コード例 #1
        $href1 = "";
        if ($fGraphchange == 1) {
            $xArray['img'] = "graph_emp.php";
            $xArray['img1'] = "graph_emp1.php";
            if ($link_fl == 0) {
                $xArray['href'] = "<a href='learning_progress_summary.php'>";
            if ($link_fl == 0) {
                $xArray['href1'] = "<a href='learning_progress_summary.php'>";
        } else {
            if ($fGraphchange == 2) {
                $xArray['img'] = "graph_boss.php";
                $xArray['img1'] = "graph_boss1.php";
            } else {
                if ($fGraphchange == 3) {
                    $xArray['img'] = "graph_admin.php";
                    $xArray['img1'] = "graph_admin1.php";
                    $xArray['href'] = "<a href ='raters_list.php'>";
                    $xArray['href1'] = "<a href = 'users_list.php'>";
        $filecontent = preg_replace("/<{(.*?)}>/s", "", $filecontent);
        $filecontent = $common->direct_replace($db_object, $filecontent, $xArray);
        echo $filecontent;
$frobj = new front();
$frobj->front_display($common, $db_object, $post_var, $user_id, $learning, $gbl_gr_select);
include "footer.php";
コード例 #2
        } else {
            preg_match("/<{only_for_admins_area}>(.*?)<{only_for_admins_area}>/s", $filecontent, $mat);
            $replace = $mat[0];
            if ($user_id != 1) {
                $selqry = "select username,user_id from {$user_table} where admin_id='{$user_id}'";
            } else {
                $selqry = "select {$user_table}.username,{$user_table}.user_id from {$user_table},{$position_table} where {$user_table}.position={$position_table}.pos_id and ({$user_table}.position<>NULL or {$user_table}.position<>0) and {$user_table}.user_id!=1   order by {$position_table}.level_no desc";
            $userset = $db_object->get_rsltset($selqry);
            if ($userset[0]["user_id"] != "") {
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($userset); $i++) {
                    $temp_id = $userset[$i]["user_id"];
                    $userset[$i]["username"] = $common->name_display($db_object, $temp_id);
                $userset = $common->return_Keyedarray($userset, "user_id", "username");
                $replaced = $common->singleloop_replace($db_object, "user_loopstart", "user_loopend", $replace, $userset, $selqrr);
            } else {
                $replaced = preg_replace("/<{view_dashboard}>(.*)<{view_dashboard}>/s", "", $replace);
            $replace = preg_replace("/<{(.*?)}>/s", "", $replaced);
            $filecontent = preg_replace("/<{only_for_admins_area}>(.*?)<{only_for_admins_area}>/s", $replace, $filecontent);
            // $filecontent=preg_replace("/<{(.*?)}>/s","",$filecontent);
        //-if the user is super admin then the alert of skill builderpages should not be shown
        $filecontent = $common->direct_replace($db_object, $filecontent, $value);
        echo $filecontent;
$frobj = new front();
$frobj->front_display($common, $db_object, $image, $user_id, $gbl_gr_select, $fAs, $fModel);
include "footer.php";
コード例 #3

include "../session.php";
include "header.php";
class front
    function front_display($common, $db_object, $user_id)
        $path = $common->path;
        $filename = $path . "templates/core/front_panel.html";
        $filecontent = $common->return_file_content($db_object, $filename, $user_id);
        $vals = array();
        $filecontent = $common->direct_replace($db_object, $filecontent, $vals);
        echo $filecontent;
$frobj = new front();
$frobj->front_display($common, $db_object, $user_id);
include "footer.php";