コード例 #1
* Smarty {widget_news_nav}
* function plugin
* Type:     function
* Name:     widget news nav
* Date:     September 26, 2012
* Update:   December  29, 2012
* Purpose:  
* Examples:


           'id_container' => 'secondary-nav',
           'class_container' => 'v-nav'
       title='<p class="title">Actualités par thèmes</p>'

* Output: string (<ul><li><a>tag_name<///)
* @link
* @author   Gerits Aurelien
* @author   Samuel Lesre
* @version  1.1
* @param array
* @param Smarty
* @return string
function smarty_function_widget_news_nav($params, $template)
    $ModelNews = new frontend_model_news();
    $ModelSystem = new magixglobal_model_system();
    // *** Load SQL DATA
    $current = $ModelSystem->setCurrentId();
    $conf = array('level' => 'tag', 'limit' => null);
    $data = $ModelNews->getData($conf, $current);
    $current = $current['news'];
    $output = null;
    if ($data != null) {
        // *** set default html attributs
        if ($params['htmlAttribut']) {
            $htmlAttr = $params['htmlAttribut'];
            $id_container = isset($htmlAttr['id_container']) ? ' id="' . $htmlAttr['id_container'] . '"' : null;
            $class_container = isset($htmlAttr['class_container']) ? ' class="' . $htmlAttr['class_container'] . '"' : null;
            $class_current = isset($htmlAttr['class_current']) ? $htmlAttr['class_current'] : 'current';
        // *** Set translation var
        $tr_show_news = frontend_model_template::getConfigVars('show_news');
        // *** format items loop (foreach item)
        $items = null;
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $current_item = $row['name_tag'] == $current['tag']['id'] ? $class_current : null;
            $uri_item = magixglobal_model_rewrite::filter_news_tag_url($row['iso'], urlencode($row['name_tag']), true);
            $name_item = $row['name_tag'];
            $class_item = $current_item != null ? ' class="' . $current_item . '"' : null;
            // *** item construct
            $item = '<li' . $class_item . '>';
            $item .= '<a href="' . $uri_item . '" title="' . $tr_show_news . ': ' . $name_item . '">';
            $item .= $name_item;
            $item .= '</a>';
            $item .= '</li>';
            $items .= $item;
        // *** container construct
        $output = isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : '';
        $output .= '<ul' . $id_container . $class_container . '>';
        $output .= isset($params['prepend']) ? $params['prepend'] : null;
        $output .= $items;
        $output .= isset($params['append']) ? $params['append'] : null;
        $output .= '</ul>';
    return $output;
コード例 #2
 * Smarty plugin
 * @package     Smarty
 * @subpackage  plugins
 * Type:        function
 * Name:        widget_news_display
 * date:        25/12/2013
 * Update:      10/03/2013
 * Examples:    {widget_news_display}
 * @author      Sire Sam (sire-sam.be)
 * @link        htt://www.sire-sam.be, http://www.magix-dev.be
 * @author      Gerits Aurelien
 * @version     1.1
 * @param       array
 * @param       Smarty
 * @return      string
function smarty_function_widget_news_data($params, $template)
    $ModelSystem = new magixglobal_model_system();
    $ModelRewrite = new magixglobal_model_rewrite();
    $ModelNews = new frontend_model_news();
    $ModelPager = new magixglobal_model_pager();
    // Set and load data
    $current = $ModelSystem->setCurrentId();
    $conf = is_array($params['conf']) ? $params['conf'] : array();
    $override = $params['conf']['plugins']['override'] ? $params['conf']['plugins']['override'] : '';
    $data = $ModelNews->getData($conf, $current, $override);
    $newrow = is_array($params['conf']['plugins']['item']) ? $params['conf']['plugins']['item'] : array();
    // Set Pagination
    $pagination = array();
    if (isset($data['total']) and isset($data['limit'])) {
        $pagination = $ModelPager->setPaginationData($data['total'], $data['limit'], '/' . $current['lang']['iso'] . $ModelRewrite->mod_news_lang($current['lang']['iso']), $current['news']['pagination']['id'], '/');
    $current = $current['news'];
    // Format data
    $items = array();
    if ($data != null) {
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            if (isset($row['idnews'])) {
                $items[] = $ModelNews->setItemData($row, $current, $newrow);
            } elseif (isset($row['name_tag'])) {
                $items[] = array('id' => $row['name_tag'], 'name' => $row['name_tag'], 'iso' => $row['iso'], 'url' => magixglobal_model_rewrite::filter_news_tag_url($row['iso'], urlencode($row['name_tag']), true));
    $assign = isset($params['assign']) ? $params['assign'] : 'data';
    $template->assign($assign, $items);
    $assignPager = isset($params['assignPagination']) ? $params['assignPagination'] : 'paginationData';
    $template->assign($assignPager, $pagination);
コード例 #3
 * Smarty plugin
 * @package     Smarty
 * @subpackage  plugins
 * Type:        function
 * Name:        widget_news_display
 * date:        25/12/2013
 * Update:      10/03/2013
 * Examples:    {widget_news_display}
 * @author      Sire Sam (sire-sam.be)
 * @link        htt://www.sire-sam.be, http://www.magix-dev.be
 * @author      Gerits Aurelien
 * @version     1.1
 * @param       array
 * @param       Smarty
 * @return      string
function smarty_function_widget_news_display($params, $template)
    $ModelSystem = new magixglobal_model_system();
    $ModelRewrite = new magixglobal_model_rewrite();
    $ModelConstructor = new magixglobal_model_constructor();
    $ModelNews = new frontend_model_news();
    $ModelPager = new magixglobal_model_pager();
    $Debug = new magixcjquery_debug_magixfire();
    // Set and load data
    $current = $ModelSystem->setCurrentId();
    $conf = is_array($params['conf']) ? $params['conf'] : array();
    $data = $ModelNews->getData($conf, $current);
    // Set Pagination
    $pagination['html'] = null;
    if (isset($data['total']) and isset($data['limit'])) {
        $pagination['src'] = $ModelPager->setPaginationData($data['total'], $data['limit'], '/' . $current['lang']['iso'] . $ModelRewrite->mod_news_lang($current['lang']['iso']), $current['news']['pagination']['id'], '/');
        $pagination['html'] = $ModelConstructor->formatPaginationHtml($pagination['src'], $current['news']['pagination']['id']);
    $current = $current['news'];
    // Format data
    $html = null;
    if ($data != null) {
        $pattern['default'] = patternNews();
        $pattern['custom'] = null;
        if ($params['pattern']) {
            $pattern['custom'] = is_array($params['pattern']) ? $params['pattern'] : patternNews($params['pattern']);
        $pattern['global'] = $ModelConstructor->mergeHtmlPattern($pattern['default'], $pattern['custom']);
        $i = 0;
        $items['html'] = null;
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $itemData = $ModelNews->setItemData($row, $current);
            // *** set item html structure & var
            $pattern['global']['is_active'] = $itemData['active'] === true ? 1 : 0;
            $pattern['global']['id'] = isset($itemData['id']) ? $itemData['id'] : 0;
            $pattern['global']['url'] = isset($itemData['uri']) ? $itemData['uri'] : '#';
            $pattern['item'] = $ModelConstructor->setItemPattern($pattern['global'], $i);
            // *** Reset iteration if item is last of the line
            if ($pattern['item']['is_last'] == 1) {
                $i = 0;
            // *** in case diplay is null, we take default value
            if ($pattern['item']['display'][1] == null) {
                $pattern['item']['display'][1] = $pattern['default']['display'][1];
            $imgSize = isset($pattern['item']['img']['size']) ? $pattern['item']['img']['size'] : 'small';
            if (isset($itemData['imgSrc'][$imgSize])) {
                $itemData['imgSrc'] = $itemData['imgSrc'][$imgSize];
            } else {
                $itemData['imgSrc'] = $itemData['imgSrc']['default'];
            // *** format item loop (foreach element)
            $itemHtml = null;
            foreach ($pattern['item']['display'][1] as $elem_type) {
                $pattern['elem'] = $pattern['item'][$elem_type];
                if (array_search($elem_type, $pattern['item']['display'][1])) {
                    switch ($elem_type) {
                        case 'name':
                            $elem = $itemData['name'];
                        case 'img':
                            $elem = '<img src="' . $itemData['imgSrc'] . '" alt="' . $itemData['name'] . '"/>';
                        case 'descr':
                            $elem = magixcjquery_form_helpersforms::inputCleanTruncate(magixcjquery_form_helpersforms::inputTagClean($itemData['content']), $pattern['item']['descr']['lenght'], $pattern['item']['descr']['delemiter']);
                        case 'date':
                            $elem = $ModelConstructor->formatDateHtml($itemData['date']['publish'], $pattern['item']);
                        case 'tag':
                            $elem = $itemData['tag'];
                            $elem = null;
                    if ($elem != null or isset($pattern['elem']['before']) or isset($pattern['elem']['after'])) {
                        $itemHtml .= $pattern['elem']['before'];
                        $itemHtml .= $elem;
                        $itemHtml .= $pattern['elem']['after'];
            // *** item construct
            $items['html'] .= $pattern['item']['item']['before'];
            $items['html'] .= $itemHtml;
            $items['html'] .= $pattern['item']['item']['after'];
        // *** container construct
        $html = isset($params['title']) ? $params['title'] : '';
        $html .= $pattern['global']['container']['before'];
        $html .= isset($params['prepend']) ? $params['prepend'] : null;
        $html .= $items['html'];
        $html .= isset($params['append']) ? $params['append'] : null;
        $html .= $pattern['global']['container']['after'];
        $html .= $pagination['html'];
    return $html;