コード例 #1
function build()
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Apache modules in \"{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}\"\n";
    $ZarafaApachePort = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePort");
    $ZarafaApacheSSL = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheSSL");
    $LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 = $sock->GET_INFO("LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2");
    $ZarafaWebNTLM = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaWebNTLM");
    $ZarafaApacheServerName = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheServerName");
    if (!is_numeric($ZarafaWebNTLM)) {
        $ZarafaWebNTLM = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2)) {
        $LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApacheSSL)) {
        $ZarafaApacheSSL = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApachePort)) {
        $ZarafaApachePort = 9010;
    $ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable");
    if (!is_numeric($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable)) {
        $ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable = 0;
    if ($ZarafaApacheServerName == null) {
        $ZarafaApacheServerName = $unix->hostname_g();
    if (!is_dir('/usr/share/php/mapi')) {
        if (is_dir('/usr/local/share/php/mapi')) {
            @mkdir("/usr/share/php", 0755, true);
            shell_exec('/bin/ln -s /usr/local/share/php/mapi /usr/share/php/mapi');
    $username = $unix->APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT();
    $group = $unix->APACHE_SRC_GROUP();
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} logs access: /var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} logs error : /var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log\n";
    @mkdir("/var/run/apache2", 0755, true);
    @mkdir("/var/run/artica-apache", 0755, true);
    @mkdir('/var/run/zarafa-web', 0755, true);
    @mkdir('/var/log/apache-zarafa', 0755, true);
    @mkdir('/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp', 0755, true);
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/apache2");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/artica-apache");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/run/zarafa-web");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/log/apache-zarafa");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess");
    $unix->chmod_func(0777, "/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp");
    $unix->chown_func($username, $group, "/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/plugins/*");
    if ($ZarafaApacheSSL == 1) {
        if (is_file("{$APACHE_MODULES_PATH}/mod_ssl.so")) {
            if (!is_file("/etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache.crt.nopass.cert")) {
                shell_exec("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install --zarafa-apache-certificates");
            $f[] = "LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_ssl.so";
            $f[] = "SSLEngine on";
            $f[] = "SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache.crt.nopass.cert";
            $f[] = "SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/certs/zarafa/apache-ca.key.nopass.key";
            if ($LighttpdArticaDisableSSLv2 == 1) {
                $f[] = "SSLProtocol -ALL +SSLv3 +TLSv1";
                $f[] = "SSLCipherSuite ALL:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM";
            $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed connect builtin";
            $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom  256";
            $f[] = "SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 256";
            $f[] = "AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt";
            $f[] = "AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl";
            $f[] = "SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin";
            $f[] = "SSLSessionCache        shmcb:/var/run/apache2/ssl_scache-zarafa(512000)";
            $f[] = "SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300";
            $f[] = "SSLVerifyClient none";
            $f[] = "ServerSignature Off";
    $FreeWebPerformances = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApachePerformances")));
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"] = 300;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"] = 0;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"] = 100;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"] = 15;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"] = 5;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"] = 10;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"] = 5;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"] = 50;
    if (!is_numeric($FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"])) {
        $FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"] = 10000;
    $f[] = "Timeout              {$FreeWebPerformances["Timeout"]}";
    $f[] = "KeepAlive            {$FreeWebPerformances["KeepAlive"]}";
    $f[] = "KeepAliveTimeout     {$FreeWebPerformances["KeepAliveTimeout"]}";
    $f[] = "StartServers         {$FreeWebPerformances["StartServers"]}";
    $f[] = "MaxClients           {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"]}";
    $f[] = "MinSpareServers      {$FreeWebPerformances["MinSpareServers"]}";
    $f[] = "MaxSpareServers      {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxSpareServers"]}";
    $f[] = "MaxRequestsPerChild  {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxRequestsPerChild"]}";
    $f[] = "MaxKeepAliveRequests {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxKeepAliveRequests"]}";
    $f[] = "ServerLimit\t\t   {$FreeWebPerformances["MaxClients"]}";
    $f[] = "AcceptMutex \t\t  flock";
    $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = $sock->GET_INFO("ZarafaApacheWebMailType");
    if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == null) {
        $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = "APP_ZARAFA";
    $f[] = $SET_MODULES;
    $f[] = "<IfModule !mpm_netware_module>";
    $f[] = "          <IfModule !mpm_winnt_module>";
    $f[] = "             User {$username}";
    $f[] = "             Group {$group}";
    $f[] = "          </IfModule>";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "ServerAdmin you@example.com";
    $f[] = "ServerName {$ZarafaApacheServerName}";
    if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP") {
        if (!is_dir("/usr/share/zarafa-webapp")) {
            $ZarafaApacheWebMailType = "APP_ZARAFA";
    if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA") {
        $DocumentRoot = "/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess";
    if ($ZarafaApacheWebMailType == "APP_ZARAFA_WEBAPP") {
        $free = new freeweb();
        $DocumentRoot = "/usr/share/zarafa-webapp";
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} WebMail \"{$ZarafaApacheWebMailType}\"\n";
    $f[] = "ServerRoot \"{$DocumentRoot}\"";
    $f[] = "Listen {$ZarafaApachePort}";
    $f[] = "User {$username}";
    $f[] = "Group {$group}";
    $f[] = "PidFile /var/run/zarafa-web/httpd.pid";
    $f[] = "DocumentRoot \"{$DocumentRoot}\"";
    $f[] = "<Directory {$DocumentRoot}/>";
    if ($ZarafaWebNTLM == 1) {
        $ldap = new clladp();
        $f[] = "    AuthName \"Zarafa logon..\"";
        $f[] = "    AuthType Basic";
        $f[] = "    AuthLDAPURL ldap://{$ldap->ldap_host}:{$ldap->ldap_port}/dc=organizations,{$ldap->suffix}?uid";
        $f[] = "    AuthLDAPBindDN cn={$ldap->ldap_admin},{$ldap->suffix}";
        $f[] = "    AuthLDAPBindPassword {$ldap->ldap_password}";
        $f[] = "    AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid";
        $f[] = "    AuthBasicProvider ldap";
        $f[] = "    AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off";
        $f[] = "    require valid-user";
    if ($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable == 0) {
        $f[] = "    php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0";
        $f[] = "    php_value register_globals 0";
        $f[] = "    php_value magic_quotes_runtime 0";
        $f[] = "    php_value post_max_size 31M";
        $f[] = "    php_value include_path  \".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/php5:/usr/local/share/php\"";
        $f[] = "    php_value upload_max_filesize 30M";
        $f[] = "    php_value short_open_tag 1";
        $f[] = "    php_flag log_errors on";
        $f[] = "    php_value safe_mode 0";
        $f[] = "    php_flag log_errors on";
        $f[] = "    php_value  error_log  \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/php.log\"";
    $f[] = "    DirectoryIndex index.php";
    $f[] = "    Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks";
    $f[] = "    AllowOverride Options";
    $f[] = "    Order allow,deny";
    $f[] = "    Allow from all";
    $f[] = "</Directory>";
    if ($ZarafaApachePHPFPMEnable == 1) {
        $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
        if (!$unix->is_socket("/var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock")) {
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: /var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock no such socket\n";
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Activate PHP5-FPM\n";
            shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.initslapd.php --phppfm");
            if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
                echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} Restarting PHP5-FPM\n";
            shell_exec("/etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart");
        $f[] = "\tAlias /php5.fastcgi /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi";
        $f[] = "\tAddHandler php-script .php";
        $f[] = "\tFastCGIExternalServer /var/run/artica-apache/php5.fastcgi -socket /var/run/php-fpm-zarafa.sock -idle-timeout 610";
        $f[] = "\tAction php-script /php5.fastcgi virtual";
        $f[] = "\t<Directory /var/run/artica-apache>";
        $f[] = "\t\t<Files php5.fastcgi>";
        $f[] = "\t\tOrder deny,allow";
        $f[] = "\t\tAllow from all";
        $f[] = "\t\t</Files>";
        $f[] = "\t</Directory>";
    } else {
        if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
            echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["SERVICE_NAME"]} PHP5-FPM is disabled\n";
    $f[] = "<IfModule dir_module>";
    $f[] = "    DirectoryIndex index.php";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<FilesMatch \"^\\.ht\">";
    $f[] = "    Order allow,deny";
    $f[] = "    Deny from all";
    $f[] = "    Satisfy All";
    $f[] = "</FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "<IfModule mod_php5.c>";
    $f[] = "    <FilesMatch \"\\.ph(p3?|tml)\$\">";
    $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php";
    $f[] = "    </FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "    <FilesMatch \"\\.phps\$\">";
    $f[] = "\tSetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source";
    $f[] = "    </FilesMatch>";
    $f[] = "    # To re-enable php in user directories comment the following lines";
    $f[] = "    # (from <IfModule ...> to </IfModule>.) Do NOT set it to On as it";
    $f[] = "    # prevents .htaccess files from disabling it.";
    $f[] = "    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>";
    $f[] = "        <Directory /home/*/public_html>";
    $f[] = "            php_admin_value engine Off";
    $f[] = "        </Directory>";
    $f[] = "    </IfModule>";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "ErrorLog \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/error.log\"";
    $f[] = "LogLevel warn";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<IfModule log_config_module>";
    $f[] = "    LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\" %V\\\" combinedv";
    $f[] = "    LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b\" common";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "    <IfModule logio_module>";
    $f[] = "      LogFormat \"%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-Agent}i\\\" %I %O\" combinedio";
    $f[] = "    </IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "    CustomLog \"/var/log/apache-zarafa/access.log\" combinedv";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<IfModule alias_module>";
    $f[] = "    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ \"/usr/local/apache-groupware/data/cgi-bin/\"";
    $f[] = "    Alias /images /usr/share/obm2/resources";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<IfModule cgid_module>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<Directory \"/usr/local/apache-groupware/data/cgi-bin\">";
    $f[] = "    AllowOverride None";
    $f[] = "    Options None";
    $f[] = "    Order allow,deny";
    $f[] = "    Allow from all";
    $f[] = "</Directory>";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "DefaultType text/plain";
    $f[] = "";
    $f[] = "<IfModule mime_module>";
    $f[] = "   ";
    $f[] = "    TypesConfig /etc/mime.types";
    $f[] = "    #AddType application/x-gzip .tgz";
    $f[] = "    AddType application/x-compress .Z";
    $f[] = "    AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz";
    $f[] = "    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml";
    $f[] = "    #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi";
    $f[] = "    #AddHandler type-map var";
    $f[] = "    #AddType text/html .shtml";
    $f[] = "    #AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml";
    $f[] = "</IfModule>";
    @file_put_contents('/etc/zarafa/httpd.conf', @implode("\n", $f) . "\n");
    if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) {
        echo "Configuring...: " . date("H:i:s") . " /etc/zarafa/httpd.conf done\n";