function getInstallFTPList() { $ftp_info = Context::getRequestVars(); if (!$ftp_info->ftp_user || !$ftp_info->ftp_password) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } $this->pwd = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path; if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) { $ftp_info->ftp_host = ""; } if ($ftp_info->sftp == 'Y') { return $this->getSFTPList(); } if (function_exists(ftp_connect)) { $connection = ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port); if (!$connection) { return new Object(-1, sprintf(Context::getLang('msg_ftp_not_connected'), $ftp_info->ftp_host)); } $login_result = @ftp_login($connection, $ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password); if (!$login_result) { ftp_close($connection); return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } if ($ftp_info->ftp_pasv != "N") { ftp_pasv($connection, true); } $_list = ftp_rawlist($connection, $this->pwd); ftp_close($connection); } else { require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $oFtp = new ftp(); if ($oFtp->ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { if ($oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $_list = $oFtp->ftp_rawlist($this->pwd); $oFtp->ftp_quit(); } else { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } } } $list = array(); if ($_list) { foreach ($_list as $k => $v) { $src = null; $src->data = $v; $res = Context::convertEncoding($src); $v = $res->data; if (strpos($v, 'd') === 0 || strpos($v, '<DIR>')) { $list[] = substr(strrchr($v, ' '), 1) . '/'; } } } $this->add('list', $list); }
/** * Add file list to Object after ftp connect * @return void|Object */ function getAdminFTPList() { Context::loadLang('./modules/autoinstall/lang'); set_time_limit(5); require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $ftp_info = Context::getRequestVars(); if (!$ftp_info->ftp_user || !$ftp_info->ftp_password) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } $this->pwd = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path; if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) { $ftp_info->ftp_host = ""; } if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port || !is_numeric($ftp_info->ftp_port)) { $ftp_info->ftp_port = "21"; } if ($ftp_info->sftp == 'Y') { if (!function_exists(ssh2_sftp)) { return new Object(-1, 'disable_sftp_support'); } return $this->getSFTPList(); } $oFtp = new ftp(); if ($oFtp->ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { if ($oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $_list = $oFtp->ftp_rawlist($this->pwd); $oFtp->ftp_quit(); } else { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } } $list = array(); if ($_list) { foreach ($_list as $k => $v) { $src = null; $src->data = $v; $res = Context::convertEncoding($src); $v = $res->data; if (strpos($v, 'd') === 0 || strpos($v, '<DIR>')) { $list[] = substr(strrchr($v, ' '), 1) . '/'; } } } else { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_no_directory'); } $this->add('list', $list); }
function procInstallCheckFtp() { $ftp_info = Context::gets('ftp_user', 'ftp_password', 'ftp_port'); $ftp_info->ftp_port = (int) $ftp_info->ftp_port; if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port) { $ftp_info->ftp_port = 21; } if (!$ftp_info->ftp_user || !$ftp_info->ftp_password) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_safe_mode_ftp_needed'); } require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $oFtp = new ftp(); if (!$oFtp->ftp_connect('localhost', $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_not_connected'); } if (!$oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } $oFtp->ftp_quit(); $this->setMessage('msg_ftp_connect_success'); }
function procInstallCheckFtp() { $ftp_info = Context::gets('ftp_user', 'ftp_password', 'ftp_port', 'sftp'); $ftp_info->ftp_port = (int) $ftp_info->ftp_port; if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port) { $ftp_info->ftp_port = 21; } if (!$ftp_info->sftp) { $ftp_info->sftp = 'N'; } if (!$ftp_info->ftp_user || !$ftp_info->ftp_password) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_safe_mode_ftp_needed'); } if ($ftp_info->sftp == 'Y') { $connection = ssh2_connect('localhost', $ftp_info->ftp_port); if (!ssh2_auth_password($connection, $ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } } else { require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $oFtp = new ftp(); if (!$oFtp->ftp_connect('', $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { return new Object(-1, sprintf(Context::getLang('msg_ftp_not_connected'), 'localhost')); } if (!$oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info'); } $oFtp->ftp_quit(); } $this->setMessage('msg_ftp_connect_success'); }
/** * @brief 디렉토리 생성 * * 주어진 경로를 단계별로 접근하여 recursive하게 디렉토리 생성 **/ function makeDir($path_string) { static $oFtp = null; // safe_mode 일 경우 ftp 정보를 이용해서 디렉토리 생성 if (ini_get('safe_mode') && $oFtp == null) { if (!Context::isFTPRegisted()) { return; } require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $ftp_info = Context::getFTPInfo(); $oFtp = new ftp(); if (!$oFtp->ftp_connect('localhost')) { return; } if (!$oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return; } } $path_string = str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $path_string); $path_list = explode('/', $path_string); $path = _XE_PATH_; for ($i = 0; $i < count($path_list); $i++) { if (!$path_list[$i]) { continue; } $path .= $path_list[$i] . '/'; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $oFtp->ftp_mkdir($path); $oFtp->ftp_site("CHMOD 777 " . $path); } else { @mkdir($path, 0755); @chmod($path, 0755); } } } return is_dir($path_string); }
/** * Creates a directory * * This function creates directories recursively, which means that if ancestors of the target directory does not exist, they will be created too. * * @param string $path_string Path of target directory * @return bool TRUE if success. It might return nothing when ftp is used and connection to the ftp address failed. */ public static function makeDir($path_string) { if (self::exists($path_string) !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) { @mkdir($path_string, 0755, TRUE); @chmod($path_string, 0755); } else { static $oFtp = NULL; $ftp_info = Context::getFTPInfo(); if ($oFtp == NULL) { if (!Context::isFTPRegisted()) { return; } $oFtp = new ftp(); if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) { $ftp_info->ftp_host = ""; } if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port) { $ftp_info->ftp_port = 21; } if (!$oFtp->ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { return; } if (!$oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return; } } if (!($ftp_path = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path)) { $ftp_path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $path_string = str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $path_string); $path_list = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_string); $path = _XE_PATH_; for ($i = 0, $c = count($path_list); $i < $c; $i++) { if (!$path_list[$i]) { continue; } $path .= $path_list[$i] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $ftp_path .= $path_list[$i] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($path)) { $oFtp->ftp_mkdir($ftp_path); $oFtp->ftp_site("CHMOD 777 " . $ftp_path); } } } return is_dir($path_string); }
/** * Creates a directory * * This function creates directories recursively, which means that if ancestors of the target directory does not exist, they will be created too. * * @param string $path_string Path of target directory * @return bool true if success. It might return nothing when ftp is used and connection to the ftp address failed. **/ function makeDir($path_string) { static $oFtp = null; // if safe_mode is on, use FTP if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $ftp_info = Context::getFTPInfo(); if ($oFtp == null) { if (!Context::isFTPRegisted()) { return; } require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php'; $oFtp = new ftp(); if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) { $ftp_info->ftp_host = ""; } if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port) { $ftp_info->ftp_port = 21; } if (!$oFtp->ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port)) { return; } if (!$oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) { $oFtp->ftp_quit(); return; } } $ftp_path = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path; if (!$ftp_path) { $ftp_path = "/"; } } $path_string = str_replace(_XE_PATH_, '', $path_string); $path_list = explode('/', $path_string); $path = _XE_PATH_; for ($i = 0; $i < count($path_list); $i++) { if (!$path_list[$i]) { continue; } $path .= $path_list[$i] . '/'; $ftp_path .= $path_list[$i] . '/'; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { $oFtp->ftp_mkdir($ftp_path); $oFtp->ftp_site("CHMOD 777 " . $ftp_path); } else { @mkdir($path, 0755); @chmod($path, 0755); } } } return is_dir($path_string); }
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; $ftp = new ftp(); if (!$ftp->ftp_connect($config['broadcast_host'])) { _pre('Can not connect', true); } if (!$ftp->ftp_login($config['broadcast_username'], $config['broadcast_password'])) { $ftp->ftp_quit(); _pre('Can not login', true); } $cds_file = ROOT . 'interfase/cds/schedule_playlist.txt'; // Submit if (_button()) { $hours = request_var('hours', array('' => '')); $build = ''; foreach ($hours as $hour => $play) { $build .= ((!empty($build)) ? nr(1) : '') . trim($hour) . ':' . trim($play); } if ($fp = @fopen($cds_file, 'w')) { @flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fputs($fp, $build); @flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); _chmod($cds_file, $config['mask']); if ($ftp->ftp_put('/Schedule/schedule_playlist.txt', $cds_file)) { echo '<h1>El archivo fue procesado correctamente.</h1>'; } else { echo '<h1>Error al procesar, intenta nuevamente.</h1>'; } } else { echo 'Error de escritura en archivo local.'; } echo '<br />'; } if (!@file_exists($cds_file)) { fatal_error(); } $cds = @file($cds_file); $filelist = $ftp->ftp_nlist('/Schedule'); echo '<pre>'; print_r($filelist); echo '</pre>'; foreach ($cds as $item) { $e_item = array_map('trim', explode(':', $item)); if (!empty($e_item[0])) { echo sumhour($e_item[0]) . ' <input type="text" name="hours[' . $e_item[0] . ']" value="' . $e_item[1] . '" size="100"' . ((oclock($e_item[0])) ? 'class="highlight"' : '') . ' /><br />' . nr(); } } $ftp->ftp_quit(); return true; }