if in_array_keys($name,$_ENV['funmap']) autoloader fine -> new fun;$loaded[]='fun'; then returns the right functions from global namespace */ $f->gt(); #loads the gettime #loaded from new fun():#virtual class #autoloader fine -> then returns the right functions from global namespace #new fun;#ok with autoloader -- fine :) #supposed "mvain controller" : any 404 rewriting goes here with RS=404 if ($_GET['e'] == 404) { require_once 'router.c.php'; } #Installation : put in localhost, rename example.inc.php to 127.inc.php ( first digit of localhost ) #Assume your web root is : C:\!web or change it in this configuration file switch (Q) { case 'style': $f->r304(['style.css']); $f->h('css'); echo "body{margin:auto;color:#000;font:16px Raleway;}\n.button{cursor:pointer;}.button:hover{background:#000;color:#FFF;border:2px dashed #0D0;}"; readfile('style.css'); die; #or readfile multiples css #or readfile multiples css case 'js': $f->r304(['js.js']); $f->h('js'); readfile('js.js'); die; #echo"document.write('js loaded');";die; } if ($files = $_GET['css'] or $files = $_GET['js']) { $type = $_GET['js'] ? 'js' : 'css';