コード例 #1
 public static function update_issues_table($data_array)
     $o = new facility_issues();
     return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: issues.php プロジェクト: HCMPKenya/RTK_TEST
 public function internal_issue()
     //security check
     if ($this->input->post('service_point')) {
         $facility_code = $this->session->userdata('facility_id');
         $service_points = array_values($this->input->post('service_point'));
         $commodity_id = array_values($this->input->post('desc'));
         $commodity_balance_before = array_values($this->input->post('commodity_balance'));
         $facility_stock_id = array_values($this->input->post('facility_stock_id'));
         $batch_no = array_values($this->input->post('batch_no'));
         $expiry_date = array_values($this->input->post('expiry_date'));
         $commodity_unit_of_issue = array_values($this->input->post('commodity_unit_of_issue'));
         $quantity_issued = array_values($this->input->post('quantity_issued'));
         $clone_datepicker_normal_limit_today = array_values($this->input->post('clone_datepicker_normal_limit_today'));
         $total_units = array_values($this->input->post('total_units'));
         $total_items = count($facility_stock_id);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total_items; $i++) {
             //compute the actual stock
             $total_items_issues = $commodity_unit_of_issue[$i] == 'Pack_Size' ? $quantity_issued[$i] * $total_units[$i] : $quantity_issued[$i];
             //prepare the issues data
             $mydata = array('facility_code' => $facility_code, 's11_No' => 'internal issue', 'batch_no' => $batch_no[$i], 'commodity_id' => $commodity_id[$i], 'expiry_date' => date('y-m-d', strtotime($expiry_date[$i])), 'qty_issued' => $total_items_issues, 'issued_to' => $service_points[$i], 'balance_as_of' => $commodity_balance_before[$i], 'date_issued' => date('y-m-d', strtotime($clone_datepicker_normal_limit_today[$i])), 'issued_by' => $this->session->userdata('user_id'));
             // update the issues table
             // reduce the stock levels
             $a = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
             $a->execute("UPDATE `facility_stocks` SET `current_balance` = `current_balance`-{$total_items_issues} where id='{$facility_stock_id[$i]}'");
             //update the transaction table here
             $inserttransaction = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
             $inserttransaction->execute(" UPDATE `facility_transaction_table` SET `total_issues` = `total_issues`+{$total_items_issues},\n\t\t\t`closing_stock`=`closing_stock`-{$total_items_issues}\n            WHERE `commodity_id`= '{$commodity_id[$i]}' and status='1' and facility_code='{$facility_code}';");
         //$user = $this -> session -> userdata('user_id');
         //$user_action = "issue";
         //Log::log_user_action($user, $user_action);
         $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', "You have issued {$total_items} item(s)");
コード例 #3
ファイル: reports.php プロジェクト: HCMPKenya/HCMP-ALPHA
 public function facility_transaction_data($source = NULL)
     $source = isset($source) ? $source : 'KEMSA';
     //KEMSA by default
     $facility_code = $this->session->userdata('facility_id');
     $data['facility_stock_data'] = facility_transaction_table::get_all($facility_code);
     $data['last_issued_data'] = facility_issues::get_last_time_facility_issued($facility_code);
     $data['title'] = "Facility Stock Summary";
     $data['content_view'] = "facility/facility_reports/facility_transaction_data_v";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Facility Stock Summary";
     $data['source'] = $source;
     $this->load->view("shared_files/template/template", $data);
コード例 #4
ファイル: stock.php プロジェクト: karsanrichard/hcmp_test
 public function edit_facility_stock_data()
     //security check
     if ($this->input->post('id')) {
         $facility_code = $this->session->userdata('facility_id');
         $stock_id = $this->input->post('id');
         $expiry_date = $this->input->post('expiry_date');
         $batch_no = $this->input->post('batch_no');
         $delete = $this->input->post('edit');
         $manufacturer = $this->input->post('manufacturer');
         $commodity_id = $this->input->post('commodity_id');
         $commodity_balance_units = $this->input->post('commodity_balance_units');
         for ($key = 0; $key < count($stock_id); $key++) {
             if ($delete[$key] == 2) {
                 //check the total stock balance of the commodity
                 $facility_stock = facility_stocks::get_facility_commodity_total($facility_code, $commodity_id[$key]);
                 $commodity_balance = $commodity_balance_units[$key] * -1;
                 $inserttransaction = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute("update facility_transaction_table t\n\t\t set  t. `closing_stock`=`closing_stock`-{$commodity_balance_units[$key]},`adjustmentnve`={$commodity_balance}\n\t\t where t.facility_code='{$facility_code}' and t.commodity_id={$commodity_id[$key]} and t.status=1");
                 // prepare the data to save
                 $commodity_balance = $commodity_balance_units[$key] * -1;
                 $mydata = array('facility_code' => $facility_code, 's11_No' => 'Deleted Commodity', 'commodity_id' => $commodity_id[$key], 'batch_no' => $batch_no[$key], 'expiry_date' => date('y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace(",", " ", $expiry_date[$key]))), 'balance_as_of' => $facility_stock[0]['commodity_balance'], 'adjustmentnve' => $commodity_balance, 'date_issued' => date('y-m-d'), 'issued_to' => 'N/A', 'issued_by' => $this->session->userdata('user_id'));
                 // update the issues table
                 //delete the record
                 $inserttransaction = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute("delete from facility_stocks where id={$stock_id[$key]}");
             } else {
                 $myobj = Doctrine::getTable('facility_stocks')->find($stock_id[$key]);
                 $myobj->batch_no = $batch_no[$key];
                 $myobj->manufacture = $manufacturer[$key];
                 $myobj->expiry_date = date('y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace(",", " ", $expiry_date[$key])));
         //$this-> hcmp_functions ->send_stock_update_sms();
         $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', "Facility Stock data has Been Updated");
コード例 #5
ファイル: issues.php プロジェクト: arnold-okoth/HCMP2015
 public function db_service_pts()
     // $all_issues = facility_issues::get_all();
     $alpha_data = facility_issues::get_all_issue_data();
     $beta_data = facility_issues::get_all_service_points();
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($beta_data);exit;
     $alphacount = count($alpha_data);
     $betacount = count($beta_data);
     $omega_data = array();
     $epsilon_data = array();
     //for generic service points
     for ($a = 0; $a < $alphacount; $a++) {
         for ($b = 0; $b < $betacount; $b++) {
             if ($alpha_data[$a]['issued_to'] == $beta_data[$b]['service_point_name'] && $alpha_data[$a]['facility_code'] == $beta_data[$b]['facility_code']) {
                 $omega_data[$a]['issue_id'] = $alpha_data[$a]['id'];
                 $omega_data[$a]['sp_id'] = $beta_data[$b]['id'];
         for ($b = 0; $b < $betacount; $b++) {
             if ($alpha_data[$a]['issued_to'] == $beta_data[$b]['service_point_name'] && $alpha_data[$a]['facility_code'] != $beta_data[$b]['facility_code']) {
                 $epsilon_data[$a]['issue_id'] = $alpha_data[$a]['id'];
                 $epsilon_data[$a]['sp_id'] = $beta_data[$b]['id'];
                 echo "<pre>";
                 echo $beta_data[$b]['id'] . '  ' . $b;
                 echo "</pre>";
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($omega_data);exit;
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($epsilon_data);exit;
     foreach ($omega_data as $omegakey => $omegavalue) {
         $issue_id = $omegavalue['issue_id'];
         $service_point_id = $omegavalue['sp_id'];
         $updater = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE facility_issues SET issued_to = {$service_point_id} WHERE id = {$issue_id}\n\t\t\t\t");
     //end of foreach
     $omega_affected = $this->db->affected_rows();
     echo "OMEGA AFFECTED: " . $omega_affected;
     foreach ($epsilon_data as $epsilonkey => $epsilonvalue) {
         $issue_id = $epsilonvalue['issue_id'];
         $service_point_id = $epsilonvalue['sp_id'];
         $updater = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->execute("UPDATE facility_issues SET issued_to = {$service_point_id} WHERE id = {$issue_id}");
     //end of foreach
     $epsilon_affected = $this->db->affected_rows();
     echo "EPSILON AFFECTED: " . $epsilon_affected;
     echo "<br>THE -EPSILON- UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL </br>";
コード例 #6
ファイル: sms.php プロジェクト: HCMPKenya/hcmp_demo
 public function ors_zinc_consumption_report()
     //Set the current year
     $year = date("Y");
     $county_total = array();
     $excel_data = array();
     $excel_data = array('doc_creator' => "HCMP", 'doc_title' => ' consumption report ', 'file_name' => 'stock level report');
     $row_data = array();
     $column_data = array("County", "Sub-County", "Facility Code", "Facility Name", "Commodity Name", "Unit Cost(KES)", "Supplier", "Batch Number", "Quantity Consumed (Packs)", "Quantity Consumed (Units)", "Date Last Issued", "Days From Last Issue");
     $excel_data['column_data'] = $column_data;
     //the commodities variable will hold the values for the three commodities ie ORS and Zinc
     $commodities = array(51, 267, 36, 456);
     foreach ($commodities as $commodities) {
         $commodity_stock_level = array();
         //holds the data for the entire county
         //once it is done executing for one commodity it will reset to zero
         $commodity_total = array();
         //pick the commodity names and details
         //get the consumption for that commodity
         $commodity_consumption = facility_issues::get_consumption_report_ors_zinc($commodities);
         //Start building the excel file
         foreach ($commodity_consumption as $commodity_consumption) {
             //pick the facility code from the data
             $facility_code = $commodity_consumption["facility_code"];
             //get the last date of issue from the database
             $date_last_issue = Facilities::get_last_issue($facility_code);
             //ensure that if the date is null change the message
             $date_of_last_issue = $date_last_issue[0]['Date Last Issued'] != 0 ? date('j M, Y', strtotime($date_last_issue[0]['Date Last Issued'])) : "No Data Found";
             $days_since_last_issue = $date_last_issue[0]['Days From Last Issue'] != 0 ? $date_last_issue[0]['Days From Last Issue'] : 0;
             array_push($row_data, array($commodity_consumption["county"], $commodity_consumption["district"], $commodity_consumption["facility_code"], $commodity_consumption["facility_name"], $commodity_consumption["commodity_name"], $commodity_consumption["unit_cost"], $commodity_consumption["source_name"], $commodity_consumption["batch_no"], $commodity_consumption["total_packs"], $commodity_consumption["total_units"], $date_of_last_issue, $days_since_last_issue));
     $excel_data['row_data'] = $row_data;
     $excel_data['report_type'] = "download_file";
     $excel_data['file_name'] = "Consumption Report For Zinc & ORS";
     $excel_data['excel_title'] = "Consumption Report for Zinc sulphate Tablets  20mg and ORS sachet (for 500ml) low osmolality (100) & (50) as at " . date("jS F Y");
     //Start the email section of the report
     //Get the number of facilities using HCMP
     $no_of_facilities = Facilities::get_all_on_HCMP();
     $subject = "Consumption Report: Zinc sulphate Tablets  20mg and ORS sachet (for 500ml) low osmolality ";
     $message = "<p>Find attached an excel sheet with a Consumption Report for\n\tZinc Sulphate 20mg, ORS sachet (for 500ml) low osmolality (100 & 50) and ORS 4 Satchets & Zinc 10 Tablets 20 Mg as at " . date("jS F Y") . "</p>";
     $message .= "<p>Number of facilities using HCMP: " . $no_of_facilities . "</p>";
     $message .= $message_body;
     $message .= "\n\t<p>You may log onto health-cmp.or.ke for follow up.</p>\n\n\t<p>----</p>\n\n\t<p>HCMP</p>\n\n\t<p>This email was automatically generated. Please do not respond to this email address or it will be ignored.</p>";
     $report_type = "ors_report";
     $this->create_excel($excel_data, $report_type);
     //path for windows
     $handler = "./print_docs/excel/excel_files/" . $excel_data['file_name'] . ".xls";
     //path for Mac
     //$handler = "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/hcmp/print_docs/excel/excel_files/" . $excel_data['file_name'] . ".xls";
     $email_address = "*****@*****.**";
     $bcc = "karsanrichard@gmail.com,kelvinmwas@gmail.com";
     $this->hcmp_functions->send_email($email_address, $message, $subject, $handler, $bcc);
コード例 #7
ファイル: sms.php プロジェクト: karsanrichard/hcmp_test
 public function stock_levels_report()
     //Set the current year
     $year = date("Y");
     $picurl = base_url() . 'assets/img/coat_of_arms-resized1.png';
     //get the facilities in the district
     $counties = Facilities::get_counties_all_using_HCMP();
     foreach ($counties as $counties) {
         //holds the data for the entire county
         //once it is done executing for one county it is reset to zero
         $county_total = array();
         //pick the county nae and county ID accordingly
         $county_id = $counties['county'];
         $county_name = $counties['county_name'];
         //Get all the districts in that  particular county
         $districts = Facilities::get_all_using_HCMP($county_id);
         //holds the data for all the districts in a particular county
         $district_total = array();
         foreach ($districts as $districts) {
             $district_id = $districts['district'];
             $district_name = $districts['name'];
             //get all facilities in that district
             $facilities = Facilities::getFacilities_for_email($district_id);
             //holds all the data for all facilities in a particular district
             $facility_total = array();
             foreach ($facilities as $facilities_) {
                 //holds the total value of expiries for that particular facility in that district
                 $facility_potential_expiries_total = 0;
                 //$facility_potential_expiries = array();
                 $facility_code = $facilities_->facility_code;
                 $facility_name = Facilities::get_facility_name2($facility_code);
                 $facility_name = $facility_name['facility_name'];
                 //get the stocking levels in that particular facility
                 $facility_consumption = facility_issues::get_consumption_report_facility($facility_code);
                 //push the result into another array that will be used by the distrct
                 array_key_exists($facility_name, $facility_total) ? $facility_total[$facility_name] = array_merge($facility_total[$facility_name], array($facility_consumption)) : ($facility_total = array_merge($facility_total, array($facility_name => array($facility_consumption))));
                 //Start buliding the excel file
                 $excel_data = array();
                 $excel_data = array('doc_creator' => $facility_name, 'doc_title' => 'facility stock level report ', 'file_name' => 'facility stock level report');
                 $row_data = array();
                 $column_data = array("Commodity Name", "Unit Size", "Quantity (units)", "Quantity (packs)", "Unit Cost(KSH)", "Total Cost(KSH)", "Supplier", "Facility Name", "MFL Code", "Sub County", "County");
                 $excel_data['column_data'] = $column_data;
                 foreach ($facility_consumption as $facility_consumption) {
                     array_push($row_data, array($facility_consumption["commodity_name"], $facility_consumption["unit_size"], $facility_consumption["total_units"], $facility_consumption["total_packs"], $facility_consumption["unit_cost"], $facility_consumption["total_cost"], $facility_consumption["source_name"], $facility_consumption["facility_name"], $facility_consumption["facility_code"], $facility_consumption["district"], $facility_consumption["county"]));
                     $facility_potential_expiries_total += $facility_consumption["total_cost"];
                 if (empty($row_data)) {
                     //do nothing
                 } else {
                     $excel_data['row_data'] = $row_data;
                     $excel_data['report_type'] = "download_file";
                     $excel_data['file_name'] = $facility_name . "_Stock_Level_Report";
                     $excel_data['excel_title'] = "Stock Levels Report for " . $facility_name . " for the month as at " . date("jS F Y");
                     $subject = "Stock Levels: " . $facility_name;
                     $message = "Dear " . $facility_name . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Find attached an excel sheet with the " . $facility_name . " breakdown of Stock Levels.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>You may log onto health-cmp.or.ke for follow up.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>----</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>HCMP</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>This email was automatically generated. Please do not respond to this email address or it will be ignored.</p>";
                     $report_type = "stock_level";
                     $this->create_excel($excel_data, $report_type);
                     $handler = "./print_docs/excel/excel_files/" . $excel_data['file_name'] . ".xls";
                     //$email_address = $this->get_facility_email($facility_code);
                     //$this -> hcmp_functions -> send_email($email_address, $message, $subject, $handler);
                 //End foreach for facility
             array_key_exists($district_name, $district_total) ? $district_total[$district_name] = array_merge($district_total[$district_name], array($facility_total)) : ($district_total = array_merge($district_total, array($district_name => array($facility_total))));
             //Building the excel sheet to be sent to the district admin
             $excel_data = array();
             $excel_data = array('doc_creator' => $district_name, 'doc_title' => 'sub county stock level report ', 'file_name' => 'sub county stock level report');
             $row_data = array();
             $column_data = array("Commodity Name", "Unit Size", "Quantity (units)", "Quantity (packs)", "Unit Cost(KSH)", "Total Cost(KSH)", "Supplier", "Facility Name", "MFL Code", "Sub County", "County");
             $excel_data['column_data'] = $column_data;
             foreach ($facility_total as $facility_total_1) {
                 foreach ($facility_total_1 as $facility_total_2) {
                     foreach ($facility_total_2 as $facility_total1) {
                         array_push($row_data, array($facility_total1["commodity_name"], $facility_total1["unit_size"], $facility_total1["total_units"], $facility_total1["total_packs"], $facility_total1["unit_cost"], $facility_total1["total_cost"], $facility_total1["source_name"], $facility_total1["facility_name"], $facility_total1["facility_code"], $facility_total1["district"], $facility_total1["county"]));
             if (empty($row_data)) {
                 //do nothing
             } else {
                 $excel_data['row_data'] = $row_data;
                 $excel_data['report_type'] = "download_file";
                 $excel_data['file_name'] = $district_name . "_Sub_County_Stock_Level_Report";
                 $excel_data['excel_title'] = "Stock Levels Report for " . $district_name . " Sub County as at " . date("jS F Y");
                 //Create the excel file here
                 $report_type = "stock_level";
                 $this->create_excel($excel_data, $report_type);
                 $handler = "./print_docs/excel/excel_files/" . $excel_data['file_name'] . ".xls";
                 $subject = "Stock Levels: " . $district_name . " Sub County";
                 $message = "<p>Dear " . $district_name . " Sub County,</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Find attached an excel sheet with the " . $district_name . " Sub County's breakdown of Stock Levels.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>You may log onto health-cmp.or.ke for follow up.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>----</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>HCMP</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>This email was automatically generated. Please do not respond to this email address or it will be ignored.</p>";
                 //$email_address = $this -> get_ddp_email($district_id);
                 //$this -> hcmp_functions -> send_email($email_address, $message, $subject, $handler);
         //Building the excel sheet to be sent to the County Admin
         $excel_data = array();
         $excel_data = array('doc_creator' => $county_name, 'doc_title' => 'county stock levels report ', 'file_name' => 'county stock levels report');
         $row_data = array();
         $column_data = array("Commodity Name", "Unit Size", "Quantity (units)", "Quantity (packs)", "Unit Cost(KSH)", "Total Cost(KSH)", "Supplier", "Facility Name", "MFL Code", "Sub County", "County");
         $excel_data['column_data'] = $column_data;
         foreach ($district_total as $facility_total_1) {
             foreach ($facility_total_1 as $facility_total_2) {
                 foreach ($facility_total_2 as $facility_total_3) {
                     foreach ($facility_total_3 as $facility_total_4) {
                         foreach ($facility_total_4 as $facility_total1) {
                             array_push($row_data, array($facility_total1["commodity_name"], $facility_total1["unit_size"], $facility_total1["total_units"], $facility_total1["total_packs"], $facility_total1["unit_cost"], $facility_total1["total_cost"], $facility_total1["source_name"], $facility_total1["facility_name"], $facility_total1["facility_code"], $facility_total1["district"], $facility_total1["county"]));
         if (empty($row_data)) {
             //do nothing
         } else {
             $excel_data['row_data'] = $row_data;
             $excel_data['report_type'] = "download_file";
             $excel_data['file_name'] = $county_name . "_County_Stock_Level_Report";
             $excel_data['excel_title'] = "Stock Level Report for " . $county_name . " County as at " . date("jS F Y");
             //create the excel file
             $report_type = "stock_level";
             $this->create_excel($excel_data, $report_type);
             $handler = "./print_docs/excel/excel_files/" . $excel_data['file_name'] . ".xls";
             $subject = "Stock Level: " . $county_name . " County";
             $message = "<p>Dear " . $county_name . " County,</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>Find attached an excel sheet with the " . $county_name . " County's breakdown of Stock Level.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>You may log onto health-cmp.or.ke for follow up.</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>----</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>HCMP</p>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>This email was automatically generated. Please do not respond to this email address or it will be ignored.</p>";
             //$email_address = $this -> get_county_email($county_id);
             //$email_address = "smutheu@clintonhealthaccess.org,kelvinmwas@gmail.com,collinsojenge@gmail.com";
             $bcc = $this->get_bcc_notifications();
             if ($county_id == 1) {
                 $cc_email = $this->get_bcc_notifications();
                 //$cc_email = "";
             } else {
                 $cc_email = "";
             $this->hcmp_functions->send_email($email_address, $message, $subject, $handler, $bcc, $cc_email);