コード例 #1
// forgot_password.php
// All Sections
// Form to retrieve forgot password
//Include global functions
include_once "common.php";
//Initiate database functions
include_once "ez_sql.php";
// config
include_once "configuration.php";
$action = get_param("action");
if ($action == "retrieve") {
    $forgotemail = get_param("forgotemail");
    //Validate email
    $oEmail = new email();
    if (!$oEmail->valida($forgotemail)) {
        $msgFormErr = _FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM_ERROR . "<br>";
    } else {
        if ($retrieve = $db->get_row("SELECT studentcontact_id, studentcontact_lname, studentcontact_fname FROM studentcontact WHERE studentcontact_email='" . $forgotemail . "'")) {
            $name = $retrieve->studentcontact_fname . " " . $retrieve->studentcontact_lname;
            $id = $retrieve->studentcontact_id;
            $lostpassword = $db->get_var("SELECT web_users_password FROM web_users WHERE web_users_type='C' AND web_users_relid='" . $id . "'");
        } else {
            if ($retrieve = $db->get_row("SELECT teachers_id, teachers_lname, teachers_fname FROM teachers WHERE teachers_email='" . $forgotemail . "'")) {
                $name = $retrieve->teachers_fname . " " . $retrieve->teachers_lname;
                $id = $retrieve->teachers_id;
                $lostpassword = $db->get_var("SELECT web_users_password FROM web_users WHERE web_users_type='T' AND web_users_relid='" . $id . "'");
    if (strlen($lostpassword)) {
コード例 #2
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_ENTER_FIRST . "<br>";
if (!strlen($tlname)) {
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_ENTER_LAST . "<br>";
if (!strlen($username)) {
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_ENTER_USER . "<br>";
if (!strlen($password)) {
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_ENTER_PASS . "<br>";
if (!strlen($email)) {
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_ENTER_EMAIL . "<br>";
} else {
    $oEmail = new email();
    if (!$oEmail->valida($email)) {
        $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_EMAIL_VALID . "<br>";
//Check to make sure duplicate usernames are not being assigned
//check for duplicate username.
$tot = $db->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM web_users WHERE \nweb_users_username='******' AND web_users_id<>'{$webid}'");
if ($tot > 0) {
    $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_DUP;
//If a new user, check to make sure we're not adding dupe username.
//If a new user, webid will be empty
if ($webid == "") {
    $tot = $db->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM web_users WHERE \nweb_users_username='******'");
    if ($tot > 0) {
        $msgFormErr .= _ADMIN_ADD_EDIT_TEACHER_2_DUP;