan' => '2'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesnonspamexp'))); } if (!isset($no_override['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam'])) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_bayesspam'; $input_bayesthres = new html_select(array('name' => '_bayesspam', 'id' => $field_id, 'disabled' => !$this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn'] || !$this->user_prefs['use_bayes'] ? 1 : 0)); $input_bayesthres->add($this->gettext('defaultscore'), ''); $decPlaces = 0; if ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int) $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') > 0) { $decPlaces = strlen($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc') - (int) $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc')) - 2; } $score_found = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i = $i + $rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_score_inc')) { $input_bayesthres->add(number_format($i, $decPlaces, $locale_info['decimal_point'], ''), number_format($i, $decPlaces, '.', '')); if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam'] && (double) $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam'] == (double) $i) { $score_found = true; } } if (!$score_found && $this->user_prefs['required_hits']) { $input_bayesthres->add(str_replace('%s', $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam'], $this->gettext('otherscore')), (double) $this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam']); } $table->add('title', html::label($field_id, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesspam')))); $table->add(null, $input_bayesthres->show(number_format($this->user_prefs['bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam'], $decPlaces, '.', ''))); $table->add(array('colspan' => '2'), rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesspamexp'))); } if ($table->size() > 0) { $out .= html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('bayesautooptions'))) . $table->show()); } break; // Report settings // Report settings case 'report': $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamreport'))); $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'reportprefstable', 'cols' => 2)); if (!isset($no_override['report_safe'])) { $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamreport'; $input_spamreport0 = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_spamreport', 'id' => $field_id . '_0', 'value' => '0')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id . '_0', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamreport0')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamreport0->show($this->user_prefs['report_safe'])); $input_spamreport1 = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_spamreport', 'id' => $field_id . '_1', 'value' => '1')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id . '_1', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamreport1')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamreport1->show($this->user_prefs['report_safe'])); $data .= $input_spamreport1->show($this->user_prefs['report_safe']) . " " . html::label($field_id . '_1', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamreport1'))) . "<br />"; $input_spamreport2 = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_spamreport', 'id' => $field_id . '_2', 'value' => '2')); $table->add('title', html::label($field_id . '_2', rcmail::Q($this->gettext('spamreport2')))); $table->add(null, $input_spamreport2->show($this->user_prefs['report_safe'])); } $out = html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $table->show()); break; // Address settings // Address settings case 'addresses': $data = html::p(null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('whitelistexp'))); if ($rcmail->config->get('sauserprefs_whitelist_sync')) { $data .= rcmail::Q($this->gettext('autowhitelist')) . "<br /><br />"; } $table = new html_table(array('class' => 'addressprefstable', 'cols' => 4)); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamaddressrule'; $input_spamaddressrule = new html_select(array('name' => '_spamaddressrule', 'id' => $field_id)); $input_spamaddressrule->add($this->gettext('whitelist_from'), 'whitelist_from'); $input_spamaddressrule->add($this->gettext('blacklist_from'), 'blacklist_from'); $input_spamaddressrule->add($this->gettext('whitelist_to'), 'whitelist_to'); $field_id = 'rcmfd_spamaddress'; $input_spamaddress = new html_inputfield(array('name' => '_spamaddress', 'id' => $field_id, 'style' => 'width:200px;')); $field_id = 'rcmbtn_add_address'; $button_addaddress = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.addressrule_add', 'type' => 'input', 'class' => 'button', 'label' => 'sauserprefs.addrule')); $table->add('ruletype', $input_spamaddressrule->show()); $table->add('address', $input_spamaddress->show()); $table->add('action', $button_addaddress); $table->add(null, " "); $import = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.import_whitelist', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'import', 'title' => 'sauserprefs.importfromaddressbook')); $delete_all = $this->api->output->button(array('command' => 'plugin.sauserprefs.whitelist_delete_all', 'type' => 'link', 'label' => 'sauserprefs.deleteall')); $table->add(array('colspan' => 4, 'id' => 'listcontrols'), $import . " " . $delete_all); $address_table = new html_table(array('id' => 'address-rules-table', 'class' => 'records-table', 'cellspacing' => '0', 'cols' => 3)); $address_table->add_header('rule', $this->gettext('rule')); $address_table->add_header('email', $this->gettext('email')); $address_table->add_header('control', ' '); $this->_address_row($address_table, null, null, $attrib); if (sizeof($this->user_prefs['addresses']) > 0) { $norules = 'display: none;'; } $address_table->set_row_attribs(array('style' => $norules)); $address_table->add(array('colspan' => '3'), rcube_utils::rep_specialchars_output($this->gettext('noaddressrules'))); $this->api->output->set_env('address_rule_count', sizeof($this->user_prefs['addresses'])); foreach ($this->user_prefs['addresses'] as $address) { $this->_address_row($address_table, $address['field'], $address['value'], $attrib); } $table->add(array('colspan' => 4, 'class' => 'scroller'), html::div(array('id' => 'address-rules-cont'), $address_table->show())); if ($table->size()) { $out = html::tag('fieldset', null, html::tag('legend', null, rcmail::Q($this->gettext('mainoptions'))) . $data . $table->show()); } break; default: $out = ''; } return $out; }
public static function quota_display($attrib) { $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance(); if (!$attrib['id']) { $attrib['id'] = 'rcmquotadisplay'; } $_SESSION['quota_display'] = !empty($attrib['display']) ? $attrib['display'] : 'text'; $rcmail->output->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']); $quota = $rcmail->quota_content($attrib); $rcmail->output->add_script('rcmail.set_quota(' . rcube_output::json_serialize($quota) . ');', 'docready'); return html::span($attrib, ' '); }
/** * Handler for template_object_messagebody hook. * This callback function adds a box below the message content * if there is a key/cert attachment available */ function message_output($p) { $attach_script = false; foreach ($this->keys_parts as $part) { // remove part's body if (in_array($part, $this->keys_bodies)) { $p['content'] = ''; } $style = "margin:0 1em; padding:0.2em 0.5em; border:1px solid #999; width: auto" . " border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px"; // add box below message body $p['content'] .= html::p(array('style' => $style), html::a(array('href' => "#", 'onclick' => "return " . rcmail_output::JS_OBJECT_NAME . ".enigma_import_attachment('" . rcube::JQ($part) . "')", 'title' => $this->gettext('keyattimport')), html::img(array('src' => $this->url('skins/classic/key_add.png'), 'style' => "vertical-align:middle"))) . ' ' . html::span(null, $this->gettext('keyattfound'))); $attach_script = true; } if ($attach_script) { $this->include_script('enigma.js'); } return $p; }