コード例 #1
 public static function event()
     $cmd = geolocCmd::byId(init('id'));
     if (!is_object($cmd)) {
         throw new Exception(__('Commande ID geoloc inconnu : ', __FILE__) . init('id'));
     if ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getEqType_name() != 'geoloc') {
         throw new Exception(__('Cette commande n\'est pas de type geoloc : ', __FILE__) . init('id'));
     if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') != 'dynamic') {
         throw new Exception(__('Cette commande de géoloc n\'est pas dynamique : ', __FILE__) . init('id'));
     $value = init('value');
     if (strpos($value, 'https://') !== false || strpos($value, 'http://') !== false) {
         $url = parse_url($value);
         parse_str($url['query'], $output);
         if (isset($output['q'])) {
             $value = $output['q'];
         if (isset($output['ll'])) {
             $value = $output['ll'];
     //For compatibility with older version which not use the Value property, set the Value if needed
     foreach ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getCmd('info') as $distance) {
         if ($distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'distance' || $distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelDistance' || $distance->getConfiguration('mode') == 'travelTime') {
             if ($distance->setDependency()) {
コード例 #2
 public static function event()
     $cmd = geolocCmd::byId(init('id'));
     if (!is_object($cmd)) {
         throw new Exception('Commande ID geoloc inconnu : ' . init('id'));
     if ($cmd->getEqLogic()->getEqType_name() != 'geoloc') {
         throw new Exception('Cette commande n\'est pas de type geoloc : ' . init('id'));
     if ($cmd->getConfiguration('mode') != 'dynamic') {
         throw new Exception('Cette commande de géoloc n\'est pas dynamique : ' . init('id'));
コード例 #3
  <input type="text" class="eqLogicAttr form-control hidestart" data-l1key="configuration" data-l2key="latdepart" placeholder="{{48.856614}}"/>
<label class="col-lg-1 control-label hidestart">{{Longitude}}</label>
<div class="col-lg-2">
  <input type="text" class="eqLogicAttr form-control hidestart" data-l1key="configuration" data-l2key="londepart" placeholder="{{2.3522219000000177}}"/>
<div class="form-group">
  <label class="col-lg-1 control-label"><i class="fa fa-location-arrow"></i> {{Arrivée}}</label>
  <label class="col-lg-1 control-label">{{Géolocalisation}}</label>
  <div class="col-lg-2">
    <select class="form-control eqLogicAttr configuration geolocend" id="geoloc" data-l1key="configuration" data-l2key="geolocend">
      <option value="none">{{Manuel}}</option>
foreach (eqLogic::byType('geoloc') as $geoloc) {
    foreach (geolocCmd::byEqLogicId($geoloc->getId()) as $geoinfo) {
        if ($geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'fixe' || $geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'dynamic') {
            echo '<option value="normal|' . $geoinfo->getId() . '">' . $geoinfo->getHumanName(true) . '</option>';
foreach (eqLogic::byType('geoloc_ios') as $geoloc) {
    foreach (geoloc_iosCmd::byEqLogicId($geoloc->getId()) as $geoinfo) {
        if (($geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'fixe' || $geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'dynamic') && $geoinfo->getName() != 'Refresh') {
            echo '<option value="ios|' . $geoinfo->getId() . '">' . $geoinfo->getHumanName(true) . '</option>';
コード例 #4
 public function getPosition($_point = 'start')
     $return = array();
     $point = $_point == 'start' ? 'depart' : 'arrive';
     if ($this->getConfiguration('geoloc' . $_point, '') == 'none') {
         $return['lat'] = $this->getConfiguration('lat' . $point);
         $return['lon'] = $this->getConfiguration('lon' . $point);
     } else {
         $geoloc = $this->getConfiguration('geoloc' . $_point, '');
         $typeId = explode('|', $geoloc);
         if ($typeId[0] == 'ios') {
             $geolocCmd = geoloc_iosCmd::byId($typeId[1]);
         } else {
             $geolocCmd = geolocCmd::byId($typeId[1]);
         $geoloctab = explode(',', $geolocCmd->execCmd(null, 0));
         if (isset($geoloctab[0]) && isset($geoloctab[1])) {
             $return['lat'] = $geoloctab[0];
             $return['lon'] = $geoloctab[1];
         } else {
             throw new Exception(__('Position de départ invalide', __FILE__));
     return $return;