function PageMain() { global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $loggedIn, $settings; if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) { $verify = $loggedIn->verify(); } // Start displaying the Feed $feed = new feed(); $feed->db = $db; $feed->url = $CONF['url']; $feed->user = $verify; $feed->id = $verify['idu']; $feed->username = $verify['username']; $feed->per_page = $settings['perpage']; $feed->categories = $feed->getCategories(); $feed->time = $settings['time']; $feed->c_per_page = $settings['cperpage']; $feed->c_start = 0; $feed->l_per_post = $settings['lperpost']; $feed->paypalapp = $settings['paypalapp']; if (isset($_SESSION['usernameAdmin']) && isset($_SESSION['passwordAdmin'])) { $loggedInAdmin = new loggedInAdmin(); $loggedInAdmin->db = $db; $loggedInAdmin->url = $CONF['url']; $loggedInAdmin->username = $_SESSION['usernameAdmin']; $loggedInAdmin->password = $_SESSION['passwordAdmin']; $loggedIn = $loggedInAdmin->verify(); if ($loggedIn['username']) { // Set admin level $feed->is_admin = 1; } } $TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array(); // Get the track $track = $feed->getTrack($_GET['id']); $trackInfo = $feed->getTrackInfo($_GET['id'], 0); // Verify the track owner for certain pages if (!$trackInfo[1] && ($_GET['type'] == 'stats' || $_GET['type'] == 'edit')) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } // Match the content from the song-title class in order to set it for the title tag preg_match_all('/<div.*(class="song-title").*>([\\d\\D]*)<\\/div>/iU', $track[0], $title); if (empty($title[2][0])) { preg_match_all('/<div.*(class="page-header").*>([\\d\\D]*)<\\/div>/iU', $track[0], $title); } $TMPL['id'] = $_GET['id']; $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $TMPL['title'] = strip_tags($title[2][0]); $TMPL['url_title'] = $trackInfo[0]; // If the user can view the track, and the report is set if (!$track[1] && $_GET['type'] == 'report') { if (!$feed->id) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } $skin = new skin('track/report'); $rows = ''; if (isset($_POST['copyright'])) { $TMPL['message'] = $feed->report($_GET['id'], 1); } } elseif (!$track[1] && $_GET['type'] == 'stats') { $skin = new skin('track/stats'); $rows = ''; $stats = $feed->getTrackStats($_GET['id'], $_GET['filter'], 0); $most = $feed->getTrackStats($_GET['id'], $_GET['filter'], 1, 10); $TMPL['plays'] = $stats['plays']; $TMPL['likes'] = $stats['likes']; $TMPL['comments'] = $stats['comments']; $TMPL['downloads'] = $stats['downloads']; $TMPL['played_most'] = $most['played']; $TMPL['downloaded_most'] = $most['downloaded']; $TMPL['top_countries'] = $most['countries']; $TMPL['top_cities'] = $most['cities']; $TMPL['go_pro'] = $most['gopro']; } elseif (!$track[1] && $_GET['type'] == 'likes') { $skin = new skin('track/likes'); $rows = ''; $feed->per_page = $settings['qperpage']; $TMPL['likes'] = $feed->getLikes(0, 2, $_GET['id']); } elseif (!$track[1] && $_GET['type'] == 'edit') { $skin = new skin('track/edit'); $rows = ''; $TMPL['page_title'] = $LNG['edit'] . ' -'; $TMPL['form_url'] = $CONF['url'] . '/index.php?a=track&id=' . $_GET['id'] . '&type=edit'; $feed->art_size = $settings['artsize']; $feed->art_format = $settings['artformat']; if (!empty($_POST['save'])) { $update = $feed->updateTrack($_POST, 0); $TMPL['message'] = $update; } $currentTrack = $feed->getTrackInfo($_GET['id'], 1); foreach ($currentTrack as $key => $info) { $TMPL[$key] = $info; } $date = explode('-', $TMPL['release']); $TMPL['years'] = generateDateForm(0, $date[0]); $TMPL['months'] = generateDateForm(1, $date[1]); $TMPL['days'] = generateDateForm(2, $date[2]); if ($TMPL['download'] == 0) { $TMPL['doff'] = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $TMPL['don'] = ' selected="selected"'; } if ($TMPL['public'] == 0) { $TMPL['poff'] = ' selected="selected"'; } else { $TMPL['pon'] = ' selected="selected"'; } if ($TMPL['license'] == 0) { $TMPL['ar'] = 'checked'; } else { $TMPL['cc'] = 'checked'; $license = str_split($TMPL['license']); $TMPL['nc'] = $license[1]; $TMPL['nd_sa'] = $license[2]; } $TMPL['display'] = 'none'; $TMPL['btntext'] = $LNG['save']; } else { $skin = new skin('track/rows'); $rows = ''; // If the track id is not set, or it doesn't consist from digits if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !ctype_digit($_GET['id'])) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } $TMPL['messages'] = $track[0]; // If the output is empty redirect to home-page if (empty($TMPL['messages'])) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } } $rows = $skin->make(); $skin = new skin('track/sidebar'); $sidebar = ''; $TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad5']); // If the track can be viewed if (!$track[1]) { $TMPL['edit'] = $feed->sidebarButton($_GET['id'], 1); if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] !== 'edit') { unset($TMPL['edit']); } if ($_GET['type'] == 'stats') { $TMPL['statistics'] = $feed->sidebarStatsFilters($_GET['filter']); } else { $TMPL['statistics'] = $feed->sidebarStatistics($_GET['id'], 1, $trackInfo[1]); } $TMPL['description'] = $feed->sidebarDescription($_GET['id'], 0); $TMPL['tags'] = $feed->sidebarKeywords($_GET['id'], 0); $TMPL['report'] = $feed->sidebarReport($_GET['id']); } $sidebar = $skin->make(); $TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old); $TMPL['rows'] = $rows; $TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar; if (isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) { $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $title = strip_tags(trim($title[2][0])); $TMPL['title'] = ($_GET['type'] == 'report' || $_GET['type'] == 'stats' || $_GET['type'] == 'likes' || $_GET['type'] == 'edit' ? $LNG["{$_GET['type']}"] . ' - ' : '') . $title . ' - ' . $settings['title']; $TMPL['meta_description'] = $title . ' ' . $feed->sidebarDescription($_GET['id'], 0, 1); $skin = new skin('shared/content'); return $skin->make(); }
function PageMain() { global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $loggedIn, $settings; if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) { $verify = $loggedIn->verify(); } // Start displaying the Feed $feed = new feed(); $feed->db = $db; $feed->url = $CONF['url']; $feed->user = $verify; $feed->id = $verify['idu']; $feed->username = $verify['username']; $feed->per_page = -1; $feed->categories = $feed->getCategories(); $feed->time = $settings['time']; $feed->c_start = 0; $feed->l_per_post = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['usernameAdmin']) && isset($_SESSION['passwordAdmin'])) { $loggedInAdmin = new loggedInAdmin(); $loggedInAdmin->db = $db; $loggedInAdmin->url = $CONF['url']; $loggedInAdmin->username = $_SESSION['usernameAdmin']; $loggedInAdmin->password = $_SESSION['passwordAdmin']; $loggedIn = $loggedInAdmin->verify(); if ($loggedIn['username']) { // Set admin level $feed->is_admin = 1; } } $TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array(); // Get the track $playlist = $feed->getPlaylists(0, 3, $_GET['id']); // Match the content from the song-title class in order to set it for the title tag preg_match_all('/<div.*(class="playlist-title").*>([\\d\\D]*)<\\/div>/iU', $playlist[0], $title); if (empty($title[2][0])) { preg_match_all('/<div.*(class="page-header").*>([\\d\\D]*)<\\/div>/iU', $playlist[0], $title); } $TMPL['id'] = $_GET['id']; $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $TMPL['title'] = strip_tags($title[2][0]); if (isset($_GET['edit']) && $feed->sidebarButton($_GET['id'], 2)) { $skin = new skin('playlist/edit'); $rows = ''; // Send the form if (isset($_POST['edit'])) { $TMPL['message'] = $feed->managePlaylist($_GET['id'], 1, $_POST); } // Get the current values list($TMPL['name'], $TMPL['description']) = $feed->managePlaylist($_GET['id'], 0); // Reset the page title, and the content title $TMPL['title'] = $title[2][0] = $TMPL['name']; } else { $skin = new skin('track/rows'); $rows = ''; // If the playlist id is not set, or it doesn't consist from digits if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !ctype_digit($_GET['id'])) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } // If the output is empty redirect to home-page if (empty($playlist[0])) { header("Location: " . $CONF['url']); } $TMPL['messages'] = $playlist[0]; } $rows = $skin->make(); $skin = new skin('playlist/sidebar'); $sidebar = ''; $TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad5']); // If the track can be viewed if (!$playlist[1]) { $TMPL['edit'] = $feed->sidebarButton($_GET['id'], 2); $TMPL['description'] = $feed->sidebarDescription($_GET['id'], 1); $TMPL['tags'] = $feed->sidebarKeywords($_GET['id'], 1); } $sidebar = $skin->make(); $TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old); $TMPL['rows'] = $rows; $TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar; if (isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) { $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $title = trim(strip_tags($title[2][0])); $TMPL['title'] = $title . ' - ' . $settings['title']; $TMPL['meta_description'] = $title . ' ' . $feed->sidebarDescription($_GET['id'], 1, 1); $skin = new skin('shared/content'); return $skin->make(); }
function PageMain() { global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $loggedIn, $settings; if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) { $verify = $loggedIn->verify(); if (empty($verify['username'])) { // If fake cookies are set, or they are set wrong, delete everything and redirect to home-page $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } else { // Start displaying the Feed } } // Start the music feed $feed = new feed(); $feed->db = $db; $feed->url = $CONF['url']; $feed->user = $verify; $feed->id = $verify['idu']; $feed->username = $verify['username']; $feed->per_page = $settings['perpage']; $feed->categories = $feed->getCategories(); $feed->time = $settings['time']; $feed->l_per_post = $settings['lperpost']; $TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array(); $skin = new skin('shared/rows'); $rows = ''; if (empty($_GET['filter'])) { $_GET['filter'] = ''; } // Allowed types list($timeline, $message) = $feed->explore(0, $_GET['filter']); $TMPL['messages'] = $timeline; $rows = $skin->make(); $skin = new skin('explore/sidebar'); $sidebar = ''; $feed->online_time = $settings['conline']; $feed->friends_online = $settings['ronline']; $feed->updateStatus($verify['offline']); if ($verify['username']) { $TMPL['upload'] = $feed->sidebarButton(); $TMPL['suggestions'] = $feed->sidebarSuggestions(); } $TMPL['categories'] = $feed->sidebarCategories($_GET['filter']); $TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad2']); $sidebar = $skin->make(); $TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old); $TMPL['rows'] = $rows; $TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar; if (isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) { $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $TMPL['title'] = $LNG['explore'] . (!empty($_GET['filter']) ? ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['filter']) . ' - ' : ' - ') . $settings['title']; $TMPL['header'] = pageHeader($LNG['explore'] . (!empty($_GET['filter']) ? ' - ' . $_GET['filter'] : '')); $skin = new skin('shared/content'); return $skin->make(); }
function PageMain() { global $TMPL, $LNG, $CONF, $db, $loggedIn, $settings; if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) { $verify = $loggedIn->verify(); if (empty($verify['username'])) { // If fake cookies are set, or they are set wrong, delete everything and redirect to home-page $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } else { // Start displaying the Feed $feed = new feed(); $feed->db = $db; $feed->url = $CONF['url']; $feed->user = $verify; $feed->id = $verify['idu']; $feed->username = $verify['username']; $feed->per_page = $settings['perpage']; $feed->categories = $feed->getCategories(); $feed->time = $settings['time']; $feed->c_per_page = $settings['cperpage']; $feed->c_start = 0; $feed->l_per_post = $settings['lperpost']; $feed->paypalapp = $settings['paypalapp']; $feed->online_time = $settings['conline']; $feed->friends_online = $settings['ronline']; $feed->subscriptionsList = $feed->getSubs($verify['idu'], 0); $feed->trackList = implode(',', $feed->getTrackList(!empty($feed->profile_id) ? $feed->profile_id : $feed->id)); $feed->updateStatus($verify['offline']); // Useed in timeline javascript which checks for new messages $TMPL['subs'] = 1; $TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array(); $skin = new skin('shared/rows'); $rows = ''; if (empty($_GET['filter'])) { $_GET['filter'] = ''; } // Allowed types list($timeline, $message) = $feed->stream(0, $_GET['filter']); $TMPL['messages'] = $timeline; $rows = $skin->make(); $skin = new skin('stream/sidebar'); $sidebar = ''; $TMPL['upload'] = $feed->sidebarButton(); $TMPL['go_pro'] = $feed->goProMessage(null, 1, 1); $TMPL['statistics'] = $feed->sidebarStatistics(null, 0); $TMPL['users'] = $feed->onlineUsers(); $TMPL['friendsactivity'] = $feed->sidebarFriendsActivity(5, 1); if (count($feed->subscriptionsList[0]) < 3) { $TMPL['suggestions'] = $feed->sidebarSuggestions(); } $TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad3']); $sidebar = $skin->make(); $TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old); $TMPL['rows'] = $rows; $TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar; } } else { // If the session or cookies are not set, redirect to home-page header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } if (isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) { $loggedIn->logOut(); header("Location: " . $CONF['url'] . "/index.php?a=welcome"); } $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url']; $date = explode('-', wordwrap($_GET['filter'], 4, '-', true)); $month = intval($date[1]); $TMPL['title'] = $LNG['stream'] . (!empty($_GET['filter']) ? ' - ' . $LNG["month_{$month}"] . ' ' . $date[0] . ' - ' : ' - ') . $settings['title']; // $TMPL['header'] = pageHeader($LNG['stream']); $skin = new skin('shared/content'); return $skin->make(); }