$i = 0; if ($this->hgconf->listheight_hotel) { $margin = $this->hgconf->listheight_hotel; } else { $margin = 84; } echo '<div id="itembox">' . "\n"; foreach ($this->items as $hotels) { if ($k == 0) { echo '<div class="titlerow" style="height:' . $margin . 'px; background: transparent url(' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/back_light.png) 0 0 repeat;">' . "\n"; } else { echo '<div class="titlerow" style="height:' . $margin . 'px; background: transparent url(' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/back_dark.png) 0 0 repeat;">' . "\n"; } echo '<div class="leftcell">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="inner">' . "\n"; $link = JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($hotels->slug)); if ($hotels->mainimage) { echo '<a href="' . $link . '"><img class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:4px; border-color:' . $this->hgconf->bordercolor . '" src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_' . $hotels->id . '/thumb/' . $hotels->mainimage . '" width="' . $margin . 'px"; title="' . htmlentities($hotels->title) . '" alt="' . htmlentities($hotels->title) . '"/></a>'; } else { echo '<a href="' . $link . '"><img class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:4px; border-color:' . $this->hgconf->bordercolor . '" src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_thumb.gif" width="' . $margin . 'px"; title="No Image" alt="No Image"/></a>'; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="centercell">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="inner" style="text-align:left;">' . "\n"; echo '<p style="margin-right:10px; position:relative;"><a class="titleitem" style="font-weight:bold;" href="' . $link . '">'; echo stripslashes($hotels->title); echo '</a>'; if ($hotels->starrate && $this->hgconf->showstarrate) { echo ' <img style="margin:0" src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/' . $hotels->starrate . 'star.png" alt="Star Rate"/>'; }
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * HotelGuide is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with HOTELGUIDE; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); echo '<div id="hotel"><div class="hotellist" style="width:100%">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="hotel_row">' . "\n"; foreach ($hotels as $sub) { echo '<div class="inbox" style="width:25%;"><div class="hotel_col">'; $link = hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($sub->slug); echo '<div class="inframe">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="trans">' . "\n"; if ($sub->starrate > 0) { echo '<img src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/' . $sub->starrate . 'star.png" alt="Star Rate"/>'; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $sub->title . '">'; if ($sub->mainimage) { echo '<img style="border:1px solid #bbbbbb;" src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_' . $sub->id . '/crop/' . $sub->mainimage . '" width="120px" alt="" /></a></div>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<img src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_image.gif" /></a></div>' . "\n"; } echo '<div class="cap">' . "\n"; // echo '<div class="caption">' . "\n"; echo '<i style="height:3em">' . "\n";
function showmap($config, $base, $mapdatas, $regione, $cattitle, $child, $ajaxmap, $googlead, $adid, $slot) { $lat = $base['lat']; $lon = $base['lon']; $zoom = $base['zoom']; $maptype = $base['maptype']; if (!$maptype) { $maptype = 'Map'; } switch ($maptype) { case 'Map': case 'roadmap': $maptype = 'G_NORMAL_MAP'; break; case 'Satellite': $maptype = 'G_SATELLITE_MAP'; break; case 'Hybrid': case 'hybrid': $maptype = 'G_HYBRID_MAP'; break; case 'Terrain': case 'terrain': $maptype = 'G_PHYSICAL_MAP'; break; } ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var map; var container; var lat; var lon; var maptype; var title; var thumbLink; var point; var toggle = 0; function loadMap() { container = document.getElementById("map_canvas"); lat = <?php echo $lat; ?> ; lon = <?php echo $lon; ?> ; zoom = <?php echo $zoom; ?> ; maptype = <?php echo $maptype; ?> ; point = new GLatLng (lat, lon); map = new google.maps.Map2(container); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl3D(), new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT, new GSize(0,5))); map.addControl(new GMenuMapTypeControl(), new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, new GSize(7,7))); map.addMapType(G_PHYSICAL_MAP); map.addControl(new GScaleControl()); map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon), zoom, maptype); //var clusterer = new Clusterer(map); //var sidebar = new SideBar(document.getElementById("sidebar")); GEvent.addListener(map, "mouseover", function(){ map.showControls(); }); GEvent.addListener(map, "mouseout", function(){ map.hideControls(); }); // ================= infoOpened LISTENER =========== GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowopen", function() { infoOpened = true; // set infoOpened to true to change the history text Slimbox.scanPage(); }); // ================= infoClosed LISTENER =========== GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() { infoOpened = false; // set infoOpened to false }); var autoCenterBounds = new GLatLngBounds(); var maxZoom = 0; var marker; var width; var height; var ratio; var imagelink; var itemlink; var slimboxlink; var logopath; var logowidth = <?php echo $config->logowidth; ?> ; var logoheight = <?php echo $config->logoheight; ?> ; toggle = 1; <?php if ($config->logoimage) { ?> logopath = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> administrator/components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/<?php echo $config->logoimage; ?> "; <?php } else { ?> logopath = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> administrator/components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/yourlogo.gif"; logowidth = 160; logoheight = 25; <?php } ?> <?php if ($child) { foreach ($mapdatas as $mapdata) { $text = substr($mapdata[0]->hoteltype, 0, 18) . "...."; ?> CreateMarker(clusterer, sidebar, "", "", "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "", "", "<?php echo $text; ?> "); <?php foreach ($mapdata as $item) { if ($item->lon == 0) { continue; } ?> point = new GLatLng(<?php echo $item->lat; ?> , <?php echo $item->lon; ?> ); <?php if ($item->zoom < 1 || !$item->zoom) { $item->zoom = 3; } ?> maxZoom = Math.max(maxZoom, <?php echo $item->zoom; ?> ); autoCenterBounds.extend(point); <?php if ($regione == 'hotel' && $item->mainimage) { ?> itemlink = "<?php echo JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug)); ?> "; thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /smallcrop/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /resize/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /album/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; <?php } else { ?> thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_list.gif"; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_image.gif"; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_thumb.jpg"; <?php $item->imagewidth = 160; $item->imageheight = 120; } $desc = $item->title; ?> //CreateMarker(clusterer, sidebar, <?php //echo $item->lat; ?> , <?php //echo $item->lon; ?> , "<?php //echo $desc; ?> ", thumblink, imagelink, itemlink, slimboxlink, <?php //echo $item->zoom; ?> , <?php //echo $item->imagewidth; ?> , <?php //echo $item->imageheight; ?> , logopath, logowidth, logoheight, ""); <?php } } } else { if ($regione == 'city') { $cattitle = JText::sprintf('HG_ACCOMMODATIONS_IN', $cattitle); } else { if ($regione == 'country' || $regione == 'states') { $cattitle = JText::sprintf('HG_CITIES_IN', $cattitle); } else { if ($regione == 'continent') { $cattitle = JText::sprintf('HG_COUNTRIES_IN', $cattitle); } } } ?> //CreateMarker(clusterer, sidebar, "", "", "", "", "", "", "","", "", "", "", "", "", "<?php //echo $cattitle; ?> "); <?php foreach ($mapdatas as $item) { if ($item->lon == 0) { continue; } ?> point = new GLatLng(<?php echo $item->lat; ?> , <?php echo $item->lon; ?> ); <?php if ($item->zoom < 1 || !$item->zoom) { $item->zoom = 3; } ?> maxZoom = Math.max(maxZoom, <?php echo $item->zoom; ?> ); autoCenterBounds.extend(point); <?php if (($regione == 'city' || $regione == 'states') && $item->image) { ?> itemlink = "<?php echo JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getCityRoute($item->cityslug)); ?> "; thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/city/scrop/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/city/resize/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/city/album/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; <?php } else { if (($regione == 'country' || $regione == 'continent') && $item->image) { ?> itemlink = "<?php echo JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getCountryRoute($item->slug)); ?> "; thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/country/scrop/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/country/resize/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/country/album/<?php echo $item->image; ?> "; <?php } else { if ($regione == 'hotel' && $item->mainimage) { ?> itemlink = "<?php echo JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($item->slug)); ?> "; thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /smallcrop/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /resize/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /album/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; <?php } else { ?> //thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_list.gif"; thumblink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /smallcrop/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /resize/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_<?php echo $item->id; ?> /album/<?php echo $item->mainimage; ?> "; //imagelink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_image.gif"; //slimboxlink = "<?php echo JURI::base(); ?> components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_image.gif"; <?php $item->imagewidth = 120; $item->imageheight = 120; } } } if (isset($item->assignedrestos)) { $desc = JText::sprintf('HG_MAP_ACCOMMODATIONS', $item->nam, $item->assignedrestos); } else { if ($regione == 'hotel') { $desc = $item->title; } else { $desc = $item->title; } } ?> //CreateMarker(clusterer, sidebar, <?php //echo $item->lat; ?> , <?php //echo $item->lat; ?> , "<?php //echo $desc; ?> ", thumblink, imagelink, itemlink, slimboxlink, <?php //echo $item->zoom; ?> , <?php //echo $item->imagewidth; ?> , <?php //echo $item->imageheight; ?> , logopath, logowidth, logoheight, ""); <?php } } ?> // Create our "tiny" marker icon var blueIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON); blueIcon.image = "http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markers/red/blank.png"; // Set up our GMarkerOptions object markerOptions = { icon:blueIcon }; var latlng = new GLatLng(<?php echo $item->lat; ?> ,<?php echo $item->lon; ?> ); map.addOverlay(new GMarker(latlng, markerOptions)); map.setCenter(autoCenterBounds.getCenter(), Math.min(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(autoCenterBounds), maxZoom), maptype); <?php /*if ($googlead) { ?> var publisherID = '<?php echo $adid ?>'; var adsManagerOptions = { maxAdsOnMap : 1, style: G_ADSMANAGER_STYLE_ADUNIT, // The channel field is optional - replace this field with a channel number // of your own for Google AdSense tracking channel: '<?php echo $slot ?>' }; adsManager = new GAdsManager(map, publisherID, adsManagerOptions); adsManager.enable(); <?php }*/ ?> //give the map a little time to fully load then remove the background setTimeout('document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.backgroundImage = "";',1000); } <?php if ($ajaxmap) { ?> function loadScript() { if (toggle == 0) { loadMap(); } } <?php } else { ?> function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function'){ window.onload = func } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } } addLoadEvent(loadMap); <?php } ?> </script> <?php }
$ad_width = $this->hgconf->world_ad_width; $ad_height = $this->hgconf->world_ad_height; break; } $n = 0; $i = 0; $total = count($this->sponsors); $norow = 100 / $this->hgconf->no_sponsorrow; echo '<div class="boxlist">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="box_row">' . "\n"; foreach ($this->sponsors as $sponsor) { if ($n == 0) { echo '<div class="box_row">' . "\n"; } echo '<div class="inbox" style="width:' . $norow . '%;"><div class="hg_box">'; $link = JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($sponsor->slug)); echo '<div class="inframe">' . "\n"; if ($sponsor->starrate > 0) { echo '<div class="trans">' . "\n"; echo '<img src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/' . $sponsor->starrate . 'star.png" alt="Star Rate"/>'; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } echo '<a href="' . $link . '" title="' . $sponsor->title . '">'; if ($sponsor->mainimage) { echo '<img style="margin: 0; border:1px solid #bbbbbb;" src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_' . $sponsor->id . '/crop/' . $sponsor->mainimage . '" width="120px" alt="' . $sponsor->title . '" /></a>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<img style="margin: 0; border:1px solid #cccccc;" src="' . JURI::base() . 'components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_image.gif" /></a>' . "\n"; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="cap">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="captionbar">' . "\n";
/** * Creates the item page * * @since 1.0 */ function display($tpl = null) { global $mainframe, $hgconf, $option; //initialize variables $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $menus =& JSite::getMenu(); $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $menu = $menus->getActive(); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $uri =& JFactory::getURI(); $task = JRequest::getVar('task'); $limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0, '', 'int'); $cid = JRequest::getInt('cid', 0); //get hotel item data $model =& $this->getModel(); $item =& $this->get('Item'); $mapdatas =& $this->get('MapData'); $rooms =& $this->get('Rooms'); $restaurants =& $this->get('Restaurants'); $spas =& $this->get('Spas'); $promotions =& $this->get('Promotions'); $galleries =& $this->get('Gallery'); $articles =& $this->get('Articles'); //Begin Jquery UI //Va primero la libreria Jquery para no crear conflictos con Mootools $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/media/system/jquery/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js'); $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/media/system/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js'); $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/media/system/jquery/css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css'); //End Jquery UI //add css file JHTML::_('behavior.mootools'); if ($item->slideshow == 1 && count($galleries) > 0) { //$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/jd.gallery.js'); //$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/jd.gallery.transitions.js'); $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/galleria/galleria-1.2.8.min.js'); } //$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/slider.js'); $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/slimbox.js'); //$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/qtabs.js'); $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/media/system/js/tabview.js'); $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/roomrate.js'); $document->addScript('http://www.jpmoser.com/hotelheading/js/collapsible_reviews.js'); /*$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/datepicker.packed_v6.js'); $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/css/datepicker.css');*/ $document->addScript($this->baseurl . '/media/system/js/modal.js'); $document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl . '/media/system/css/modal.css'); //$document->addStyleSheet($this->baseurl.'/media/system/jquery/captcha/captcha.css'); $key = $hgconf->api_key; $a_lang = explode('-', $document->getLanguage()); if ($key && $hgconf->conti_map == 1) { $document->addScript('http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2.x&key=' . $key . '&hl=' . $a_lang[0]); //$document->addScript( $this->baseurl.'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/js/hotel_cluster.js'); } JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $params =& $mainframe->getParams('com_content'); //call the params from content $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$item, &$params, 1)); $filter_class = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($option . '.hotel.filter_class', 'filter_class', '*', 'word'); if ($filter_class == '*') { $filter_class = $hgconf->classification; } if ($this->getLayout() == 'form') { $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__hg_facilities WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY name ASC"); $facilities = $db->loadObjectList(); if ($db->getErrorNum()) { return $db->getErrorMsg(); } $aSelected = explode(",", $item->facilities); $i = 1; $facilityList = ""; foreach ($facilities as $facility) { $bChecked = false; if (in_array($facility->id, $aSelected)) { $bChecked = true; } if ($i == 1) { $facilityList .= "<tr>"; } $facilityList .= '<td width="300"><input type="checkbox" name="isFacility" value="' . $facility->id . '" onClick="updateCheckedList();" '; $facilityList .= $bChecked ? " checked" : ""; $facilityList .= "/>"; $facilityList .= $facility->name; $facilityList .= "</td>"; if ($i == 2) { $i = 1; $facilityList .= "</tr>"; } else { $i++; } } $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__hg_roomfacilities WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY name ASC"); $roomfacilities = $db->loadObjectList(); if ($db->getErrorNum()) { return $db->getErrorMsg(); } $bSelected = explode(",", $item->roomfacilities); $i = 1; $roomfacilityList = ""; foreach ($roomfacilities as $roomfacility) { $bChecked = false; if (in_array($roomfacility->id, $bSelected)) { $bChecked = true; } if ($i == 1) { $roomfacilityList .= "<tr>"; } $roomfacilityList .= '<td width="300"><input type="checkbox" name="isRoomFacility" value="' . $roomfacility->id . '" onClick="updateCheckedRoomList();" '; $roomfacilityList .= $bChecked ? " checked" : ""; $roomfacilityList .= "/>"; $roomfacilityList .= $roomfacility->name; $roomfacilityList .= "</td>"; if ($i == 2) { $i = 1; $roomfacilityList .= "</tr>"; } else { $i++; } } $this->assignRef('hgconf', $hgconf); $this->assignRef('facilityList', $facilityList); $this->assignRef('roomfacilityList', $roomfacilityList); $this->_displayForm($tpl); return; } $iparams =& $item->attribs; $params->merge($iparams); if ($item->id == 0) { $id = JRequest::getInt('id', 0); // return JError::raiseError( 404, JText::sprintf( 'ITEM #%d NOT FOUND', $id ) ); } else { $nextItem = $model->getNextItem($item->id, $item->ordering); if ($nextItem) { $nextItem->nextLink = urldecode(JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute(urlencode($nextItem->slug)))); } $prevItem = $model->getPreviousItem($item->id, $item->ordering); if ($prevItem) { $prevItem->prevLink = urldecode(JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute(urlencode($prevItem->slug)))); } // Absolute URL $item->absoluteURL = $uri->_uri; //Email link $item->emailLink = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_mailto&tmpl=component&link=' . base64_encode($item->absoluteURL)); //Social link $item->socialLink = urlencode($item->absoluteURL); } //get tags if enabled // if ($params->get('show_tags')) { // $tags = & $this->get('Tags'); // } if ($hgconf->show_favourite) { $favourites =& $this->get('Favourites'); $favoured =& $this->get('Favoured'); } //pathway // $cats = new hotelguide_cats($cid); // $parents = $cats->getParentlist(); $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathWay(); // foreach($parents as $parent) { // $pathway->addItem( $this->escape($parent->title), JRoute::_('index.php?view=category&cid='.$parent->categoryslug)); // } $pathway->addItem($this->escape($item->title), JRoute::_('index.php?view=hotel&id=' . $item->slug)); // because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it // right from the menu item itself // Get the menu item object if (is_object($menu)) { $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params); if (!$menu_params->get('page_title')) { $params->set('page_title', $item->title); } } else { $params->set('page_title', $item->title); } /* if($cid) { $parentcat = array_pop($parents); $doc_title = $item->title.' - '.$parentcat->title; } else { $doc_title = $params->get( 'page_title' ); } $document->setTitle($doc_title); */ if ($item->meta_description) { $document->setDescription($item->meta_description); } if ($item->meta_keywords) { $document->setMetadata('keywords', $item->meta_keywords); } if ($mainframe->getCfg('MetaTitle') == '1') { $mainframe->addMetaTag('title', $item->title . ' - ' . $item->cityinfo->name . ' - ' . $item->countryinfo->name); } if ($mainframe->getCfg('MetaAuthor') == '1') { $mainframe->addMetaTag('author', $item->author); } $mdata = new JParameter($item->metadata); $mdata = $mdata->toArray(); foreach ($mdata as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $document->setMetadata($k, $v); } } $print_link = JRoute::_('index.php?view=hotel&id=' . $item->slug . '&pop=1&tmpl=component'); if (isset($item->facilitylist)) { $i = 0; $facilityList = '<div id="dropdown_3columns">'; foreach ($item->facilitylist as $facility) { $imagelink = JURI::base() . 'images/hotelguide/pictogram/' . $facility->pictogram; $facilityList .= '<div class="col_1" style="width:22%">'; if (strlen(strip_tags($facility->name)) > 25) { $facilityList .= '<p style="height:30px; line-height:14px; display:inline"><img src="' . $imagelink . '" width="19px" height="19px" class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:1px;" align="left" alt="' . $facility->name . '" />'; } else { //$facilityList .= '<p style="height:30px; line-height:30px; display:inline"><img src="'.$imagelink. '" width="19px" height="19px" class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:1px;" align="left" alt="'.$facility->name.'" />'; $facilityList .= '<p style="height:30px; line-height:18px; display:inline"><img src="' . $imagelink . '" width="19px" height="19px" class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:1px;" align="left" alt="' . $facility->name . '" />'; } $facilityList .= $facility->name . '</p></div>'; if ($i == 3) { $i = 0; $facilityList .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>' . "\n"; } else { $i++; } } $facilityList .= "</div>"; } /* if ($item->roomfacilities) { $db->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM #__hg_roomfacilities WHERE id IN (".$item->roomfacilities.") ORDER BY name ASC"); $roomfacilities = $db->loadObjectList(); if ($db->getErrorNum()) { return $db->getErrorMsg(); } $roomfacilityList = '<div id="list_wrapper"><ul class="multiple_columns">' . "\n"; foreach ( $roomfacilities as $roomfacility ) { $roomfacilityList .= '<li>'; $roomfacilityList .= $roomfacility->name; $roomfacilityList .='</li>' . "\n"; } $roomfacilityList .= '</ul></div>' . "\n"; $roomfacilityList .= '<div style="clear:both;padding-bottom:10px;"></div>' . "\n"; } */ $modelcity =& $this->getModel('city'); $modelcity->setId($item->city); $modelcity->setState('limit', 1000); $hotelitems = $modelcity->getData(); $totalhotels = 0; /*$hotelList = '<ul id="menu" style="margin-bottom:10px">' . "\n"; $hotelList .= '<li><a href="#" class="drop">'.JText::_('HG_OTHER_ACCOMMODATIONS').'</a>' . "\n"; $hotelList .= '<div class="dropdown_4columns">' . "\n"; $i = 0; foreach ( $hotelitems as $hotel ) { if ($hotel->id == $item->id) continue; $link = JRoute::_( hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($hotel->slug)); if ($hotel->mainimage) $imagelink = JURI::base() .'images/hotelguide/gallery/hotel_'.$hotel->id.'/smallcrop/' .$hotel->mainimage; else $imagelink = JURI::base() .'/components/com_hotelguide/assets/images/no_list.gif'; $hotelList .= '<div class="col_1" style="height:34px; overflow:hidden;">'; if (strlen(strip_tags($hotel->title)) > 22) { $hotel->text = substr($hotel->text, 0, 30); $hotel->text = trim($hotel->text) . "...\n\n"; $hotelList .= '<p style="line-height:16px;"><a href="'.$link.'"><img src="'.$imagelink.'" width="20px" class="img_left imgshadow" align="left" alt="'.$hotel->title.'" />'; } else { $hotelList .= '<p style="line-height:32px;"><a href="'.$link.'"><img src="'.$imagelink.'" width="20px" class="img_left imgshadow" align="left" alt="'.$hotel->title.'" />'; } $hotelList .= JText::_($hotel->title).'</a></p></div>'; $i++; if ($i == 4) { $hotelList .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>' . "\n"; $i = 0; } $totalhotels++; } $hotelList .= '</div></li>' . "\n"; if ($user->id > 0) { $hotelList .= '<li>'.hg_html::favoure( $item, $favoured ).'</li>' . "\n"; $hotelList .= '<li>'.hg_html::favourites().'</li>' . "\n"; // $hotelList .= '<li class="dif">'.hg_html::registerhotel().'<b class="s4"></b>' . "\n"; } $hotelList .= '<li>'.hg_html::search().'</li>' . "\n"; $hotelList .= '</ul>' . "\n";*/ $modelreview =& $this->getModel('Userrates'); $modelreview->setId($item->id); $testimonials = $modelreview->getTestimonial(); $totaltestimonials = $modelreview->getTotalTestimonials(); $edittestimonials = $modelreview->getEditTestimonial(); $editor =& JFactory::getEditor(); $lan = substr($lang->_lang, 0, 2); $this->assignRef('hgconf', $hgconf); $this->assignRef('db', $db); $this->assignRef('url', $url); $this->assignRef('user', $user); $this->assignRef('document', $document); $this->assignRef('a_lang', $a_lang); $this->assignRef('model', $model); $this->assignRef('item', $item); $this->assignRef('rooms', $rooms); $this->assignRef('categories', $categories); $this->assignRef('restaurants', $restaurants); $this->assignRef('spas', $spas); $this->assignRef('promotions', $promotions); $this->assignRef('galleries', $galleries); $this->assignRef('user', $user); $this->assignRef('params', $params); $this->assignRef('print_link', $print_link); $this->assignRef('facilityList', $facilityList); $this->assignRef('mapdatas', $mapdatas); $this->assignRef('directory', $directory); $this->assignRef('prevItem', $prevItem); $this->assignRef('nextItem', $nextItem); $this->assignRef('hotelList', $hotelList); $this->assignRef('articles', $articles); $this->assignRef('totalhotels', $totalhotels); $this->assignRef('task', $task); $this->assignRef('lan', $lan); $this->assignRef('favourites', $favourites); $this->assignRef('favoured', $favoured); $this->assignRef('totaltestimonials', $totaltestimonials); $this->assignRef('testimonials', $testimonials); $this->assignRef('edittestimonials', $edittestimonials); /* echo "<pre>"; echo "view="; print_r($rooms); echo "</pre>"; */ parent::display($tpl); }
echo '<div class="colmask">' . "\n"; $imagewidth = $this->event->imagewidth + 30; if ($this->event->image) { echo '<div class="leftcol" style="width:' . $imagewidth . 'px">' . "\n"; echo '<img class="img_left imgshadow" style="padding:4px; margin: 6px 6px; border-color:' . $this->hgconf->bordercolor . '" src="' . JURI::base() . 'images/hotelguide/event/resize/' . $this->event->image . '" align="left" width="' . $this->event->imagewidth . 'px" height="' . $this->event->imageheight . 'px" />'; if ($this->event->lat) { echo '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n"; echo '<div class="img_left imgshadow" style="width: ' . $this->event->imagewidth . 'px; padding:4px; margin: 6px 6px; border-color:' . $this->hgconf->bordercolor . '">' . "\n"; echo '<h2 style="font-size: 1.0em; line-height:1.4em; text-align: center; color: #888; background-color: #1B1B1B; margin:0;">' . JText::_('HG_LOCATION_MAP') . '</h2>' . "\n"; echo '<div id="map" ><div id="map_canvas" style="width: ' . $this->event->imagewidth . 'px; height: ' . $this->event->imagewidth . 'px; border:none;"></div></div>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; } if ($this->event->description) { $link = JRoute::_(hotelguideHelperRoute::getItemRoute($this->event->hotelslug)); echo '<div class="rightcol" style="margin:10px 0 0 10px">' . "\n"; if ($this->event->hits > 0) { echo '<p><span style="position: absolute; right:0px; font-size:11px;">'; if ($this->event->hits == 1) { echo JText::_('HG_VISIT'); } if ($this->event->hits > 1) { echo JText::sprintf('HG_VISITS', $this->event->hits); } echo '</span></p>' . "\n"; } echo '<ul id="top" class="feature">' . "\n"; echo '<li class="feature">' . "\n"; echo '<strong>' . JText::_('HOTEL') . ': </strong>' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $this->event->hotelname . '</a></li>' . "\n";