function create() { if (!F3::get('SESSION.sid')) { F3::reroute('/home'); } // F3::set('keyword','Poll::add()'); $this->set('title', 'Create poll'); f3::set('heading', 'Create your polls'); echo Template::serve("template/create.htm"); // } }
/** Retrieve currency conversion from Google Finance. @return bool|float @param $amount float @param $from string Currency to convert from. e.g. USD @param $to string Currency to convert to. e.g. EUR @public **/ public static function convertAmount($amount, $from, $to, $quiet = false) { $from = strtoupper($from); $to = strtoupper($to); if (!is_numeric($amount)) { trigger_error(self::TEXT_AmountNotNumber); return false; } // Workaround for empty ENV. Causes an issue in f3::http() if (!isset($_ENV['OS'])) { $_ENV['OS'] = 'Windows'; } $data = f3::http("GET", http_build_query(array('a' => $amount, 'from' => $from, 'to' => $to))); if (preg_match('/<span class=bld>(.+) (.+)<\\/span>/', $data, $match)) { if ($match[2] == $to) { return (double) $match[1]; } } if (!$quiet) { trigger_error(self::TEXT_NoConversion); } return false; }
Graphics::identicon(f3::get(''), f3::get('PARAMS.size')); }); $app->route('GET /invert', function () { Graphics::invert('{{@GUI}}test.jpg'); }); $app->route('GET /thumb', function () { Graphics::thumb('{{@GUI}}large.jpg', 256, 192); }, 60); $app->route('GET /screenshot', function () { Graphics::screenshot('', 150, 200); }); $app->route('GET /google/map', function () { Google::staticmap('Brooklyn Bridge', 12, '256x256'); }); $app->route('GET /minified/@script', function () use($app) { Web::minify($app->get('GUI'), array(f3::get('PARAMS.script'))); }); $app->run(); class Obj { public function hello() { echo 'hello'; } } class CustomObj { public function hello() { echo 'hello'; }
/** View one or more records. @public **/ public static function get() { $object_name = self::getObjectName(); $object_id = F3::get('PARAMS["id"]'); if (!self::hasAccess($object_name, 'view', $object_id)) { self::reportStatus(self::Status_Failure, self::TEXT_NoAccess); return; } if (!empty($object_id)) { $object = self::getObject($object_name, $object_id); if ($object->dry()) { f3::http404(); } else { echo json_encode($object->fields); } } else { // It's a listing. $object = self::getObject($object_name); $fields = '*'; $where = null; $group_by = isset($_GET['group_by']) ? $_GET['group_by'] : null; $order_by = isset($_GET['order_by']) ? $_GET['order_by'] : null; $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : null; $offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : null; $find = array(); foreach (array_keys($object->fields) as $key) { if (isset($_GET[$key]) && !empty($_GET[$key])) { $value = $_GET[$key]; if (preg_match('/^([<>!]+)/', $value, $match)) { $find[] = $key . $value; } elseif ($value[0] == '%' || substr($value, -1) == '%') { $find[] = $key . " LIKE '" . $value . "'"; } else { $find[] = sprintf("%s='%s'", $key, $value); } } } if (count($find) > 0) { $where = join(' AND ', $find); } $show_rows = array(); $all_rows = $object->select($fields, $where, $group_by, $order_by, $limit, $offset); // Support row-level access filtering. foreach ($all_rows as $a) { if (self::hasAccess($object_name, 'view', $a['id'])) { $show_rows[] = $a; } } echo json_encode($show_rows); } }