/** * * @access * @author "Lionel Lecaque, <*****@*****.**>" * @param unknown $ext * @return boolean */ public function shield($ext, $destination) { $extFolder = ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ext; if (is_file($extFolder . '/htaccess.1')) { throw new taoUpdate_models_classes_UpdateException('Previous lock, htaccess.1 still exits, delete it in ' . $extFolder); } helpers_File::copy($extFolder . '/.htaccess', $extFolder . '/htaccess.1', true, false); if (is_file($extFolder . '/htaccess.1') && is_writable($extFolder . '/.htaccess')) { file_put_contents($extFolder . '/.htaccess', "Options +FollowSymLinks\n" . "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\n" . "RewriteEngine On\n" . "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/views/ [NC]\n" . "RewriteRule ^.*\$ " . ROOT_URL . $destination . " [L]\n" . "</IfModule>"); return true; } else { throw new taoUpdate_models_classes_UpdateException('.htaccess is not writtable in ' . $extFolder); } }
public function import($id, $directoryPath) { $directory = $this->getDirectoryById($id); if (file_exists($directory->getPath())) { if (tao_helpers_File::isDirEmpty($directory->getPath())) { common_Logger::d('Directory already found but content is empty'); helpers_File::copy($directoryPath, $directory->getPath(), true); } else { if (tao_helpers_File::isIdentical($directory->getPath(), $directoryPath)) { common_Logger::d('Directory already found but content is identical'); } else { throw new common_Exception('Duplicate dir ' . $id . ' with different content'); } } } else { mkdir($directory->getPath(), 0700, true); helpers_File::copy($directoryPath, $directory->getPath(), true); } }
/** * Ask the repository to deal with a file located in $filePath. It will return * you a reference on Versioned File. * * @access public * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**> * @param string filePath The path to the file you want the repository to deal with. * @param string label A label for the created file Resource. * @param callable $createFileName A function that generates unique file name during spawn file * @return core_kernel_versioning_File * @since 2.4 */ public function spawnFile($filePath, $label = '', callable $createFileName = null) { $returnValue = null; if (!$createFileName) { $createFileName = [__CLASS__, 'createFileName']; } $fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($filePath); $relativePath = str_replace([$this->getPath(), $fileInfo->getFilename(), dirname($filePath)], '', $fileInfo->getPathname()); $fileName = $createFileName($fileInfo->getFilename()); $destination = $this->getPath() . $relativePath . $fileName; $source = $filePath; if (helpers_File::copy($source, $destination, true, false)) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $returnValue = $this->createFile('', $relativePath . $fileName); } else { $returnValue = $this->createFile($fileName); } if (!empty($label)) { $returnValue->setLabel($label); } } return $returnValue; }
/** * Retrieve a file from a given $url and copy it to its final $destination. * * @param string $url The URL to be dereferenced. * @param string $destination The destination of the retrieved file, on the file system. * @return boolean|string false If an error occurs during the retrieval/copy process, or the final destination name if it succeeds. */ public static function retrieveFile($url, $destination) { $fileName = basename($url); //check file name compatibility: //e.g. if a file with a common name (e.g. car.jpg, house.png, sound.mp3) already exists in the destination folder while (file_exists($destination . $fileName)) { $lastDot = strrpos($fileName, '.'); $fileName = substr($fileName, 0, $lastDot) . '_' . substr($fileName, $lastDot); } // Since the file has not been downloaded yet, start downloading it using cUrl // Only if the resource is external, else we copy it if (!preg_match('@^' . ROOT_URL . '@', $url)) { common_Logger::d('Downloading ' . $url); helpers_TimeOutHelper::setTimeOutLimit(helpers_TimeOutHelper::NO_TIMEOUT); $fp = fopen($destination . $fileName, 'w+'); $curlHandler = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); //if there is an http auth on the local domain, it's mandatory to auth with curl if (USE_HTTP_AUTH) { $addAuth = false; $domains = array('localhost', '', ROOT_URL); foreach ($domains as $domain) { if (preg_match("/" . preg_quote($domain, '/') . "/", $url)) { $addAuth = true; } } if ($addAuth) { curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($curlHandler, CURLOPT_USERPWD, USE_HTTP_USER . ":" . USE_HTTP_PASS); } } curl_exec($curlHandler); $httpCode = curl_getinfo($curlHandler, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); $success = $httpCode == 200; curl_close($curlHandler); fclose($fp); helpers_TimeOutHelper::reset(); } else { $path = tao_helpers_File::getPathFromUrl($url); common_Logger::d('Copying ' . $path); $success = helpers_File::copy($path, $destination . $fileName); } if ($success == false) { common_Logger::w('Unable to retrieve ' . $url); return false; } else { return $destination . $fileName; } }
/** * Import specific source from the repository to the given target at the given revision * * @access public * @author Cédric Alfonsi, <*****@*****.**> * @param Repository vcs * @param string src * @param string target * @param string message * @param array options * @return core_kernel_file_File */ public function import(core_kernel_versioning_Repository $vcs, $src, $target, $message = "", $options = array()) { $returnValue = null; //Does not work in the current version of php (try later) https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60293 //$returnValue = svn_import($src, $target, true); $startTime = helpers_Time::getMicroTime(); $saveResource = isset($options['saveResource']) && $options['saveResource'] ? true : false; if (!$vcs->authenticate()) { throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('Authentication failed on fileSource ' . $vcs->getUri()); } $repositoryUrl = $vcs->getUrl(); $relativePath = substr($target, strlen($repositoryUrl)); $absolutePath = $vcs->getPath() . $relativePath; /* // The resource could already exist, this is not a problem //check if the resource already exist if(helpers_File::resourceExists($absolutePath)){ throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_ResourceAlreadyExistsException('The folder ('.$absolutePath.') already exists in the repository ('.$vcs->getPath().')'); } // Same thing here //check if the file already exist else if(file_exists($absolutePath)){ throw new common_exception_FileAlreadyExists($absolutePath); } */ //Copy the src folder to the target destination helpers_File::copy($src, $absolutePath); // Create the importFolder $importFolder = $vcs->createFile('', $relativePath); // //Get status of the imported folder // $importFolderStatus = $importFolder->getStatus(array('SHOW_UPDATES'=>false)); // $importFolderYetCommited = true; // if($importFolderStatus == VERSIONING_FILE_STATUS_ADDED || $importFolderStatus == VERSIONING_FILE_STATUS_UNVERSIONED){ // $importFolderYetCommited = false; // } // // //If the import folder has been yet commited, commit its content // if($importFolderYetCommited){ // $filesToCommit = tao_helpers_File::scandir($importFolder->getAbsolutePath()); // $pathsFilesToCommit = array(); // foreach($filesToCommit as $fileToCommit){ // $pathFileToCommit = $fileToCommit->getAbsolutePath(); // $pathsFilesToCommit[] = $pathFileToCommit; // //Add content of the folder if it is not versioned or partially not versioned // if(!core_kernel_versioning_FileProxy::add($importFolder, $pathFileToCommit, true, true)){ // throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder ('.$src.') to the destination ('.$target.'). The add step encountered a problem'); // } // } // //Commit all the files in one commit operation // if(!core_kernel_versioning_FileProxy::commit($VersionedUnitFolderInstance, $pathsFilesToCommit)){ // throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder ('.$src.') to the destination ('.$target.'). The commit step encountered a problem'); // } // } // //Else commit itself // else{ // //Add the folder // if(!$importFolder->add(true, true)){ // throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder ('.$src.') to the destination ('.$target.'). The add step encountered a problem'); // } // //And commit it // if(!$importFolder->commit($message, true)){ // throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder ('.$src.') to the destination ('.$target.'). The commit step encountered a problem'); // } // } //Add the folder if (!$importFolder->add(true, true)) { throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder (' . $src . ') to the destination (' . $target . '). The add step encountered a problem'); } //And commit it if (!$importFolder->commit($message, true)) { throw new core_kernel_versioning_exception_Exception('unable to import the folder (' . $src . ') to the destination (' . $target . '). The commit step encountered a problem'); } //Delete the resource if the developer does not want to keep a reference in the onthology if ($saveResource) { $returnValue = $importFolder; } else { $resourceToDelete = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($importFolder->getUri()); $resourceToDelete->delete(); } $endTime = helpers_Time::getMicroTime(); common_Logger::i("svn_import (" . $src . ' -> ' . $target . ') -> ' . ($endTime - $startTime) . 's'); return $returnValue; }
/** * Ask the repository to deal with a file located in $filePath. It will return * you a reference on Versioned File. * * @access public * @author Jerome Bogaerts, <*****@*****.**> * @param string filePath The path to the file you want the repository to deal with. * @param string label A label for the created file Resource. * @return core_kernel_versioning_File * @since 2.4 */ public function spawnFile($filePath, $label = '') { $returnValue = null; $fileInfo = new SplFileInfo($filePath); $fileName = self::createFileName($fileInfo->getFilename()); $destination = $this->getPath() . $fileName; $source = $filePath; if (helpers_File::copy($source, $destination, true, false)) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { $returnValue = $this->createFile('', $fileName); } else { $returnValue = $this->createFile($fileName); } if (!empty($label)) { $returnValue->setLabel($label); } } return $returnValue; }
/** * * @access * @author "Lionel Lecaque, <*****@*****.**>" * @param string $release * @param string $fileName * @param string $downloadFolder * @throws taoUpdate_models_classes_UpdateException * @return string */ private function copyLocalVersion($release, $fileName, $downloadFolder) { common_Logger::i('Problem getting release from distant server will use local file instead'); $srcFolder = BASE_DATA . self::RELEASES_LOCAL_FOLDER; if (is_file($srcFolder . $fileName)) { helpers_File::copy($srcFolder . $fileName, $downloadFolder . $fileName, false); $path = $downloadFolder . $fileName; } else { throw new taoUpdate_models_classes_UpdateException('Could not find a release with file ' . $fileName); } return $path; }