コード例 #1
ファイル: testclient.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
    $descparams->atag = $atag;
    $descparams->mode = get_string('debugnormal', 'admin');
    echo get_string('testclientdescription', 'webservice', $descparams);
    echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
    echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$class = $function . '_form';
$mform = new $class(null, array('authmethod' => $authmethod));
$mform->set_data(array('function' => $function, 'protocol' => $protocol));
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
} else {
    if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
        $functioninfo = external_api::external_function_info($function);
        // first load lib of selected protocol
        require_once "{$CFG->dirroot}/webservice/{$protocol}/locallib.php";
        $testclientclass = "webservice_{$protocol}_test_client";
        if (!class_exists($testclientclass)) {
            throw new coding_exception('Missing WS test class in protocol ' . $protocol);
        $testclient = new $testclientclass();
        $serverurl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/webservice/{$protocol}/";
        if ($authmethod == 'simple') {
            $serverurl .= 'simpleserver.php';
            $serverurl .= '?wsusername='******'&wspassword='******'token') {
                $serverurl .= 'server.php';
コード例 #2
ファイル: locallib.php プロジェクト: IFPBMoodle/moodle
  * This method parses the request input, it needs to get:
  *  1/ user authentication - username+password or token
  *  2/ function name
  *  3/ function parameters
 protected function parse_request()
     // Retrieve and clean the POST/GET parameters from the parameters specific to the server.
     // Get GET and POST parameters.
     $methodvariables = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     if ($this->authmethod == WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_USERNAME) {
         $this->username = isset($methodvariables['wsusername']) ? $methodvariables['wsusername'] : null;
         $this->password = isset($methodvariables['wspassword']) ? $methodvariables['wspassword'] : null;
     } else {
         $this->token = isset($methodvariables['wstoken']) ? $methodvariables['wstoken'] : null;
     // Get the XML-RPC request data.
     $rawpostdata = file_get_contents("php://input");
     $methodname = null;
     // Decode the request to get the decoded parameters and the name of the method to be called.
     $decodedparams = xmlrpc_decode_request($rawpostdata, $methodname);
     $methodinfo = external_api::external_function_info($methodname);
     $methodparams = array_keys($methodinfo->parameters_desc->keys);
     // Add the decoded parameters to the methodvariables array.
     if (is_array($decodedparams)) {
         foreach ($decodedparams as $index => $param) {
             // See MDL-53962 - XML-RPC requests will usually be sent as an array (as in, one with indicies).
             // We need to use a bit of "magic" to add the correct index back. Zend used to do this for us.
             $methodvariables[$methodparams[$index]] = $param;
     $this->functionname = $methodname;
     $this->parameters = $methodvariables;
コード例 #3
ファイル: documentation.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
 * Web services API documentation
 * @package   webservice
 * @copyright 2011 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com)
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author Jerome Mouneyrac
require_once '../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php';
require $CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/lib.php';
// get all the function descriptions
$functions = $DB->get_records('external_functions', array(), 'name');
$functiondescs = array();
foreach ($functions as $function) {
    $functiondescs[$function->name] = external_api::external_function_info($function);
//display the documentation for all documented protocols,
//regardless if they are activated or not
$protocols = array();
$protocols['rest'] = true;
$protocols['xmlrpc'] = true;
/// Check if we are in printable mode
$printableformat = optional_param('print', false, PARAM_BOOL);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'webservice');
echo $renderer->documentation_html($functiondescs, $printableformat, $protocols, array(), $PAGE->url);
/// trigger browser print operation
if (!empty($printableformat)) {
    $PAGE->requires->js_function_call('window.print', array());
コード例 #4
ファイル: deprecatedlib.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
 * Returns detailed function information
 * @deprecated since Moodle 3.1
 * @param string|object $function name of external function or record from external_function
 * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if record not found, debug message if more found;
 *                        MUST_EXIST means throw exception if no record or multiple records found
 * @return stdClass description or false if not found or exception thrown
 * @since Moodle 2.0
function external_function_info($function, $strictness = MUST_EXIST)
    debugging('external_function_info() is deprecated. Please use external_api::external_function_info() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
    return external_api::external_function_info($function, $strictness);
コード例 #5
  * @dataProvider all_external_info_provider
 public function test_all_external_info($f)
     $desc = external_api::external_function_info($f);
     $this->assertEquals($desc->component, clean_param($desc->component, PARAM_COMPONENT));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('external_function_parameters', $desc->parameters_desc);
     if ($desc->returns_desc != null) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('external_description', $desc->returns_desc);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: IFPBMoodle/moodle
     * Returns a virtual method code for a web service function.
     * @param stdClass $function a record from external_function
     * @return string The PHP code of the virtual method.
     * @throws coding_exception
     * @throws moodle_exception
    protected function get_virtual_method_code($function)
        $function = external_api::external_function_info($function);
        // Parameters and their defaults for the method signature.
        $paramanddefaults = array();
        // Parameters for external lib call.
        $params = array();
        $paramdesc = array();
        // The method's input parameters and their respective types.
        $inputparams = array();
        // The method's output parameters and their respective types.
        $outputparams = array();
        foreach ($function->parameters_desc->keys as $name => $keydesc) {
            $param = '$' . $name;
            $paramanddefault = $param;
            if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_OPTIONAL) {
                // It does not make sense to declare a parameter VALUE_OPTIONAL. VALUE_OPTIONAL is used only for array/object key.
                throw new moodle_exception('erroroptionalparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name);
            } else {
                if ($keydesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) {
                    // Need to generate the default, if there is any.
                    if ($keydesc instanceof external_value) {
                        if ($keydesc->default === null) {
                            $paramanddefault .= ' = null';
                        } else {
                            switch ($keydesc->type) {
                                case PARAM_BOOL:
                                    $default = (int) $keydesc->default;
                                case PARAM_INT:
                                    $default = $keydesc->default;
                                case PARAM_FLOAT:
                                    $default = $keydesc->default;
                                    $default = "'{$keydesc->default}'";
                            $paramanddefault .= " = {$default}";
                    } else {
                        // Accept empty array as default.
                        if (isset($keydesc->default) && is_array($keydesc->default) && empty($keydesc->default)) {
                            $paramanddefault .= ' = array()';
                        } else {
                            // For the moment we do not support default for other structure types.
                            throw new moodle_exception('errornotemptydefaultparamarray', 'webservice', '', $name);
            $params[] = $param;
            $paramanddefaults[] = $paramanddefault;
            $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($keydesc);
            $inputparams[$name]['type'] = $type;
            $paramdesc[] = '* @param ' . $type . ' $' . $name . ' ' . $keydesc->desc;
        $paramanddefaults = implode(', ', $paramanddefaults);
        $paramdescstr = implode("\n ", $paramdesc);
        $serviceclassmethodbody = $this->service_class_method_body($function, $params);
        if (empty($function->returns_desc)) {
            $return = '* @return void';
        } else {
            $type = $this->get_phpdoc_type($function->returns_desc);
            $outputparams['return']['type'] = $type;
            $return = '* @return ' . $type . ' ' . $function->returns_desc->desc;
        // Now create the virtual method that calls the ext implementation.
        $code = <<<EOD
 * {$function->description}.
public function {$function->name}({$paramanddefaults}) {
        // Prepare the method information.
        $methodinfo = new stdClass();
        $methodinfo->name = $function->name;
        $methodinfo->inputparams = $inputparams;
        $methodinfo->outputparams = $outputparams;
        $methodinfo->description = $function->description;
        // Add the method information into the list of service methods.
        $this->servicemethods[] = $methodinfo;
        return $code;
コード例 #7
ファイル: forms.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
 function definition()
     global $CFG;
     $mform = $this->_form;
     $data = $this->_customdata;
     $mform->addElement('header', 'addfunction', get_string('addfunctions', 'webservice'));
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/webservice/lib.php";
     $webservicemanager = new webservice();
     $functions = $webservicemanager->get_not_associated_external_functions($data['id']);
     //we add the descriptions to the functions
     foreach ($functions as $functionid => $functionname) {
         //retrieve full function information (including the description)
         $function = external_api::external_function_info($functionname);
         if (empty($function->deprecated)) {
             $functions[$functionid] = $function->name . ':' . $function->description;
         } else {
             // Exclude the deprecated ones.
     $mform->addElement('searchableselector', 'fids', get_string('name'), $functions, array('multiple'));
     $mform->addRule('fids', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'action');
     $mform->setType('action', PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT);
     $this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('addfunctions', 'webservice'));
コード例 #8
ファイル: lib_test.php プロジェクト: gabrielrosset/moodle
  * Test init_service_class().
 public function test_init_service_class()
     global $DB, $USER;
     // Set current user.
     // Add a web service.
     $webservice = new stdClass();
     $webservice->name = 'Test web service';
     $webservice->enabled = true;
     $webservice->restrictedusers = false;
     $webservice->component = 'moodle';
     $webservice->timecreated = time();
     $webservice->downloadfiles = true;
     $webservice->uploadfiles = true;
     $externalserviceid = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $webservice);
     // Add token.
     $externaltoken = new stdClass();
     $externaltoken->token = 'testtoken';
     $externaltoken->tokentype = 0;
     $externaltoken->userid = $USER->id;
     $externaltoken->externalserviceid = $externalserviceid;
     $externaltoken->contextid = 1;
     $externaltoken->creatorid = $USER->id;
     $externaltoken->timecreated = time();
     $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $externaltoken);
     // Add a function to the service.
     $wsmethod = new stdClass();
     $wsmethod->externalserviceid = $externalserviceid;
     $wsmethod->functionname = 'core_course_get_contents';
     $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $wsmethod);
     // Initialise the dummy web service.
     $dummy = new webservice_dummy(WEBSERVICE_AUTHMETHOD_PERMANENT_TOKEN);
     // Set the token.
     // Run the web service.
     // Get service methods and structs.
     $servicemethods = $dummy->get_service_methods();
     $servicestructs = $dummy->get_service_structs();
     // The function core_course_get_contents should be only the only web service function in the moment.
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($servicemethods));
     // The function core_course_get_contents doesn't have a struct class, so the list of service structs should be empty.
     // Add other functions to the service.
     // The function core_comment_get_comments has one struct class in its output.
     $wsmethod->functionname = 'core_comment_get_comments';
     $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $wsmethod);
     // The function core_grades_update_grades has one struct class in its input.
     $wsmethod->functionname = 'core_grades_update_grades';
     $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $wsmethod);
     // Run the web service again.
     // Get service methods and structs.
     $servicemethods = $dummy->get_service_methods();
     $servicestructs = $dummy->get_service_structs();
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($servicemethods));
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($servicestructs));
     // Check the contents of service methods.
     foreach ($servicemethods as $method) {
         // Get the external function info.
         $function = external_api::external_function_info($method->name);
         // Check input params.
         foreach ($function->parameters_desc->keys as $name => $keydesc) {
             $this->check_params($method->inputparams[$name]['type'], $keydesc, $servicestructs);
         // Check output params.
         $this->check_params($method->outputparams['return']['type'], $function->returns_desc, $servicestructs);
         // Check description.
         $this->assertEquals($function->description, $method->description);
コード例 #9
ファイル: renderer.php プロジェクト: evltuma/moodle
  * Display a list of functions for a given service
  * If the service is built-in, do not display remove/add operation (read-only)
  * @param array $functions list of functions
  * @param stdClass $service the given service
  * @return string the table html + add operation html
 public function admin_service_function_list($functions, $service)
     global $CFG;
     if (!empty($functions)) {
         $table = new html_table();
         $table->head = array(get_string('function', 'webservice'), get_string('description'), get_string('requiredcaps', 'webservice'));
         $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left');
         $table->size = array('15%', '40%', '40%');
         $table->width = '100%';
         $table->align[] = 'left';
         //display remove function operation (except for build-in service)
         if (empty($service->component)) {
             $table->head[] = get_string('edit');
             $table->align[] = 'center';
         $anydeprecated = false;
         foreach ($functions as $function) {
             $function = external_api::external_function_info($function);
             if (!empty($function->deprecated)) {
                 $anydeprecated = true;
             $requiredcaps = html_writer::tag('div', empty($function->capabilities) ? '' : $function->capabilities, array('class' => 'functiondesc'));
             $description = html_writer::tag('div', $function->description, array('class' => 'functiondesc'));
             //display remove function operation (except for build-in service)
             if (empty($service->component)) {
                 $removeurl = new moodle_url('/' . $CFG->admin . '/webservice/service_functions.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'fid' => $function->id, 'id' => $service->id, 'action' => 'delete'));
                 $removelink = html_writer::tag('a', get_string('removefunction', 'webservice'), array('href' => $removeurl));
                 $table->data[] = array($function->name, $description, $requiredcaps, $removelink);
             } else {
                 $table->data[] = array($function->name, $description, $requiredcaps);
         $html = html_writer::table($table);
     } else {
         $html = get_string('nofunctions', 'webservice') . html_writer::empty_tag('br');
     //display add function operation (except for build-in service)
     if (empty($service->component)) {
         if (!empty($anydeprecated)) {
             debugging('This service uses deprecated functions, replace them by the proposed ones and update your client/s.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
         $addurl = new moodle_url('/' . $CFG->admin . '/webservice/service_functions.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'id' => $service->id, 'action' => 'add'));
         $html .= html_writer::tag('a', get_string('addfunctions', 'webservice'), array('href' => $addurl));
     return $html;