function cashglide($accountid, $allmoney, $chgememo, $chgelisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $cogetype, $listdate) { $db = new erp_test(); $ishaverecord = 0; $query = "select * from tb_cashglide where fd_chge_accountid = '{$accountid}' \n\t and fd_chge_listid = '{$listid}' and fd_chge_listtype = '{$chgelisttype}' "; $db->query($query); if ($db->nf()) { $ishaverecord = 1; } if ($allmoney != 0 && $ishaverecord == 0) { $query = "SELECT MAX(fd_chge_id) as chge_id FROM tb_cashglide where \n fd_chge_accountid = '{$accountid}' and fd_chge_iskickback <> 1"; $db->query($query); if ($db->nf()) { $db->next_record(); $maxchgeid = $db->f(chge_id); $query = "select fd_chge_balance from tb_cashglide \n where fd_chge_id = '{$maxchgeid}' "; $db->query($query); if ($db->nf()) { $db->next_record(); $chgebalance = $db->f(fd_chge_balance); } else { $chgebalance = 0; } } else { $chgebalance = 0; } if ($allmoney != 0) { //金额不等于0 的才插入数据 if ($cogetype == 0) { $endchgebalance = $chgebalance + $allmoney; $query = "insert into tb_cashglide(\n fd_chge_date , fd_chge_accountid , fd_chge_listid , \n fd_chge_listno , fd_chge_listtype , fd_chge_addmoney ,\n fd_chge_lessen , fd_chge_balance , fd_chge_memo ,\n fd_chge_makename , fd_chge_datetime , fd_chge_listdate\n )values(\n now() , '{$accountid}' , '{$listid}' ,\n '{$listno}' , '{$chgelisttype}' , '{$allmoney}' ,\n '0' , '{$endchgebalance}' , '{$chgememo}' ,\n '{$loginstaname}', now() , '{$listdate}'\n )"; $db->query($query); } else { $endchgebalance = $chgebalance - $allmoney; $query = "insert into tb_cashglide(\n fd_chge_date , fd_chge_accountid , fd_chge_listid , \n fd_chge_listno , fd_chge_listtype , fd_chge_addmoney ,\n fd_chge_lessen , fd_chge_balance , fd_chge_memo ,\n fd_chge_makename , fd_chge_datetime , fd_chge_listdate\n )values(\n now() , '{$accountid}' , '{$listid}' ,\n '{$listno}' , '{$chgelisttype}' , '0' ,\n '{$allmoney}' , '{$endchgebalance}' , '{$chgememo}' ,\n '{$loginstaname}', now() , '{$listdate}'\n )"; $db->query($query); } } } //------------------------------------ }
function makeqx($loginuser) { global $loginuserqx; $db = new erp_test(); $menufile = ""; $menuarry = file($menufile); //1001±1±地区设置±ico_main_hr.gif±../basic/tb_area_b.php±0± //1001代号、1为上级代号、地区设置为名称、ico_main_hr.gif为图片 //../basic/tb_area_b.php连接地址、0为是否为最底 $query = "select * from tb_teller \n\t left join tb_usegroup on fd_usegroup_id = fd_tel_usegroupid\n\t where fd_tel_id = '{$loginuser}'"; $db->query($query); if ($db->nf()) { $db->next_record(); $str_quanxian = $db->f(fd_tel_doprg); //该用户所拥有的权限 $str_groupqx = $db->f(fd_usegroup_qx); //所属于组权限 if (!empty($str_groupqx)) { //组权限 $tmp_gorupqx = explode("±", $str_groupqx); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp_gorupqx); $i++) { $tmp_zqxfp = explode("@", $tmp_gorupqx[$i]); $zqxfp = $tmp_zqxfp[0]; $arr_qxfp[$zqxfp] = 1; //可执行程序 if (!empty($tmp_zqxfp[1])) { //可执行权限 $str_optqx = explode("^", $tmp_zqxfp[1]); //进一步拆分新增等功能 for ($k = 0; $k < count($str_optqx); $k++) { $tmpoptqx = $str_optqx[$k]; //新增等权限代号 $loginuserqx[$zqxfp][$tmpoptqx] = 1; //可执行权限 } } } } if (!empty($str_quanxian)) { //组权限 $tmp_gorupqx = explode("±", $str_quanxian); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp_gorupqx); $i++) { $tmp_zqxfp = explode("@", $tmp_gorupqx[$i]); $zqxfp = $tmp_zqxfp[0]; $arr_qxfp[$zqxfp] = 1; //可执行程序 if (!empty($tmp_zqxfp[1])) { //可执行权限 $str_optqx = explode("^", $tmp_zqxfp[1]); //进一步拆分新增等功能 for ($k = 0; $k < count($str_optqx); $k++) { $tmpoptqx = $str_optqx[$k]; //新增等权限代号 $loginuserqx[$zqxfp][$tmpoptqx] = 1; //可执行权限 } } } } $temp_arrqx = explode("±", $str_quanxian); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp_arrqx); $i++) { $tmp_qxfp = explode("@", $temp_arrqx[$i]); $qxfp = $tmp_qxfp[0]; $arr_qxfp[$qxfp] = 1; } //--------------------------------------- for ($i = 0; $i < count($menuarry); $i++) { $temp_arr1 = $menuarry[$i]; $temp_arr2 = explode("±", $temp_arr1); $tmpcode = $temp_arr2[0]; if (empty($temp_arr2[1])) { $arr_prgfcode[$tmpcode][fcode] = 0; } else { $arr_prgfcode[$tmpcode][fcode] = $temp_arr2[1]; } $arr_prgfcode[$tmpcode][isunder] = $temp_arr2[5]; $arr_prgfcode[$tmpcode][level] = $temp_arr2[6]; } //------------------------------------- //找出该有的程序 $arr_tmpqx = muqx($arr_qxfp, $arr_prgfcode); return $arr_tmpqx; }