function graph() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) as hits,zDate FROM youtube_dayz GROUP BY zDate ORDER BY zDate"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $ligne["zDate"] = str_replace(date("Y") . "-", "", $ligne["zDate"]); $xdata[] = $ligne["zDate"]; $ydata[] = $ligne["hits"]; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "\"{$ligne["zDate"]}\" = {$ligne["hits"]}<br>\n"; } } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{downloaded_videos}/{day}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{videos}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{days}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{videos}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function gengraph() { $styleTitle = "font-size:18px;color:#005447"; if (intval($_GET["current"]) == 0) { if (intval($_GET["max"]) == 0) { echo "document.getElementById('{$_GET["container"]}').innerHTML='<center><span style=\"{$styleTitle}\">{$_GET["name"]}</span><center style=\"margin-top:10px\"><img src=img/cache-status-off.png></center></center>'"; return; } } $free = $_GET["max"] - $_GET["current"]; $PieData["{free}"] = $free; $PieData["{used}"] = $_GET["current"]; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = ">>"; $highcharts->PieDataLabels = false; $highcharts->PieRedGreen = true; $highcharts->Title = $_GET["name"]; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = " MB"; echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph3() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $MAIN = unserialize(@file_get_contents("{$GLOBALS["BASEDIR"]}/SMTP_DASHBOARD_GRAPHS")); $tpl = new templates(); $tpl = new templates(); $title = "{rejected}"; $timetext = "{hours}"; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph3-dashboard"; $highcharts->xAxis = $MAIN["REJECTED"]["X"]; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "22px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{messages}"; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = false; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = $tpl->javascript_parse_text('{date}: '); $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "Mails"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->datas = array("{size}" => $MAIN["REJECTED"]["Y"]); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph3() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"]; if ($zmd5 == null) { echo "alert('no key sended');UnlockPage();"; die; } $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT `values` FROM reports_cache WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'")); $values = $ligne["values"]; if (strlen($values) == 0) { echo "alert('NO data...{$ligne["values"]}');UnlockPage();"; $q->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM reports_cache WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'"); return; } $MAIN = unserialize(base64_decode($values)); $PieData = $MAIN["TOP_WEBSITES_MEMBERS"]; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph3-{$zmd5}"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{members}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("TOP {members}/{size} (KB)"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); echo "\n"; echo "if(document.getElementById('websites-button-area')){document.getElementById('websites-button-area').innerHTML='';}\n"; echo "LoadAjax('table3-{$zmd5}','{$page}?table3=yes&zmd5={$zmd5}&t={$_GET["t"]}');\n"; }
function graph_uid_4() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $sql = "SELECT SUM(RQS) as RQS,FAMILYSITE FROM dashboard_memberwebsite_day \n\t\t\tWHERE USER='******' GROUP BY FAMILYSITE ORDER BY RQS DESC LIMIT 0,15"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { $q->mysql_error_jsdiv($_GET["id"]); die; } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $FAMILYSITE = $ligne["FAMILYSITE"]; $SIZE = $ligne["RQS"]; $MAIN[$FAMILYSITE] = $SIZE; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["id"]; $highcharts->SQL_QUERY = $sql; $highcharts->PieDatas = $MAIN; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{$_GET["uid"]} - {top_websites_by_hits}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$_GET["uid"]} - {top_websites_by_hits}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph3() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"]; if ($zmd5 == null) { echo "alert('no key sended');UnlockPage();"; die; } $table = "{$zmd5}report"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM reports_cache WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'")); $params = unserialize($ligne["params"]); $user = strtolower($params["USER"]); $q = new postgres_sql(); $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT SUM(xcount) as xcount,dst_ip FROM \"{$table}\" GROUP BY dst_ip ORDER BY xcount DESC LIMIT 10"); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo $sql . "<br>\n"; } while ($ligne = @pg_fetch_assoc($results)) { $size = $ligne["xcount"]; $dst_ip = $ligne["dst_ip"]; $PieData[$dst_ip] = $size; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph3-{$zmd5}"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{dst_ip}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("TOP {dst_ip}/{events}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); echo "\n"; echo "if(document.getElementById('websites-button-area')){document.getElementById('websites-button-area').innerHTML='';}\n"; echo "LoadAjax('table3-{$zmd5}','{$page}?table3=yes&zmd5={$zmd5}&t={$_GET["t"]}');\n"; }
function graph5() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $t = $_GET["t"]; $ff = time(); $tablename = date("Ymd", $_GET["xtime"]) . "_hour"; $category = mysql_escape_string2($_GET["category"]); $sql = "SELECT SUM(size) as thits, category,uid FROM `{$tablename}`\n\tGROUP BY category,uid \n\tHAVING category='{$category}'\n\tORDER BY thits DESC LIMIT 0,10"; $unknown = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{unknown}"); $c = 0; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error, $_GET["container"]); } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if (trim($ligne["uid"]) == null) { $ligne["uid"] = $unknown; } $ligne["thits"] = round($ligne["thits"] / 1024 / 1000); $PieData[$ligne["uid"]] = $ligne["thits"]; $c++; } $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{hits}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$category}: {top_members_by_size} (MB)"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph2() { $hour_table = date('Ymd', strtotime($_GET["day"])) . "_hour"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) as hits,hour,{$_GET["field"]},familysite\n\tFROM {$hour_table} GROUP BY hour,{$_GET["field"]},familysite\n\tHAVING familysite='{$_GET["familysite"]}' AND {$_GET["field"]}='{$_GET["value"]}' ORDER BY hour"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo $sql . "<br>\n"; } $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $xdata[] = $ligne["hour"] . "h"; $ydata[] = $ligne["hits"]; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{requests} {for} {$_GET["value"]} {with} {$_GET["familysite"]}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{requests}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{hours}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{hits}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph_current_month_day() { $timekey = date('Ym'); $time = time(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $table = "squidmemoryM_{$timekey}"; $sql = "SELECT `day` zhour,memoryuse FROM `{$table}` ORDER BY `day`"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { if (strlen($ligne["zhour"]) == 1) { $ligne["zhour"] = "0{$ligne["zhour"]}"; } $ttime = "{$ligne["zhour"]}"; $xdata[] = $ttime; $ydata[] = $ligne["memoryuse"]; } $title = "{this_month} (MB)"; $timetext = "{day}"; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{size} (MB)"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = false; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = date("m") . "/" . date("Y") . " "; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "MB"; $highcharts->datas = array("{size}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph4() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $tablename = "www_" . $q->uid_to_tablename($_GET["uid"]); $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) as hits,familysite,category FROM `{$tablename}` GROUP BY familysite,category\n\tHAVING `category`='{$_GET["category"]}'\n\tORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0,15"; if ($_GET["category"] == null) { $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) as hits,familysite,category FROM `{$tablename}` GROUP BY familysite,category\n\t\tHAVING `category` IS NULL\n\t\tORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0,15"; } $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $size = $ligne["hits"]; $PieData[$ligne["familysite"]] = $size; } if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error, $_GET["container"]); } $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{hits}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$_GET["category"]}/{top_websites}/{size}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph3() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $t = $_GET["t"]; $ff = time(); $tablename = date("Ymd", $_GET["xtime"]) . "_blocked"; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) as thits, uid FROM `{$tablename}`\n\tGROUP BY uid\n\tORDER BY thits DESC LIMIT 0,10"; $c = 0; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error, $_GET["container"]); } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $PieData[$ligne["uid"]] = $ligne["thits"]; $c++; } $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{hits}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{top_members_by_hits} ({uid})"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph2() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $xtime = $_GET["xtime"]; $hourtable = date("Ymd", $xtime) . "_hour"; $sql = "SELECT SUM(size) as size,`hour`,uid,familysite FROM {$hourtable} GROUP BY\n\tfamilysite,`hour`,uid HAVING familysite='{$_GET["familysite"]}' AND uid='{$_GET["uid"]}' ORDER BY `hour`"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error); } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $size = $ligne["size"]; $size = $size / 1024; $size = $size / 1024; $size = round($size, 2); $xdata[] = $ligne["hour"]; $ydata[] = $size; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{$_GET["familysite"]} {size}/{hour} (MB)"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{size}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{hours}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{size}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function build_webfiltering_chart2() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"]; if ($zmd5 == null) { echo "alert('no key sended');UnlockPage();"; die; } $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT `values` FROM reports_cache WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'")); $values = $ligne["values"]; if (strlen($values) == 0) { echo "alert('NO data...{$ligne["values"]}');UnlockPage();"; $q->QUERY_SQL("DELETE FROM reports_cache WHERE `zmd5`='{$zmd5}'"); return; } $MAIN = unserialize(base64_decode($values)); $PieData = $MAIN["WEBFILTERING_TOPSITES"]; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "webfiltering-3-{$zmd5}"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{websites}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("TOP {websites}/{hits}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); echo "\nLoadAjaxRound('webfiltering-4-{$zmd5}','{$page}?build-webfiltering-table2=yes&zmd5={$zmd5}');\n"; }
function graph2() { if (!class_exists("highcharts")) { return; } $tpl = new templates(); $dnsserver = $_GET["dnsserver"]; $q = new mysql(); $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(zDate,'%Y-%m-%d') as tdate,DATE_FORMAT(zDate,'%d') as tday,DATE_FORMAT(zDate,'%H') as `min`,dnsserver,\n\tAVG(percent) as value FROM `dnsperfs_week` GROUP BY `min`,dnsserver,tday\n\tHAVING tdate<DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') AND dnsserver='{$dnsserver}' ORDER BY tdate,`min`"; $title = "{$dnsserver}: {this_week}"; $timetext = "{minutes}"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events"); while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $xdata[] = $ligne["tday"] . "/" . $ligne["min"] . "h"; $ydata[] = round($ligne["value"]); } $timetext = "{hours}"; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{percent}"; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = false; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = "{day}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "%"; $highcharts->datas = array($dnsserver => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function rtu_hour() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $table = "RTTD_" . date("Ymd", $q->HIER_TIME()); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT SUM(size) AS SIZE,uid FROM {$table} GROUP BY uid HAVING LENGTH(uid)>0 ORDER BY SIZE DESC LIMIT 0,10"); $CountRow = mysql_num_rows($results); if (mysql_num_rows($results) < 2) { $date = date("YmdH", time() - 60); $table = "RTTH_{$date}"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT SUM(size) AS SIZE,uid FROM {$table} GROUP BY uid HAVING LENGTH(uid)>0 ORDER BY SIZE DESC LIMIT 0,10"); } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $ligne["SIZE"] = $ligne["SIZE"] / 1024; $ligne["SIZE"] = $ligne["SIZE"] / 1024; $PieData[$ligne["uid"]] = $ligne["SIZE"]; } $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{size} MB"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{top_members} MB"); $highcharts->RemoveLock = true; echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function paragraphe1_day_graph() { $AR = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET["data"])); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $AR[0]; $highcharts->Title = "{hits}/{hours}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{hits}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{hours}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{hits}" => $AR[1]); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function rtt_full() { $filecache = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/CACHED_AVGD"; if (!is_file($filecache)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$filecache} no such file\n<br>"; } return; } if (!class_exists("highcharts")) { return; } $tpl = new templates(); $title = "{cache_rate_by_day}"; $timetext = "{days}"; $ARRAY = unserialize(@file_get_contents($filecache)); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($ARRAY)) { $xdata[] = $num; $ydata[] = $ligne; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{rate} %"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = true; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = null; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "%"; //$highcharts->subtitle="<a href=\"javascript:Loadjs('squid.sizegraphs.php')\" style='text-decoration:underline'>{more_details}</a>"; $highcharts->datas = array("{rate}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function status_videocache_graph3(){ $q=new mysql_squid_builder();; $tpl=new templates(); $sql="SELECT SUM(zSize) as tsize, DATE_FORMAT(zDate,'{%W} %m %Hh') as th FROM videocacheA GROUP BY th ORDER BY th"; $results=$q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while($ligne=mysql_fetch_array($results,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $x[]=$tpl->javascript_parse_text($ligne["th"]); $y[]=round($ligne["tsize"]/1024)/1000; } $highcharts=new highcharts(); $highcharts->container=$_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis=$x; $highcharts->Title="{downloaded_videos}/{hours}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle="{videos}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle="{hours}"; $highcharts->datas=array("{size}"=>$y); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph4() { $sock = new sockets(); $tpl = new templates(); $currentsize = $sock->GET_INFO("CyrusImapPartitionDefaultSize"); $CyrusImapPartitionDefaultSizeTime = $sock->GET_INFO("CyrusImapPartitionDefaultSizeTime"); $CyrusImapPartitionDiskSize = $sock->GET_INFO("CyrusImapPartitionDiskSize"); $tot = $CyrusImapPartitionDiskSize - $currentsize; $currentsizeT = FormatBytes($currentsize * 1024); $totT = FormatBytes($tot * 1024); $PieData["Mailboxes {$currentsizeT}"] = $currentsize; $PieData["Disk {$totT}"] = $tot; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{size}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{mailboxes}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function section_topuser_graph1() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $year = $_GET["year"]; $month = $_GET["month"]; $table = "quotamonth_{$year}{$month}"; $page = CurrentPageName(); $familysite = mysql_escape_string2($_GET["familysite"]); $sql = "SELECT `familysite`,SUM(size) as `size`,uid FROM {$table} GROUP BY `familysite`,uid\n\tHAVING familysite='{$familysite}' ORDER BY `size` DESC LIMIT 0,50"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); $suffix = suffix(); if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error, $_GET["container"]); } while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $size = $ligne["size"]; $size = $size / 1024; $size = $size / 1024; $size = round($size); $PieData[$ligne["uid"]] = $size; } $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{size} MB"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$_GET["familysite"]}: {top_users} {size} MB"); $highcharts->subtitle = "<a href=\"javascript:Loadjs('{$page}?topmembers-table-js=yes{$suffix}')\" style='text-decoration:underline;font-size:18px'>{more_details}</a>"; echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function generate_graph_final() { include_once 'ressources/'; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $t = $_GET["t"]; $ff = time(); $xtime = $_GET["xtime"]; $tablename = date("Ymd", $_GET["xtime"]) . "_members"; if ($_GET["FILTER"] == null) { $_GET["FILTER"] = which_filter($tablename); } $FILTER = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{{$_GET["FILTER"]}}"); $sql = "SELECT COUNT({$_GET["FILTER"]}) as tcount, hour FROM {$tablename} GROUP BY hour ORDER BY hour"; switch ($_GET["FILTER"]) { case "client": $subtitle = "{ipaddr}"; break; case "uid": $subtitle = "{member}"; break; default: $subtitle = "{{$_GET["FILTER"]}}"; break; } $c = 0; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) { $nb_events = mysql_num_rows($results); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $xdata[] = $ligne["hour"]; $ydata[] = $ligne["tcount"]; $c++; } } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{statistics} " . $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$subtitle}/{hours}"); $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{members}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{hours}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{members}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph() { $Mypage = CurrentPageName(); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $table = "UserAuthDays"; $page = 1; $data = array(); $data['rows'] = array(); $field = $_GET["field"]; $value = $_GET["value"]; $sql = "SELECT {$field},zDate,SUM(QuerySize) as size FROM {$table} \n\tGROUP BY {$field},zDate HAVING {$field}='{$value}'"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $zdtTime = strtotime($ligne["zDate"]); $xdata[] = date("Y-m-d", $zdtTime); $ydata[] = round($ligne["size"] / 1024 / 1000); } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{$value}: {downloaded_flow}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{bandwith} MB"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{days}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{bandwith}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph1_1() { $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $t = $_GET["t"]; $ff = time(); $tablename = date("Ymd", $_GET["xtime"]) . "_hour"; $category = mysql_escape_string2($_GET["category"]); if ($_GET["category"] == "unknown") { $_GET["category"] = null; } $sql = "SELECT SUM( hits ) AS size,zDate, category FROM generic_categories GROUP BY category,zDate\n\tHAVING category='{$_GET["category"]}' ORDER BY zDate"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); $c = 0; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { senderror("{$q->mysql_error}<br>{$sql}"); } if (mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) { $nb_events = mysql_num_rows($results); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $xdata[] = $ligne["zDate"]; $ydata[] = $ligne["size"]; $c++; } } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->Title = "{$category}: {hits}/{day}"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{hits}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = "{days}"; $highcharts->datas = array("{hits}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function proxy_graph3_js() { $sock = new sockets(); $SquidPerformance = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidPerformance")); if ($SquidPerformance > 2) { header("content-type: application/x-javascript"); die; } $MAIN = unserialize(@file_get_contents("{$GLOBALS["BASEDIR"]}/MEMBERS_GRAPH")); $tpl = new templates(); $title = "{members} " . DATE_START(); $timetext = "{hours}"; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph3-dashboard"; $highcharts->xAxis = $MAIN["xdata"]; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "22px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = " Users"; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = false; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = null; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "{requests}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->datas = array("{members}" => $MAIN["ydata"]); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph3() { $tpl = new templates(); $unknown = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{unknown}"); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $tpl = new templates(); $youtube = new YoutubeStats(); $sql = "SELECT SUM(hits) as hits,uid FROM `youtube_all` GROUP BY\n\tuid ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0,15"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $size = $ligne["hits"]; $title = $ligne["uid"]; if ($title == null) { $title = $unknown; } if (strlen($title) > 20) { $title = substr($title, 0, 17) . "..."; } $PieData[$title] = $size; } if (!$q->ok) { $tpl->javascript_senderror($q->mysql_error, $_GET["container"]); } $tpl = new templates(); $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = $_GET["container"]; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{members}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{top_members}/{hits}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function flow_month_graph2(){ $data=unserialize(base64_decode($_GET["serialize"])); while (list ($day, $size) = each ($data) ){ $xdata[]=$day; $ydata[]=$size; } $title="{requests_number_per_day}"; $timetext="{days}"; $highcharts=new highcharts(); $highcharts->container=$_GET["container"]; $highcharts->xAxis=$xdata; $highcharts->Title=$title; //$highcharts->subtitle="<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:Loadjs('squid.rtt.php')\" style='font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline'>{realtime_flow}</a>"; $highcharts->TitleFontSize="14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize="12px"; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle="MB"; $highcharts->xAxis_labels=true; //$highcharts->LegendPrefix=date("H")."h"; $highcharts->LegendSuffix="{requests}"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle="{days}"; $highcharts->datas=array("{requests}"=>$ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph5() { $q = new postgres_sql(); $tpl = new templates(); $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"]; if ($zmd5 == null) { echo "alert('no key sended');UnlockPage();"; die; } $page = CurrentPageName(); $time = time(); $table = "{$zmd5}report"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT SUM(size) as size, familysite FROM \"{$table}\" WHERE category='' GROUP BY familysite order by size DESC LIMIT 15"); while ($ligne = @pg_fetch_assoc($results)) { $size = $ligne["size"] / 1024; $category = $ligne["familysite"]; $PieData[$category] = $size; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph5-{$zmd5}"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "Unknown"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("TOP Unknown {websites}/{size} (KB)"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); echo "\n"; echo "if(document.getElementById('websites-button-area')){document.getElementById('websites-button-area').innerHTML='';}\n"; echo "LoadAjax('table5-{$zmd5}','{$page}?table5=yes&zmd5={$zmd5}&t={$_GET["t"]}');\n"; }
function graph1() { $cacheFile = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/InfluxDB.state"; $tpl = new templates(); $ARRAY = unserialize(@file_get_contents($cacheFile)); $ARRAY["PART"] = $ARRAY["PART"] / 1024; $PART = intval($ARRAY["PART"]) - intval($ARRAY["SIZEKB"]); $MAIN["Partition " . FormatBytes($ARRAY["PART"])] = $PART; $MAIN["DB " . FormatBytes($ARRAY["SIZEKB"])] = $ARRAY["SIZEKB"]; $PieData = $MAIN; $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "influx-db-size"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{database_size}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{database_size} " . FormatBytes($ARRAY["SIZEKB"]) . " (MB)"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }
function graph4() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $q = new postgres_sql(); $zmd5 = $_GET["zmd5"]; if ($zmd5 == null) { echo "alert('no key sended');UnlockPage();"; die; } $table = "{$zmd5}report"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT SUM(rqs) as rqs,website FROM \"{$table}\" GROUP BY website ORDER BY rqs DESC LIMIT 10"); while ($ligne = @pg_fetch_assoc($results)) { $size = $ligne["rqs"]; $FAMILYSITE = $ligne["website"]; $PieData[$FAMILYSITE] = $size; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "graph4-{$zmd5}"; $highcharts->PieDatas = $PieData; $highcharts->ChartType = "pie"; $highcharts->PiePlotTitle = "{website}"; $highcharts->Title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("TOP {website}/{hits}"); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); echo "\n"; echo "if(document.getElementById('websites-button-area')){document.getElementById('websites-button-area').innerHTML='';}\n"; echo "LoadAjax('table4-{$zmd5}','{$page}?table4=yes&zmd5={$zmd5}&t={$_GET["t"]}');\n"; }
function eth_week() { if (!class_exists("highcharts")) { return; } $tpl = new templates(); $title = "{$_GET["ETH"]} {NIC_{$_GET["type"]}} {this_week}"; $timetext = "{week}"; $q = new mysql(); $results = $q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT ZDATE,{$_GET["type"]} FROM RXTX_WEEK WHERE ETH='{$_GET["ETH"]}' ORDER BY ZDATE", "artica_events"); while ($ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $SIZE = $ligne[$_GET["type"]]; $SIZE = $SIZE / 1024; $SIZE = round($SIZE / 1024, 2); $time = $ligne["ZDATE"]; $xdata[] = $time; $ydata[] = $SIZE; } $highcharts = new highcharts(); $highcharts->container = "{$_GET["ETH"]}-{$_GET["type"]}-week"; $highcharts->xAxis = $xdata; $highcharts->TitleFontSize = "14px"; $highcharts->AxisFontsize = "12px"; $highcharts->Title = $title; $highcharts->yAxisTtitle = "{size} (MB)"; $highcharts->xAxisTtitle = $timetext; $highcharts->xAxis_labels = false; $highcharts->LegendPrefix = null; $highcharts->LegendSuffix = "MB"; //$highcharts->subtitle="<a href=\"javascript:Loadjs('squid.sizegraphs.php')\" style='text-decoration:underline'>{more_details}</a>"; $highcharts->datas = array("{size}" => $ydata); echo $highcharts->BuildChart(); }