コード例 #1
ファイル: professions.php プロジェクト: Nikitian/fl-ru-damp
  * Возвращает номер позиции юзера в каталоге
  * @param integer $user_id       ИД Пользователя
  * @param integer $user_spec		специализация юзера.
  * @param integer $rating		рейтинг юзера.
  * @param integer $prof_id		рейтинг юзера.
  * @param integer $is_pro	    Пользователь ПРО или не ПРО.
  * @return NULL|multitype
 function GetCatalogPosition($user_id, $user_spec, $rating, $prof_id, $is_pro, $not_exact = false)
     global $DB;
     $R = 'rating_get(fu.rating, fu.is_pro, fu.is_verify, fu.is_profi)';
     $pos = NULL;
     $memBuff = new memBuff();
     if (!$prof_id) {
         if (!$not_exact) {
             $pos_table = professions::GetCatalogPositionsTable();
             //такого не должно быть, но на всякий
             if (!$pos_table) {
                 return NULL;
             $out = $DB->row("SELECT 0 as prof_id, 'В общем каталоге' as prof_name, pos FROM {$pos_table} WHERE uid = ?", $user_id);
             if ($out) {
                 return $out;
         $sql = "SELECT 0 as prof_id, 'В общем каталоге' as prof_name, COUNT(fu.uid) + 1 as pos\n               FROM fu\n             INNER JOIN\n               portf_choise pc\n                 ON pc.user_id = fu.uid\n\n                AND pc.prof_id = fu.spec_orig\n              WHERE fu.is_banned = '0'\n                AND (fu.is_pro = true " . ($is_pro ? 'AND' : 'OR') . " ({$R} > {$rating} OR ({$R} = {$rating} AND fu.uid < {$user_id})))";
         if (!($out = $memBuff->getSql($error, $sql, 300))) {
             return NULL;
         return $out[0];
     $or_prof = $prof_id;
     $or_prof = professions::GetProfessionOrigin($prof_id);
     $freelancer_binds = new freelancer_binds();
     $date_binded = $freelancer_binds->getBindDate($user_id, $or_prof);
     $bind_select = $bind_join = $spec_where = '';
     if ($date_binded) {
         $bind_join = "INNER JOIN freelancer_binds ON freelancer_binds.user_id = fu.uid AND freelancer_binds.prof_id = {$or_prof} AND freelancer_binds.is_spec = TRUE AND freelancer_binds.date_stop > NOW() AND freelancer_binds.date_start > '{$date_binded}'";
     } else {
         //Ищем всех закрепленных
         $bind_select = "SELECT fu.uid, fb.prof_id as spec FROM fu \n                LEFT JOIN freelancer_binds fb ON fb.user_id = fu.uid AND fb.date_stop > NOW()\n                LEFT JOIN spec_add_choise bsa ON bsa.user_id = fu.uid\n                WHERE fu.is_banned = '0' \n                    AND fb.prof_id={$or_prof} AND (fu.spec_orig = {$or_prof} OR bsa.prof_id = {$or_prof})\n                    AND fu.uid<>{$user_id} AND fu.cat_show = TRUE\n                UNION ALL ";
         $spec_where = "AND (fu.is_pro = true " . ($is_pro ? 'AND' : 'OR') . " ({$R} > {$rating} OR ({$R} = {$rating} AND fu.uid <> {$user_id})" . ($user_spec == $or_prof ? ") AND fu.spec_orig={$or_prof}" : " OR fu.spec_orig={$or_prof})") . ")";
     $user_where = "\n            fu.is_banned = '0' \n            AND fu.uid <> {$user_id} \n            AND fu.cat_show = TRUE \n            AND fu.last_time > now() - '6 months'::interval\n        " . $spec_where;
     $sql = "SELECT \n                p.id as prof_id,\n                p.name as prof_name,\n                COUNT(DISTINCT s.uid) + 1 as pos,\n                link\n           \n           FROM professions p\n         LEFT JOIN\n           (\n            {$bind_select}\n                \n             SELECT uid, spec_orig as spec\n               FROM fu\n               {$bind_join}\n              WHERE " . $user_where . "\n                \n             UNION ALL\n             \n              SELECT fu.uid, sa.prof_id FROM fu\n              INNER JOIN spec_add_choise sa ON sa.user_id = fu.uid\n              {$bind_join}\n               WHERE fu.is_pro = true AND " . $user_where . "\n                   \n           ) AS s ON s.spec = p.id\n    \n          WHERE p.id = {$or_prof}\n          GROUP BY p.id, p.name, link";
     $out = $memBuff->getSql($error, $sql, 300, true, freelancer::getCatalogMemTags($or_prof, true));
     return $out ? $out[0] : null;