function add_library_hf($options) { global $u; global $library_messages; global $APP; if (!isset($options['id_user'])) { echo "library add id_user not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['hf_name'])) { echo "library add hf_name not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['hf_expression'])) { echo "library add hf_expression not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['inheritable'])) { echo "library add inheritable not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['sys_kinds'])) { echo "library add sys_kinds not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['resources'])) { echo "library add resources not found!"; exit; } if (!isset($options['hf_parameters'])) { echo "library add hf_parameters not found!"; exit; } $id_user = $options['id_user']; $hf_name = $options['hf_name']; $hf_expression = $options['hf_expression']; $inheritable = $options['inheritable']; $sys_kinds = $options['sys_kinds']; $resources = $options['resources']; $hf_parameters = $options['hf_parameters']; $inherit_from = ""; if (isset($options['inherit_from'])) { $inherit_from = $options['inherit_from']; } $id_mime_type = "undefined"; if (isset($options['mime'])) { $id_mime_type = $options['mime']; } $retval = ""; $props = array(); $props['id_user'] = $id_user; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . $hf_name . rand(1, 20)); $retval = $props['id']; $props['name'] = $hf_name; $props['str_expression'] = $hf_expression; // CREATE HIS FUNCTION $props['id_condition'] = "perfectly"; $props['str_cache_out_xml'] = "undefined"; $props['str_cache_out_cxml'] = "undefined"; $props['str_cache_approved'] = 'undefined'; $props['str_cache_latest'] = 'undefined'; $props['id_mime_type'] = $id_mime_type; $props['int_ws'] = "0"; $props['int_wait'] = "0"; $props['int_maxruntime'] = "0"; $props['int_delay'] = "10"; $new_hf = new hf_id_user(); $new_hf->create($props); // CREATE SYSTEM KINDS foreach ($sys_kinds as $hf_sys_kind) { echo " "; $system_kind_current_id = ""; // GET THIS SYS KIND FROM USER_SYSTEM_KINDS foreach ($u->obj_system_kinds as $user_system_kind) { if ($user_system_kind->name == $hf_sys_kind) { $system_kind_current_id = $user_system_kind->id; } } // end foreach (system kind name) if ($hf_sys_kind == "any") { $system_kind_current_id = "any"; } if (strlen($system_kind_current_id) > 0) { $props = array(); $props['id_hf'] = $new_hf->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . $system_kind_current_id . rand(1, 20)); $props['id_sk'] = $system_kind_current_id; $new_hf_sk = new hf_system_kind(); $new_hf_sk->create($props); } else { $library_message .= "Unable to find sys kind: {$hf_sys_kind} for function {$hf_name}.\n"; } } // end foreach (system kind) foreach ($resources as $hf_resource) { echo " "; // CREATE RESOURCE $props = array(); $props['id_hf'] = $new_hf->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . $hf_resource['content'] . rand(1, 20)); $props['str_location'] = $hf_resource['content']; $props['str_filename'] = $hf_resource['filename']; $new_hf_resource = new hf_resource(); $new_hf_resource->create($props); echo " "; if (isset($hf_resource['system_kinds'])) { foreach ($hf_resource['system_kinds'] as $hfr_system_kind) { echo " "; $system_kind_current_id = ""; // GET THIS SYS KIND FROM USER_SYSTEM_KINDS foreach ($u->obj_system_kinds as $user_system_kind) { if ($user_system_kind->name == $hfr_system_kind) { $system_kind_current_id = $user_system_kind->id; } } // end foreach (system kind name) if ($hfr_system_kind == "any") { $system_kind_current_id = "any"; } if (strlen($system_kind_current_id) > 0) { $new_hfrsk = new hfr_system_kind(); $props = array(); $props['id_resource'] = $new_hf_resource->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . rand(1, 20) . $system_kind_current_id); $props['id_sk'] = $system_kind_current_id; $new_hfrsk->create($props); } else { echo "<pre>"; print_r($u); echo "LIBRARY ERROR: UNABLE TO FIND SYSTEM KIND ({$hfr_system_kind})"; exit; } } // end foreach (system kind) } // end if (system kinds is set) } // end if (resource) if (strlen($inherit_from) > 0) { $props = array(); $props['id_hf'] = $new_hf->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . rand(1, 20) . rand(2, 30)); $props['id_inherit'] = $inherit_from; $new_hf_inherit = new hf_inherit(); $new_hf_inherit->create($props); } // this part makes the function inherit from other functions if ($inheritable) { $props = array(); $props['id_user'] = $id_user; $props['id_hf'] = $new_hf->id; $new_user_inherit = new user_inherit(); $new_user_inherit->create($props); } foreach ($hf_parameters as $hf_parameter) { echo " "; $props = array(); $props['id_hf'] = $new_hf->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . rand(1, 20) . $hf_parameter['keyword'] . $hf_parameter['parameter_name']); $props['keyword'] = $hf_parameter['keyword']; $props['parameter_name'] = $hf_parameter['parameter_name']; $props['str_default_value'] = $hf_parameter['default_value']; $props['int_preserve_encode'] = "0"; if (isset($hf_parameter['int_preserve_encode'])) { if (strtolower($hf_parameter['int_preserve_encode']) == "true") { $props['int_preserve_encode'] = "1"; } } $new_hf_parameter = new hf_parameter(); $new_hf_parameter->create($props); if (isset($hf_parameter['constraints'])) { foreach ($hf_parameter['constraints'] as $hfp_constraint) { echo " "; $props = array(); $props['id_hf_parameter'] = $new_hf_parameter->id; $props['id'] = sha1(microtime() . rand(1, 20) . $hfp_constraint['constraint_type'] . $hfp_constraint['constraint_text']); $props['id_constraint_type'] = $hfp_constraint['constraint_type']; $props['str_constraint_text'] = $hfp_constraint['constraint_text']; $new_hfp_vcs = new hfp_vcs(); $new_hfp_vcs->create($props); //usleep(10); } // end foreach } //usleep(10); } // end foreach usleep(10); return $retval; }
public function build($obj_build_exclude = array(), $do_substitutions = true) { if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "building parent HF_ID_USER...\n"; } parent::build($obj_build_exclude); if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "finished building parent...\n"; } if (!isset($this->obj_expression)) { //echo "SETTING EXPRESSION"; $this->obj_expression = new strings(); } $this->obj_hf_inherit = array(); $this->obj_hf_parameters = array(); $this->obj_hf_node_filters = array(); $this->obj_hf_tags = array(); $this->obj_hf_outputs = array(); $this->obj_hf_files = array(); $this->obj_hf_kill = array(); $this->obj_hf_resources = array(); $this->obj_hf_system_kind = array(); // MANY TO 1 RELATIONSHIPS if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf inherits...\n"; } $hf_inherit = new hf_inherit(); $all_hf_inherit = $hf_inherit->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_inherit && !in_array("obj_hf_inherit", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_inherit as $each_hf_inherit) { $a_hf_inherit = new hf_inherit(); $a_hf_inherit->set($each_hf_inherit); $a_hf_inherit->build(); $this->obj_hf_inherit[] = $a_hf_inherit; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf parameters...\n"; } $hf_parameter = new hf_parameter(); $all_hf_parameters = $hf_parameter->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_parameters && !in_array("obj_hf_parameters", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_parameters as $each_hf_parameter) { $a_hf_parameter = new hf_parameter(); $a_hf_parameter->set($each_hf_parameter); $a_hf_parameter->build(); $this->obj_hf_parameters[] = $a_hf_parameter; } foreach ($this->obj_hf_parameters as &$a_hf_parameter) { $a_hf_parameter->merge($this->obj_hf_parameters); } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf resource...\n"; } $hf_resource = new hf_resource(); $all_hf_resource = $hf_resource->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_resource && !in_array("obj_hf_resources", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_resource as $each_hf_resource) { $a_hf_resource = new hf_resource(); $a_hf_resource->set($each_hf_resource); $a_hf_resource->build(); $a_hf_resource->subs = $this->name; $this->obj_hf_resources[] = $a_hf_resource; } } if ($do_substitutions) { $this->int_maxruntime_value = replace_hf_parameters($this->int_maxruntime, $this->obj_hf_parameters); } else { $this->int_maxruntime_value = $this->int_maxruntime; } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf node filters...\n"; } $hf_node_filter = new hf_node_filter(); $all_hf_node_filters = $hf_node_filter->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_node_filters && !in_array("obj_hf_node_filters", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_node_filters as $each_hf_node_filter) { $a_hf_node_filter = new hf_node_filter(); $a_hf_node_filter->set($each_hf_node_filter); $a_hf_node_filter->build(); $this->obj_hf_node_filters[] = $a_hf_node_filter; } } foreach ($this->obj_hf_node_filters as &$a_hf_node_filter) { if ($do_substitutions) { $a_hf_node_filter->value = replace_hf_parameters($a_hf_node_filter->obj_filter->body, $this->obj_hf_parameters); } else { $a_hf_node_filter->value = $a_hf_node_filter->obj_filter->body; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf tags...\n"; } $hf_tag = new hf_tag(); $all_hf_tags = $hf_tag->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_tags && !in_array("obj_hf_tags", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_tags as $each_hf_tag) { $a_hf_tag = new hf_tag(); $a_hf_tag->set($each_hf_tag); $a_hf_tag->build(); $this->obj_hf_tags[] = $a_hf_tag; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf file...\n"; } $hf_file = new hf_file(); $all_hf_files = $hf_file->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_files && !in_array("obj_hf_files", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_files as $each_hf_file) { $a_hf_file = new hf_file(); $a_hf_file->set($each_hf_file); $a_hf_file->build(); $this->obj_hf_files[] = $a_hf_file; } } foreach ($this->obj_hf_files as &$a_hf_file) { if ($do_substitutions) { $a_hf_file->value = replace_hf_parameters($a_hf_file->obj_targetfile->body, $this->obj_hf_parameters); } else { $a_hf_file->value = $a_hf_file->obj_targetfile->body; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf kill...\n"; } $hf_kill = new hf_kill(); $all_hf_kill = $hf_kill->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_kill && !in_array("obj_hf_kill", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_kill as $each_hf_kill) { $a_hf_kill = new hf_kill(); $a_hf_kill->set($each_hf_kill); $a_hf_kill->build(); $this->obj_hf_kill[] = $a_hf_kill; } } foreach ($this->obj_hf_kill as &$a_hf_kill) { if ($do_substitutions) { $a_hf_kill->value = replace_hf_parameters($a_hf_kill->obj_name->body, $this->obj_hf_parameters); } else { $a_hf_kill->value = $a_hf_kill->obj_name->body; } } foreach ($this->obj_hf_resources as &$a_hf_resource) { if ($do_substitutions) { $a_hf_resource->value_location = replace_hf_parameters($a_hf_resource->obj_location->body, $this->obj_hf_parameters); $a_hf_resource->value_filename = replace_hf_parameters($a_hf_resource->obj_filename->body, $this->obj_hf_parameters); } else { $a_hf_resource->value_location = $a_hf_resource->obj_location->body; $a_hf_resource->value_filename = $a_hf_resource->obj_filename->body; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf system kinds...\n"; } $hf_system_kind = new hf_system_kind(); $all_hf_system_kind = $hf_system_kind->get_from_hashrange($this->id); if ($all_hf_system_kind && !in_array("obj_hf_system_kind", $obj_build_exclude)) { foreach ($all_hf_system_kind as $each_hf_system_kind) { $a_hf_system_kind = new hf_system_kind(); $a_hf_system_kind->set($each_hf_system_kind); $a_hf_system_kind->build(); $this->obj_hf_system_kind[] = $a_hf_system_kind; } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "hf assimilation...\n"; } // ASSIMILATE PARENT INHERITANCE foreach ($this->obj_hf_inherit as $hf_inherit) { // RECURSIVELY ASSIMILATE THE PARENT FUNCTION $hf_inherit->assimilate($this, $obj_build_exclude); } $local_sk_found = false; foreach ($this->obj_hf_system_kind as &$tsk) { if ($tsk->id_hf == $this->id) { $local_sk_found = true; break; } } if ($local_sk_found) { foreach ($this->obj_hf_system_kind as &$tsk) { if ($tsk->id_hf != $this->id) { $tsk->obj_enabled = false; } } } /* if ($do_substitutions) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($this); } */ $this->obj_bool_inheritable = false; $hf_inheritable = new user_inherit(); $hf_inheritable->get_from_hashrange($this->id_user, $this->id); if ($hf_inheritable->id_user != "undefined") { $this->obj_bool_inheritable = true; } // BUILD RECURSIVE EXPRESSION TREE if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "building hash expression tree"; } $this->hash_to_expression_tree($this->str_expression, $do_substitutions); if (isset($this->obj_hf_parameters)) { if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "merging expressions"; } if (isset($this->obj_expression) && !is_bool($this->obj_expression) && get_class($this->obj_expression) == "strings") { $this->obj_expression->merge($this->obj_hf_parameters); } } if ($this->obj_debug) { echo "finished building function"; } }
// end if action if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == "regather-latest-cache") { if (isset($_POST['refresh_cache'])) { //print_r($_POST); } } } // end if action if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == "update-input-resource-type") { if (isset($_POST['id_hf_resource']) && isset($_POST['new_hf_resource_type'])) { $this_hf = new hf_id_user(); $this_hf->get_from_hashrange($u->id_user, $_GET['q']); if ($this_hf->id_hf_resource == $_POST['id_hf_resource']) { $this_hf_resource = new hf_resource(); $this_hf_resource->get_from_hashrange($_POST['id_hf_resource']); $new_props = array(); $new_props['id_type'] = $_POST['new_hf_resource_type']; $this_hf_resource->update_raw($new_props); } } // isset } // action } // end if action if (isset($_GET['action'])) { if ($_GET['action'] == "edit-output-method") { if (isset($_POST['id_hf']) && isset($_POST['id_output_type']) && isset($_POST['str_output_expression'])) { $qid_val = $_POST['id_hf'];