// Combined file if ($fileType == 'combinedPDF') { // Show the combined PDF // Find the file that has an application mime type (like a PDF) foreach ($fileArray['files']['combine'] as $file) { if (FALSE !== strpos($file['type'], 'application/')) { $filepath = files::getSaveDir($fileUUID, 'combine') . $file['name']; break; } } } else { // Show the combined PDF's thumbnail // Find the file that has an image mime type foreach ($fileArray['files']['combine'] as $file) { if (FALSE !== strpos($file['type'], 'image/')) { $filepath = files::getSaveDir($fileUUID, 'combine') . $file['name']; break; } } } } // Make sure the file exists if (!file_exists($filepath)) { throw new Exception('File not found! "' . $filepath . '"'); } // Get the MIME Type if (isPHP('5.3')) { $fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mimeType = $fi->file($filepath); } else { $fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);