コード例 #1
  * Copy the discussion and its  posts to another forum and/or group.
  * @param forum $targetforum Forum to copy the discussion to
  * @param int $groupid If 'All participants' has been selected from the
  *   Separate groups dropdown box, use default value 0
 function copy($targetforum, $groupid)
     global $SESSION, $CFG;
     $oldforum = $this->get_forum();
     $oldforumid = $oldforum->get_id();
     $oldcourseid = $oldforum->get_course_id();
     $targetforumid = $targetforum->get_id();
     $targetcourseid = $targetforum->get_course_id();
     //Clone the old discussion
     $discussionobj = clone $this->discussionfields;
     //update the forumid and gruopid to the target forumid and selected groupid
     $discussionobj->forumid = $targetforumid;
     if ($targetforum->get_group_mode() && $groupid) {
         $discussionobj->groupid = $groupid;
     $newdiscussionid = forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_discussions', $discussionobj);
     $rs = forum_utils::get_recordset('forumng_posts', 'discussionid', $this->get_id());
     //$newids and $parentused are temp arrays used to
     //$newids is a array of new postids using the indices of its old postids
     //update the parentid of the post records copied over
     //$hasattachments is a temp array for record the posts which has attachments.
     $newids = array();
     $parentsused = array();
     $hasattachments = array();
     while ($postrec = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
         $oldpostid = $postrec->id;
         $postrec->discussionid = $newdiscussionid;
         $postrec->mailstate = forum::MAILSTATE_DIGESTED;
         $postrec->subject = addslashes($postrec->subject);
         $postrec->message = addslashes($postrec->message);
         $newpostid = forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_posts', $postrec);
         $newids[$oldpostid] = $newpostid;
         if ($postrec->parentpostid) {
             $parentsused[$postrec->parentpostid] = true;
         if ($postrec->attachments == 1) {
             $hasattachments[$oldpostid] = $newpostid;
     //Update the postid and lastpostid in the discussion table no matter if they are null or not
     $newpostid = $newids[$discussionobj->postid];
     $newlastpostid = $newids[$discussionobj->lastpostid];
     forum_utils::execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}forumng_discussions SET " . "postid=" . $newpostid . ", lastpostid=" . $newlastpostid . " WHERE id=" . $newdiscussionid);
     foreach ($parentsused as $key => $value) {
         $newparentpostid = $newids[$key];
         //Update the parentpostids which have just been copied over
         forum_utils::execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}forumng_posts SET " . "parentpostid=" . $newparentpostid . " WHERE parentpostid=" . $key . "AND discussionid = " . $newdiscussionid);
     //Copy attachments
     foreach ($hasattachments as $key => $value) {
         $oldfolder = forum_post::get_any_attachment_folder($oldcourseid, $oldforumid, $this->get_id(), $key);
         $newfolder = forum_post::get_any_attachment_folder($targetcourseid, $targetforumid, $newdiscussionid, $value);
         $handle = forum_utils::opendir($oldfolder);
         $created = false;
         while (false !== ($name = readdir($handle))) {
             //Get attachment file name one by one instead of using the get_attachment_names() to
             //avoid creating a post object
             if ($name != '.' && $name != '..') {
                 if (!is_dir("{$oldfolder}/{$name}")) {
                     // creating target folders and copying files
                     if (!$created) {
                         if (!check_dir_exists($newfolder, true, true)) {
                             throw new forum_exception("Failed to create attachment folder {$newfolder}");
                         $created = true;
                     forum_utils::copy("{$oldfolder}/{$name}", "{$newfolder}/{$name}");
コード例 #2
 static function delete_old_posts()
     global $CFG;
     // Check if deletion is turned off
     if (empty($CFG->forumng_permanentdeletion)) {
     mtrace('Beginning forum deleted/edit message cleanup...');
     // Work out how long ago things have to have been 'deleted' before we
     // permanently delete them
     $deletebefore = time() - $CFG->forumng_permanentdeletion;
     // Handle all posts which were deleted (that long ago) or which are in
     // discussions which were deleted (that long ago)
     $mainquery = "\nFROM\n    {$CFG->prefix}forumng_posts fp\n    INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forumng_discussions fd ON fd.id = fp.discussionid\n    INNER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}forumng f ON fd.forumid = f.id\nWHERE\n    (fp.deleted<>0 AND fp.deleted<{$deletebefore})\n    OR (fp.oldversion<>0 AND fp.modified<{$deletebefore})\n    OR (fd.deleted<>0 AND fd.deleted<{$deletebefore})";
     $idquery = "SELECT fp.id {$mainquery} ";
     $before = microtime(true);
     mtrace('Message search: ', '');
     $count = count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) {$mainquery}");
     mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
     if ($count == 0) {
         mtrace("No old deleted / edited messages to clean up.");
     } else {
         mtrace("Permanently deleting {$count} old deleted / edited messages.");
     if ($count) {
         $before = microtime(true);
         mtrace('Database post deletion: ', '');
         // Delete all ratings
         forum_utils::execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}forumng_ratings WHERE postid IN ({$idquery})");
         // Find all attachments
         $attachmentrecords = forum_utils::get_records_sql("\nSELECT\n    fp.id AS postid, fd.id AS discussionid, f.id AS forumid, f.course AS courseid\n{$mainquery}\n    AND fp.attachments<>0");
         // Delete all posts
         forum_utils::update_with_subquery_grrr_mysql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}forumng_posts WHERE id %'IN'%", $idquery);
         // Now delete all discussions
         forum_utils::execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}forumng_discussions " . "WHERE deleted<>0 AND deleted<{$deletebefore}");
         mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
         $before = microtime(true);
         mtrace('Filesystem attachment deletion: ', '');
         // OK, now delete attachments (this is done last in case the db update
         // failed and gets rolled back)
         foreach ($attachmentrecords as $attachmentrecord) {
             $folder = forum_post::get_any_attachment_folder($attachmentrecord->courseid, $attachmentrecord->forumid, $attachmentrecord->discussionid, $attachmentrecord->postid);
             // Delete post folder
             if (!remove_dir($folder)) {
                 mtrace("\nError deleting post folder: {$folder}");
                 // But don't stop because we can't undo earlier changes
         // Get list of all discussions that might need deleting
         $discussions = array();
         foreach ($attachmentrecords as $attachmentrecord) {
             // This will ensure we have only one entry per discussion
             $discussions[$attachmentrecord->discussionid] = $attachmentrecord;
         // Delete discussion folder only if empty (there might be other
         // not-yet-deleted posts)
         foreach ($discussions as $attachmentrecord) {
             $folder = forum_discussion::get_attachment_folder($attachmentrecord->courseid, $attachmentrecord->forumid, $attachmentrecord->discussionid);
             $handle = @opendir($folder);
             if (!$handle) {
                 mtrace("\nError opening discussion folder: {$folder}");
             $gotfiles = false;
             while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                 if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                     $gotfiles = true;
             if (!$gotfiles) {
                 if (!rmdir($folder)) {
                     mtrace("\nError deleting discussion folder: {$folder}");
         mtrace(round(microtime(true) - $before, 1) . 's');
コード例 #3
  * Creates a new ForumNG by copying data (including all messages etc) from
  * an old forum. The old forum will be hidden.
  * Behaviour is undefined if the old forum wasn't eligible for conversion
  * (forum_utils::get_convertible_forums).
  * @param object $course Moodle course object
  * @param int $forumcmid Old forum to convert
  * @param bool $progress If true, print progress to output
  * @param bool $hide If true, newly-created forum is also hidden
  * @param bool $nodata If true, no user data (posts, subscriptions, etc)
  *   is copied; you only get a forum with same configuration
  * @param bool $insection If true, remeber to create the new forumNG in the same section.
  * @throws forum_exception If any error occurs
 public static function create_from_old_forum($course, $forumcmid, $progress, $hide, $nodata, $insection = true)
     global $CFG;
     // Start the clock and a database transaction
     $starttime = microtime(true);
     // Note we do not use get_fast_modinfo because it doesn't contain the
     // complete $cm object.
     $cm = forum_utils::get_record('course_modules', 'id', $forumcmid);
     $forum = forum_utils::get_record('forum', 'id', $cm->instance);
     if ($progress) {
         print_heading(s($forum->name), '', 3);
         print '<ul><li>' . get_string('convert_process_init', 'forumng');
     // Hide forum
     forum_utils::update_record('course_modules', (object) array('id' => $cm->id, 'visible' => 0));
     // Table for changed subscription constants
     $subscriptiontranslate = array(0 => 1, 1 => 3, 2 => 2, 3 => 0);
     // Get, convert, and create forum table data
     $forumng = (object) array('course' => $course->id, 'name' => addslashes($forum->name), 'type' => 'general', 'intro' => addslashes($forum->intro), 'ratingscale' => $forum->scale, 'ratingfrom' => $forum->assesstimestart, 'ratinguntil' => $forum->assesstimefinish, 'ratingthreshold' => 1, 'grading' => $forum->assessed, 'attachmentmaxbytes' => $forum->maxbytes, 'subscription' => $subscriptiontranslate[$forum->forcesubscribe], 'feedtype' => $forum->rsstype, 'feeditems' => $forum->rssarticles, 'maxpostsperiod' => $forum->blockperiod, 'maxpostsblock' => $forum->blockafter, 'postingfrom' => 0, 'postinguntil' => 0, 'typedata' => null);
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forumng/lib.php';
     // Note: The idnumber is required. We cannot copy it because then there
     // would be a duplicate idnumber. Let's just leave blank, people will
     // have to configure this manually.
     $forumng->cmidnumber = '';
     if (!($newforumid = forumng_add_instance($forumng))) {
         throw new forum_exception("Failed to add forumng instance");
     // Create and add course-modules entry
     $newcm = new stdClass();
     $newcm->course = $course->id;
     $newcm->module = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'forumng');
     if (!$newcm->module) {
         throw new forum_exception("Cannot find forumng module id");
     $newcm->instance = $newforumid;
     $newcm->section = $cm->section;
     $newcm->added = time();
     $newcm->score = $cm->score;
     $newcm->indent = $cm->indent;
     $newcm->visible = 0;
     // Forums are always hidden until finished
     $newcm->groupmode = $cm->groupmode;
     $newcm->groupingid = $cm->groupingid;
     $newcm->idnumber = $cm->idnumber;
     $newcm->groupmembersonly = $cm->groupmembersonly;
     // Include extra OU-specific data
     if (class_exists('ouflags')) {
         $newcm->showto = $cm->showto;
         $newcm->stealth = $cm->stealth;
         $newcm->parentcmid = $cm->parentcmid;
         $newcm->completion = $cm->completion;
         $newcm->completiongradeitemnumber = $cm->completiongradeitemnumber;
         $newcm->completionview = $cm->completionview;
         $newcm->availablefrom = $cm->availablefrom;
         $newcm->availableuntil = $cm->availableuntil;
         $newcm->showavailability = $cm->showavailability;
         $newcm->parentpagename = $cm->parentpagename;
     // Add
     $newcm->id = forum_utils::insert_record('course_modules', $newcm);
     // Update section
     if ($insection) {
         $section = forum_utils::get_record('course_sections', 'id', $newcm->section);
         $updatesection = (object) array('id' => $section->id, 'sequence' => str_replace($cm->id, $cm->id . ',' . $newcm->id, $section->sequence));
         if ($updatesection->sequence == $section->sequence) {
             throw new forum_exception("Unable to update sequence");
         forum_utils::update_record('course_sections', $updatesection);
     // Construct forum object for new forum
     $newforum = self::get_from_id($forumng->id, forum::CLONE_DIRECT);
     if ($progress) {
         print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     if (!$nodata) {
         // Convert subscriptions
         switch ($newforum->get_effective_subscription_option()) {
             case self::SUBSCRIPTION_PERMITTED:
                 if ($progress) {
                     print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_subscriptions_normal', 'forumng');
                 // Standard subscription - just copy subscriptions
                 $rs = forum_utils::get_recordset('forum_subscriptions', 'forum', $forum->id);
                 while ($rec = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
                     forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_subscriptions', (object) array('forumid' => $forumng->id, 'userid' => $rec->userid, 'subscribed' => 1));
                 if ($progress) {
                     print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
                 // Initial subscription is handled differently; the old forum
                 // stores all the subscriptions in the database, while in this
                 // forum we only store people who chose to unsubscribe
                 if ($progress) {
                     print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_subscriptions_initial', 'forumng');
                 // Get list of those subscribed on old forum
                 $rs = forum_utils::get_recordset('forum_subscriptions', 'forum', $forum->id);
                 $subscribedbefore = array();
                 while ($rec = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) {
                     $subscribedbefore[$rec->userid] = true;
                 // Get list of those subscribed on new forum
                 $new = $newforum->get_subscribers();
                 // For anyone in the new list but not the old list, add an
                 // unsubscribe
                 foreach ($new as $user) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($user->id, $subscribedbefore)) {
                         forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_subscriptions', (object) array('forumid' => $forumng->id, 'userid' => $user->id, 'subscribed' => 0));
                 if ($progress) {
                     print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
         // Convert discussions
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_discussions', 'forumng');
         $rsd = forum_utils::get_recordset('forum_discussions', 'forum', $forum->id);
         $count = 0;
         while ($recd = rs_fetch_next_record($rsd)) {
             // Convert discussion options
             $newd = (object) array('forumid' => $forumng->id, 'timestart' => $recd->timestart, 'timeend' => $recd->timeend, 'deleted' => 0, 'locked' => 0, 'sticky' => 0);
             if ($recd->groupid == -1 || !$newcm->groupmode) {
                 $newd->groupid = null;
             } else {
                 $newd->groupid = $recd->groupid;
             // Save discussion
             $newd->id = forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_discussions', $newd);
             // Convert posts
             $lastposttime = -1;
             $discussionupdate = (object) array('id' => $newd->id);
             $postids = array();
             // From old post id to new post id
             $parentposts = array();
             // From new post id to old parent id
             $subjects = array();
             // From new id to subject text (no slashes)
             $rsp = forum_utils::get_recordset('forum_posts', 'discussion', $recd->id);
             while ($recp = rs_fetch_next_record($rsp)) {
                 // Convert post
                 $newp = (object) array('discussionid' => $newd->id, 'userid' => $recp->userid, 'created' => $recp->created, 'modified' => $recp->modified, 'deleted' => 0, 'deleteuserid' => null, 'mailstate' => self::MAILSTATE_DIGESTED, 'oldversion' => 0, 'edituserid' => null, 'subject' => addslashes($recp->subject), 'message' => addslashes($recp->message), 'format' => $recp->format, 'important' => 0);
                 // Are there any attachments?
                 $attachments = array();
                 if (class_exists('ouflags')) {
                     // OU has customisation for existing forum that supports
                     // multiple attachments
                     $attachmentrecords = forum_utils::get_records('forum_attachments', 'postid', $recp->id);
                     foreach ($attachmentrecords as $reca) {
                         $attachments[] = $reca->attachment;
                 } else {
                     // Standard forum uses attachment field for filename
                     if ($recp->attachment) {
                         $attachments[] = $recp->attachment;
                 $newp->attachments = count($attachments) ? 1 : 0;
                 // Add record
                 $newp->id = forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_posts', $newp);
                 // Remember details for later parent update
                 $postids[$recp->id] = $newp->id;
                 if ($recp->parent) {
                     $parentposts[$newp->id] = $recp->parent;
                 } else {
                     $discussionupdate->postid = $newp->id;
                 if ($newp->created > $lastposttime) {
                     $discussionupdate->lastpostid = $newp->id;
                 $subjects[$newp->id] = $recp->subject;
                 // Copy attachments
                 $oldfolder = $CFG->dataroot . "/{$course->id}/{$CFG->moddata}/forum/{$forum->id}/{$recp->id}";
                 $newfolder = forum_post::get_any_attachment_folder($course->id, $forumng->id, $newd->id, $newp->id);
                 $filesok = 0;
                 $filesfailed = 0;
                 foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                     // Create folder if it isn't there
                     $attachment = clean_filename($attachment);
                     check_dir_exists($newfolder, true, true);
                     // Copy file
                     try {
                         forum_utils::copy("{$oldfolder}/{$attachment}", "{$newfolder}/{$attachment}");
                     } catch (forum_exception $e) {
                         if ($progress) {
                             print "[<strong>Warning</strong>: file copy failed for post " . $recp->id . " => " . $newp->id . ", file " . s($attachment) . "]";
                 // If all files failed, clean up
                 if ($filesfailed && !$filesok) {
                     $noattachments = (object) array('id' => $newp->id, 'attachments' => 0);
                     forum_utils::update_record('forumng_posts', $noattachments);
                 // Convert ratings
                 if ($forumng->ratingscale) {
                     $rsr = get_recordset('forum_ratings', 'post', $recp->id);
                     while ($recr = rs_fetch_next_record($rsr)) {
                         forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_ratings', (object) array('postid' => $newp->id, 'userid' => $recr->userid, 'time' => $recr->time, 'rating' => $recr->rating));
             // Update parent numbers
             $newparentids = array();
             foreach ($parentposts as $newid => $oldparentid) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($oldparentid, $postids)) {
                     throw new forum_exception("Unknown parent post {$oldparentid}");
                 $newparentid = $postids[$oldparentid];
                 forum_utils::update_record('forumng_posts', (object) array('id' => $newid, 'parentpostid' => $newparentid));
                 $newparentids[$newid] = $newparentid;
             // Update subjects
             $removesubjects = array();
             // Array of ints to cancel subjects
             foreach ($newparentids as $newid => $newparentid) {
                 $subject = $subjects[$newid];
                 $parentsubject = $subjects[$newparentid];
                 if ($subject && ($subject == get_string('re', 'forum') . ' ' . $parentsubject || $subject == $parentsubject)) {
                     $removesubjects[] = $newid;
             if (count($removesubjects)) {
                 $in = forum_utils::in_or_equals($removesubjects);
                 forum_utils::execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}forumng_posts SET subject=NULL WHERE id {$in}");
             // Update first/last post numbers
             forum_utils::update_record('forumng_discussions', $discussionupdate);
             // Convert read data
             $rsr = forum_utils::get_recordset_sql("\nSELECT\n    userid, MAX(lastread) AS lastread\nFROM\n    {$CFG->prefix}forum_read\nWHERE\n    discussionid = {$recd->id}\nGROUP BY\n    userid");
             while ($recr = rs_fetch_next_record($rsr)) {
                 forum_utils::insert_record('forumng_read', (object) array('discussionid' => $newd->id, 'userid' => $recr->userid, 'time' => $recr->lastread));
             // Display dot for each discussion
             if ($progress) {
                 print '.';
                 if ($count % 10 == 0) {
                     print $count;
         if ($progress) {
             print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     // Show forum
     if (!$hide && $cm->visible) {
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_show', 'forumng');
         $updatecm = (object) array('id' => $newcm->id, 'visible' => 1);
         forum_utils::update_record('course_modules', $updatecm);
         if ($progress) {
             print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     // Transfer role assignments
     $oldcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     $newcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $newcm->id);
     $roles = get_records('role_assignments', 'contextid', $oldcontext->id);
     if ($roles) {
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_assignments', 'forumng');
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             $newrole = $role;
             $newrole->contextid = $newcontext->id;
             $newrole->enrol = addslashes($newrole->enrol);
             forum_utils::insert_record('role_assignments', $newrole);
         if ($progress) {
             print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     // Transfer capabilities
     $capabilities = array('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities' => 'moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', 'moodle/site:accessallgroups' => 'moodle/site:accessallgroups', 'moodle/site:trustcontent' => 'moodle/site:trustcontent', 'moodle/site:viewfullnames' => 'moodle/site:viewfullnames', 'mod/forum:viewdiscussion' => 'mod/forumng:viewdiscussion', 'mod/forum:startdiscussion' => 'mod/forumng:startdiscussion', 'mod/forum:replypost' => 'mod/forumng:replypost', 'mod/forum:viewrating' => 'mod/forumng:viewrating', 'mod/forum:viewanyrating' => 'mod/forumng:viewanyrating', 'mod/forum:rate' => 'mod/forumng:rate', 'mod/forum:createattachment' => 'mod/forumng:createattachment', 'mod/forum:deleteanypost' => 'mod/forumng:deleteanypost', 'mod/forum:splitdiscussions' => 'mod/forumng:splitdiscussions', 'mod/forum:movediscussions' => 'mod/forumng:movediscussions', 'mod/forum:editanypost' => 'mod/forumng:editanypost', 'mod/forum:viewsubscribers' => 'mod/forumng:viewsubscribers', 'mod/forum:managesubscriptions' => 'mod/forumng:managesubscriptions', 'mod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts' => 'mod/forumng:viewallposts');
     $caps = get_records('role_capabilities', 'contextid', $oldcontext->id);
     if ($caps) {
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_overrides', 'forumng');
         foreach ($caps as $cap) {
             foreach ($capabilities as $key => $capability) {
                 if ($cap->capability != $key) {
                 $newcap = $cap;
                 $newcap->contextid = $newcontext->id;
                 $newcap->capability = $capability;
                 $newcap->capability = addslashes($newcap->capability);
                 forum_utils::insert_record('role_capabilities', $newcap);
         if ($progress) {
             print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     // Do course cache
     rebuild_course_cache($course->id, true);
     // Update search data
     if (self::search_installed()) {
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_search', 'forumng') . '</li>';
         self::search_update_all($progress, $course->id, $newcm->id);
     // OU only: Transfer external dashboard details to new forum
     if (class_exists('ouflags')) {
         if ($progress) {
             print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_dashboard', 'forumng');
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/externaldashboard/external_dashboard.php';
         $a = new stdClass();
         list($a->yay, $a->nay) = external_dashboard::transfer_favourites($forumcmid, $newcm->id);
         if ($progress) {
             print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_dashboard_done', 'forumng', $a) . '</li>';
     if ($progress) {
         print '<li>' . get_string('convert_process_update_subscriptions', 'forumng');
     self::group_subscription_update(false, $newcm->id);
     if ($progress) {
         print ' ' . get_string('convert_process_state_done', 'forumng') . '</li>';
     if ($progress) {
         $a = (object) array('seconds' => round(microtime(true) - $starttime, 1), 'link' => '<a href="view.php?id=' . $newcm->id . '">' . get_string('convert_newforum', 'forumng') . '</a>');
         print '</ul><p>' . get_string('convert_process_complete', 'forumng', $a) . '</p>';